Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Thank you imsotired-how are you feeling today?

Pretty good today. Still a worried mess but that's normal. I've been finding it difficult to get comfortable for bed at night. I've got a nerve in my back that hurts. I think I've had hormone fluctuations in the evenings because I get headaches, nausea, and sore breasts before bed but it goes away by the morning. I guess I've been pretty lucky as far as pregnancy symptoms go and I feel pretty good most of the time (aside from the worry of course). I've got 15 days until my scan still and It's driving my crazy! I wish I could fast forward! I see the doctor early tomorrow morning and hopefully they have a doppler or at least reassure me that baby is alive and well. If the scan goes well I will be buying the nursery furniture. I want to get the big purchases out of the way so that when the hospital bills come I'll be paid off as far as the furniture and what not. All I can do is hope everything goes well.

Sounds like a good plan. Luckly my brother has twins that are turning one next week, and my sister in law has a little girl that is almost two, so we should be set on pretty much everything furniture, toy and clothes wise. My brother's twins are a boy and a girl, so it won't matter what sex we have. I guess there are some advantages to be the last to have a child, even though it seems like I have been waiting FOREVER to have one of my own! It seems like you plan in advance, which is a good thing because who knows what expenses might pop up. Bills, bills, bills!

Oh yeah, and they did check my thyroid, all is well with that, and my testosterone levels, and my estrogen levels. It's just my stupid elevated liver enzymes that are standing in my way now.
I am happy to hear you are feeling well overall. I hope they have a doppler on hand for you tomorrow, that would be so exciting! I know it feels like it will take forever but it will so be worth it once you get to see your baby at your next scan :)

I really hope the clomid works for me this cycle. I am scared it won't and my dr. will give me the "I told you so" because she strongly suggested I do the BCP before clomid. I am afraid she will push bcp again instead of upping my dose and trying again if it doesnt make me o this time.
I got some hand me down baby stuff too! Actually DH and I just picked it up last week because it is a friend he works with and she needed to clear it out of her house. She also has boy and girls stuff, we got a really nice car seat with two bases, a bunch of toys, clothes, a bouncy chair all kinds of stuff! She also gave me a bunch of pregnancy books and a book about what to expect the baby's first year. It is just sitting in our guest room waiting to be used by our future baby :)
Eh I'm happy to be getting my own new stuff. Even though I know it'll be expensive. This way I'll have my own stuff for future babies as well. I may try to get some stuff from some relatives but I want mostly new. Sounds silly and selfish maybe but I don't know, my first new baby, new stuff.

As for the clomid, I think it'll work for you. I wouldn't take the bcp either if you could help it because it hasen't done you any good in the past. And you were ovulating without the clomid just very late and irregular so I don't think the bcp was necessary. Is it because you had some little cysts they thought needed shrinking? Those usually come and go on their own and as I said you have ovulated in the past. I hope you can avoid bcp at all costs.

I don't know what I'll do after the baby because DH and I have never used condoms and I do not want to go on the pill or any hormones. Maybe I'll give the rythym method a chance and if we have another happy accident so be it. I don't want to touch birth control unless it's 100% necessary and I'm 100% done having children.
Eh I'm happy to be getting my own new stuff. Even though I know it'll be expensive. This way I'll have my own stuff for future babies as well. I may try to get some stuff from some relatives but I want mostly new. Sounds silly and selfish maybe but I don't know, my first new baby, new stuff.

As for the clomid, I think it'll work for you. I wouldn't take the bcp either if you could help it because it hasen't done you any good in the past. And you were ovulating without the clomid just very late and irregular so I don't think the bcp was necessary. Is it because you had some little cysts they thought needed shrinking? Those usually come and go on their own and as I said you have ovulated in the past. I hope you can avoid bcp at all costs.

I don't know what I'll do after the baby because DH and I have never used condoms and I do not want to go on the pill or any hormones. Maybe I'll give the rythym method a chance and if we have another happy accident so be it. I don't want to touch birth control unless it's 100% necessary and I'm 100% done having children.

Getting your own new stuff is completly understandable if you can afford it, for me I am kind of used to hand me downs and have no problem with it if they are clean and all in one piece :) As for the condom thing, that is something I have been wondering about too. I think my husband has been getting spoiled and will never want to go back... Not sure what we will do after we have our first child, but we want two children, and BCP is not an option anymore, I know that for sure!
I totally understand what you are saying a lot of people are like that about wanting new stuff so I don't blame you. I was very happy to take some hand me downs but don't get me wrong there is still a ton of new stuff we will have to buy/register for and I will be excited to go out and buy things once I get pregnant :)

She said I had a few small cysts but that they weren't out of the norm. She said the reason she suggested the BCP route is because it gives your ovaries a chance to rest and she finds people respond better to clomid after a treatment of bcp. I think she wanted to give me the best chance because I can only use it for 6 cycles. She said a lot of drs use bcp as a fertility treatment. I still am against going back on it so I will fight it unless it is 100% necessary.
I read this on a web site after doing some research about my rising BBT on clomid:

"How does clomid affect basal body temperature?

According to some users of Clomid, this medication causes their basal body temperature to be quite high while taking it, then drop after, finally rising again with ovulation. Clomid has also been reported to have an effect on fertile cervical mucus. Clomid causes a decrease in the volume of cervical mucus or produce hostile cervical mucus, according to scientific studies.

Some women report that when charting your BBT and taking clomid at the same time, your temperatures will rise usually on the third day of Clomid use up to a few days after you stop using the medication. Ovulation usually happens 5-14 days after your last day of taking Clomid. Thus you can identify if the increase in your temperatures is due to Clomid or ovulation.

If you start using your ovulation prediction kits while taking Clomid or even up to 2 days after the last pill, you will reportedly see a false positive test, which is quite normal. But for more accurate results, use your ovulation prediction kits 3-4 days after your last Clomid pill. "

So what this says lines up with my temp rise after my 3rd clomid. From what it says I should see my temps go back to normal within a few days of stopping. Ahhh now I can relax and not worry about my wacky temps :)
Yeah my doctor mentioned bcp too before clomid, but quickly decided it would be of no use because it never helped me before and I have been off it so long with no regulation since coming off it. If he had not changed his mind two seconds after it came out of his mouth I would have vetoed it until he changed his mind. He is so ready to write that prescription for provera too. Crazy body of mine. Man it's hard enough to wait to ovulate finally, it's going to be torture to wait to find out the sex of the baby!
lovetoteach-That is what I was thinking. I was on BCP for 12 years, the majority of my reproductive life and it didn't fix things. My ovaries have had PLENTY of rest :rofl:
Hi ladies. Had my Dr appt today and was only supposed to be weighed and measured. Nurse tried to find baby's heartbeat with a doppler and could not find it and I had been complaining of some brown spotting/discharge. They decided to do an ultrasound to check it all out and make sure everything was ok. It was fine....**big sigh of relief!!** Baby was wiggling around to no end and I saw it's little arms and legs and it's giant baby head, lol. It's heart rate is now 160bpm and baby is nearly 4 cm from head to butt! It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I couldn't be more relieved. Now I have another scan in 2 weeks so I won't be worried for at least a month hopefully, lol. Here is an ultrasound pic. I think that it is actually a pic of baby from behind because I don't see it's little leggys in this one. It figures that I saw beautiful pics of baby on the screen and this is the one she prints for me:dohh: lol. THey don't know why I get spotting but they assume it is from my cervix and baby is not bothered by it at all. I also have a small cyst on one of my ovaries but they aren't concerned. Anyway, I feel like I dodged a bullet. We will certainly be going baby shopping in the next few weeks:winkwink:.

As for the bcp I agree- I will avoid it at ALL costs and I don't blame either of you for doing the same.
lovetoteach- I hope they can get the ball rolling with that provera and get you ovulating soon!
Rachel- I thought that the temp rise was from the clomid! Good for you for finding that. Maybe now you can relax.Hope you catch that egg this cycle!


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Awwwwww imsotired that is amazing! :cloud9: I am so happy you got to see that today and that you can relax a little more now. That ultra sound pic is awesome! How exciting, I can't wait until I get to experience that one day :)

I don't have much to speak of here just hoping I o soon and anxiously awaiting my appt friday for the scan, I really hope she sees some follicles maturing and tells me it looks like I will o within a few days! My temp went down a little today and I am expecting either tomrrow or the next day it will go down even more and get back to normal and then hopefully it will rise again for real next time due to o!
I read this on a web site after doing some research about my rising BBT on clomid:

"How does clomid affect basal body temperature?

According to some users of Clomid, this medication causes their basal body temperature to be quite high while taking it, then drop after, finally rising again with ovulation. Clomid has also been reported to have an effect on fertile cervical mucus. Clomid causes a decrease in the volume of cervical mucus or produce hostile cervical mucus, according to scientific studies.

Some women report that when charting your BBT and taking clomid at the same time, your temperatures will rise usually on the third day of Clomid use up to a few days after you stop using the medication. Ovulation usually happens 5-14 days after your last day of taking Clomid. Thus you can identify if the increase in your temperatures is due to Clomid or ovulation.

If you start using your ovulation prediction kits while taking Clomid or even up to 2 days after the last pill, you will reportedly see a false positive test, which is quite normal. But for more accurate results, use your ovulation prediction kits 3-4 days after your last Clomid pill. "

So what this says lines up with my temp rise after my 3rd clomid. From what it says I should see my temps go back to normal within a few days of stopping. Ahhh now I can relax and not worry about my wacky temps :)

Good to know, now I know what to expect. That's a very informational article, because I am sure I will be peeing on OPKs as well, so I guess I will just wait to take them like the article suggests until AFTER the pills, of course logic would tell you to wait anyways, but I get a little impatent.
Hi ladies. Had my Dr appt today and was only supposed to be weighed and measured. Nurse tried to find baby's heartbeat with a doppler and could not find it and I had been complaining of some brown spotting/discharge. They decided to do an ultrasound to check it all out and make sure everything was ok. It was fine....**big sigh of relief!!** Baby was wiggling around to no end and I saw it's little arms and legs and it's giant baby head, lol. It's heart rate is now 160bpm and baby is nearly 4 cm from head to butt! It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I couldn't be more relieved. Now I have another scan in 2 weeks so I won't be worried for at least a month hopefully, lol. Here is an ultrasound pic. I think that it is actually a pic of baby from behind because I don't see it's little leggys in this one. It figures that I saw beautiful pics of baby on the screen and this is the one she prints for me:dohh: lol. THey don't know why I get spotting but they assume it is from my cervix and baby is not bothered by it at all. I also have a small cyst on one of my ovaries but they aren't concerned. Anyway, I feel like I dodged a bullet. We will certainly be going baby shopping in the next few weeks:winkwink:.

As for the bcp I agree- I will avoid it at ALL costs and I don't blame either of you for doing the same.
lovetoteach- I hope they can get the ball rolling with that provera and get you ovulating soon!
Rachel- I thought that the temp rise was from the clomid! Good for you for finding that. Maybe now you can relax.Hope you catch that egg this cycle!

Beautiful picture, love it! I bet it's amazing to see the little miracle in your belly :)
lovetoteach-I looked at other charts on FF on clomid and most of them did not have crazy temps like mine so that may not happen to you, but as that article says it is not abnormal for it to happen either.
lovetoteach did you get in to your appt with your doctor? I hope he can clear you to get your provera. I'm sure you are ready for AF by now! Hope they get you on clomid quick!

Rachel let us know how it's working out for you. I hope you O soon!

I am feeling just fine. I still get a bit of nausea sometimes in the evenings but other than that I feel great. And obviously I feel a lot better because I saw baby wiggling all over the ultrasound screen. :cloud9: I have to admit though that I am still babying myself especially my back. It can get so sore. My housework is suffering unfortunately. DH went to work in wrinkly clothes today:blush:. I am just going to have to take it easy and clean a bit at a time. And also I'm worrying a little about money right now as I need clothes because my belly is getting a little bigger and even my fat pants aren't fitting right. Although I have only gained about 10lbs back apparently you're only supposed to gain 5 lbs in your first tri:dohh: Oh

Hope you girls are doing well!
imsotired-This is your time to relax and take it easy since when you have your baby there will be no relaxing for quite sometime!

I am a little upset/concerned today because my temp is up again and from what I read if it was high due to the clomid it should be making its way back down by now. I have looked at over 100 charts on FF (yes I am obssessive :haha:) and no one's looks anything near what mine looks like. It is just frustrating I wish my body would just be normal. I would think if the clomid was working my temp would be cooling because of the higher levels of estrogen not heating up! :wacko: I guess I just have to be greatful I have an appt tomorrow morning and that will answer my question as to if the clomid is working or not. I am trying not to read too much into my temps but I can't help it when they are so weird, they are even higher than my post o temps.
imsotired-This is your time to relax and take it easy since when you have your baby there will be no relaxing for quite sometime!

I am a little upset/concerned today because my temp is up again and from what I read if it was high due to the clomid it should be making its way back down by now. I have looked at over 100 charts on FF (yes I am obssessive :haha:) and no one's looks anything near what mine looks like. It is just frustrating I wish my body would just be normal. I would think if the clomid was working my temp would be cooling because of the higher levels of estrogen not heating up! :wacko: I guess I just have to be greatful I have an appt tomorrow morning and that will answer my question as to if the clomid is working or not. I am trying not to read too much into my temps but I can't help it when they are so weird, they are even higher than my post o temps.

Medications can do weird things to your body though, especially because this is your first cycle on it. Like you said you have an appt tomorrow so they'll take care of you. I'm sure your temp will start dropping soon. I'm gonna keep my fx;d that they see a nice new egg forming and getting ready to pop!
Thank you I really hope they do!! I am just a little afraid the scan is too early because of a lot of people on clomid don't o until cd18ish. I just hope she can at least see some activity in there [-o<
Got my appointment with my regular doctor next thursday on the 24th lucky for me because that is my day off, pay day, and the day my insurance starts. I found out today that just got blood results back that also show elevated liver enzymes. Weird... She is also deficient in vitamin d, but I spend plenty of time in the sun, especially now that the water is warm and I can go out on the boat on the weekends.

In non baby news, an assistant manager at work asked if I wanted to move to the cash office with earlier hours. Thinking hard about it, it's the same pay and same amount of hours, but sitting down would be so much easier when I am pregnant...
lovetoteach-That is perfect timing for your appt! That is odd your mom has the same thing going on. Hopefully like you said for you it may have been your cold, and it willl be better and you can move on. I think the new position sitting down more is definitely something to consider esp since you are TTC and will be pregnant sometime (hopefully very soon!).

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