Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Morning ladies....
I am dying here. I have an additcion and it bites me in the ass about once a year.

My name is Carole, and I am addicted to Q-tips.
So I use these weapons about 4 times a day, my right side of my face is swollen and sore. I couldn't even lay on it last nite. I heard somewhere that u can now get ear ache drops without an RX. If not, I am off to the medi centre as it's bad and I feel it in my jaw. Total self induced pain.

I can related to reeds and lilies about the eating. Sometimes I am sooo hungry and over eat but other times I can't eat nothing, def less in the eve. My body is no longer mine, he has taken over. I have been told by a few mom's at my sons school that I popped over the last week.
I was in costco and pre-ordered the cake for landons birthday wed....I am so going to keep those loaded with icing/corner peices for moi. My cousin in WA told me that in the US u can get whipped cream as an icing. I so would just lay naked in bed and get to know that cake. (I would be naked as not to let the clothing restrict me) Speaking of that, I always sleep with a cami/tshirt or short nite shirt on and panties. Lately I sometimes wake up and strip. I find I feel trapped with my big old belly.

WOW..I have alot to say when I sleep for 11 1/2 hours. Joe was working so I am lazy and just go to bed when the kids do.
U ladies have any plans for the weekend?
Oh ya, Joe never took my butt for brunch, I am cooking lamb....<----insert gag here, for him for supper tonite. SO maybe...just maybe he will take me sunday.

ALL MY FOOD TALK, i AM SO AMAZED I AM NOT GAINING WEIGHT......but I am sure it will find me sooner or later
LOL, Carole you're crazy! But I totally love that about you! So are you really just obsessed with clean ears? Or do you really like Qtips that much?

I LOVE Cosco birthday cake!'s my birthday on Sunday....I just might have to get my own birthday cake just so I have an excuse to eat Cosco cake!

Completely agree with ya on the lamp, unless it's a gyro I don't give two hoots for lamp meat.
Morning ladies....
I am dying here. I have an additcion and it bites me in the ass about once a year.

My name is Carole, and I am addicted to Q-tips.
So I use these weapons about 4 times a day, my right side of my face is swollen and sore. I couldn't even lay on it last nite. I heard somewhere that u can now get ear ache drops without an RX. If not, I am off to the medi centre as it's bad and I feel it in my jaw. Total self induced pain.

I can related to reeds and lilies about the eating. Sometimes I am sooo hungry and over eat but other times I can't eat nothing, def less in the eve. My body is no longer mine, he has taken over. I have been told by a few mom's at my sons school that I popped over the last week.
I was in costco and pre-ordered the cake for landons birthday wed....I am so going to keep those loaded with icing/corner peices for moi. My cousin in WA told me that in the US u can get whipped cream as an icing. I so would just lay naked in bed and get to know that cake. (I would be naked as not to let the clothing restrict me) Speaking of that, I always sleep with a cami/tshirt or short nite shirt on and panties. Lately I sometimes wake up and strip. I find I feel trapped with my big old belly.

WOW..I have alot to say when I sleep for 11 1/2 hours. Joe was working so I am lazy and just go to bed when the kids do.
U ladies have any plans for the weekend?
Oh ya, Joe never took my butt for brunch, I am cooking lamb....<----insert gag here, for him for supper tonite. SO maybe...just maybe he will take me sunday.

ALL MY FOOD TALK, i AM SO AMAZED I AM NOT GAINING WEIGHT......but I am sure it will find me sooner or later

And the above post is the reason we love you!! YOur so funny but I am sorry your in pain. Yes there is ear drops you can buy OTC and they wrk great. At least there is here in the US.

And thanks fr the visual of you naked with a cake!! Lmao!! oh my gosh I am rofl! CRAZY!!
Ya lilies, not sure where the addiction comes from, I have abused them since I was around 10. I just always feel like I have to use them, for cleanliness, itchiness etc.

Happy early Birthday girl!!!

I am very excited about the cake, I know they are huge but u spend the same for a small cake at a reg store. Plus I can send some to the assholes house so my Lanny can have a bday celebration there as I know the cheap ass wont do anything for him if it costs $$. Where is reeds and Nicole?
There u I know, so not a pretty picture, expecially in the morning.
I hope I didn't see those drops in the US and not in Canada as I have better things to do today then sit in a disease infested medi centre for an RX. Since I getting out all my OCD behaviours, I also have issues with germs in public. Door handles, lites, eating other friends cooking, wont share my drinks except with kids and Joe. Even when my mom takes a drink of my fluids I get grossed out. I usually throw out things that people make me....I know I am rude.
I would never let them know that but I just can't bring myself to eating it. Yet I can eat curry in this run down, cockroache, almost condemed vietnamese rest. Go figure.
The sad thing is I am so serious, I don't have sex anymore, and I would just go to dollarstore, grab a cheap shower curtain. (heaven forbid I should drip some on my good bedding) and chill eating and watch some telly in bed. LOL....It's all I have these days.
OH Man Carole what are we gonna do with you??

I think I have a bottle of the ear drops I will take a pic to show you maybe what your looking for.
Are those homopathic? That looks like a brand I have seen in health food stores?
OMG you crack me up!!! Girl you are crazy!

Happy early bday Tiger...def. get some cake to celebrate!! YUMMMMM CAKE!
Yep and works wonderful!! We have a history or ear problems with lots of ear aches and infections.
Ok girls....Lucas is really getting on my nerves with this decrease in movement crap. I know everyone says "oh he's fine" etc. etc. etc. but it's just so scary to feel less and less instead of more and more. I'll admit he's never been VERY active...but past couple weeks it seems like he's moving less and less. Last night after I ate I laid down and didn't feel anything...for hours. Even drank a cold soda (not w/ caffeine but still!!)...and got like 2 kicks. Went to bed...nothing. Now since I've been up he's moving, but not like normal kicks...more moving/jerks kinda movements. I just don't know what to do about it. I don't want to be the 'paranoid mom to be' whose up at L&D getting stuck on the monitors all the time, but I don't want to miss something either, you know? Last time I went on the monitor he was going I guess he's ok. I wonder if the anterior placenta also causes me not to feel much? I mean I know it does in the beginning, but at 33 weeks?!?!?!?

Ughhh...paranoid rant over :(
Nevermind...he just made me look like an idiot again. Ate some cereal...laid down and he was moving like crazy. I am just so glad this is my last pregnancy. While it's been easygoing physically...emotionally I've been a wreck :(
I can so relate these last weeks, my boy has always been active but the last weeks or so he is lazy. I do drink a caffiene drink and nothing. But u have to remember there is no room left for kicks, it's more punches and pushing the skin outward. I noticed a huge decrease too btu u have to remember they are alittle cramped these days. He is fine.....u have had great scans other than him hiding his beauty of a face. He is heathly and all is perfect.
I even poke and push and my boys sometimes does nothing.....he will go hours without much. It is worrisome.....but time is coming to and end soon thank goodness.

AFM...bought me ear drops, said to warm them up slightly them apply. I put them in mircowave fro 30 sec, and it burnt the hell out of my ear drum. I almost But it was better last nite and I was able to sleep on it. Still not able to use a Q-tip in it as its swollen and sore. Guess thats a sign to keep the damn stick out of there.
Joe and I have our weekend alone, we hung last nite and watch our american idol I recorded when he was at work. TMI....we had a romantic nite that was sooo needed and for once not awkward with the baby. It alsmot felt like it used to. So needless to say I am smiling today.
We are going to do taxes and possbile brunch tomorrow...LOL I am not giving up on some bacon. I rarely cook it at home as it skinks up the house.
Hope u chickies have a great weekend.
Nicole, I'm glad Lucas just proved you wrong!

Carole, ouch on the scolding hot ear drops but I'm glad your ear is starting to feel better! That brunch thing better happen this weekend!

AFM, I have my doberman a bath, cleaned his ear, brushed his teeth, and clipped his nails then proceeded to be lazy for the rest of the day! Took a two hour nap but now I feel nauseous.
Nicole I am sorry Lucas likes to scary his mommy so much. I am glad he was a good boy this time though. :)

Carole OUCH!! I have had that done with sweet oil...that also helps with ear aches as well. Be careful with a burnt ear it can get infected easliy. I hope it gets better soon. Have a great weekend with Joe!

Tiger sounds like a productive morning. Sorry the nausea is kicking in but that gets me all excited for you. :)

I woke up with a sore throat this morning...and a low grade fever. Did make Tj take me to the store, there was no food in this house and then when I got home cleaned out the fridge and now working on my laundry room. I am tired of a dirty house...I have been so lazy lately and can't take it anymore. Oh and while we was out we discovered I have a HUGE bolt in my tire...grrr I have only had these tires about 3 months. But I think it can be fixed.
Thanks everyone :) Of course ever since this morning he hasn't moved at all. Like you said Carole, it's almost over thank goodness! He's driving me nuts.

OUCH on the ear's like your being paid back for messing w/ them in the first place. :(

Tiger: Any bday plans for tomorrow? Oh, and how is your other pup doing??

Sandi: You actually get your hubby to take you to the store?! John says no way!! LOL! I am sure he would if I needed him to....but he HATES Walmart and that is where I grocery shop....he'd be complaining the whole damn time!! And I hear ya on the sore throat, I was doing better and today and am back to being congested and hacking coughing non stop. SOOOO over it!!

It's freaking 80 degrees here today....can you guys believe that? It's just about March and already 80...gonna be a HORRIBLE summer. I almost hope I don't make it prego to April...ughhhh!! LOL!
Oh and yay on the romantic night Carole...hasn't been ANY of that here in over a month.
Tj is being really overprotective lately. Desn't want me to go anywhere by myself...I am thankful but I always spend so much more when he goes with me.

I am trying to stay motivated so I don't focus on the fact I don't feel good. I have cleaned the fridge and reorganized it. Been working on my laundry room and trying to get the bathroom cleaned. Gunner is not happy with all the squating and bending...he is way up in my ribs. LOL

80 degrees?? I am jealous. Its in the 40's and gloomy here. I am so ready for some nice days.

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