*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Rebecca sorry about dd having a cold, I hope she gets better soon.

Fern that's great news about your DH being a champ in the classes, so glad to hear that. We all want and need support these days and it's super reassuring that he'll be there for you in your most difficult moments too.

Yay for Wed scans ladies!

RQ & Froggy lovely to hear about your showers, sounds like SO much fun! Froggy your maternity pics look awesome, I love that bridge shot, so romantic!

Ellie how are you doing? Praying and Pinkie everyone else I hope you're doing well ladies!

Well I had an US last week Thursday and the lady confirmed for me that we're having 2 girls. DH has no idea that I know and it'll stay that way! So it'll be a gaggle of girls in our home. I asked him if it's 2 girls would he like to keep trying and see if we can get a natural maybe a boy and he said yes of course. Chances are less than 5% that another natural would happen but the pressure is off now and we'll just keep trying & having fun.

The sonographer drew a nice picture for me of the girls, the placentas are on either side and they were both head down and ready to go and within an ounce of each others weights (we're up to 2 pounds 5 ounces and 2 pounds 6 ounces this week). She said everything is perfect, uterine thickness still over 4 with babies looking great, snug & secure.

I had a chance to clean out the second baby nursery and bring up a bed to add to DD's room. The twin's nursery looks lovely now and grandma came over to babysit while we caught a flick on Sunday. The Arrival was a great movie, made me cry with the delivery of the baby...these things never used to effect me but now anything kid stuff especially sick kids really pull on my heartstrings!

I've figured out part of my carpal tunnel / cubital tunnel issue. I'm SO low in potassium, compared to all of the sodium in the foods we eat we're meant to be getting 4500mg of potassium to counter sodium, help expel water, and protect nerve function. I noticed swelling in my feet for the first time ever so I picked up some potassium supplements and the swelling has gone down substantially and my sleep was 90% last night! I also got some magnesium caps, I had powder for my tea and it put me off tea :haha: as it has a slight taste to it that I really don't like. So things are really looking up!

I have an OB appointment this week Thursday and the plan is to ask permission for to have my photographer in the operating room for the delivery. I really hope she says yes. And Pinkie, no, I didn't yell at anyone the first time lol as I really couldn't catch enough breath to shout between the hellish contractions:rofl: This time, I'm going to get in there earlier so I can have an epidural so that I don't have to go through the entire night in intense pain. It only kicked in 1/2 hour before I delivered and it was such a relief I was happily cracking jokes with the nurse from then to delivery. I'd hope to have more of that sort of happy time on camera than the clenched jaw, tears & blurry vision, hyperventilating-me clutching-for-dear-life-to-the-siderails-of-my-bed shot. Not a very appealing picture!
Omg 2have!! Can't believe it's 2 girls and I'm shocked that you'll be able to keep it from DH. How awesome!! Yay!!!
Froggy, I can't believe I forgot it was your shower and photo shoot this weekend! I LOVE your pics. The setting is so idyllic and the photographer really captured how happy you guys are. Shower pics next please ;).

Rq- what a wonderful surprise!! And best of all that you got so many practical gifts.

2have - well that sounds good, hope you have more restful nights from now on. And congrats again on the girls :) they're all going to be great friends! Just let me know when you'd like me to update the front page.

So sorry to hear that many of you are suffering with airway infections and stuffiness. I had 2 colds (one was really horrible) when I was in first trimester (it was winter here) and I can just imagine how uncomfortable it must be in third tri when breathing and sleeping is already difficult.
Hi Fern, you can update the front page anytime. I will just leave my siggy the same incase DH looks at the baby dating information. We both like looking to see how big in vegetable size babies are and I'd hate for him to see two pink storks:haha:

Well, I've found an easy breakfast to start with that gives me loads of protein. Muscle milk or milk 2 go sport both have 25g of protein, low sugar & carb and are very easy to drink. On Saturday I hurled so hard again after breakfast, it left my voice hoarse for the rest of the day.

I'm really irritated with my little sister. We announced DD's birthday date a month and a half before so that family could plan to be there and she chose to go to the mountains instead. Now we're doing family Christmas photos with our maternity/newborn photographer on Sunday and she'll be out of town for that too. Before MacKinley was born she was always complaining that we didn't invite her to any family events, which simply wasn't true, and here we're in the same situation where she says she can't be there for everything even though I know she really loves her niece. We're going to have grandma there anyway and that should be good. I didn't reply to her when she said she couldn't make it. I have no words beyond disappointment.

How are you ladies doing today? Are we almost all in third tri then? Maybe myself and a few stragglers?
Fern. I tried to upload shower pics, but it wouldn't let me. I will have to try later from the computer or ipad.

We have a scan next week at 32 weeks, and that will kind of determine whether baby is coming early or not. My mfm said that if it doesn't move by then, then it probably won't move. I can't believe that we are looking at possibly meeting our baby in 5 weeks! What kind of baby monitor are you guys using? This has been the hardest for me to pick out because every single one I have seen has just as many bad reviews as it does good reviews. This is the last thing that I have left to get, and can't make up my mind. If I don't get it immediately it's not a big deal, because I don't think he will be in a room without me for a while. His bassinet has wheels in it so I can just bring him from room to room.
Congrats on the girls 2have! How exciting! That would be really great if you could get your boy. Do you not have frozen embryos left? I can't remember how many of us had extras frozen. Sorry to hear about your sister, I hope she can realize that she is missing out on this stuff and can't get it back.
Hi Froggy, that's what my colleague said, the mountains will always be there, first birthdays, not so much. Family photos, not so much. We're not going to have this done every year, next year is the last time for Christmas photos unless we get lucky with another baby which is unlikely. We did donor embryos Froggy, after 6 failed attempts at regular and DE ivf I went to a really renowned clinic in Czech republic and had 2 donor embryos put back as did 3 other B&B friends of mine who are now with twins (one just went back last week for her second set of donor embryo twins). They matched our profiles very very well and had perfect expanded hatching blasts. So we'll only try for a boy naturally and it's very unlikely to happen.

This is the baby monitor a friend and I have. She just had her baby Nov 5th and we're still using ours with DD here at 14 months. It's rated very well and not overly pricey. I really didn't want a video monitor, it adds too much light to the room, the little green light on this monitor was easy to tape off and now during nap or night time DD's room is completely backed out. Otherwise her eyes focus on the pin of light coming through and she never sleeps. My monitor came with 2 pads though so that when they start rolling you can still have full coverage of the crib.
Froggy 5 weeks is so soon! Yay!
We used a cheap safty 1st monitor. Was about $30 and the sound is perfect.
We also bought a dropcam to use as a video monitor as an extra so we can see if baby was up or sleeping. Worked great but was expensive. Also you need to be actively looking at your dropcam app in order to see and hear baby which is why we opted for a regular old fashioned monitor as well.

2have I'm really sorry about your sister that's upsetting!

Baby A (girl) was taking a break from kicking my ribs for a few days and was breech but baby moved again and is back in my rib. Super painful I can barely sit! Otherwise I'm feeling great and really anxious to meet the babies!
Nursery is coming along well. Almost have it compete.
Froggy - your pics turned out beautiful! I'm glad your shower went well. I am trying to organize what I have from our two showers before buying anything else right now. LOL. I have been stuffy also lately. It can go away anytime now.

Rebecca - I'm glad day 1 w/out DH went ok. Hoping the rest of the days go smoothly for you.

2Have - so happy you had a good US report. Your DH is going to be so surprised when he finds out he is having two more girls. :)
Glad to hear the potassium helped!

A woman on our infertility support group is getting into photography and she is doing holiday mini photo sessions for $60. I signed up to get one this weekend and I made sure my visibly pregnant belly wouldn't bother her. It bothers some women who are dealing with infertility more than others. She said it bothered her at the beginning of her journey but now that she is finding other passions (ie photography) she isn't bothered now. I'm glad because it is an affordable session, I can get a photo w/ my bump, it supports her passions and a way to cope with her infertility, and we might take one of the photos and make a Christmas card to mail out this year.

I am leaving early for work today. My old man dog has an ear infection and the ear drops from his last infection are not cutting it for him. He is still periodically yipping in pain when laying/standing and no one is around him. Time to bring in the experts to make him all better.

My OB appt went well yesterday. No problems to report and the heartbeats on the Doppler were good. The doc said "You have had a beautiful pregnancy". So far the plan is to attempt a vaginal delivery and they will induce if I don't go into labor by 38 weeks. Next appt is in 2 weeks w/ an ultrasound for growth measurements.

So far the moby wrap at bedtime is working great. It has helped to relieve a lot of the pain/pulling I'm getting when laying down on my side. Today I'm feeling a little better and some of the stuffiness and head pressure is gone.

My goal for the next week is THANK YOU CARDS! I have written 14 already and I counted last night and I have 50 to go!!!! So much love for these babies. I'm going to try for 7-10 cards a night and be done by the next 5-7 days. Whew!!
Rq sorry to hear you're still feeling under the weather. It's great to hear you're making thank you cards. The shower that we hosted for a friend in Sept and a colleague at work, not to mention the 2 birthday parties we attended from MacKinley's baby & birth class had no thank you's to anyone. We do them for every birthday party. If oeople can spend time & money on a gift as well as make it to the party, they are very deserving of thank you notes. This is a total pet peave of mine!
Lol rq, thank you cards can be a pain sometimes. I have mine out with my address list sitting on the bar, I just have to make myself fill them out. What exactly do you do with your moby? I have a moby too. Are you using it as a belly support? How do you wrap it?
Rq glad the wrap helped a bit. You will be done your cards in no time!

I ordered a nursing pillow today. Anyone has a recommendation for a pump holder that I can wear over my bra? I need to support of my nursing bras so the pumping bras are not good alone I'm looking for something to wear on top of my bra to hold the pump so it can be hands free.
Apparently my insurance might cover a rental of a hospital pump and a personal Madela pump. Waiting for them to process the claim but the place I'm renting from said that my insurance will most likely cover both. Yay!
Uuhh I'm so upset, my baby's growth is almost off the charts so now I have to be tested for GD. If I test positive it means that it's already influenced his growth. I don't even care at this stage if I end up sick, just so worried that I messed up his pancreas or his growth or gave him diabetes :(.
Added to that I have a urinary tract infection & am on meds now.
Not my best OB appointment.
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been on here. I have been really busy and hardly at home, my calendar is full until Christmas but I am not complaining it's fun stuff and keeping me busy. Everyone is trying to see me before baby is born, I am not sure why, its not like they are never going to see me again? Nothing to report on the baby front, everything is going well.

I hope I can catch up properly at some point but just wanted to say I hope everyone is ok and been thinking of you.

Fern, I am sorry about the GD, please don't be upset with yourself, you did not do this on purpose and I am sure LO is going to be just fine.

2have, congratulations on the girls, I think it's lovely. DH might be overwhelmed with hormones but hopefully they will have such a close bond.

Will jump on again when I can X
Fern I'm sorry! Let us know how your OB appointment is.

Today is appointment and scan day for me, and for Rq too I think.

Pinkie glad you're keeping busy that's the best distraction for the wait.
Fern, I'm really sorry, and hope that he is just measuring big, or that their measurements are a bit off. If you do test positive for GD, it's important for you to remember that it's definitely not your fault. It's the fault of the placenta. Some people's just cause more insulin resistance than others. I'm sure that baby is just fine! When will you do your test?
Rq glad the wrap helped a bit. You will be done your cards in no time!

I ordered a nursing pillow today. Anyone has a recommendation for a pump holder that I can wear over my bra? I need to support of my nursing bras so the pumping bras are not good alone I'm looking for something to wear on top of my bra to hold the pump so it can be hands free.
Apparently my insurance might cover a rental of a hospital pump and a personal Madela pump. Waiting for them to process the claim but the place I'm renting from said that my insurance will most likely cover both. Yay!

This is the one I bought on a recommendation from another b&b lady as it's the most adjustable pumping bra on the market and not overly pricey. I have a small ribcage but the boobs are out of control big especially when I'm nursing (GG) and can't fit normal bras. So I got this one in black and it was fantastic! Grab the baby, snack, tv remote, or ipad and relax.
Pinkie enjoy all of your events and time with friends up till Christmas.

Fern, a B&B friend of mine had twins over 8 pounds each and induced early due to high blood pressure. Her babies were definitely effected by GD despite early detection, managing with insulin, and all of her efforts to eat a low carb healthy diet throughout the pregnancy. Her girls were massive for their gestational dating they were perfectly fine. The most likely thing that's happened is your baby has got big but as for damaging organs or having diabetes...highly unlikely! Your baby *may* have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life because this is very genetic. If you're sensitive to sugar it would make sense that your baby may be as well - but not because you've done major damage to your baby. My GP explained diabetes to me...we all have so many beta cells that produce insulin in our pancreas - it really varies person to person as genetics and diet are both involved. When these cells get used up from eating too much sugar or if you simply have a very small amount of these insulin producing cells (I mean some kids are diabetic so there are genetic factors at play), that's it! You need to go on insulin. So overall it's good to not allow children to eat too much sugar thoughout their younger years and keep a low sugar diet yourself as you don't know when you're going to be at risk of hitting the end of these insulin producing cells. Pregnancy wreaks havok on our systems making us more sensitive and less able to cope with poisons (sugar & carbs are not the easiest nutritional element to deal with). Fats and proteins don't use up insulin the same way that carbs and sugary foods do, and they also keep you full for longer (fats protect your organs, skin, hair, proteins feul the brain, repair muscle and maintain your muscle mass whereas carbs are pure feul so hopefully we're very active when eating carbs as they spike your insulin which packs the converted unused sugar away into fat stored on your body) that's why so many women have a hard time keeping slim on high carb, low activity diets. You sound very very active but pregnancy takes a toll on the best of us. I'm super sensitive to sugar every time I get pregnant - makes me very sick. It's made me very aware to be careful of my diet going from my 40's into the later years so that I don't hit that wall where I have to start taking insulin and run out of beta pancreas cells. But the most important thing is that you get diagnosed and you've still got quite a while before baby will arrive so you can do easy switches from oatmeal to eggs or toast to high protein greek yoghurt etc or take insulin to bring the glucose levels down and have baby not get too chubby. They are resiliant little critters, don't blame yourself! xx
Thanks so much for the support! It can go either way I suppose. There is diabetes on my side of the family but huge baby boys on dh's side of the family. My MIL had to have c-sections with all 4 her boys because they were too big for her to give birth naturally. She says she also had to have many GD tests because her babies were so big but she never had the condition. I'm really hoping and praying my son just takes after his dad size-wise.... and that my pancreas do NOT take after my dad and my sister's.
I'm doing a 2hr glucose tolerance test tomorrow morning at 8; 75g of glucose.
Will let you all know when I get the results!

2have and froggy- If I do have GD I'm going to lean on you for some meal plans!

The rest of the ultrasound was nice though... I got about 10 3d pics again as well as 4x 4d videos. He was yawning and sticking out his tongue and waving& kicking a lot. And he has a lot of straight hair already.

How was your scan Rebecca?

Pinkie- enjoy the time with friends and the freedom to just get up and go out without having to tote a million baby things with you ;).
Froggy - yes I am using the moby wrap to wrap my belly at night. When I lay down I get some pain. What I am assuming is ligament pain from the weight shifting. If you look on youtube you will find all sorts of videos on belly wrapping. My DH and I tried a few different techniques until I found one that I liked and was comfortable for me.

2Have - yes I'm big on thank you notes also. It was ingrained during my childhood. I always send them. I'm going to a bakery this weekend and I'm going to buy some fancy cookies wrapped all pretty in a bakery box for the three ladies that hosted my work surprise party. I'll write them a special thank you note.

Fern - sorry to hear about the bad news. Not a good appt at all :(

For all of my US counterparts - Happy Thanksgiving. I again am working at the hospital. We don't do Thanksgiving dinner until 6pm so I will work 7-3:30 and make time and a half. Also, someone else gets to spend Thanksgiving with their family. It's a win-win.

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