Sorry for the major late update! Had Aurora Lily Euphemia Thomas on 4th May @ 2:28am. Went in to be induced @ 1pm. Had a propess inserted at 4pm after being on a monitor to see if i was having any contractions which i was but i couldnt feel them so atleast i had already kind of started before going in. By 7pm contractions started getting stronger, partner had to go home at 8 but i managed to keep him snuck in until 9pm when the midwives came round and said he had to go now. Baring in mind it takes 30 minutes to get to the hospital! I actually hate our hospital.. By 10.30 id rang to tell him i was 3cm, had paracetamol and codeine wanted something stronger (pethindine which i had written in my birth plan) was told i wasnt allowed it and to go take a bath instead. Sat in the bath for 20 minutes unattended. Got out and asked for pethidine then was told again i couldnt have it as they wanted me to be in control, also by then they had told me it is too late. Was examined again and was 5cm so i rang my partner to come back to hospital and wait in the car park. By the time he had driven to the hospital i had been hooked up back on to machine, midwife had gotten the gas and air and was waiting for a room on delivery. It was so busy. Rang for partner and my mum to come in as i was trying to push whilst i was on the bed in the separate ward where they dont like you to give birth because of not having any equipment for resuscitation. I told her i felt like pushing, midwife kept telling me that i couldnt have the baby there and that i needed to breathe through my contractions as it wouldnt be long until the room was ready. Within a couple of minutes which felt like hours they had gotten a wheelchair and the midwife literally ran with me in it up the the room on delivery suite. From then until baby being born was 28 minutes. From my waters breaking until baby being delivered with some help because I stopped feeling contractions as soon as her head was out so they had to pull her out was 8 minutes. Baby has a bit of a blood shot eye from quick delivery but other than that she is a porker and putting on loads of weight. Aurora was born a healthy 8lb which was an oz smaller than her big sister
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