Thank you so much hun. This loss has been hard. The bleeding has finally picked up a little bit and it's deep red with clots. I just want this loss to pass as quick as possible so I can move on to the next cycle. I feel a deep heartache going through this as I'm sure all of you went through the same thing if you've had an early loss. I really really wanted this little one, my other 4 children are with 2 ppl I never truly was in love with. I thought I was in love with them, but then I found actual true love and now I know the difference. So I've never wanted to create a life more with someone than I do now. That is why I think for me, this hurts and stings a little more than I would usually go through.
I just want to thank all of you ladies for being here for me

. You lovely ladies are the only ones who can truly understand what we women go through TTC and how painful it is to experience a loss. So thank you for always being by me through all of these years and all 4 of my pregnancies. BnB has been an amazing part of my life. Even though, life gets in the way and I don't always show up to post here, I will never forget what you've all done to help me or any of the other ladies on here.