Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Temp is still up there for me, same temp the past three days. Still not quite sure what is going on I guess I just have to wait it out for now :shrug:

Imsotired-that is weird FF gave you crosshairs already. I am sure you will see what is happening when you enter the next few days of temps!
Hahaha. Stupid FF gave me some type of crosshairs today! It's definately way to early anyway. My temps seem to be really crazy at the beginning of my cycles. It doesn't help that I haven't been sleeping that great and I've been having pretty crazy dreams lately. I'm sure they will prob take them away in a few days and I'm not really worried as they did that to me last cycle as well. I'm going to start with the opks in a tomorrow or wed when I will be cd13 or so. Hoping this is my month!
Lovetoteach- I can't tell at all when I O but I have heard a lot of people say, even people not on this forum, that they can feel a lot of cramping during O. Maybe that's what it was.:shrug:

I think FF will take those crosshairs away again but I have a feeling you are going to O early this cycle. My cd15-18ish. Thats's my telepathic guess!
Temp is still up there for me, same temp the past three days. Still not quite sure what is going on I guess I just have to wait it out for now :shrug:

Imsotired-that is weird FF gave you crosshairs already. I am sure you will see what is happening when you enter the next few days of temps!

Rachel - I think you've O'd but not sure about FF crosshairs. Only time will tell. If FF is right you had good bd timing.
I agree the timing doesn't seem right to me. But if I enter future temps for multiple days and make them higher and higher it won't change my O day. If I enter lower temps it chages it to CD 41. I noticed my nipples were more senstive on CD 41 which usually happens a few days or so after I O. So if anything I would think CD 39 was O day but no matter what I do FF won't give me that day.
CD39 fits in better with your post O temps from last cycle.

Our bodies like doing weird things. My AF only lasted 1 day, barely anything yesterday and nothing today. Very random. My temps are back to pre-O so must just have been a very short AF.
hmmm that is strange it was so short. How much have your temps dropped? Have you taken a HPT recently? Just seems weird it would be that short but like you said sometimes out bodies are just weird. They always keep us guessing! :haha:

I agree that given my previous charts CD 39 makes the most sense, I don't get why FF won't give me that day no matter what I do. Do you think if it was CD 39 and we BD'ed two days before I have a chance? What is weird is that on CD 39 I was bleeding a light amount, so I am thinking no matter what because of the weird stuff my body did this cycle that I am out.
Are bodies like to surprise us! You never know. You def have a good chance I think 2 days before O is better than O day.

Remember FF is just a computer program. If you don't follow it's pattern it gets confused. Do you pay for FF? If you do you can try it on a different setting to see what it does.
Nope I don't have the vip version. So I guess I have no choice but to wait it out and see. I am just feeling negative because of the light period I had over CD38-40, makes me feel like my body didn't act right this cycle and I am out. It seems weird that I could be getting another AF soon :wacko:

I stopped Vitex for a few days while I was bleeding but I started back up on it yesterday, taking 1000 mg (28 drops) in the mornings. I read somewhere it is a good to stop while on AF. Do you know if that is true?
My herbalist said to continue taking it but everyone has different opinions. I personally [refer to keep it constant so my body isn't confused.

Was the bleeding like your normal AF - colour, texture, clots etc? You may have just caused an abrasion from all the bding. See how things go. Maybe see if you can get a U/S.
Cd11 neg opk........lots of cramping so hoping i get a positive in the next few days
haha I hope your telepathic guess is correct,Bean. I would love to O in a few days like a normal person...hahahaI know I didn't O yet because my temps aren't like my last post O temps, not really close either. I'm not worried. Just FF being silly. lol. Waiting pretty patiently for O (for once).
Rachel I dunno whather you O'd or not but you will know soon enough.HOpe your body quits confusing you and starts behaving. lol. mine too.
i started temping today, but im finding it very confusing. What are crosshairs? is that when FF thinks you O'd?
I couldnt get my FF to record the data on my iPhone but i think it was because my settings were set to record in celcius rather than farenheit.
Note to self: keep a pen and paper by the bed for ease and i can tamper with the technology during my waking hours :)
My herbalist said to continue taking it but everyone has different opinions. I personally [refer to keep it constant so my body isn't confused.

Was the bleeding like your normal AF - colour, texture, clots etc? You may have just caused an abrasion from all the bding. See how things go. Maybe see if you can get a U/S.

Well My AFs since stopping BCP have been pretty light and uneventful. I usually get mild cramping the first day or so. I have a light-medium type flow the first day or so then light for one or two days then it is pretty much finished. My AFs pre BCP when I was a teen were REALLY heavy and bad cramping. I was surprised with how light they are now. This recent "AF" was very similar to the last couple but it may have been slightly lighter. I never have any clots that I noticed since stopping BCP.
Officially confused and stopping actively ttc until I can figure out my cycles. Temp went down again this morning, so I don't see any answers in sight. Need to figure this out and put ttc on pause, don't want to drag DH on this ride any longer until I know what's up.
lovetoteach-I am so sorry you did not O and your body not doing what it should. I can totally relate as I have no clue what has been happening with me recently.

I can't remember if you have said if you have been to the dr. or not yet about your cycles?? If not I would go there and demand they run tests. Not based on TTC but based on your cycles being screwed up. If things dont turn around for me this cycle I am going to the dr and demanding help.
Haven't been to the doctor yet, I currently have no health insurance, and I am scared if I uncover something right now, that it will be really hard to get insured with a known issue... That and blood tests and ultrasounds would likely be really expensive without insurance. Hopefully when we move I can get a job and then I can afford health insurance, even if I have to get a plan on my own and not through work. As for right now I was hoping vitex and such would help sort me out... thinking about fertilaid, but I have no idea what to do right now. I have looked into soy, but I am torn because I wanted to give Vitex a chance instead of bouncing around between different supplements/vitamins and not giving any of them a chance to work. I am not opposed to giving things a few more months to work. Maybe my body is wonky at the moment because maybe the timing is off and I am not suppose to concieve in the month of feb. I guess since I have waited this long a few more months won't hurt.
Haven't been to the doctor yet, I currently have no health insurance, and I am scared if I uncover something right now, that it will be really hard to get insured with a known issue... That and blood tests and ultrasounds would likely be really expensive without insurance. Hopefully when we move I can get a job and then I can afford health insurance, even if I have to get a plan on my own and not through work. As for right now I was hoping vitex and such would help sort me out... thinking about fertilaid, but I have no idea what to do right now. I have looked into soy, but I am torn because I wanted to give Vitex a chance instead of bouncing around between different supplements/vitamins and not giving any of them a chance to work. I am not opposed to giving things a few more months to work. Maybe my body is wonky at the moment because maybe the timing is off and I am not suppose to concieve in the month of feb. I guess since I have waited this long a few more months won't hurt.

I get ya. I'm beginning to feel particularly shi**y about ttc. I still want a baby SOOO bad but whatever I'm doing isn't really working and I'm considering taking a few months off until my cycles begin to normalize. May will be a year since going off of BCP and perhaps by then I will be normal again? That is if there isn't anything else wrong. I do have a dr appt in 10 days but I completely understand the not having insurance because I've been there myself. Maybe stopping for a while would benefit you with the new house and looking for a job and then the baby will just come naturally. I wish I could believe that but I'm a skeptic and I feel like if I'm not tracking then I'm not really trying. I think I'm gonna finish trying this month and then maybe work on me...haha I just can't decide. I know why it's so difficult for you. Idon't want to sound stupid because I don't think I am, but I'm gonna be 25 this year. I know that isn't old but I had always planned to have a child by the time I was 25 and I guess the plans just aren't working for me. Ya know that quote that goes something like...if you want to hear God laugh then make a plan....I'm beginning to believe it.

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