@Suggerhoney I'm so sorry you are feeling this way, TTC is such a struggle. It's normal to feel like giving up when things keep going south. Just know we are all here for you and want to hold space for you to feel whatever way you need to about this. Many virtual hugs.
thank you.
If I truly am out then I mite have to step away from here . It’s been nearly 14 cycles now ttc and nothing to show for it but 2 chemicals and a miscarriage.
I praying I get lines tomorrow but I don’t feel hopeful at all.
And absolutely no symptoms.
That just makes me feel hopeless.
With my healthy pregnancies I always have symptoms a few days b4 I get a BFP.
But with all 3 losses I had zero symptoms and every time I’ve not been pregnant I’ve had zero symptoms.
I just know deep down I’m out again.
Just can’t see me ever getting my sticky take home rainbow bfp
I'm so sorry, don't give up! I know it's hard month after month and I'm sure the losses make it harder yet. I do hope you get your sticky rainbow!
Thanks lovely.
I guess I’ll just see what these blood results are like on Tuesday and if they come back normal I will continue trying .
That BFN really does hit hard doesn’t it

I’m going to test again tomorrow just incase I am only 9dpo today.
Praying so much I have lines tomorrow but I’m so so scared it will be yet another bfn

Why does it have to be so so hard.
@thencomesbebe that looks like a clear bfp to me! I hope your next tests confirm if!
@Suggerhoney I'm sorry you have a bfn again 10dpo. I hope you get surprised with a BFP tomorrow, but if you truly aren't pregnant I hope your body doesn't make you wait a whole week for AFk.
thanks hon.
I really hope I do get lines tomorrow but I couldn’t feel less pregnant even if I tried.
I just know I’m out now.
Unfortunately I have a very long luteal phase so I don’t start af until 17dpo.