Sarah - I feel the exact way when my OH says I'm beautiful etc etc.. I was looking at pre preg pictures earlier and I was thinking 'why the hell did I think I was fat?!' ..
Han - Go you girlie!! .. So proud of you .. I have until Friday to weigh myself and I'm refusing to do it any sooner! .. You are going to have to tell me what you are eating please
I'm poorly!!! Started yesterday I suddenly went really weak/shaky then got a massive headache that refused to go away. Keep going hot and cold.. Yes cold even in this weather! My appetite is totally gone and trying to eat anything makes me feel so so sick
Amelia is still feeding all the time, had to take her to the doctors because she has a rash.. doctor isn't concerned about the rash, said it is probably just heat rash/slight viral infection.
BUT she is worried about her weight.. Basically we have two weeks to get her weight up and if she stays the same/loses/only puts on a slight amount.. I'm going to have to re-think how I feed her and possibly go back to expressing and bottle feeding

I don't think I can do it again.. it is so soul destroying! .. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next two weeks!!
How are you all??