April Showers - April 2023 testing thread

@thencomesbebe any more tests? Can't wait to see more!
Just 5 DPO here time is dragging but I do feel like I've a few symptoms, especially my boobs being sore this early though it has happened before x
@Suggerhoney how are you doing today??

Thanks for asking hon.
I got another BFN. So yeah feeling pretty low.
My pee was like water when I tested tho: so so clear:
So not sure if that would cause a false negative.
But when I tested yesterday that was a dark sample and was still BFN,
I don’t feel pregnant at all.
My heart rate is still raised and has been since ovulation this cycle.
It definitely got me excited but it looks like it was all for nothing again.
I feel very heavy hearted to know I’ll be going onto cycle 14 trying:
I just don’t think it’s going to happen for me.
I now have to wait till 17dpo for af and then ovulation all over again.
It’s like a viscous never ending circle.
Thanks for asking hon.
I got another BFN. So yeah feeling pretty low.
My pee was like water when I tested tho: so so clear:
So not sure if that would cause a false negative.
But when I tested yesterday that was a dark sample and was still BFN,
I don’t feel pregnant at all.
My heart rate is still raised and has been since ovulation this cycle.
It definitely got me excited but it looks like it was all for nothing again.
I feel very heavy hearted to know I’ll be going onto cycle 14 trying:
I just don’t think it’s going to happen for me.
I now have to wait till 17dpo for af and then ovulation all over again.
It’s like a viscous never ending circle.
Aww I hope it happens soon. I feel the same way almost 2yrs ttc baby num two for me . I'm trying to keep going but it's getting to the point I want to give up. It does feel like a never ending process it's been getting to me lately. Sorry you got another bfn. :neutral::hugs:
I really hope that’s the start of something for you

I'm starting to think it's nothing. 10dpiui today and all BFN. My DH is trying so hard to be supportive too, because I'm not supposed to test until April 3. I have had sore breasts on and off and little niggles in my uterus, feeling nauseous upon waking, but I have a feeling I won't end up with a true BFP this cycle. I don't know if it's the doubt since the miscarriage or I just know in my body, but either way I'm prepared for the outcome. And hopefully the next cycle will work.
Thanks for asking hon.
I got another BFN. So yeah feeling pretty low.
My pee was like water when I tested tho: so so clear:
So not sure if that would cause a false negative.
But when I tested yesterday that was a dark sample and was still BFN,
I don’t feel pregnant at all.
My heart rate is still raised and has been since ovulation this cycle.
It definitely got me excited but it looks like it was all for nothing again.
I feel very heavy hearted to know I’ll be going onto cycle 14 trying:
I just don’t think it’s going to happen for me.
I now have to wait till 17dpo for af and then ovulation all over again.
It’s like a viscous never ending circle.

So sorry you had another bfn. Your sample may have been too diluted. I keep wondering the same thing today, because I didn't sleep well and peed all night and I can't get more than a two hour hold today. I wish I could give you a big hug. I'm feeling down as well.
Aww I hope it happens soon. I feel the same way almost 2yrs ttc baby num two for me . I'm trying to keep going but it's getting to the point I want to give up. It does feel like a never ending process it's been getting to me lately. Sorry you got another bfn. :neutral::hugs:

I just can’t see it happening hon.
But I’ve got everything crossed for you this cycle.
It’s so hard isn’t it.
Esp when others are around you and they have that one thing you so so desperately want.
I’m so blessed to have what I already have so maybe I should just count my blessings and just stop.

So sorry you had another bfn. Your sample may have been too diluted. I keep wondering the same thing today, because I didn't sleep well and peed all night and I can't get more than a two hour hold today. I wish I could give you a big hug. I'm feeling down as well.

Oh no I’m sorry for the BFN too hon.
It really is such a blow isn’t it.
I probably won’t test now until tomorrow.
I have had very mild tender boobs on and off the past few days.
But nothing else.
I just know another BFN is coming.
It’s totally drains you of all hope.
Hope you get lines when you test again lovely.
Praying with a darker sample I will get clear lines but I know I won’t.
Thanks for asking hon.
I got another BFN. So yeah feeling pretty low.
My pee was like water when I tested tho: so so clear:
So not sure if that would cause a false negative.
But when I tested yesterday that was a dark sample and was still BFN,
I don’t feel pregnant at all.
My heart rate is still raised and has been since ovulation this cycle.
It definitely got me excited but it looks like it was all for nothing again.
I feel very heavy hearted to know I’ll be going onto cycle 14 trying:
I just don’t think it’s going to happen for me.
I now have to wait till 17dpo for af and then ovulation all over again.
It’s like a viscous never ending circle.

I'm so sorry. This long term thing is not easy :(
I'm so sorry. This long term thing is not easy :(

Hey lovely.
Yeah it’s so so hard. And something no one can understand unless they are going through it too.
April will be 14 months of ttc , when I was young the longest it took me to get pregnant was 3 months, and that was after a Chemical miscarriage. my youngest took us 11 cycles and 4 chemical pregnancies and that felt so so tough.
But this is so much worse.
Long term ttc is just heart breaking. When you go past a year of activity ttc it just feels like such a kick to the stomach.
I feel so empty.
I have read that very diluted urine can cause a false negative. I haven’t been able to test again because my pee is still very light now.
But I’m 99% sure I’m out.
It’s just such a horrible emotional and draining roller coaster.
I’ll be 44 a in December. A week b4 Christmas so I feel like I have no time to spare.
I really really feel like just giving up.
But then I always feel this way at this stage.
Knowing I won’t even start AF until I’m 17dpo. But then when I get af out the way and I get close to ovulation I get that kick to keep going.
I felt so excited when I got that mega dark opk.
Was so hoping it was a good egg.
I just feel like there has to be something wrong with me.
I used to be able to fall pregnant so easily.
But it was the sticking.
But now it’s hard to even fall pregnant and even if I do I lose.
Wish all us long term ttc ladies would get our sticky BFPs.
I just want my rainbow baby so so badly.
But every month that passes and I’m still not pregnant just makes that dream of getting my take home healthy rainbow baby seem impossible.
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Hey lovely.
Yeah it’s so so hard. And something no one can understand unless they are going through it too.
April will be 14 months of ttc , when I was young the longest it took me to get pregnant was 3 months, and that was after a Chemical miscarriage. my youngest took us 11 cycles and 4 chemical pregnancies and that felt so so tough.
But this is so much worse.
Long term ttc is just heart breaking. When you go past a year of activity ttc it just feels like such a kick to the stomach.
I feel so empty.
I have read that very diluted urine can cause a false negative. I haven’t been able to test again because my pee is still very light now.
But I’m 99% sure I’m out.
It’s just such a horrible emotional and draining roller coaster.
I’ll be 44 a in December. A week b4 Christmas so I feel like I have no time to spare.
I really really feel like just giving up.
But then I always feel this way at this stage.
Knowing I won’t even start AF until I’m 17dpo. But then when I get af out the way and I get close to ovulation I get that kick to keep going.
I felt so excited when I got that mega dark opk.
Was so hoping it was a good egg.
I just feel like there has to be something wrong with me.
I used to be able to fall pregnant so easily.
But it was the sticking.
But now it’s hard to even fall pregnant and even if I do I lose.
Wish all us long term ttc ladies would get our sticky BFPs.
I just want my rainbow baby so so badly.
But every month that passes and I’m still not pregnant just makes that dream of getting my take home healthy rainbow baby seem impossible.

I can't imagine how hard those losses are. I'm on cycle 16 of ttc with not even a hint of pink. The longest it took me before was 5 or 6 months, though that was before the vas/vas reversal which I'm sure is the cause of my hubby's low count. It sucks feeling so hopeless and having no control over it. I read recently that for every 10 times conception occurs, between 4 and 6 (so basically half) of the eggs fail to properly implant. That has me wondering if those months I felt a strong hope for a day and then it was gone the next day if that's what happened.. kind of shocking it's such a high number and sad to think about. Though I'm sure it's harder seeing that pink and then watching it fade away. I know one thing, once we do eventually get our babies, they are going to be so so loved!
@Suggerhoney sorry you're feeling so down again. @thencomesbebe I really hope it was just dilute pee messing with your tests yesterday as those tests really did look positive.

Soooo call me crazy which I am, but I might have tested before bed just at midnight so 5dpo going to 6 then this am at 6dpo. Every month I say I won't test stupid early then I do. But I'm having the exact same thing I had with my chemical back last April. It's the only thing I have to compare symptoms too as I don't remember much symptoms with my other 2 all those years ago. But my boobs are so huge and heavy already. And I feel like I see a tiny hint of a line on these. Probly won't pick up on the pics well and it's probly nothing as stupid early but here's the pics anyway, first one last night and second this morning with fmu x

Screenshot_20230331-094945.png Screenshot_20230331-095126.png
@Suggerhoney sorry you're feeling so down again. @thencomesbebe I really hope it was just dilute pee messing with your tests yesterday as those tests really did look positive.

Soooo call me crazy which I am, but I might have tested before bed just at midnight so 5dpo going to 6 then this am at 6dpo. Every month I say I won't test stupid early then I do. But I'm having the exact same thing I had with my chemical back last April. It's the only thing I have to compare symptoms too as I don't remember much symptoms with my other 2 all those years ago. But my boobs are so huge and heavy already. And I feel like I see a tiny hint of a line on these. Probly won't pick up on the pics well and it's probly nothing as stupid early but here's the pics anyway, first one last night and second this morning with fmu x

View attachment 1114867 View attachment 1114869
Sorry hun good luck. But I don't see anything on your 2 tests yet. Fx u see something faint soon.
@NightFlower best of luck hun, hope this cycles the one

@josephine3 symptoms sound very promising, hope to see a beautiful bfp from you

@Fuchsia1412 ah, I didn’t realise you were still breastfeeding. Yay for peak. Fingers crossed for you

@Pink.Rose you’ll probably still notice the shift once you’ve ovulated. Do you take opks? Hopefully it will still confirm ovulation for you. My sleep is usually crap but I can still tell by my chart when I’ve ovulated

@WantingababyF hope you ovulate soon, the waiting sucks

@thencomesbebe i hope your lines pick back up again. Got everything super crossed for you

@Suggerhoney just big massive hugs to you sweetheart. Really hope to still see you here next cycle but take as much time as you need. You know where I am anytime :hugs:

Afm, cd8 and af done with. Lasted a day longer this month but wasn’t as heavy so assuming that’s why. Got between a week and 2 weeks to wait for ovulation. God I wish I just had a set day every cycle coz the not knowing if it will be cd16 or cd22 is so frustrating. The latter feels such a long wait away. Going to start bd’ing tonight and really gonna try hard to bd every other day this whole cycle. He’s just finished his night shifts and his next ones will be when I’m cd22 so I’m really hoping I’ll have ovulated by then. He goes to bed early when he works days because he has to get up at 5am, but provided the kids are in bed we should still manage. Just doing all I can to distract myself from the wait.
Hoping to see tons of bfps this month.
@josephine3 luckily it's still early!!!

@Laurabub84 ahhh it's getting closer to go time for you! End of AF always feels like the real start of the cycle for me;)

Afm, I thought I maybe had something catch my eye this morning but I know that if I really had the start of BFP it would be pink by now. 11dpiui and really feeling out. I want this cycle to just hurry up at this point so I can start the next IUI. I'm so hopeful the next one results in our rainbow baby. I think we got really lucky that our son only took one IUI. I want him to have a sibling so badly.
@Suggerhoney sorry you're feeling so down again. @thencomesbebe I really hope it was just dilute pee messing with your tests yesterday as those tests really did look positive.

Soooo call me crazy which I am, but I might have tested before bed just at midnight so 5dpo going to 6 then this am at 6dpo. Every month I say I won't test stupid early then I do. But I'm having the exact same thing I had with my chemical back last April. It's the only thing I have to compare symptoms too as I don't remember much symptoms with my other 2 all those years ago. But my boobs are so huge and heavy already. And I feel like I see a tiny hint of a line on these. Probly won't pick up on the pics well and it's probly nothing as stupid early but here's the pics anyway, first one last night and second this morning with fmu x

View attachment 1114867 View attachment 1114869

I see sth. on the left one. Fingers crossed for you!
@NightFlower best of luck hun, hope this cycles the one

@josephine3 symptoms sound very promising, hope to see a beautiful bfp from you

@Fuchsia1412 ah, I didn’t realise you were still breastfeeding. Yay for peak. Fingers crossed for you

@Pink.Rose you’ll probably still notice the shift once you’ve ovulated. Do you take opks? Hopefully it will still confirm ovulation for you. My sleep is usually crap but I can still tell by my chart when I’ve ovulated

@WantingababyF hope you ovulate soon, the waiting sucks

@thencomesbebe i hope your lines pick back up again. Got everything super crossed for you

@Suggerhoney just big massive hugs to you sweetheart. Really hope to still see you here next cycle but take as much time as you need. You know where I am anytime :hugs:

Afm, cd8 and af done with. Lasted a day longer this month but wasn’t as heavy so assuming that’s why. Got between a week and 2 weeks to wait for ovulation. God I wish I just had a set day every cycle coz the not knowing if it will be cd16 or cd22 is so frustrating. The latter feels such a long wait away. Going to start bd’ing tonight and really gonna try hard to bd every other day this whole cycle. He’s just finished his night shifts and his next ones will be when I’m cd22 so I’m really hoping I’ll have ovulated by then. He goes to bed early when he works days because he has to get up at 5am, but provided the kids are in bed we should still manage. Just doing all I can to distract myself from the wait.
Hoping to see tons of bfps this month.

Yes I do use opks, the digital ones. Just started those today as I'm cd10 today

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