Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms?? did the scan go?

Sandi....that is so weird the placenta is moving down all my research when I first had the low-lying placenta i'd never heard of it moving towards/covering the cervix more as time went on. But the dr. is right you still have time for it to fix itself. They don't decide what to do until 36 weeks I believe...and even if it's still covering or nearing even the cervix, you'll just get a section. Hope it all works out for you and he moves head down and the placenta moves outta the way :)
Well one of my friend on here is a OB nurse and from what her and the scan lady said more than likely at this stage it will more than likely not move...I am not sure though. I am just gonna try to be positive and what will be will be. But also him being breech is a good thing right now as that puts less pressure on my cervix and placenta. And since it has just been low laying and it has moved but moving the wrong direction.
Sandi, I don't know how you feel about the possibility of getting a c-section but at least Gunner is doing just fine!

So my scan was awesome! I took a picture of the scan with my phone and sent it to my email so I could post it on here but the darn thing hasn't sent yet! It's stuck in cyber air! The baby measured 8wks 6days, exactly on target, the HB was 180 and we saw the baby move!!!! It's big head is facing down, little balls for arms and legs and it just wiggled like it was sleeping and we disturbed him/her. It was so great! I'm so glad Jeff was there.

I'm actually going to be referred to another specialist for high risk pregnancy to get some of the early tests done (I'm guessing a nuchal?) and then I'll go back to my regular ob/gyn. I went ahead and told my parents and Jeff just sent a picture of the scan to his mom. (Not really looking forward to the follow up call with his mom to be honest!).
Awww Tiger I am just so happy for you...was getting worried at first that you hadn't popped on to fill us in! about you do those gender tests Sandi and I did when you hit 10 weeks? Little things along the way will make everything fun and hopefully a *bit* less stressful for you! I'm also so glad the dr's are taking such good care of you :)

Oh, and I put in my guess that you have a girly in there!
OMG that is a great gummy bear shot!! Very exciting!

You have no gut guesses on gender?
So, not sure if I told you guys on here...but I finally got the two boxes from SIL w/ the boys clothes. Mind you I agreed to pay shipping, which she said was $ way to verify. Anyways....prolly about one of the two boxes worth went right to the trash..covered in stains. Why would she send that? This is exactly why John and I depend on NO ONE. She was also supposed to send a play mat and bottles (of which we passed down from Lexi) those weren't there and she said she had more to send. I told JOhn for her not to bother when she brings it up. That is why i just bought our playmat and bottles. She doesn't take care of anything!!!!
Oh Nicole, that totally stinks! I'd be pissed that she asked for $40 and then sent mostly unusable clothes. I'm sorry the situation is like that with your in-law(s).

Gummy bear! :haha: You're so right though, it does look like one! I had a gut feeling the first time was a girl, the second was a boy and I wasn't PG long enough for gut feeling the last time but this time.....I'm just not sure....

It's finally warming up here! I could actually take the dogs out this morning without a jacket! I should have taken my dog for a morning walk since I'm too lazy when I get home but I ended up being lazy this morning too.
Nicole that is awful...40 and half had to be thrown away. So sorry girl.

Tiger lazy is good now! :)
Hey girls...Lilies...congrats on the beauty of a gummy bear. So so so happy for u.

reeds, gunner needs to get head down and slow down on the weight gain. LOL

Nicole, I wouldn't take anymore from the SIL, like u say, depend on no one.

AFM....What a day, went for the day training, sitting there listening and within 40 mins I had 3 bad dizzy spells. I was wet with sweat and felt like I was going to pass out. Left and went to hosp at 10:30 am. Spent at least 5 hours in there. All kinds of test done, NST done on baby, he is GREAT. They figure I have a collection of blood that is not circulating properly when I stand in one position or sit in on position. This is something I will have to deal with til baby is here and it could get worse and I may pass out. So, I need to not sit for too long, stand for too long and lay down often.

On another note, Ladies, I am worried for all of u. LOL...I was in a clinic that woman go into when they start labour. There was ladies coming in with wet pants from waters breaking. Screaming and crying as they were in pain or scared. LOL...I was like holy shit. glad I dont have to do the labour and end up with a section as well. This time a booked section and NO labour. YAY....for me. LOL.

Hope everyone is well.
Okay all my besties I need some advice...should I just go for the csection?? Tj and I were discussing it all today. The dr said we would talk more about options Monday with my delivery history. I also am thinking about getting a TL again. I am scared of another hard pregnancy or more MC's. Also I know financially we can't afford another and me be a SAHM. I was so against a TL but now I am having second thoughts.
What is your delivery history? Isn't there still enough time for baby to flip and not have to be cut? I was say no on the TL....I am not having one. But doubt we will have another due to may age and health issues with pg's. There are tons of other birth controls out there and damn girl, ur must know your cycle in and out now so you know when your Just use BC
Not the breech we are worried about placenta is over my cervix. 2 weeks ago it wasn't, so its moving the wrong way. As for my delivery history...I go quick and I am worried about delivering the placenta before Gunner. I got preggo with my oldest on the pill.

I agree Caro I am so up in the air and yes with the Creighton Model I think I have my cycles down..but still have that small fear. Silly huh??
Carole, I have to say I completely know how you have been feeling with the nearing passing out! It's so horrible, isn't it? Thankfully since being on these beta blockers, my pulse hasn't gone about 105 or so...BEAUTIFUL! That is shitty they can't do anything for you :( Please take it easy woman!!!

Sandi, I'm not sure, I mean, just from what I have read there is still time for the placenta to 'fix itself' but I know how scary it must be to wait on that to happen. The one good thing is you don't have a history of going into labor super easy do you? When did you say the dr. will go over the options? Is he ok w/ sectioning early? How early? lOL...sorry for all the questions! As far as the TL goes, that is up to what you guys think is best for you. In our case, John is getting the snip after this one. Two is what we know we can afford comfortably and just what we that is what we will be doing. My dr. said a vasectomy is much more effective than a TL and that it's way easier on their I say he can get it done, shit I've been on BC since I was 14, I'm done being the one to 'control' it...haha!

Oh, and about the going into labor I am freaking terrrified. In fact the other night when I had to go to L&D I was put in the same triage room as when I went into labor w/ Lexi. It brought back so many memories...mainly the ones where I was screaming I would never do that shit again. And now look! Ughhh...must be crazy. And when I was screaming and in pain I was only 3cm! Crazy!! I am so confused why I am almost 33 weeks and still have no pressure down there....kinda makes me think no way in hell Lucas will come early let alone on time :(
Oh and of course, I am scared to go to my 3d and my reg. appt tomorrow. I've had SUCH a decrease in movement over the past few's getting scary. He's moving, just not much at all :(

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