Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

hmmm...what does dr say about that condition? Will it improve? As for the's your call and its a personal choice but as said, I am not.
Nicole....I think u dont need to worry about the decrease in movement. As my dude is always super active and has been a lazy monkey this last 4 days. Enough to wake me up at nite wondering why he isnt kicking me.

As for the glad ur getting such good results on the new meds. Ya, the dizzy feeling sucks. I have only had it once bad before and that is when i took my kids sledding and I was just standing there. Is your spells when ur active or relaxing?
LOL...Carole, our boys are just planning on how they will worry us in the future!!!

My dizzy feelings were happening really randomly, sitting down checking email, grocery shopping...etc. Have the dr's brought up your heart? I mean you had the condition before and were on it possible it's acting up?? It's TOO scary that you could pass out and hurt yourself or baby!!!
Carole, I have to say I completely know how you have been feeling with the nearing passing out! It's so horrible, isn't it? Thankfully since being on these beta blockers, my pulse hasn't gone about 105 or so...BEAUTIFUL! That is shitty they can't do anything for you :( Please take it easy woman!!!

Sandi, I'm not sure, I mean, just from what I have read there is still time for the placenta to 'fix itself' but I know how scary it must be to wait on that to happen. The one good thing is you don't have a history of going into labor super easy do you? When did you say the dr. will go over the options? Is he ok w/ sectioning early? How early? lOL...sorry for all the questions! As far as the TL goes, that is up to what you guys think is best for you. In our case, John is getting the snip after this one. Two is what we know we can afford comfortably and just what we that is what we will be doing. My dr. said a vasectomy is much more effective than a TL and that it's way easier on their I say he can get it done, shit I've been on BC since I was 14, I'm done being the one to 'control' it...haha!

Oh, and about the going into labor I am freaking terrrified. In fact the other night when I had to go to L&D I was put in the same triage room as when I went into labor w/ Lexi. It brought back so many memories...mainly the ones where I was screaming I would never do that shit again. And now look! Ughhh...must be crazy. And when I was screaming and in pain I was only 3cm! Crazy!! I am so confused why I am almost 33 weeks and still have no pressure down there....kinda makes me think no way in hell Lucas will come early let alone on time :(

Well yes I do go easy on my oldest my water broke on my edd and we delivered her in about 6 hours and that included getting her turned from breech. With my second I was at the hospital all of 15 min when I delivered her...labored about 2 hours at home with just back pain. With Dylan they induced me at 36+3 from complications but still from start to finish it was 6 hours.

As far as the section early I think 2 weeks early is his max and then he will do a amnio to check lung development. We know size wise he will be fine. LOL

I swore when I went through the TR and even up to a week or so thought I would never consider another. I just think being scared is why I am even considering it. :shrug:
Oh and about the placenta "fixing itself" what he said the 20 week scan it was low lying...and my 30 week scan it ws in the same position this scan it has moved but in the wrong direction. It is covering my cervix now so its moving in the wrong direction. If I was still about 20 weeks or so there is more of a chance for it to correct itself rather that 33 weeks. Our uterous is about at its max size...mine is at my boobs. LOL
Thats how I am...sitting, standing, not so much on the walking. My heart PVC's are not related and I havent had them in well over a month. They did heart tests today as all was 100% as well as the results from my 24hr portable monitor and the echo, oh well. i am just too damn old.
Gunner is also less active. I asked about it monday and that said at this stage its normal they do not have as much room but geez its scary.

Sorry if I am being a silly worry wart ladies.
Oh, when I said about going easy...I mean going into labor for some reason most of the girls on BNB seem to go into labor before 38 weeks either on their own or induction. Like would the dr. be worried you'd go early say 36 weeks then they have the risk of the placenta coming out before Gunner. But, you were induced early w/ Dylan so I just don't know. I'd probably get sectioned early just to be on the safe side if it was me.
Well Reeds, I honestly don't think you'll have a choose about the c-section, Gunner is breeched and the placenta is in the way, it would be one thing if that placenta was moving in the right direction, ya know? I just hope they don't schedule it too soon.

I bet it's scary not to feel the boys as much but guess it is starting to get a bit cramped!

Carol, that is really scary about your dizzy spells and basically there's nothing they can do to help ensure you don't pass out! Geez! Good thing you work from home.

Nicole, I hope Lucus cooperates better today for your 3D scan! I know you're a bit nervous but I'm sure he's fine!

Well, I did a very Christian thing today, I told my coworker that if she's still having problems getting PG that it's time to go to a fertility clinic. She started pouring her emotions out, it was a bit much for me but I listened and gave her advice.
:hugs: Tiger. Thanks and your right. I am going to ask him to wait til after my Dylans bday which is April 2 so anytime after that is ok with me...if he thinks we can wait that long. I will be right about 39 weeks so I don't know. Its just a week before I am due. I bet your coworker really needed that advice. :)

Good luck today Nicole I so hope Lucas is a good boy. FX
I agree 39 weeks would be fine!! That is when I am gettting induced if Lucas is too big. When do you go back to the dr. to talk to him about it?

Thanks for the luck on the scan girlies!! He hasn't moved yet hopefully he's saving up some energy.

Awww.....that is sweet you listened to your co-worker...even if she is annoying!!! I bet it meant a lot!
Good luck on your scan today. Let us see pics asap.

Lilies...that was so kind of u to do that, I am not sure if I cuold have done that.

Reeds....I would follow whatever Dr tells u, I know we like to think we are Dr's but we are not. I am sure he will know whats right and safe.GL
Well I felt bad, and it sounds like the ob/gyn she sees is a complete idiot and I definitely know how it feels to not be PG when you're TTC for a year.
I do 2 a week Tiger. One on monday and then again on thursday. They are watching him 2x a week.
Ugghhh he didn't cooperate AT ALL! I even had a big lunch, drank coke was poked and proded, jumped up and down, walked around and he still wouldn't budge. She said he was facing my back. So...NO pics. She tried to reschedule, but I'm done trying. It's getting to the point where he's getting too big anyways. I had her save the few images over the 3 scans, it was only about 5 pics. I'm sooooo bummed...mainly b/c I feel like I wasted money.

Also, had a dr. appt today, measuring right on....didn't gain any weight (b/c I was sick I bet!)....and I have a growth scan at 36 weeks. They said the one side effect from being on beta blockers is possible growth restriction so they'll check that out then :)

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