Amanda - I've had extra long cycles in the past because I only have one Fallopian tube, so when I ovulate on the left, I don't get the normal hormonal cues that tell my body to have a cycle. I was also born with that condition and experience AF every other month growing up. That is not a common thing. I also have PCOS which IS common, and could very well cause you to not ovulate, thus causing the extra long cycles with BFNs. If this is a regular occurrence for you, I would get an appointment with your OB/GYN to see what's going on if anything. Also, our bodies really aren't machines, so long, irregular cycles can happen. Anything from stress to being underweight/ overweight, to some other issue like thyroid problems can cause irregular cycles. Most of the time it's nothing to worry about but definitely worth seeing someone about if it happens long enough, or if you've been trying for 6-12 months with no luck. Hope that helps!
Sweden I see something on both tests! Also, HcG doubles every 24-72 hours, so you wouldn't necessarily see progression from 10 to 11dpo. Give it time and don't stress. Stress is the worst thing.
Annovulatory months suck, but they do happen, but are nothing to worry about until they become a common occurrence for you.
for next month!