I had one positive opk the day before we had our IUI. Since my opks were negative after that I figured I just had a short lh surge. Now two 2dpiui I had a huge temp rise and my opks are positive again. Just wondering what do you all think? We bd yesterday also.
I have a question - we have been ltttc #1 and are doing our first IUI this cycle. I have my follicle scan tomorrow, and I was wondering how can they differentiate an ovarian cyst from a follicle? I have PCOS so I'm SO worried after reading peoples posts that I'll have a cyst and we'll have to bail on this cycle. Is it the size that differentiates a cyst from a follicle? How many follicles are "normal"? Tomorrow is CD5, I've seen people who do clomid starting from days 1 to days 5, is earlier or later better or worse? I'm guessing it's kind of a trial and error type if thing.
Can't tell you how much I appreciate any insight!
Well girls I just got my smiley opk! Just called and made my appt for in the morning for my first IUI!!! So excited! My hubby is being a big grouch! I know he obviously he is not thrilled about having to provide a sample but this is just the way things have to happen for us:/ how did your partner feel about the whole sample thing?
Hello everyone and welcome to the new additions to this thread! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone to have a successful April! I am officially going to be moving on to IUI #2 this month. Bloodwork came back negative today so AF should arrive in the next day or so. Tomorrow I meet with the doctor to discuss our next step since he does not want to continue with clomid. I'm definitely feeling down today, I just want to finally be the one to be pregnant. As I'm sure we all do. I had a great weekend with all of my girls from home this weekend. But, one of our friends shared with us that she was pregnant. I lost it in front of everyone! Then I felt bad for crying when she was sharing happy news. Oh this rollercoaster has too many ups and downs...I'm just ready to be off this ride!
No Doubt- thank you! I'm already starting to think about my appt tomorrow and hope that our next step will be just what I need. We just have to pick ourselves up and move forward right?! How about you? how are you feeling?
Newlywedgal- yes it's hard to be around someone who doesn't appreciate this precious gift. Lord knows we all will be so grateful and appreciative when we finally get there! Good luck on your tww!
Well girls I'm confused now lol. Again today I'm having positive opks, stronger lines than ever. My chart looks like I O'd already hopefully lol. Just wondering what you all think. I'm almost 4dpiui