*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Thank you rq! Yay for feeling baby boy! I know what you mean about feeling pressure where they have settled. I get that feeling when I'm laying in one spot for a while and then switch. How amazing you had so much help getting the baby room together!
Rebecca what beautiful angels they are!! As small as your hand <3

Fern I'm sorry about DH's behaviour. Focus on your plan and your long term goals. Mine are to grow old with lots of kids (hopefully grandkids too) around me. The rest will settle in the dust.

RQ lovely to get the nursery sorted hey? I just need to bring up my box of baby clothes and make a hospital bag and then we're all set. Have you got your hospital bag sorted?

How's everyone else?

We saw Rogue One with a friend on Friday and had a babysitter come in. It was lovely to get out and about without the wee one. Tonight mom's coming over to babysit while we meet up with some friends who are going back to Europe for the holidays. I also have 2 massages booked for today and tomorrow. It's really hard to get prenatal deep tissue masseurs but I managed to book in with a regular one and get a groupon for a new lady.

I signed up with a local twins and multiples group that provides a library of equipment ie strollers, baths, bimbos and has great discounts and free donated clothing. We could use a second bumbo, some twin clothing, and some infant hiking backpacks but other than that I think the community will just be a great support group.

I'm still not sleeping well, eyes burn and I feel like a zombie during the day. I can't wait till the babies come. But I hope it's not too early!
I was looking at the calendar today and I will be induced at 39 weeks which is four weeks away! So crazy!

Sorry you are not sleeping well 2have. Is there something you can take to help you rest?
Thx froggy, it's the carpal/cubital tunnel making my hands zing & burn. Sometimes now I'm so exhausted I sleep right through the pain and wake not being able to move the muscles in my hands. I'm doing chiro, yoga & massage and taking turmeric, B6 (on top of my B multi), potassium & mag to no avail. Drinking loads of water...just need the babies out.

4 weeks is getting close. Have they discussed their induction methods with you?
Fern I'm so sorry to hear that things with DH are not going too well. I'm sorry that you are dealing with such stresses at this happy time in your life.

Rq awesome job on the nursery glad it's done and awaiting babies :)

2have your babies will be born so soon! Only a few more uncomfortable weeks to go! It's amazing the difference not being pregnant. It's so much easier to move around and sleep. Not getting up to pee is awesome! I am waking every 4 hours at night to pump.

Froggy hooray for the countdown! Did you pick a date yet?
Waaahhh froggy 4weeks! I can't wait until we're all on labour watch... well the rest of us after Rebecca ;). It all went by so fast.

Rq - nice to hear that you are still feeling good. I've downloaded ad blocker apps and disabled pop-ups so I haven't had issues with ads but LOTS of ladies on here had problems posting. It's ridiculous especially for a chat and support forum! Pls share pics of your nursery if you can. You are blessed with that SIL! It's hard work to clean and pack all the baby stuff :).

2have - oi you're going to be happy to sleep without pain... just a few more weeks...! For the few snippets of sleep that you will be getting then ;). At least every stage has its joys. And every stage passes. I agree with goals and trying to not let other people distract from them if possible.

Rebecca- hope your beauties are still doing well. Has your dd had a chance to meet them yet?

Pinkie, nimbec, praying, ellie and everyone else, thinking of you and hope you have a blessed holiday time.

My nursery is kind of done. I'm trying to get the most urgent things cleaned and packed away first, so the cupboards are washed, all the consumables are packed away, all the tiny baby to newborn to 0-3 month clothes have been washed and packed. The carrycot where I hope he will sleep, is washed and so are some new sheets & pillowcases for my bed (ready in the cupboard ). The car seat is washed and my car got new tires & a service today, hoping to install the car seat tomorrow. The changing table is clean and sorted. My hospital bag is mostly packed according to the endless list I got from the hospital; I just need to pack 1 comfy shirt for labour, one extra set of pj's and clothes for discharge. Will do that at 37 weeks as I still want to wear all my maternity outfits for now of course! So I still need to hang new curtains, wash the stroller, wash/clean all the bath equipment, all the cot matresses, the cosleeper, etc etc... (all second hand so that's why it has to be washed!). Just doing a bit every day.
Oh btw 2have my sister's multiples support groups have been amazing. Just to be able to chat with other ladies who "get" what she is going through, and can share helpful advice, has been a life saver for her. And of course selling and buying/exchanging quality used goods helps a lot. Glad you found a group right in your area!
2have - I don't have my hospital bag sorted out yet, but I'm thinking I will do it this week or weekend. I think we will install the car seats sometime after the new year. I'm so glad you got a date night in. Those are important while you still can. DH and I try to get out as much as possible. I'm jealous of your massages. I have one scheduled 12/27 and I'm looking forward to it. I also found a local multiples group on facebook and they have been wonderful! I'm glad you found a similar group.

Fern - I am so blessed to have my SIL. I had her pick out going home outfits last night. She just sat there looking at clothes for an hour. She is SO EXCITED for her niece and nephew to come. She is making a headband holder for Claire. She is going to be such a blessing!

I would share pics of the nursery but it's really not much to see. Since we are moving early next year, we are not doing much to this house except for putting all the baby stuff in one room. I'm not decorating the walls or anything. We are not even setting up cribs. The babies will sleep in pack and plays in our room until we know further plans.

Rebecca - I'm looking forward to after the babies come. I know it will be a lot of work, but my most uncomfortable time is at night/laying down. I can't wait until I don't have to pee all the time and I can lay on my stomach!!!
Fern- dd has not met them yet because she's had a cough/cold with no relief! When I think she's starting to get better it starts all over again!

Rq it certainly feels great not to be pregnant. Babies are a handful but it's a nice transition for me that I don't need to care for them 24/7 quite yet. Although I'll be ready to go back to work around when they'll be coming home and I'll need to take a little extra time off that I wasn't anticipating.
Rebecca I hope your DD gets better soon. I haven't been able to see my dad in the nursing home for almost 3 weeks thanks to being sick. Not fun!

Ok we went to see Santa this year and while DD was a bit if a deer in the headlights Santa insisted on a freebie for us comparing bellies with me! I think he won lol
2have - that is so funny!! Love it!

I have a check up today with the OB. No ultrasound, just the normal check up with Doppler and belly measurements. Not much going on for me. I'm just trying to finish up this work week so I can be off the next 10 days!! I leave work at 2:30 today for my appt and my office closes early Friday at 3pm. So not too much longer until vacation.
I am making myself a to do list over vacation week that includes cleaning/sterilizing baby things (ie teethers, bottles, pacis, etc) and doing some research on car seats, my snap and go, and breast pump. Maybe some crafting during my down time while DH is at work. Oh, and the day after Christmas I go to my best friends wedding dress fitting and I'm going dress shopping for bridesmaids dresses. Obviously, I won't be trying any on! LOL
Love the picture 2have, I had one similar saved to my Pinterest but never went and did it.

Rq sounds like a good Christmas vacation! Very eventful!

Last night I was having Braxton hicks accompanied with pain in my middle right back, my right groin, and the right side of my bump for four hours.it was a constant pain that will intensify for a few minutes every 20-25 minutes. I called in and they told me to take Tylenol and drink water and lay down for an hour and if it didn't stop then to go ahead and go in. After an hour went by and that didn't help I called my mom who is an L&D nurse and she told me to take a benedryl, so I did and 30 minutes later I was feeling SO much better. Apparently it's an old trick to decipher between false labor and real labor. If it's false labor the benedryl will calm down the uterus.
Just thought I would pop in and wish everyone a very merry Christmas and hope you are all doing well and have no issues with your pregnancies thus far, only a little more too go!!

I haven't read back, it is still just too much to handle. But we are moving forward with love and hope and have scheduled a January FET so our fingers are crossed this will be our new year miracle. We have three good quality embryos left and are going to transfer one at a time. I am trying to lose some weight, but it has not worked at all! Oh well, must eat chocolate.

Looks like Rebecca had two beautiful babies a few weeks ago, congratulation Hun. I hope they are doing well. (((Hugs)))
Awesome picture 2have!

Rq good luck today at your OB.

Michelle! Hope you're doing ok so glad you're doing an FET next month. Wishing you the best of luck and I hope you get a nice sticky bean!
Myshel- so glad to hear you have FET plans going forward. I'll be stalking your journal if you don't mind? And sending you massive positive thoughts and prayers.

2have - love the pic :) hilarious!

Rq- enjoy your vacation time after your hard work especially on weekends. Hope you have some time to relax between all your projects ;) although it's so nice to get things done and get the lists checked.

Rebecca - aww your poor dd! Hope she gets better soon. Colds and flus that last for weeks on end are the worst. :(

Froggy- hmm sounds like your uterus is in prep mode! How exciting! Interesting about the benadryl. Btw I'm just curious, are you getting an induction by choice or because of the high risk pregnancy? I'm scheduling an induction for baby's due date (3 feb) so if he doesn't arrive before then he will definitely not be late. My dr also doesn't want him overdue. And I think I've mentioned this before but in RSA (amongst patients who utilize the private health care system), elective cs are super common, also inductions just purely because mom chooses. Almost everyone I know have had elective c sections.

Afm- I put myself on bed rest for the day :) was just feeling more tired, sore and emotional than usual. So glad I did, feeling rested tonight! Hopefully I'll have energy for tomorrow's bikini wax :/ and cleaning another large item! Maybe the co-sleeper.
Myshel it's so good to hear from you! I'll be with fern and stalking your journal for your fet!

Fern, my MFM has it down in my chart to induce at 39 weeks because of my GD. I started having problems keeping my fasting numbers under the limit. They were going above by 3-5 points so she put me in 500 mg of metformin and that seems to have helped a lot! I think because of that reason they don't want him in there too long, but it's not an emergency so they will wait until the 39 week mark.
Thx froggy, I'm always so curious about people's opinions and decisions and reasons :) 39 weeks is nice and full term and ALMOST HERE!
Froggy - Thanks for sharing the Benadryl tip. I had no idea.

Myshelsong - I don't know if you will check back on here, but much love and prayers to you. I'm glad you checked in. I have been thinking of you!!!

My appointment with the OB went well. A quick in/out. The heartbeats were both around 145. The doc was super happy with how everything is going. I will start going weekly. She said "everything is looking good for January babies". My next ultrasound is Jan 3rd.

Yesterday I got a call at 1:15pm. It was the HR manager at my DH's work. At first, I was afraid something had happened to him but he was ok. They were planning a surprise baby shower for him at 3pm and wanted to see if there was any way I could attend. My MD appt was at 3pm and I couldn't cancel it without notice so unfortunately I couldn't attend. However, DH was supposed to go to the doctor's office with me so I had to call him and tell him that "my appointment was cancelled". They had pink/blue cupcakes and cookies and we got more clothes and toys (which is great). I thought it was SO SWEET of them! Today I had to go over to his building and meet/personally thank some of his coworkers (we work two buildings away from each other).
Rq I'm glad your appointment went well. Aww That's so sweet of DH' coworkers!
Great news rq! You're getting thoroughly spoiled with all the baby showers, how nice.

Had my 34 week appointment today. Baby is head down and facing my back; still measuring large but his growth didn't measure as high as the previous time; dr says it might be that he had just been going through a growth spurt a month ago. Dr said she will still support my decision for natural birth but with his size she might advise against it lol... although at this stage it's still my decision to follow her advice or not! So far I'm still really keen to try naturally. I only have one more appointment left with her (at 37 weeks)!

My bp was a bit elevated (not too high yet) and my haemoglobin studies are a bit low (not anaemic yet) so I'm to take my bp more often and increase my iron supplements. So glad that my dr does sooo many tests.

We're cleaning for tomorrow's Christmas eve party, phew exhausted! Looking forward.

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