*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

They're beautiful, so delicate hooked up to all those things. Were you able to hold them Rebecca? How are you doing?
Hi everyone! Sorry I was MIA and I missed a lot! I had a training class the last two days at work and I have been so busy at home I haven't checked in during off-work hours.

Rebecca - wow! Congrats on your babies. I'm so glad they only need some oxygen and not to be on the breathing machine. What a blessing. I hope you all are doing well. I also would like to know how your family reacted to find out there were two. Sending prayers your way for healthy babies!!

My OB appt went well. The babies are still measuring ahead and the estimated weight is 3lbs 14oz. So almost 8 lbs of baby total. The doc told me my belly is measuring full term for a singleton pregnancy. Thankfully I'm still feeling pretty well. I go again in 2 weeks.

DH bought me a support band from Babies R Us and I have been sleeping with it. I didn't think much of it at first but found out it is really helping me get out of bed and turn from side to side. Much easier to do so with the band on and it is comfy to wear without even noticing it.
Hi! Just a quick update.
Both babies are completely off oxygen and breathing on their own which is miraculous and great!
They are taking amazing care of them. I get to kangaroo them (skin to skin) so I take turns between the babies and hold them on my chest for at least an hour at a time. They sleep so peacefully and it's really calming for them because they can hear my heart beating and it reminds them of the sounds from the womb. I started using the pump to get my milk supply going. So far no milk yet but within the next day or two I should have some. Babies under 32 weeks can't suck so we will try and start with them testing out eating from my breast in a bit over a week. Today both babies weighed 1310 grams which is good.

Thank you for all the good wishes you are great friends!!
Rebecca that's great news! Glad to hear everything is going well<3

I had a scan this morning, babies are 1506g and 1559g and here's a baby face pic:

Hehe 2have I love those ghost face shots :) I have one from my last scan too. Looks like she was yawning!

Rebecca I'm so happy to hear they are doing so well! The kangaroo-ing sounds amazing. You sound well, too; hope you are feeling good.

We're going on a 4day vacation next week. Looking forward! It's to a bushveld retreat with a spa, less than an hour's drive away. I really need to get away since I work from home so it feels like I'm always at the office (we haven't been away together for 2 years!). And hoping it's a nice time for us to bond before Baby comes.

I've randomly started having nausea a day or so ago?? Like ms I'm guessing. At first I thought I was getting sick but am feeling fine in the evenings so idk. We have our family Christmas celebration tomorrow so I'm hoping I don't have any nausea :).

How is everyone doing?
Oh and I almost had a panic attack this morning when I realized I only have 8weeks left at most. I still feel very unprepared for parenthood but at the same time just want to hold him.
2have your babies sound nice and big! Glad your girlies are doing well!

Fern enjoy your vacation! I was also having a little nausea again the last 2 weeks. It's crazy how it feels not to be pregnant!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Fern that retreat sounds wonderful! I can understand your need to get out of ghe house. Even on a year mat leave I was getting severe cabin fever. Took DD out everyday for walks just to get away from the house and I don't work from home!

I've had nausea often and vomited twice since Saturday last week. The babies weigh 6.5 pounds in total and there's no room for my tummy. I eat small meals and sometimes I feel anxious if there's carbs in the food. I get jittery with rice, bread, pasta, like an immediate sugar rush. Other times I feel like burping after eating only a few bites which instigates me wanting to run to the toilet, feels like the stomach will reject everything. Other times I'm fine, I never know when it's going to hit. I'm still at 23 pounds up this week. It's hard to gain when I have troubles with food.
Hi all wow gosh so much to catch up on!!

Rebecca congratulations they are beautiful!! I'm so pleased they are strong and not requiring any help - true fighters! Hope you are ok too? I remember the tough emotions involved with having a baby in scbu, Harrison was in for just over a week and that was pretty tough, so lovely you get to hold them lots!

Hi to everyone else I'm trying to read back and catch up....at least a bit!

Sorry I'm not posting life has been like a huge whirlwind and still is, work is a million miles per hour and I've been a bit unwell too...low blood sugars, low BP and migraines - now I have an ear infection too &#128584;. I'm ok in general tho...feeling HUGE! I can't believe that it's only a matter of weeks for some of you..how exciting!

I really need to start getting ready...

Thinking of you all even though I'm not posting &#11088;&#65039;&#128512;
Nimbec glad you're doing well!

Babies re good and keeping me busy. The hardest part is driving back and forth between home and the hospital. I'm pumping around the clock so they can feed the babies my breast milk (through NG tube).
Rebecca has your dd met the twins or had any thoughts about them?

I've lost a pound this week down to 22 up. Eating hasn't been great, everything tastes bad. I get really upset when I make a lovely salad or something and it tastes aweful. My mom made me cabbage rolls and I could only eat half of one and had to freeze the rest bleh! 66more days...
2have, dd keeps asking to see them but she has a cold so we cannot bring her until she feels better.
I'm sorry you are having so much trouble with eating :(
Nimbec, so happy to hear from you and that you are doing OK! I hope you can manage to rest a bit during the holiday season... can't imagine being so busy and in third trimester. Hugs!!!!

Rebecca - glad your babies are thriving. My sister also said the hardest thing for her when her twins were in NICU, was the driving up and down to hospital every day for feedings etc while looking after her dd and being back at work... BUT she does say it all goes by in a flash. You are an awesome momma for everything you are doing!!
2have I have also been struggling with nausea and eating. You are so conscientious though I'm sure you are getting enough nutrition in one way or another. Almost done hun. X
Rebecca - so happy the babies are doing well.

Fern - your getaway sounds amazing. Enjoy it!
Hey ladies!

Fern I really hope you are able to find some time to relax on your getaway!

2have sorry you are still finding yourself so sick. It sounds like the babies are growing and getting what they need!

Rebecca I'm glad to hear how strong the babies are! That is amazing! Good for you for keeping up with the pumping, I'm sure it exhausting but that's what a good mommy does!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

My weekly appointments start this week at the mfm, and then I start weekly appointments at the OB in two weeks. I'm so ready to not be going to the dr so much! Dh also found out that his surgery was not done correctly and possibly we might have a malpractice claim. His new dr wants to redo the surgery asap, so that may be in two weeks to try to hurry before the year is over since he already met his deductible, and so he has time to heal again before Gage comes. So stressful! I have also been occupied with a little kitten that was hanging out around my house. It has been extremely cold so I brought him in and have been trying to find him a home. Hopefully I find someone soon!
Oh Froggy bless your heart for helping a wee kitten during the cold. I was a foster mom for pregnant female cats and they often needed a placement home for kittens that had been tossed away/kicked out in the cold. One winter we had a pregnant mom plus a brood of 4 kittens given to us right before Christmas. They loved the tree so much they knocked it over lol.
Sorry to hear about your husbands surgery. Have you met with a solicitor yet about the malpractice? So much to do and so little time! As long as everyone is healthy in the new year right?

RQ how are you doing?

Nimbec don't forget to take some me time before baby comes. I'm working up till I give birth but my work is pretty relaxing and fun. When I get home DH has sorted out a cleaning lady for us and has DD well taken care of. It really helps that he's been so supportive. I hope you're doing OK and not stressing too much.

Fern hows the holiday time shaping up? Sorry to hear you've had nausea and troubles eating too. Not long, I think you'll be giving birth sooner than I will so hang on!

I've been sick over the weekend so we had a couple of hearth fires and movies while DD danced around and played with her toys. It was really nice. Thursday is my last day at work before 2 weeks off holiday time. Friday is my little sisters birthday dinner and we're going to have family & friends over to play games on on of the weekend evenings. Cleaning lady comes Thursday. I'm really looking forward to more time off!
Froggy I'm sorry to hear you are going through an unnecessarily stressful time with your poor hubby! Ugh I really hope it's an easy fix....
At the same time I'm happy to hear about you taking in the kitten. Secretly jealous, I would love another one lol. Both my cats are rescues.

We're finally on the road, leaving for our getaway. I'll probably be off the air until the weekend. Hope no-one goes into labour before then, I don't want to miss it ;) jk!!
I'm still trying to find this kitty a home. He is so cute and sweet, but I have two big dogs who are intensely curious, so the constant having to make sure they are separate is taking a lot of energy!

We haven't yet seen anyone about the malpractice. We are still trying to gather our info and make sure that he documented that he did procedures that he said he did, because unfortunately him telling us that he did something and not doing it isn't sufficient enough. That would be just his word against ours. It's looking like he billed the insurance for the procedure, and Friday we will see if he put it in the operation report. So that means insurance fraud, so we just have to see the op report and then that will be all of our proof. If we can provide all of that documentation then possibly his insurance will just cut a check since there is no denying it! We are not looking to get rich or anything, just compensation for dh taking off of work and what we paid out of pocket.

2have, I'm super jealous of your cleaning lady! I want a cleaning lady!
Update on kitty! He has a new home! A man wanted him to give to his girlfriend as an early Christmas present. She was VERY excited!

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