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Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I'm at the doc. Took temp this am and it's come down, spotting has increased and test was barely positive do 100% sure I'm having a chemical pregnancy. Decided no harm in chatting to my GP.

Feel ok about it, never accepted that is was going to stick so not grieving a loss just bummed that it's another month to wait.

I'm sure you O'd. Relaxing is a very good idea. Good luck.
Sorry to hear Bean. Glad you are ok though. I hope you get a sticky one soon. Thanks for the support.:hugs:
Sorry to hear that Bean, I hope at least next cycle is your sticky bean.
Imsotired-I think that is a good rise. Typically my temps take a few days to get up there, they slowly rise the first couple days.
We shall see, temps take so long to notice a patten because it takes a few days to know what is up for sure. I think I probably need two more days of increased temps for ff to pin point my ovulation. I have been trying to play around with ff by putting in fake temps for the next two days to see if it would pin point ovulation.

How are you today? Is your temp up?
I'm at the doc. Took temp this am and it's come down, spotting has increased and test was barely positive do 100% sure I'm having a chemical pregnancy. Decided no harm in chatting to my GP.

Feel ok about it, never accepted that is was going to stick so not grieving a loss just bummed that it's another month to wait.

I'm sure you O'd. Relaxing is a very good idea. Good luck.

:hugs: Sorry to hear that, but I am glad you are taking it that way. I feel like a lot of women on here experience chemicals and such due to testing so early. I think a lot of women experience chemcial, they just don't know it because a lot of them don't even think to test for pregnancy until days after af doesn't show, or when they start having sore boobs and throwing up. It is so hard to wait until af is days late though when we have tests that will tell us right away.

Good luck for next month! Glad you keep popping in here, love the girls on this site, everyone is so helpful and supportive :)
temp is slowly rising for me as well :) Got a 97.5 today haha, it's only a sight rise, but still something. I was awake for thirty minutes before my normal temp time and it was 97.8 when i took it, but I had been laying there tossing and turning for 30 minutes, way too long for that to be legit. I went back to sleep for two hours, almost two and a half hours more, and then took my temp again and it read 97.5. That sounds a lot more legit to me.
temp is slowly rising for me as well :) Got a 97.5 today haha, it's only a sight rise, but still something. I was awake for thirty minutes before my normal temp time and it was 97.8 when i took it, but I had been laying there tossing and turning for 30 minutes, way too long for that to be legit. I went back to sleep for two hours, almost two and a half hours more, and then took my temp again and it read 97.5. That sounds a lot more legit to me.

Well we're at least having temp rises even though they're small. Hoping for a higher one tomorrow!
Woo hoo! I can only see a VERY faint line on my opk now, it is almost nonexistant. I have never seen a line that light, not even on CD8, which is when I started testing.
Thanks ladies.

Lovetoteach - I agree completely. I don't think sensitive tests are a good thing. I have decided (hoping I can keep to it) not to use any tests other than clearblue digital and wait until AF is properly late. Saying that I was 4 days later due to my short LP. So I'll try not to test until I'm at least 18dpo? Not sure I can wait any longer than that. No worrying about evaps and how faint the line is. If it doesn't say pregnant I'm not.

With regard to your temp try to take it as soon as you feel you're stirring. I'd go with the first temp as it's probably more accurate than after 2 1/2 hours sleep. Or do what I do and compromise - 97.65. Saying that it probably wont affect your chart much.

I love the ladies on this site too. My DH gets a bit frustrated that i'm on here but at the same time realises that it's good to have support.

Rachel - Any sign of O?
Lovetoteach my opk is much lighter too but still noticeably dark. You are probably a day ahead of me though. FX it works out for the both of us! I can't help but be excited and a bit nervous. I have to admit, I am babying myself just in case to try and help whatever it is going on inside there. lol
Lovetoteach my opk is much lighter too but still noticeably dark. You are probably a day ahead of me though. FX it works out for the both of us! I can't help but be excited and a bit nervous. I have to admit, I am babying myself just in case to try and help whatever it is going on inside there. lol

Me too, but then again I am a stay at home wife (for the next few months at least), so what harm can I really do to the maybe baby?
I stay at home too for the better part of this year. I mostly do housework and babysit for family and friends. But I just feel like I need to relax a bit more. I don't know. lol I'm a bit crazy when it comes to conceiving!
No sign of O yet but it is only CD10. My earliest O day since stopping BCP was CD 24 and latest was CD40, so I am really not expecting to O any earlier than CD20ish. Hopefully the Vitex will help me O sooner!

I am a semi stay at home wife. I work from home part time (about 20-30 hours a week) so I have all the time I want to come on the forum! It is so nice have you ladies to talk to.

Bean-My DH seems to get frustrated at times because I am on here so much too lol. He is always asking what I am doing on the computer :haha:
No sign of O yet but it is only CD10. My earliest O day since stopping BCP was CD 24 and latest was CD40, so I am really not expecting to O any earlier than CD20ish. Hopefully the Vitex will help me O sooner!

I am a semi stay at home wife. I work from home part time (about 20-30 hours a week) so I have all the time I want to come on the forum! It is so nice have you ladies to talk to.

Bean-My DH seems to get frustrated at times because I am on here so much too lol. He is always asking what I am doing on the computer :haha:

My husband asks me the same thing. I tell him 'girly things' and he rolls his eyes at me. lol
Haha, my husband never asks, he used to ask, but I just say anything and everything and he stopped asking. Now that we are officially ttc I tell him a few things here and there I see on this site. He doesn't seem to mind, but I make it a point to get off every now and then and pay attention to him. Give him a little kiss and quick cuddle haha.
Bean - sorry to hear that!
I agree, this forum is so nice! You don't always want everyone in your "real life" to know that you are trying...its nice to have opinions from others who are in the same situation.
I am a supply teacher, so there are days when I am home, too :)
I am still using the OPK's...I should ovulate this weekend if all is well...I've seen a faint line the last few days, so hopefully soon! :)
Bean - sorry to hear that!
I agree, this forum is so nice! You don't always want everyone in your "real life" to know that you are trying...its nice to have opinions from others who are in the same situation.
I am a supply teacher, so there are days when I am home, too :)
I am still using the OPK's...I should ovulate this weekend if all is well...I've seen a faint line the last few days, so hopefully soon! :)

Good luck, this month was my first month ttc, it felt like it took ages for my OPKs to get darker, but my cycles are still really wonky.
OK, I don't know what this means. My temp actually went down a bit. Not a lot but enough to scare me into thinking I didn't ov? I'll just keep using opks I guess. Here is my chart. I deleted the previous temps that I took at all different times and were a mess. I left on the temps that were taken at 6 am. TTC is so confusing:cry:

My Ovulation Chart

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