Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Hmm, it's 28 days since we were all sure I ovulated, (including ff until 15dpo) and my temps are following the exact pattern as last time I thought I ovulated. Seeing a pattern already, just hope the latter part of the pattern goes better this time.

Wow that's weird I hope you are really O'ing this time! How do your OPKs look?
Hmm, it's 28 days since we were all sure I ovulated, (including ff until 15dpo) and my temps are following the exact pattern as last time I thought I ovulated. Seeing a pattern already, just hope the latter part of the pattern goes better this time.

Wow that's weird I hope you are really O'ing this time! How do your OPKs look?

Negative so far, but my cervix is getting really high and feels more open then normal. DH seems to think I could be pregnant and that I can't drink until I get af. I keep trying to tell him that I can't be pregnant if I haven't even released an egg. It's hard to get him to see that it's not just about af or no af. He thinks since af never came in january there still might be a chance and keeps asking me when af is due. Wish I knew! Going to have to show him my temps and hope it isn't information overload. Just hope he doesn't ask what cm and cp is :blush:
Scratch that, just peed on another OPK 3 hours after the last one I took and it's POSITIVE! Fingers crossed, come on egg!
Scratch that, just peed on another OPK 3 hours after the last one I took and it's POSITIVE! Fingers crossed, come on egg!

Thats great news!! :happydance: I hope that eggie comes out this time! Did your OPK get progressively darker or was it faint one day then bam positive the next?
Scratch that, just peed on another OPK 3 hours after the last one I took and it's POSITIVE! Fingers crossed, come on egg!

Thats great news!! :happydance: I hope that eggie comes out this time! Did your OPK get progressively darker or was it faint one day then bam positive the next?

Back and fourth between darker and lighter, but I have never had a stark white opk and with two low temps like last surge, I was thinking it had to be positive soon.
Well I am reallllllllly confused right now. I had a light period (similar to my other periods-I even cramped the first day a little) and never O'ed last cycle so I guess I started a new cycle 5 days ago. Well yesterday I noticed my nipples were a little sore/sensitive which only happens to me a few days after I O. Then this a.m. my temp went up significantly. My temp has only ever been this high in the over 4 months I have been charting if one of a few things happened:

1. I ovulated
2. I drank a significant amount the night before
3. I had a bad nights sleep when using our down comforter because I kept waking up hot and sweaty.

Well I didn't drink last night and I slept great and was not hot when I woke up. And on top of that my nips are sore like after I O. WTH is going on? I am sooooooooooooo confused I don't know what to think of this. It can't be possible I O'ed while I was bleeding like that so what is my body doing?
Well I am reallllllllly confused right now. I had a light period (similar to my other periods-I even cramped the first day a little) and never O'ed last cycle so I guess I started a new cycle 5 days ago. Well yesterday I noticed my nipples were a little sore/sensitive which only happens to me a few days after I O. Then this a.m. my temp went up significantly. My temp has only ever been this high in the over 4 months I have been charting if one of a few things happened:

1. I ovulated
2. I drank a significant amount the night before
3. I had a bad nights sleep when using our down comforter because I kept waking up hot and sweaty.

Well I didn't drink last night and I slept great and was not hot when I woke up. And on top of that my nips are sore like after I O. WTH is going on? I am sooooooooooooo confused I don't know what to think of this. It can't be possible I O'ed while I was bleeding like that so what is my body doing?

I had a similar cycle last month, I bled after 13 days but it was really light, then I had a couple of really high temps (look at my last chart, I discarded them in the end) anyway I ended up ovulation on cd18 but monitor was reading high as well when I was on my period! Crazy! Not sure what advice to give apart from maybe bd just incase but think its just another weird side effect of the pill!

Plus I've had 2-3 anovulatory cycles since stopping the pill do think that's normal as well. Good luck and hope you o this month! X
Lovetoteach that's great I hope you definately O! Get to bding!
Rachel I'm not sure what's happening with you. I'm thinking that your body is confused. I'd say just keep bding regularly and keep charting and using opks. I also suggest you see your doctor. Not because there is anything wrong with you but I think that the bc did number on you and your body might need a kick start to get back to normal. I think these long cycles that you and I have had are like our bodies trying and trying to O over and over and I think that if my dr gave me something for O that my body might get the cue and continue to do so regularly.....maybe. Anyway I hope that what is going on with you is a good sign and maybe you're going to O and have a short cycle because of your last anovulatory one. Maybe you are trying to O. Let us know what happens.
Well I am reallllllllly confused right now. I had a light period (similar to my other periods-I even cramped the first day a little) and never O'ed last cycle so I guess I started a new cycle 5 days ago. Well yesterday I noticed my nipples were a little sore/sensitive which only happens to me a few days after I O. Then this a.m. my temp went up significantly. My temp has only ever been this high in the over 4 months I have been charting if one of a few things happened:

1. I ovulated
2. I drank a significant amount the night before
3. I had a bad nights sleep when using our down comforter because I kept waking up hot and sweaty.

Well I didn't drink last night and I slept great and was not hot when I woke up. And on top of that my nips are sore like after I O. WTH is going on? I am sooooooooooooo confused I don't know what to think of this. It can't be possible I O'ed while I was bleeding like that so what is my body doing?

Weird, maybe your body finally decided to o? Although it makes no sense... hard to tell without knowing what your temps will be the next few days. Hope your body didn't throw a super short cycle in there to compensate.

As for me, my temp was 98 at 9:30am, adjusted to my normal wake up time makes it 97.4. Good jump from 96.8! Please stay up longer then 18 days temperature! Tried to bd last night, that didn't happen, but we did bd thursday, and this morning as a last ditch effort. We will see :) Even if it is possibly an old egg, I thought I would try.
Lovetoteach I think if you got a pos opk yest that you may O today and that morning bd was perfect timing. The thursday bd was obviously good as well. I hope you get a nice temp rise tomorrow and it remains high. I Ov'd on cd60 or so last cycle. It's still possible and doesn't neccessarily mean your egg is old or poor quality. Sounds promising! I hope this is it for you. BTW I love your dogs they are so cute! My best friend had a boston terrier and she was the funniest thing ever!
Lovetoteach I think if you got a pos opk yest that you may O today and that morning bd was perfect timing. The thursday bd was obviously good as well. I hope you get a nice temp rise tomorrow and it remains high. I Ov'd on cd60 or so last cycle. It's still possible and doesn't neccessarily mean your egg is old or poor quality. Sounds promising! I hope this is it for you. BTW I love your dogs they are so cute! My best friend had a boston terrier and she was the funniest thing ever!

Thanks, the dogs are pretty funny. The bigger one is a male and he is the best dog ever. The little one is a little turd and causes all sorts of trouble, but she is calming down a little as she gets older. I love Boston Terriers :)
Yea I am really confused by my body. I don't see how it would even be possible to O on CD 3 or 4 that seems impossible to me?? I will just have to see if my temp is still high tomorrow, maybe this was just a fluke. But if it is high still tomorrow then something is def up. I played around with my chart and if I changed all my AF days to spotting and it remained as one cycle and if my temp is still up tomorrow it will say I O'ed on CD 34. But techincally if I bled it is a new cycle, right? Ugh I dunno I guess I will have to wait for tomorrow's temp if it is back down then I don't have to worry.

In regards to old eggs meaning bad quality-I do not believe that anymore. I have a friend who is 8 months pregnant and she had issues after stopping bcp. It took her a year to get pg. She did not get a period for 4 months after stopping. Then she had two 30 day cycles. Then no AF again for about 4-5 months and then she said she had a weird long period and found out a few weeks later she was pg 6 weeks pg. So it happened for her on CD 100 something! That made me feel so much better!
Yea I am really confused by my body. I don't see how it would even be possible to O on CD 3 or 4 that seems impossible to me?? I will just have to see if my temp is still high tomorrow, maybe this was just a fluke. But if it is high still tomorrow then something is def up. I played around with my chart and if I changed all my AF days to spotting and it remained as one cycle and if my temp is still up tomorrow it will say I O'ed on CD 34. But techincally if I bled it is a new cycle, right? Ugh I dunno I guess I will have to wait for tomorrow's temp if it is back down then I don't have to worry.

In regards to old eggs meaning bad quality-I do not believe that anymore. I have a friend who is 8 months pregnant and she had issues after stopping bcp. It took her a year to get pg. She did not get a period for 4 months after stopping. Then she had two 30 day cycles. Then no AF again for about 4-5 months and then she said she had a weird long period and found out a few weeks later she was pg 6 weeks pg. So it happened for her on CD 100 something! That made me feel so much better!

That's good to know about your friend that O'd CD100 or so and got a bfp :) Makes me feel better. As for the Oing really early, that is confusing and hopefully your temp goes down tomorrow.
Hey ladies sorry for my absence. I have been stalking though.

Rachel - that's very confusing. Did you have proper flow? Only time will tell. Did you say your periods were irregular pre- BCP? If things don't settle maybe have a chat with your doc. Maybe bring it up more of a concern about irregular bleeding rather than fertility or they may say wait a year. I think you should continue with the vitex - this maybe your body trying to regain control. Sometimes things can seem a little worse before they improve. Have you considered take a b complex too. Either B50 or B100?

Lovetoteach - hope you get that temp rise today. Good luck.

Imsotired - I hope you won't be waiting too long for that O!

Afm - had 21day bloods (6dpo). Progesterone came back good - 57nmol/l (19ng/l US units). My LP this cycle was 13days which is great as it used to be 10days. I putting this down to a combo of B100 complex and vitex. No BFP yet but hopefully soon!

Good luck ladies!
Hi ladies.
The witch got me today grrrr. However that does mean i had a 28 day cycle, the shortest ive had since coming off BC! I took vitex up until estimated O day (didnt have a pos OPK though).
Should i do the same again this cycle or assume that it has regulated me? What an unbelievable herbal supplement, after 9 months I finally had a "normal" cycle! Now just need to try and ovulate! lol
Well temp is still up today. This is weirding me out. I never have temps this high till I O. And it always takes a couple days after I O till they're even reach this high of a temp. And my nipples feel more sensitive which happens a few days or so after I O. This makes no sense though. It can't be possible to O while bleeding is it?

My "period" was light but not much lighter than my normal ones. I had mild cramping the first day or so...

So what now? Will I get my period again soon?? Ugh I hate this confusion.
Rach I agree it is very confusing. Here is my opinion but I'm no expert. Your temps are a bit higher but not too high. Perhaps it's just a fluke? Or here is another scenario...Some women have been known to O while bleeding but these women would probably have short cycles, right? Lastly perhaps this af was actually O and for some reason you had heavier bleeding during O instead of a light spotting? I really have no idea. But it does seem to me that your body is better off trying to O, or having af than doing nothing at all. I hope your temps normalize and you can O in a week or two and have a nice short cycle. But I still think you could consult your doctor and don't mention that you are actively ttc so they won't put you off, like Bean said. Maybe just that you don't think you have been Oving and your cycles have been long and strange with lighter, strange periods. I do think that it's all just the bc though and as soon as you are fully regulated it should all be fine.

Lovetoteach- lol. Yeah my friends boston terrier used to steal food out of your hands while you where eating it!She was def a pain but just so cute. lol

Bean! Nice to hear from you. Happy to hear that your bloodwork was good. Hope you get your bfp soon!

Bump2B sorry about the witch, hope your cycles are normal.
Thanks for your input ladies! All I can do is wait it out for now. But if things don't normalize soon I will for sure be making a Dr. appt. I have an appt with my primary care dr. in about a week and a half so I will make mention to him as well and see what he says. I made a thread about what happened to me so hopefully if this has happened to anyone before they may know what it could mean.

Bean-I am happy to hear your progesterone levels are good! It sounds like everything is working well for you so it will only be a matter of time before you get your BFP.

Imsotired-I am keeping my fxed for you that you will O earlier this cycle!

lovetoteach-hows your temps looking? Did you get an increase today?
Hi ladies.
The witch got me today grrrr. However that does mean i had a 28 day cycle, the shortest ive had since coming off BC! I took vitex up until estimated O day (didnt have a pos OPK though).
Should i do the same again this cycle or assume that it has regulated me? What an unbelievable herbal supplement, after 9 months I finally had a "normal" cycle! Now just need to try and ovulate! lol

Sorry about the witch. I personally would recommend you take vitex constantly until BFP. Is there a reason you stop at O? I am lucky enough to know a herbalist and she recommends not stopping at O.

Well temp is still up today. This is weirding me out. I never have temps this high till I O. And it always takes a couple days after I O till they're even reach this high of a temp. And my nipples feel more sensitive which happens a few days or so after I O. This makes no sense though. It can't be possible to O while bleeding is it?

My "period" was light but not much lighter than my normal ones. I had mild cramping the first day or so...

So what now? Will I get my period again soon?? Ugh I hate this confusion.

Maybe Imsotired is right. maybe it was O bleeding. Maybe you had a cyst? Did you get any abdo pain near the 'period'?
thanks Bean maybe i will try that next cycle. Theyre such big pills to swallow twice a day lol!
Did your herbalist say it can help you O? or just to regulate cycles?

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