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Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

You think the little guys will last a day or two? Cause I gotta say I'm getting a little worn out for bd too. Maybe we'll skip a day and bd again tues? I don't know. Do you think that I will ovulate today or tomorrow? The pos opk was yesterday in the afternoon and my temp dipped today a bit. I wish I knew! I'm trying my hardest to relax and de-stress today. So far so good but Mondays tend to be bust days for me. Hoping I can get through the tww without too much symptom spotting or stress. WHat is your take on this girls? How is everyone else doing? Bean, take any more tests lately?
Tired-I've heard its best to bd every other day...I don't know though! I'd be scared to miss o!
I took another opk today, still negative so maybe i will o on Sunday like the prediction thingy says
Sugarlys I am very scared to miss ov! Either today or tomorrow I suppose because my temp didnt rise yet. I will see how we feel tonight and see if I can get another bd in tonight. If not perhaps tomorrow. Then if my temp goes up we can take a well deserved break. :haha: Oh I am just a bundle of nerves even though I'm trying not to be! Good luck with your opks, hope they get dark soon!
Typically when you get your first pos opk you will o in the next day or so. Because you had a your pos yesterday and a slight dip in temp today I would bet that today is your o day. If you bd'ed the past couple days and today is your o day then you should be very well covered.
Thanks Rachel, I hope so. I think you are right. We bd'd last night with the preseed and I tried my best to keep it all in! If we have the energy I'll try to do it again tonight even if it's a quick one:blush:. I'm like excited and nervous at the same time! I took an opk at around 1015am and it was neg- much lighter anyway! I'm trying to relax but mondays really suck! How are you today?
I think you should be covered with all that previous bding. I had a slight dip yesterday, and a slight increase today, so I think yesterday might have been my O day. We shall see what tomorrow brings, today is probably your O day, so we will be a day apart in the tww, but close enough! My OPKs were dark yesterday and the day before, so I am pretty sure I have O'd already :) I am so glad DH agreed that we should start ttc finally :) :)
I'm hoping for my temp rise tomorrow! It will be nice to have someone to wait with because I know I'm going to go bananas! Anyway I'm happy your dh is on board now! I just dunno if mine will be miserable when he gets home from work or not.

I'm trying to be really positive! I have a good feeling though. This is our month!:dust:
I just hope my temp continues to rise and doesn't stay the same or go down .1 degree or something dumb because then I will just be confused.
I was thinking the same thing. I always end up thinking the worst but I'm trying really hard not to. Try not to worry, your temp will go up and stay up. I hope so for the both of us anyway!
Lovetoteach - yeah I think you O'd yesterday afternoon/evening.

Imsotired - You will be fine missing today. You have got your bases well covered. All down to fate now. If you're worried you could bd tomorrow am?

Rachel - HOw are you? ANy sign of fertile CM?

So I'm getting a very very faint positive on clearblue easy and superdrug but BFN on FRER and IC's I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant but concerned due to very low HCG levels for 14dpo. For me AF is 4 days late, boobs feel sore and bruised and I'm soooooo tired. I've booked to see the doctor tomorrow. Not excited yet, worried about chemical or possible ectopic. Only time will tell. Fxd peeps!

Here's my testing trend if you want to see pics.
Thanks Rachel, I hope so. I think you are right. We bd'd last night with the preseed and I tried my best to keep it all in! If we have the energy I'll try to do it again tonight even if it's a quick one:blush:. I'm like excited and nervous at the same time! I took an opk at around 1015am and it was neg- much lighter anyway! I'm trying to relax but mondays really suck! How are you today?

Last cycle the day after I O'ed my OPK turned negative, so it is def looking good that today is O day for you! :happydance:

I am doing well but getting impatient waiting to O and it is of course frustrating not know if will O in a week or 4 weeks from now. I am praying the Vitex is already working and I will O at least by CD 20 this cycle. My earliest O day since stopping BCP was CD 24. Only CD 9 here but we started BDing every other day to make sure we are covered. I only have about 10 OPKs left so I will not start testing until I notice other signs like temp dip or fertile CM.
Thanks Rachel, I hope so. I think you are right. We bd'd last night with the preseed and I tried my best to keep it all in! If we have the energy I'll try to do it again tonight even if it's a quick one:blush:. I'm like excited and nervous at the same time! I took an opk at around 1015am and it was neg- much lighter anyway! I'm trying to relax but mondays really suck! How are you today?

Last cycle the day after I O'ed my OPK turned negative, so it is def looking good that today is O day for you! :happydance:

I am doing well but getting impatient waiting to O and it is of course frustrating not know if will O in a week or 4 weeks from now. I am praying the Vitex is already working and I will O at least by CD 20 this cycle. My earliest O day since stopping BCP was CD 24. Only CD 9 here but we started BDing every other day to make sure we are covered. I only have about 10 OPKs left so I will not start testing until I notice other signs like temp dip or fertile CM.

Yes, waiting to O was crazy, I hope vitex is a miracle for all of us because not even having a time frame of when things MIGHT happen is crazy!
I was on Yazmin for 2 years and before that, Dianette for 5 years. It took well over a year for my cycles to sort themselves out after I came off the Pill. Started TTC 2 and a half years after coming off the Pill and conceived 2nd month of trying. You do just need to give your body time to recover. I will never go back on the Pill ever again. It is a nightmare. I wish someone had warned me!!! Good luck xxxx
Thanks lilac cloud.

I do think the vitex has helped me and I hope (if I don't get a bfp) that it will continue to help regulate my cycles.
Thought my OPK was lighter, then I compared it to the "positives"... Now I don't know what to think.

P.S. Sorry that I have bad cut and paste skills, but you get the picture :)


  • CD 19 20 21 AND 22.jpg
    CD 19 20 21 AND 22.jpg
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I think it's lighter. I think you ov'd cd 20 or early 21. Mine was still a bit dark but def not as dark as the day prior. Just keep an eye on your temp. That is going to be my deciding factor but I'm trying to be really positive! FX for us!
We shall see, temps take so long to notice a patten because it takes a few days to know what is up for sure. I think I probably need two more days of increased temps for ff to pin point my ovulation. I have been trying to play around with ff by putting in fake temps for the next two days to see if it would pin point ovulation.
I've only gotten a slight rise today but I think it's enough. Yesterday was 96.9 and today was 97.3? I don't know. It's a rise at least. Also ff didn't pick up on ov either. Hoping it picks it up after one more day of temping. We didn't bd last night because we were both so tired. I hope the little swimmers from the night before did their job. Sigh...It's pretty rough. But I think I'm starting my tww today. SHould I worry about my temps?
Sounds like you O'd. FF needs three rises I think to confirm O.
Thanks. I know that my temps post ov were 97.7 and 97.9 last cycle. So I'm on my way I guess. FX they keep going up to those temps. I would love a little bean, I still hope this is our month! I'm going to keep trying to relax today and take it easy. Hopefully if there is anything going on in there the relaxation will help it along. How are you girls today? How are you feeling Bean?

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