April/May IVF buddies?!?

well when i called the nurse she said it was to early to be testing when i did anyway.. Meaning trigger still in my system.. :cry: so when i tested again last wed. it was neg. then again on friday, neg. again. Looking back, i got the trigger on sunday may 4th, u/s was on sat may 3rd (when we saw the follies) and we triggered and did iui on the 4th so she said even then i probably didn't conceive until that day or the day after and needed to wait two week before even testing.

I really want to go by a test tomorrow and see what and if there is a slight line lol.. something!!! I'm going nuts.. I'm supposed to wait until tuesday according to the doctor. the 20th. that'll be two weeks from when conception... Fx'd!!

what do you think?
Im not the best person to ask lol Id be testing every time i needed to go pee :haha:

I have tons of online cheapies to fill that obsession! If you have the will power then i say wait. I have 0 will power and am a certified 'pee-on-a-stick-aholic' :D xx
I will add that if uve tested out the trigger then the only harm will be if you have a chemical pregnancy, so testing positive then negative and the heartache that goes with it:hugs:

That happened to me the last cycle but im glad i tested as i had to go in the next day for a test whether it had worked or not and i wanted to be prepared xx
Im not the best person to ask lol Id be testing every time i needed to go pee :haha:

I have tons of online cheapies to fill that obsession! If you have the will power then i say wait. I have 0 will power and am a certified 'pee-on-a-stick-aholic' :D xx

And thats why i didn't buy internet cheapies this cycles!:test: Thats all that would be going through my head every time i would sit down to pee. I really don't like going to the store to grab like 10 hpt's lol, i'm sure people are thinking "this lady is crazy!" But sometimes i do, because yes i've had my moments where i pee on them every chance i get. I'm even thinking of peeing on opks just to get that urge over with. DH says i need to go to meeting for peeing on sticks.. :haha: ya ok!

Maybe i'll just pee on a opk.. what the hey! wait for the pic lol
:haha: At least it'll get that urge to test outta the way :thumbup: xx
true... I'm too lazy lol to walk upstairs to get them.. Oh well. GIRL I CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND!!!!!! LAWD!!! help me!! :tease: smack me now. :wacko:

How are you feeling where the heck are you in your cycle??
:D u'll have to keep a stock with u at all times - just incase u eva get the urge :haha: xx

Im cd 21 now STILL NO DAMN OV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grr:

Ive got my nursing info session on tuesday though so hopefully i can get some advise from them. Im waiting to ov so i can have my natural killer cells level tested which can only be done after ov :( Im thinking it will be high as theyve told me im also positive for cardiolipin ABS which is a blood clotting disorder which is a contributer to my mc's.

Once i have the test its all pretty straight forward, baseline scan between day 1-3, stimms, cetrotide stim day 6 then collection/transfer - should be PUPO in 4weeks from starting! Its just getting to that starting point thats a pain in the butt!!!
im keeping my fingers crossed for u!! DOnt be discouraged by the neg hpt. When you take the HCG trigger shot, it take about 10 days to fully leave ur system. if you were to take that completely out of the picture, you wouldnt test unti the day of ur missed period. There wouldnt be enough hcg in your system before then. So the test would be a false negative.

I want to test now!!! but the trigger is still in my system..and the earliest I could test would be saturday...but i was told i could get a false negative. i was told not to set much store by the hpt until the day of your missed period.

i cant stand the 2ww. its like...omg time machine please!!
just test ladies and
yes, went out and bought a damn test, sqeeezed out every ounce of pee i had and to see a bfn.. So now, to wait for af. And ON TO next cycle!!! should just call the doc now, and get it over with. What a freaking bummer, knew this all along. Having one tube, I knew was going to make this harder than what i thought!

Had the trigger on the 4th so i'm sure it's out of my system right? I'm 15 dpt/iui
So depressing
just test ladies and
yes, went out and bought a damn test, sqeeezed out every ounce of pee i had and to see a bfn.. So now, to wait for af. And ON TO next cycle!!! should just call the doc now, and get it over with. What a freaking bummer, knew this all along. Having one tube, I knew was going to make this harder than what i thought!

Had the trigger on the 4th so i'm sure it's out of my system right? I'm 15 dpt/iui
So depressing

:hugs: My clinic told me today that my test after treatment would be 16days from collection so youre not outta the game just yet chick :hugs: Im sorry if this cycle hasnt worked for you :( bummed actually - i cant see how it wouldnt have worked!!??!! Im still holding out hope for you :hugs: xx
well af is still NOT here:happydance:
Sucks, because I tested bfn. today. But dh reminded me when we got pregnant our first time we tested missed period and bfn, waited a week, and BAM bfp. With the m/c we got it right away the day of our missed period. cd 28.. So i'm trying to hold on. She's still not here and i'm still hoping something is forming. I don't want to call the doctor yet until thursday. I'm scared, the blood test will be neg.. :cry:
I hear ya. With my son, I didnt test pos until 1 week after missed period.

I cannot stand the waiting. I have 8 more days until my beta...but i dont wanna wait that long. I keep saying im gunna take an hpt, but im afraid of getting a false positive because of the trigger. Im too scared of it. I am trying to keep myself busy but it aint working. All I can think about is test day. I have a busy week this week, but it aint busy enough. I am going to a Red Sox game tonight...then my son has baseball tomorrow...im cooking all day Saturday for my sons First Communion on Sunday...then next week is blah...nothing to do. I need to go back to work...all this sitting at home sucks lol. Every time I watch TV...its about someone being pregnant or a baby. Cant stand it.

I really hope this cycle works for u!!! Im keeping my fingers, toes, legs, arms, and eyes crossed for ya...(tho i might stop the eyes...its giving me a headache...lol...and hubby not happy about my keeping the legs crossed lmao)

5/2014 BFPs!!! We WILL do this!!!
I have been getting weird cramping tho. its like...right on my pubic line where a c-section incisin would be. Im scared that its my babies leaving me...but im hoping its my babies attaching to me.

This may sound weird....and a lil TMI...but when I go to the bathroom, whenever I have a lil discharge, and I wipe it, i get scared that I just wiped away my babies and threw them in the toilet to drown. I hate using the bathroom for that reason. <padded room please...>

ugh this is the longest 2WW of my life. The others went by kinda fast because I knew I wasnt pregnant...but this time, i just dont know...i wanna no now!!!!!!!
The :witch: came...
Called the nurse, and she said we will do the same thing.

Clomid 5-9, iui and trigger.. I only have one tube and all i can hope for is that i ovulate on my good side.. the right side of my body..

So sad , yet, here we go again. This time i'm not testing.. that trigger messes with you. So i'm waiting. 2 months is af never shows :haha:
awwww im so sorry Want. We'll get it this time tho!! Have ur hubby give his swimmers a lil pep talk before-hand lol. I told my hubby to do that...he just looked at me like...really Jenn??? lol

So I gave them the pep talk...I told them they would never see the inside of a vagina again if they didnt give me a baby...lol Even tho the infertility is my fault...so...ummm...maybe i should give my ovaries a pep talk then...

You'll get it this time tho, and you'll have a St. Patty's baby!!!
so I have been major "get the fuck away from me" mood today. I am hoping this is not AF getting ready to show herself. I also have been getting more cramps...some of them feel like period cramps, but some feel weird. My boobs hurt like hell...and they grew a full cup size...which normally I wouldnt mind...but I just bought new bras...and I dont wanna do that again!! Unless I am pregnant...then I wont mind it...but to get bigger boobs because of AF being a bitch...no thanks...

I also....well....got a lil....ummm....orny-hay which I havent been since I started the fertility drugs and I NEVER get near AF time...so maybe its a good sign? IDK.

I am reading so much into this and I cant stand to wait another 7 days. Everything I say, do, watch, think, touch, taste, smell reminds me of a baby and how badly i want one. My 7 yr old (TMI ALERT) had diarrhea today...and needed help with his butt wiping...and all I could think about was....awwwww I used to do this when he was a baby...then I put my brain back in and realized it stunk bad...and i had to cover my nose lol.

How are you ladies doing???????

Want-my good tube is the right side too...if u can even call it good...i guess you could call it...better than my left. My left tube is clubbed and useless. My right one is blocked. woohoo. In addition, I have PCOS...woohoo...bring on the testosterone!

7 MORE DAYS....7 MORE DAYS...I seriously cant wait 7 more days. I cant do this. And I know I cant test now cuz it will be positive cuz of the stupid trigger shot. *******.

I am hoping to keep myself busy...tomorrow is Friday and I have to go shopping for my sons First Communion outfit....with my MIL....god help me---love her to death but we totally DONT AGREE on how my son should dress, so this should be interesting. She is also oober excited at the prospect of me being preggers....she will probably drag me to the baby section. i will kill her. and if I dont let her buy anything for my maybe babies...she will definitely buy something for my SIL...bitch. my SIL is 32 weeks pregnant with her 2nd...after trying for...wait for it....1 month. bitch bitch bitch bitch. she barely takes care of my nephew as it is...no way in hell she can handle another. and she still smokes...dumb bitch. ive been hating her (out of jealousy) since I found out. But thats my husbands fault....he told me she was pregnant THE DAY I FOUND OUT MY IUI DIDNT WORK...dumbass. Hes still getting beat for that.

Saturday I will be cooking all day for my sons Communion party on Sunday

Next week...nothing planned....which means....home alone with my thoughts...and a laptop which means....research....which means....hypochondria....which means...husband will have to deal with panic-strickened Jenn.

ok yeah so this was really long, but whatever lol. Its my way of talking with the girlfriends...since i like, have no friends lol. I am 26 and all my friends are out partying, drinking and what-not. so yeah..u guys are my friends. none of my friends are married, or have kids....so talking to them is like talking to a drunk chick on ectasy...cuz...well...thats what they usually are....which is why i have no friends...

Boredom leads to bad things....it leads to making 3 baby registries for 3 different possibilities (baby boy(s), baby girl(s), or B/G twins)....yeah...i did that. It also leads to writing essays in an infertility support forum that no one in their right mind would read the whole thing of....and if u did read the whole thing....

well...thats what infertility does to you...it makes you crazy...

i think im done now....lol
JViti - I know what you mean with the wipe thing - Every time i went to the loo in my tww after my 2nd ivf i thought i would just see blood and it would all be over :( not a nice feeling u cant relax and enjoy it - it all seems to get more stressful the later into the tww u get :hugs:

Just read ur last post hun :hugs::hugs::hugs: Infertility is awful at the best of times, ur hubby telling u about his sisters pregnancy was just plain dumb! :hugs:

n a positive note though, the bit about ur boobs growing, cramps and feeling frisky are good signs! I hope the rest of this week goes quickly so you can :test: xx

Want - So sorry huni :hugs: I so thought this was ur month! Onto the next month now :thumbup: positive that you had a great response last time though :D xx
yeah...i am dying to test but i know that if it said negative i would be crushed...and if it said positive, i would get my hopes up...and then to get a neg beta would devastate me. I am getting my hopes up way too much and i know that, but its hard not to. This is the closest i have ever been...and all my other 2ww i knew in my heart that it wasnt gunna be pos. but this time i actually have hope that it will...and i feel in my heart that this worked..but idk if its just my longing to be a mommy again is so large that its taken over my brain and making me stupid about the whole thing.
I dont think so hun :hugs: i think its cos u know ur doing everything in your power to get pregnant and have invested so much time, effort, emotions etc in this cycle what with all the injections etc. Its only natural to feel that it should work - that feeling gets stronger the further into the tww u go.

It really makes me mad that we cant enjoy the tww safe in the knowledge that we will get pregnant at the end of it, even if we do we'll only be worrying all the way through aswell! we sure do get a rum deal us infertility peeps :( xxx
Hi ladies, I was just reading some of the things mentioned. I totally agree the 2ww is a killer and plex every time I go to the loo I wipe myself to double chceck there is no blood.. and that is from today as well! haha

I had my embryo transfer today and already been to the loo few times due to drinking water. I get so scared thinking what if I bleed, I just cant wait for the 2ww to finish.

What stage are you all in? If your in your 2ww, when is your blood test? Hopefully we all get BFP :)

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