Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Why so overprotective lately? Same here...we spend way too much if JOhn goes to the store...even if I am there.
I am not sure why....but I am not complaining much. LOL He called a bit ago and asked what I was doing I tld him cleaning he said stop it I will help when I get home. I think maybe the placenta thing has him a bit nervous.
Joe is sooo not a shopper. When we were first dating he used to come with me and now if he has too he holds my hand on the cart so we push it together and go fast, looks halarious.

Hopefully u will get some more energy soon reeds. I have been having spurts lately and its nice. I am sure it will die again...

I am making Joe and I a special supper, chicken breast stuffed with crab, shrimp and cheese, roasted potatoes, spinach salad with strawberry dressing and glazed carrots. We have a friend over visiting now so we have offered him to stay but he already ate. We lost power at our house for 2 hours so its a late meal.

Baby is hanging in the ribs again tonite...ugh!
LOL...sounds like John...can't wait to get done shopping. I would die if he came with me. Pathetic as it shopping is my 'me' time.

I've been having those energy bursts too...and I get a ton done then feel like I am going to die. Not to mention I am still freaking sick...two weeks now. The prego immune system SUCKS!

Carole, you are quite the cook woman!! I am proud of myself when I make a you go all out!!! Joe is a very lucky man ;)
Joe is getting to be a chunkie man. LOL...actually since he has been a truck driver he has put on a few but as soon as baby comes out we are both losing. He PROMISED me he is quiting smoking before baby comes. YAY.
As for that cold, damn girl I hear ya. I showered this am and coughed a productive cough til I almost passed out. I am soooo congested still and stuff is coming up?'s been awhile for us both.

I like to shop alone as well.....he waited in the suv yesterday while I grabbed a few things. I have to take my oldest to the Gap outlet store tomorrow to get some more jeans as he is running low.
I am kinda gaggy today which is odd. I still can't eat as soon as I get up. BTW....I am getting huge. I waddle and can see a huge difference in the past 2 weeks. What about u ladies?

Happy Birthday many weeks are u now? almost 10???
OMG I hear you...I'm getting HUGE too :( I know I waddle...and have to stop every so often when walking. Funny thing is thankfully I haven't gained since before I got sick, so 3-4 weeks now...but the bump is growing like crazy. Some days it looks like it's droped too...but I know that is not the case, since thankfully I don't have the bowling ball pressure yet. Do you guys have that yet???

I don't know what the heck is up with us still being sick...not cool! I'm glad you have a productive cough though..mine stoped being productive. Wish it was :(

WOW...that is great about Joe quitting smoking before babe comes!! I'm sure it will be hard on him. John used to smoke, then he quit and nearly a year later started using chewing tobacco (GROSS!!) which he has quit 3x in the past 2 years...always goes back. It's so frustrating. Good luck to Joe!! :)

Yay for going shopping, I so wish we had outlets close!!! I have to go shopping as well...time to get Lexi summer clothes already...the high is 86 today! REDICULOUS..I think summer is gonna officially SUCK.
It's cooler here. I can handle the cold but the snow fall we have is frickin horrific. I will have to take a pic, its crazy.
I love outlet shopping and I always have coupon codes so I can save 15%....yes, u hear the birds cheeping. LOL

Crappy that ur cough isnt productive, I hate a dry hacky cough.
I ordered in a few outfits from penny's for baby. The shirt/short onesies.They are cute. Penny's dels to canada thankfully. I was hoping to go to BC with Joe and the kids after the baby comes but since he only has two weeks off work I may have to wait til baby is a month old and go by myself. His employeer made it pretty clear that he has no more time off for the rest of the year.
I really dont have summer clothes for the little one. So I will need to get some.

Smoking is a tough one, I am know JOe will be grumpy for a week when he quits but he is determinded to and I am holding him to it.
See I'd love the snow...but prolly only for a day or two and prolly just because it's something I don't have here. LOL. What are the temps like now? Too bad I can't come stay there through the summer and you can come here in the winter. I HATE our summers. They are horrible. You walk out the door and humidity hits you in the chest and you can't breathe.

That is really rough about Joes work. How many days off/year does he get? Seems like they are really asses. John is taking 3 weeks when the baby comes and he'll still have plenty of days on the books afterwards. I don't get companies that don't want their employees to have a life outside of work...that just makes people miserable.
Okay girls, enough with getting sick and still being sick, I forbid it now! :)

Get ready for a long weekend recap here. So FB's announcement about hubby being great and cooking was crap, I just did that to make him feel better. At work we did a pot luck, and he knows when we do that, I would have had a big lunch, so all I wanted for dinner that night was a salad but I come to and there's this big ass heavy meal waiting for that I felt obligated to eat. Not to mention, I had no idea that he left work early to cook this so I hung out at my sister's after work b.c I hadn't seen her or my niece in 3wks so I was an hour late coming home. So of course Jeff kept the meat in the oven that whole time and it was dry as heck. I was so damn umcomfortable when I went to bed b.c of a meal I felt I HAD to eat.

I did skip out on the beans he made and had them for lunch the next day which gave me gas and I was uncomfortable for the rest of the day b.c of that. At least for dinner I finally got to have my salad and nothing more.

So Sunday was my birthday, I had actually bought myself a green amythst pendent that was on clearance a month ago and Jeff was upset that I didn't let him buy for my b-day. But you know how those things comes with cheap chains so I asked him to buy be a longer, more sturdy 14K white gold chain for it. I actually haven't seen the pendent since I bought it so it would be more of a surprise when I saw it with the new chain. Well, Jeff couldn't remember where he left it and was in a foul mood Sunday morning and b.c of that we were late for church. Finally during church he remembered where he put it and then I got my pendent.

Now for a few days the puppy that was sick last week has been really itchy, we washed her, washed her bedding, I know we don't have fleas. I half suspected b.c of her lower immune system that she caught a skin infection that she couldn't normally fight. We were able to get her into the vets and she has the beginnings of a skin yeast and bacterial infection so now the poor thing is on more meds! Hopefully that will be it for the pet department as far as major expenses goes.

Other than that, I really can't complain about my weekend! :)
That sounds like a flawless weekend lilies....LOL.
Men think but only half the way sometimes. But I guess its the thought that counts.
How many weeks are u now? r the dizzy spells? I had a bad one yesterday. We have a sunk in livingroom and I was walking up to step and was sooo dizzy I had to grab the wall. I have a Dr apt with the heart Dr today and my BP Dr.I forgot to answer u about the crotch pressure. YES....I have it. It comes and goes or maybe I only feel it in certain positions. I was sqwatting the other nite looking into a low cupboard and holy cow, achy pressure.
I can deal with that more than I can the right rib cage pain. Its morning til nite now.

Reeds.....How is Gunner? What did the Dr saw about a section?
Carole, I really hope the heart Dr can do something to help those dizzy spells, that is really scary!!!!!

Tomorrow I'll be 10wks!
Tiger sunds like a good weekend. At least his heart is in the right place. :) Woohoo for ten weeks. When is your next appt?

Carole I hope the dr gives you some answers today and your BP is ok.

Nicole how are you today??

My dr appt went AWESOME!! Gunner has flipped head down and he is on my cervix so the placenta moved!! She did a internal scan to double check!! I am stoked. I have been praying and praying that all would fall into place. God is good.
Fantastic news Reeds!!! He sounds like he is ready to go.

AFM...Dr apt total waste of time and $$$ parking as I could not get a spot in my normal cheap lot and walk. It's -30 here anyways so I had to pay more to be closer. Did BP...totally normal. 128/69. Weight hasnt change which BLOWS me away. (wait til I get that cake on Wed) lol
Dr was late beyond belief and I had to leave after waiting 1 1/2 hours to pick up Landon. I have to go back March 9. All my tests came back normal and they figure it's just pg dizziness.

On a + note.....I had a call while waiting at the hospital and it was from an old agency I used to work for. They may have a client for me....They are coming friday for a home study as they have not seen this house before. YAY.

Just going to have a staff meeting at my house any minute now and then this afternoon shopping at the outlet mall with my boys.
awww Carole that is awful you had to wait that long...did you get to see the dr??
Great news about the new potential client! Ibet your stoked. I still haven't gained any more weight either but my dr is ok with that. I thought for sure I had cause I ate and ate this weekend.
I hear ya on the eating thing. ANd no, did not get to see the Dr.
Wow that really sucks! Wonder why in the world he was running so late. that is just crazy
Carol, I can't believe you had to wait that whole time and didn't even get to see the Dr! That completely blows! But yay for having a fun filled rest of the afternoon! And yay on another potential client! Have you not heard about the one who spent the weekend?

Sandi, :happydance: for Gunner moving!!!! That's awesome!

I have a nuchal scan March 11th. I really don't care about getting this done, it's not going to change anything for me so I'm debating about going. I am going to have my coworker scan me again this Friday.
WOW a lot to catch up on!!

Tiger: Sorry about the hubby and your weekend :( They just don't get it. Sounds like he is trying to do nice things, but needs to consider how you feel!!! Yay for 10 weeks tomorrow!!! How long till you are comfy adding a ticker so we can keep track??

Carole: My dizzy spells are all better since being on those meds. Thank goodness. It was such a horrible feeling (as you know). I wish the dr's could tell you something. It's good that your bp was good though....wasn't it high last time? When they were worried about toximia (sp??)??

Sandi: That is great news about him moving and the placenta. Told you it could still move!! So now no rush to get him out right?

AFM: I walked all over hell and back getting summer clothes for Lexi today and now I can't move. LOL. I think I literally felt Lucas drop while walking though, so that is good I guess. I still don't have the bowling ball pressure....I really think he is going to come late :( I have a scan at 36 w. to check his size. And that is when baby eviction begins. I am completely over being pregnant.
LOL YOu got it big rush other than like you I am so ready to have my body back. BUt he can really stay as long as he wants til 40 weeks. haha I wish our weather would make up its mind one day its in the 30's then the next 60's and storming like crazy. I want warm weather to walk outside to help with delivery.

Tiger I would go for the scan like you mine didn't make a difference but I wanted to see the baby again. :)
OMG Sandi, I will take your everchanging weather from you!!! It's been in the 80's was 86. That is REDICULOUS for the end of February. I am so damn hot....I want it to be cold!!! LOL!

Oh, and I went to MOtherhood and bought some maternity underwear. ROFL. I have been shoving my ass into regular ones, it's not quite working anymore. Also, got a maternity about comfy :)

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