*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Rebecca - I'm glad your DH is home. I know I would be excited.

Fern - Yay on your baby shower. I'm so glad it turned out great.

2Have - sucks you are still dealing with your arms hurting. I hope it's not something you are going to have to deal with the rest of your pregnancy?!?!

This weekend was nice, but busy. DH and I went for a holiday photo shoot. I am looking forward to getting the pics back.

I hit 30 weeks on Sunday, 7 more to go for full-term twins. My ob said they wouldn't let me go past 38 weeks. So far so good and I'm hoping I stay as comfortable as possible as I near the end. I was SO TIRED this weekend. After my shift on Friday, I realized I did too much and I felt like it took all weekend to recover. I actually took a nap on Friday and I slept 12 hours from Saturday into Sunday. Since I started wrapping my belly, I have been more comfortable laying down and I'm having better nights.

This morning I woke up to a HUGE belly. It's so funny how it looks bigger some days/mornings depending on where the babies are positioned. I guess I better get used to it. I think my days of a "cute little bump" are nearing an end. I took a 30 week pic. I'll share below.
Have fun at your dinner fern, I hope you hear something soon about your GD. The limbo is hard, but better to stay on the safe side just in case.

Baby is SO active lately, he wakes me up during the night, and sometimes he hurts me. I think the painful movements are an elbow or a knee bone poking me! I wouldn't want it any other way because it's reassuring to know he is doing well. My 32 week appointment is on Wednesday and I'm anxious to see if the previa has moved. I think this appointment will tell us whether or not he is coming early! Of course i want him to stay in as long as he can, but I am excited that I could possibly meet my son so soon!
30 weeks w/ twins


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Fern I'm sorry I missed your post about your shower! So glad that it was nice I hope you got nice gifts. Good luck with the GD results I hope you get the results right away.

Rq lovely bump! I'm just a few days behind you.

2have I'm sorry you're having so much trouble sleeping that is really a shame. I've been sleeping pretty well for the most part.

Froggy good luck on Wednesday I hope your previa has moved so you don't need to have a c section!

Have a great week everyone!
Hi ladies,

I started having contractions and called my doctor. He sent me to the hospital and apparently I'm in preterm labor. I'm getting steroids now to help the babies in case they are born. They are hoping that they can stop the progression of the labor. I came here and was 1cm dilated and last they checked I'm at 2cm.
I'll keep you all in the loop.
Oh no, please keep us updated Rebecca. I hope the babies can stay out for a while.
Rebecca hold on tight to those babies, I'm so sorry to hear you're body is trying to evict so soon! It's so ironic seeing we were just discussing this.
2have I agree it's very ironic.
The nicu Dr came to speak with us and explain what would happen if I gave birth now. That really scared me and I started crying in front of the Dr. So far the contractions have stopped and I'm still at 2cm. They will check my cervix again in the morning and fingers crossed it will not be any more than 2. The steroids are given in 2 doses 24 hours apart so the first dose was at about 5pm therefore I for sure will stay in the hospital until I receive the second dose. They are also continuing to give me medications to "calm" my uterus.
I sent DH home to get dd to sleep and for him to get to bed. I'll call him if I need him during the night.
I hope I can get some sleep and that nothing happens during the night.

What a day!!
Oh no rebecca I'm so sorry to read this!! Hope you are fast asleep right now and that your uterus has calmed down. I'm praying for you and for Joseph and Alisa. Wish I lived closer so that I could come help out in some way!
Thank you all for your kindness.
So far there has been no change and no progress so that's really great news.

Will keep you all posted. Hugs!
Aaahh what a relief for now!! I chatted to my sister this morning. She has twins who were born at 36 weeks, she also went into labor early (I think 33 weeks) and had to stay on bed rest in the hospital until they had to be delivered due to another problem (I won't go into the details and scare anyone; it was a problem she had because they are identical & shared a placenta etc.) Her twins are doing really great, they are 18 months old now. She belongs to a South African multiples support group and says about 40% of the ladies had premature labor and it was treated successfully. I'm sure your care is even better than what many women get in RSA so I'm hoping your twinnies will be absolutely fine. Xxx rest up! And keep us updated!

I also have some good news, all the tests I had done on Thursday (2hr glucose tolerance, haemoglobin, platelets and iron ) are all fine. I'm so relieved.
Rebecca, I am so sorry to read this. I am pleased things have calmed down and praying it was a false alarm and your little ones stay inside for a while longer. I hope you are being well looked after and you can get some rest X
Rebecca, that's good news that things have calmed down, hopefully the drugs will keep the baby snug & secure so they can develop more before delivery.

Fern that's really great news about your tests, you must feel very relieved to hear that everything is going well!
Fern I'm so pleased that your results came back good!

No change since yesterday. This afternoon I receive more steroids for the babies and then tomorrow afternoon they will allow me to go home if nothing changes. After speaking with my doctor (not the hospitals on call OB) seems like I will be on bed rest until 34 weeks.
I am so grateful that the babies seem to want to stay and so so grateful for all of your support!!
Rebecca - How scary!! I'm glad they got the pre-term labor to stop. Sending good vibes your way. Definitely keep us updated!!

Fern - I'm glad all your testing was normal. What a relief!

The babies must be hitting another growth spurt because I was a little uncomfortable last night and my belly is getting noticeably bigger. My coworker just commented on it this morning too.

I got the holiday pictures today and they turned out cute. I'll share one below. Now I just need to find a photo Christmas card and order some.


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Rq that's a really nice photo and you look great!! It's so funny for me to see a Christimas picture with short sleeves! It gets cold and snowy here in the winter so everyone's holiday photos are always with heavy sweaters ;)
So glad that things are looking better Rebecca, will you have help with your dd while on bed rest?

Do I love that picture, it's super cute! And your belly looks great!
Rebecca I'm so glad to hear that you and your babies are OK. XXX Take it easy hun!

Rq- if I haven't said so already; your bump is so cute! Yep that looks more like a South African Christmas shoot :) nice and warm :)

Hope everyone else is doing well!

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