*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Froggy I have hired cleaning help for the house. Just 3 hours a day 4 days a week so DH doesn't need to worry about laundry, dishes, garbages, bathrooms, etc.
I will need to figure out a plan for DD since she gets home at 4 and will need to be looked after and DH works until 5:30.
There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle but it will only be until I'm 34 weeks so we will manage. Dd will just be happy that I will be home. She was very sad to see I was not home yet when she woke up in the morning 😥
RQ such a lovely shot!!

Rebecca I guess there will be lots of visits with DD, she's going to miss you dearly as I'm sure you will her.
RQ such a lovely shot!!

Rebecca I guess there will be lots of visits with DD, she's going to miss you dearly as I'm sure you will her.

Bed rest will be at home, not in the hospital so she can come visit me in my room and play in my room.
I'm hoping they will discharge me tomorrow.
Oh that's great Rebecca, for a min there I thought you'd be in hospital for a while.
The hospital OB stopped in and hopefully I will be able to leave this afternoon. I've been laying here since Monday so I'm relieved to get home.
Waiting for my Dr from the OB practice I use to stop in and confirm the plans and tell me where we will go from here. I assume I'll have more frequent appointments, etc.
As of now the long term goal would be to get me to 34 weeks.

Froggy- good luck today on your scan, fingers crossed the previa moved away.
Rebecca - I hope you get home today. I'm glad everything calmed down enough to get home.

The photo shoot was still cold. It was cloudy, windy, and in the low 40's that day. We have had a mild start to the winter so far in Indiana. No snow yet, which makes me happy. DH and I are moving to Florida next spring and I don't care if I ever see snow again. I don't like cold weather. Anyway, the photo session was bearable because it was short and I really am warmer now that I'm pregnant. The babies kept me warm. LOL

I go to the doctor on Monday and I'm going to ask them how I can tell I'm having a Braxton Hick contraction vs something else. All afternoon yesterday I was having pressure really low in my abdomen by my bladder. It was really uncomfortable and came and went for several hours (when sitting down). I assumed it was the boy and the way he was sitting, but now I'm wondering if it wasn't BH. I'm a first time mom, so I don't know what is what.
Rebecca - I hope you get home today. I'm glad everything calmed down enough to get home.

The photo shoot was still cold. It was cloudy, windy, and in the low 40's that day. We have had a mild start to the winter so far in Indiana. No snow yet, which makes me happy. DH and I are moving to Florida next spring and I don't care if I ever see snow again. I don't like cold weather. Anyway, the photo session was bearable because it was short and I really am warmer now that I'm pregnant. The babies kept me warm. LOL

I go to the doctor on Monday and I'm going to ask them how I can tell I'm having a Braxton Hick contraction vs something else. All afternoon yesterday I was having pressure really low in my abdomen by my bladder. It was really uncomfortable and came and went for several hours (when sitting down). I assumed it was the boy and the way he was sitting, but now I'm wondering if it wasn't BH. I'm a first time mom, so I don't know what is what.
RQ when I went into labour it was mild and I wasn't sure if it was BH. The nurse said to me if it's painful, the contractions are labour, if it's muscle tightening and not painful then it's BH. BH are often irregular and don't get closer together. Real contractions come at regular intervals and last 30 s - over a minute. But at this point if you have any worries whatsoever do contact an OB/mw, we don't need another lady here going into full on contractions!!:wacko:
Rq you should always call the Dr if you feel concerned. They can stop preterm labor most of the time sonits always worthwhile to call!
I would certainly call rq, hope it's nothing though!

Rebecca I'm glad your going home, you will definitely rest better.

I had my 32 week appointment today and my previa has moved! Yay!! So no early c section for us! They still won't let me go past my due date, and will induce between 39 and 40 weeks, but at least we won't have to worry about him being early by that point.
Amazing news froggy!!! I'm so happy for you!

Cleared for discharge! DH is on his way to pick me up.
Great news Froggy, wow what a relief. Now you have some more time to just relax and not stress about the earlier birth.

Rebecca - take it easy hun!!! Hope you have NO more issues for the next few weeks.

2have - lovely profile pic. Is that you? Wow you look so elegant!

Rq- as you all know I've been getting uncomfortable and at times painful BH since 8weeks. It started being a concern at around 16 weeks when I had them all day, every 10min, after a huge fight with dh. They haven't really let up since then and are especially bad if I'm stressed. For me it involves my whole uterus tightening really hard & sore; I can feel its outlines (freaky) and sometimes it involves period type cramping and lower back "contractions" as well! Dr says I'm one of the unfortunate few who experience them to such an extent, hooray lol. My midwife said that when the time comes, I might have to look for other signs of labour like the bloody show and water breaking, unless my "real" contractions are noticeably stronger. And that I should just go to the labor ward if I'm worried at all because BH that are so frequent and intense can lead to an irritable uterus, which in turn can lead to prem labor (not too worried about it though).
I downloaded an app that another thread friend suggested. It's called Full Term and helps time contractions so that you know if they are becoming more regular and closer together. This is something I never expected to experience but as long as my baby is OK I can handle it.
I agree with everyone else, phone your dr if you are unsure!!
Aww fern that sounds rough! I hope you get a clear sign of labor and the BH let up a bit and give you a break!!

So happy to be home! Dd was thrilled to see me today after school. OB said it would be ok for me to work but I need to limit my hours. I work from home at a desk job (sometimes I need to travel but obviously out of the question for the foreseeable future). Honestly on one hand I really want to just go on short term disability and not think about work but I'll be so bored. I also feel bad doing his to my company as they really rely on me and it would make everyone else's job so much more difficult. For now I told my boss I will be working but 6-7 hours instead of 8 hours and the doctor will reevaluate next week when I see him. I'll be going in once a week for appointments and I'll need my cervix checked for any changes. As of this afternoon I was 2cm and 50% effaced.
I am so grateful they were able to stop the progression as I really do not want these babies born early! I'm grateful for every extra day they can bake.
Rebecca glad to hear you're home. Hopefully everything stays calm even though you've still got to work & take care of DD.

Fern, sorry to hear you've been so riddled with B&H. Sounds like you have a solid plan to know when the real ones will start. The avatar I put up was from our pool maternity shoot last year. Our photographer wanted to try out her new waterproof gear so she set up a private pool session with us at our local pool. I was 32 weeks then and you can barely see the bump:wacko: I would have liked it to be a bit bigger but she didn't want to chance an early delivery and not get our mat shots in. I have nothing to complain about this time, a lady at work commented the other day that I have quite a basketball attached to me:haha:

DD is teething again this week, her 4th molar in 2.5 months. I can't believe how quickly all of her baby teeth have come in!
2have I was wondering about the avatar photo. Awesome idea!
Sorry about DD teething that's really tough. I used to freeze the teething toys and dd liked to chew on those.

DH has been extremely helpful. This morning as I started working I got up to make myself a coffee and DH made me sit and he made my coffee. Hes getting up earlier than usual to be available to get DD to school. I feel badly that this is falling on him but hey at least he can empathize a bit with his pregnant wife :)

How's everyone else doing?
Hope you are still OK Rebecca. Are you managing your 6-7 hrs work a day and your dd? Happy 30 weeks!

2have - I love all those pool pics that you have posted on here. I don't like photo shoots (I try to avoid them when I can!) But would really have loved to have a shoot like that one. My bump is much bigger than yours on those pics though!! :) yep a big bump can be cute but it's hard on a person's back. Oi.

Has anyone heard anything from Praying? Hope she is OK!

What's everyone up to?
*we're upgrading our medical aid fund to have higher cover from next year (yay!!)
* meeting with our life insurance broker tomorrow to discuss our finances, appoint guardians for DS etc
* still trying to sort out the nursery... hoping to put in a carpet on Sunday and move all the furniture to where I want it :) I've started washing clothes and packing the cupboards
* started to get stuff together for my hospital bag, hoping to get that packed & done by next week
* babysitting my 4 yo niece today until after dinner (planning on swimming a LOT, we're mid-heat wave and the water is lovely!).

Have a great weekend all!
Fern happy 31 to you!! You have a nice list to work on :)
My hospital bag is 90% done. Inwant to go through it and make sure everything is in there. Things I'll need to add are snacks, chargers, hair brush, makeup (i.e. Things I'll add last minute since I still need them)
I'm glad to be in the 30's is a bit more calming as I know it's another milestone. I have been having contractions and some pretty regular and consistent. I went to the dr for a check and my cervix has no change so they said it's ok to have these contractions since I've proven that it's not causing me labor.

I'm taking it easy and DH is doing everything around the house.

Happy weekend ladies!
Wow, I have been so busy at work the last two days I haven't even checked in here. I'm glad it's Friday, although I have a crazy busy, but fun, weekend ahead of me.

Froggy - So glad to hear that your previa moved!

Rebecca - Happy you are home. I hope you can make it as long as possible.

I should clarify from my last update. I wasn't worried about the pressure I was feeling, I was just unsure if I'm feeling BH only in the lower part of my belly OR if it was my boy pushing on my pelvis. I'm a FTM so I don't have any reference on what BH feel like and I don't even know if I have had any because I don't know what I'm looking for. I suspect it was my baby boy rolling around in the basement. LOL. However, thanks for everyone's concern. You are all so sweet.

I finally got all my thank you notes written! I know it doesn't sound that hard, but I'm slow at writing them and I had 55+ to write! It was a big job. Now that those are done, I can start working on my baby room. Step one is organizing the hand me downs and moving them to the dresser. I am meeting a coworker on Sunday to get some girl hand me downs. I am so blessed on the clothing front!!

My sweet sister-in-law (who lives with us) bought me a 1 hour prenatal massage yesterday. I called and made an appointment today for right after Christmas. I am off work the week between Christmas and New Year so it will be wonderful to have that during my off week.

Busy weekend plans. Tonight I am the designated driver and taking hubby and friends to a beer/wine tasting fundraiser. Then tomorrow I'm taking my sister-in-law and my best friend to get pedicures and then a nice lunch to thank them for throwing me such a beautiful shower. Sat evening hubby and I are going to my work Christmas party. Shame the open bar goes to waste on me - LOL. Sunday DH are I are going on a date to the circus and then dinner with my step sister who is visiting from Florida. I'm going to be ready for a weekend from my weekend!!

Hope you all are doing well and have a great weekend.

PS. Lots of baby hiccups. Do your babies hiccup a lot? It is cute.
Fern that's a great list! We just rolled our medical insurance for another year of yhe same. We'll need to contact our lawyer after the girls are born to update the power of attourney and living wills. We got an area rug for the twin nursery and other than that I just need to open the box of clothing from DD that was put away. Will wait to do that so DH doesn't catch on that I know.

Rebecca that's great news that even if you have BH it's not dilating or effacing your uterus any more.

RQ lovely ideas to tteat your shower hosts! Do enjoy your time this weekend.

You ladies are waay ahead oc me, I haven't touched my hospital bag! I slept horribly last night and then DD, DH and I all got vaccines today. DD's now teething and been with fever since 4am this morning. We only do 1 needle at a time with her so she got one that only makes the arm sore. She's been sobbing all night though poor wee thing. I fear it's going to be another rough night!

We got our photos back from the Christmas photo session. DD was such a great little model <3


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