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Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Hey Im so tired. Sometimes you can have a fall back rise, where as it says the temp drops down and then rises again. How bad are the temps you removed? Could you adjust them? FF is going to find it very hard to give you X hairs with so few temperatures. Do you have any fertile signs? You may have failed to O, don't panic you'll O again. If happened to me in my November cycle I think. I had fertile signs and + OPk but no rise. Thankfully I was temping so I knew I hadn't O. I then went on to O a week later.

Bd regularly until you are such. Good luck!
No those prior temps I don't trust at all they were all over the place taken at different times and after very restless sleep. I really began to get on a better schedule and temped at the same time daily and I saw a cleaner pattern which is what I left there. Someone said to me that a rise is still a rise as long as you don't go below your baseline. So I'm hoping it goes back up but I'm not gonna hold my breath. I really should have known not to get excited when last cycle I ov'd around cd58. I'm just gonna keep looking for a
+opk and temps that make sense and hopefully it will all work out.
Time will tell. Either way you wont mis O I am sure.

Tomorrow will tell you more.
So I did an OPK today and the two lines were there! The test line was not as dark as the reference line, but I would imagine that will happen tomorrow! :)
So I did an OPK today and the two lines were there! The test line was not as dark as the reference line, but I would imagine that will happen tomorrow! :)

Yay! it might take a day or two to get a true positive but you're def on your way.

Get bding and good luck!!
Time will tell. Either way you wont mis O I am sure.

Tomorrow will tell you more.

Thanks. I'm going to try and get my mind off of it. It's all so frustrating. I know you know that. I'm just very tired of disappointment and some days I feel like it will never happen.Hoping for my temp rise (fx). Hope you're doing well, Bean.
I'm good thanks. Went for my first blood today. Testing loads of things surprised I have any blood left.

FBC - Full Blood Count
LFT profile - Liver function
Renal profile
Liver profile
Testosterone + SHBG (sex hormone binding-globulin)
Thyroid profile.

Feeling good weirdly. Now lets get us some BFP's!!!
Send me some of your optomism Bean!:flower:

Me too Bean. This is crazy, I would think my temp would be a lot higher right now. I feel like it's tettering on taking a dive again and then ff will say, oh just kidding, you didn't ovulate... my opk was obviously lighter and practically not even visable yesterday, but this morning I took my temp when i first stirred, way too early and it was 97.2, then tested again after three hours of sleep and it was 97.6. For some reason I sleep really well after my husband leaves and I can spread out across the whole queen sized bed.
Lovetoteach I hope we did ov and it's just some cruel joke! It's so ridiculous already! I am feeling a bit better though because after putting it off for 2 weeks I finally weighed myself and I lost anoth 5 lbs....almost 11 lbs in a month! :happydance:Lets hope the vote of confidence helps me out. FX our temps rise tomorrow a decent ammount and stay that way! And most of all :dust: for all of us!
Well none of it makes sense to me. I think my restless sleep just jacks my temps all up. I kind of feel like the only solid sleep I get is when my husband leaves for work. I am a very restless sleeper and I wake up at least two to three times a night, and I want to roll around and get comfortable, but don't want to wake DH up since he has work the next day. Also I think WAAAY too much right before bed and it keeps me up for at least an hour after DH drifts off and starts to snore.
Unfortunately I sleep a lot like that lately also. I don't know what Has gotten into me the last two or three months, maybe it is my anxiety, but I wake up at night for no apparent reason and have a hard time falling back asleep. It isn't that I'm not tired it is just so strange. I think it effects my temps some mornings as well. It doesn't stop me from worrying though, I do a lot of that regardless of how I sleep.
All we can do is wait and seeeeee :) Realistically I probably should have waited a few more months for vitex to regualte my cycles before ttc, but when I saw those positve OPKs I couldn't help but try. DH is just too cute lately making such an effort to BD more and telling me not to, "loose any of his babies" after we BD and I lay down for a few minutes. He even wanted to BD last night thinking that it was still the right time, of course I didn't protest. Now I am thinking maybe it was a good thing we did because now I have no idea what is up for 100% sure.
Haha. That is sweet of your dh. I got a much fainter opk today. I really feel like I ov'd on Mon. I guess you're right, we will find out in about 2 weeks anyway. I think maybe it was just a fluke thing that my temp went down a tad bit. It was still higher than before so I'm going to try and forget it and just keep my fx'd it comes back up tomorrow. And good luck to you as well!
Hey ladies. Right sending you some PMA!! Stay calm.

Both your temps are a little low. Tomorrow will tell you more, If you haven't O the good this is you haven't missed and you won't. Keep an eye on CM. If you get any EWCM bd. I think you'll be have nice temp increases tomorrow, if not start the opks again your body will try again soon.

I am a crap sleeper to. I think WAAAAYYYY to much. I'm ashamed to admit it but I sleep with an ipod and listen to stuff like harry potter to fall asleep and put it back on if I wake up. It stops me from starting to think!

Lovetoteach - What time did you wake for the .2 temp? What time do you normally tale your temp? Unfort temping isn't idea for everyone but it should give an idea. It looks like you have O'd but you can't be sure.

Imsotired congrats on the weightloss.

Right need to dash I'm baby sitting a 10 month old. Back in a bit
Hey ladies. Right sending you some PMA!! Stay calm.

Both your temps are a little low. Tomorrow will tell you more, If you haven't O the good this is you haven't missed and you won't. Keep an eye on CM. If you get any EWCM bd. I think you'll be have nice temp increases tomorrow, if not start the opks again your body will try again soon.

I am a crap sleeper to. I think WAAAAYYYY to much. I'm ashamed to admit it but I sleep with an ipod and listen to stuff like harry potter to fall asleep and put it back on if I wake up. It stops me from starting to think!

Lovetoteach - What time did you wake for the .2 temp? What time do you normally tale your temp? Unfort temping isn't idea for everyone but it should give an idea. It looks like you have O'd but you can't be sure.

Imsotired congrats on the weightloss.

Right need to dash I'm baby sitting a 10 month old. Back in a bit

I took it at 6am after horrible sleep, I normally try to take my temp around 6:30, which works on the days I am not restless, but the past week those end up being wacky temps because I wake up a million times before that. The best, most solid/consistant sleep I get is when DH leaves and I sleep a solid straight 2 1/2- 3 hours. When I take a temp at that time it is normally not as wacky... I don't know what to think because If I take a temp when i FIRST wake up it would be like 3:40ish in the morning, way too early. I guess next cycle I should just temp at 8:30am?
Difficult to say what's best. They say if it's less than 3 hours it's not reflecting your BBT. I think you'll get enough of an idea from the temps you're getting and the more you worry about sleeping better for more accurate temps the more likely you are to not sleep well.

Tomorrows temp will tell you more.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh I know the feeling of restless nights sleep! If I have a lot on my mind my thoughts can keep me up and I end up waking up multiple times throughout the night and it usually takes me about 15+ mins to fall back asleep. It is so annoying! It happened to me last night. My temp was higher but I know it was because I only had an hour or so of sleep by time I took it.

Just see what tomorrows temps show for you. Mine sometimes go back down a tiny bit then go right back up again.
Thanks girls, that makes me feel better. I am so glad to have other people that have been throught this all. DH knows nothing and is even more confused then me haha. I told him not to ask me what's up everyday and wait until the 22nd/23rd when I can tell him more. He is very curious about everything all of a sudden. I have let him know it can take months, but he thinks that with all my "tricks" it will be the first try. There are no tricks here, just a little more knowledge on when I might have ovulated! Oh yeah, and the amazing Vitex that started my period again.
I am so impatient waiting to o. I just wish I was like normal people then I would only have a couple days to go. But instead I have no clue when it will happen, it drives me nutso. I wish I could just forget about it for awhile...

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