April mummies baby club :-)

I'm so glad I'm not alone :hugs:

Last night I made OH listen to me about how I feel about everything, especially the way I look.. he thinks because he still thinks I'm beautiful then I should do too but I honestly think I am disgusting.

Amelia is my whole world and I wouldn't change having her for the world but when I see people that have babies and are automatically back in their old clothes it makes me so blooming down.

I could handle having a mummy tummy if I was back in my old clothes.

Sorry I keep going on and on.. I just need to let it all out to people that know how I feel!

Amelia had a pretty good night.. 10.30 - 4.30 but after that she wouldn't sleep unless it was on me.

OH and I tried to have :sex: it was a little uncomfortable for me but then Amelia started screaming and it ruined the mood for both of us! :dohh::blush:

I hope you are all okay!!

I know we are all going through a hard time and I want everyone to remember I'm always here to talk to!

I'm so glad I'm not alone :hugs:

Last night I made OH listen to me about how I feel about everything, especially the way I look.. he thinks because he still thinks I'm beautiful then I should do too but I honestly think I am disgusting.

Amelia is my whole world and I wouldn't change having her for the world but when I see people that have babies and are automatically back in their old clothes it makes me so blooming down.

I could handle having a mummy tummy if I was back in my old clothes.

Sorry I keep going on and on.. I just need to let it all out to people that know how I feel!

Amelia had a pretty good night.. 10.30 - 4.30 but after that she wouldn't sleep unless it was on me.

OH and I tried to have :sex: it was a little uncomfortable for me but then Amelia started screaming and it ruined the mood for both of us! :dohh::blush:

I hope you are all okay!!

I know we are all going through a hard time and I want everyone to remember I'm always here to talk to!


omg i know what you mean hun! its depressing enough that im a size 18 not 10 any more :(
ava had a really weird day last night, only sleept 40 mins consstant feeding, and crying when i stoped, then i tried to express a little a none was coming out and ava was still hungry!! so i had to give her formula but she would suck the teat, so i just squited it into her mouth, then gave her some comfort from the boob, and she sleep 9pm - 4.30 :) :rofl: well worth the constant screaming all day, but i did nearly cry thinking my supply had gone :(
Cooper has definitely taken up comfort sucking, we gave in to the dummy as if he had his way he would be on the boob 24/7.

Ash I feel exactly the same way. I hate my flabby belly and over sized boobs. I've told OH I'm getting my boobs fixed when I've stopped bfing. This amazing weather is great but like you said, got nothing to hide all the wobbly bits under.

I'm starting pilates tomorrow and am stepping up the healthy eating and giving up fizzy drinks for water water and more water. I'm desperate to have a lovely dress for my friends wedding plus I want to start thinking about my own wedding.

To the bf girls, have you decided how long you're going to bf for?

My little boy has a horrible cold. He's all stuffed up so hasn't slept properly for 2 nights. I'm shattered but hearing him distressed and screaming is by far the hardest part :-( he's also got a really nasty nappy rash. Yesterday he was fine, this morning, bright red bum and blood spots. Poor little poppet.
Hey girlys!!

Arianna had a gooood nigt last night, she slept from 8-7 then fed for half hour and slept again till 11!! Well chuffed!!!
Had a huge row wit her dad yest, we was talkin bout gettin back together then ma mate rung ma phone who was a male and he went nuts so ended up walkin out and has gone back to his trainin today but i aint spoke to him since yest! Arsehole!! Think he expects me not to have any male friends but i have loads!
But hey ho!!!

Everyone enjoying the weather!!???

Hi Ladies!! Hugs to all feeling down and yucky!
I cant complain too much as I am back to pre-pregnancy weight but I still feel like a huge heffa!

I cant believe she is 8 weeks today, where the hell has that gone?
Weather is bloody gorgeous, I hope it carries on!
Sophie hasnt been eating alot today - has anyone else found that? Maybe the heat??
She has normally had 20 ozs by now but only had 14 so far! xx
awww girlies :hugs: im a heffa too!!
we should start a fat club :rofl:

and melly emily's the same in the heat
shes got hayfever too which doesn't help
shes not drinking as much but shes drinking
more often so im not too worried!

and she's got an obsession with the fan:cloud9:
its soooo cute! atleast she's not too hot
she's the sweatiest baby ever!!

and i still dont feel like a mother :hissy:
i still haven't bonded it sucks hugely!
i dont know what to do ... :cry:

bah enough of that! how are we all?!?

i couldnt wait and weighed myself today insted of tomo! and ive lost 3 pounds in a week!
you lucky devil
GO YOU!!!!!

im buying some scales soon
and doing it every week!!
i will be a yummy mummy dammit


hi girls how are you all? last night amy slept 13 hours :happydance:

back to the school run tomorrow...grrrrrr i hate having to rush in the morning......what have you all been up to this weekend?

im worried about my OH cos for past few weeks hes always sleepy....this is very unusual for him and he says he always feels tired and sluggish for some reason.....he has been asleep since 10.15pm whilst im sat her on my own :cry: alhtough he was poorly last week...so maybe thats why...just hope hes ok.

anyways im suffering with hayfever real bad to...and its doing my box in :rofl:
aww yay for you han!!

I forgot also to say that Sophie slept in her cot in her room last night!!!! No problems!
We had friends round and we normally hver her down with us in the moses basket but we thought we would put her up in her cot with the monitor on, and she was absolutly fine. She looks soo tiny in it though haha!

She has a bit of a gooey eye at the moment as well bless her.
On facebook there is that weekly baby photo competition thing, this week wqas scan photo's and Sophie won!!! YAY!! haha, little things

Chel, I hope your OH is ok, as you say perhaps it was because he was ill last week, or maybe the heat getting to him?

Jen - Perhaps you should speak to the doctor or HV about how you are feeling, or maybe your OH? But you seem like a fantastic mummy to me!!

Im off to bed now anyways after my little ramble, no doubt I will speak to you all tomorrow!
Sweet Dreams!! xxx
Morning ladies,

How are we all ? its very quiet in here this morning or should i say afternoon, well done Han on ur weightloss woohoo ... i bought slim fast this morning hahaha desperado, had my postnatal check up i am so silly i booked it at 5 weeks instead of 6 lol anyhoo .. i thought they would check my stitches but they didnt :o( so i dont know if i am ok to boink maybe I should of asked them too. x
:hi: ladies, see your all talking about weight issues, I'm soo glad the summer is finally starting to roll in but how depressing is it when you go round town weeks after giving birth to see scantily clad women everywhere when all you feel like is a fat heffer!!
Ive started my 'healthy eating regime' today AGAIN! ive put on an extra few pounds since i gave birth so I really gonna try and get it under control now, its hard when your running around after 3 kids though I need all the energy I can find xx

Melanie - ive never had my stitches checked they just leave you alone unless you are worried then they will check if you ask xx
Just read back a few pages, would it be selfish to say it made me feel better knowing i'm not alone in the way I feel about myself, I couldnt even face an evening out at the moment, I dont think i could make myself look 'nice' if i tried! xx
Awww its not selfish to know that your not alone, it is horrible isnt it, going out and seeing bean poles strutting in the sun, but we mustnt get down as we will not be like this forever and we can change it .... even if the changes arent notciable until the winter or next summer, we have our babies to show for it anyway :) xx
Your right hun, I wouldnt trade me baby in any day of the week for my weight to be gone, I guess I just want my cake and eat it :) (pardon the pun lol) My DH keeps telling me i look beautiful too and i'm just not buying it, I also think how on earth can you still find me attractive? Pull the other leg its got bells on!
i say that too but he is all over me and i cant understand it, he said you'll always be the same no matter what bless him!! starting slim fast tomorrow i have tried it in the past so lets just see how i get on this time, i have to start tomorrow as i am taking OH to TGI's this evening as its his birthday .. hahaha so last night to eat crap really !

what diet do you think you will do then hun? or are you just going to eat healthily ? x
Hi Ladies!

Mel, I didnt have mine checked at my 6 week appointment either but I had sex after 3 weeks, As long as you feel comfortable then you should be ok, Just take it slow.

I love sex even more than before now, my boobs are soo sensitive I love it!
My OH is getting sick of me wanting it all the time though, I keep trying it on and get rejected most of the time. I think maybe thats whats getting me down at the moment as then I am thinking, Am I not attractive enough now!? Does he not enjoy it as much as before!? Argghhhh!

Anywhooo, I am loving the sunshine at the moment
Sarah - I feel the exact way when my OH says I'm beautiful etc etc.. I was looking at pre preg pictures earlier and I was thinking 'why the hell did I think I was fat?!' .. :dohh:

Han - Go you girlie!! .. So proud of you .. I have until Friday to weigh myself and I'm refusing to do it any sooner! .. You are going to have to tell me what you are eating please :blush:


I'm poorly!!! Started yesterday I suddenly went really weak/shaky then got a massive headache that refused to go away. Keep going hot and cold.. Yes cold even in this weather! My appetite is totally gone and trying to eat anything makes me feel so so sick :sick:


Amelia is still feeding all the time, had to take her to the doctors because she has a rash.. doctor isn't concerned about the rash, said it is probably just heat rash/slight viral infection.

BUT she is worried about her weight.. Basically we have two weeks to get her weight up and if she stays the same/loses/only puts on a slight amount.. I'm going to have to re-think how I feed her and possibly go back to expressing and bottle feeding :hissy::cry:

I don't think I can do it again.. it is so soul destroying! .. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next two weeks!!

How are you all??


ash if you have to FF/express it isnt the end of the worl. you expressed for weeks, and got her to latch so did fantastic. she just seems to need bit more maybe, with you not being well and not eating can affect it too i think. chin up hun!

girls your oh has had to deal with a huge bump for months, so ofcourse your attractive to him, he can now gert back close to you! chin up and keep smiling for you all too :hugs:

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