*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

I was doing pretty well at work yesterday and I got in my car after work and had this horrible pain/stitch in my side. Had it off and on all last night. Just the babies growing in there and running out of room. I know I have been very very blessed to get this far with only minimal discomfort. I am working from home today and I'm sitting in a recliner with my computer on my lap. Feeling better today but still very full of babies :)
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate xx hope you have a blessed day xx

We just spent 2 days cleaning and cooking & decorating for an "African summer" theme Christmas eve party (no winter solstice tree for me) and then dh's family only stayed for gifts & dinner and then left lol... about 3-4 hours in and out! I insisted that we have an alcohol free dinner because dh's one brother is trying to recover from alcoholism. And I've noticed that the alcohol free parties never last as long as those with lots to drink! Oh well it was a nice event, dh and I worked well together to get everything ready and got along well! I'm so happy about that.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend with lots of time to sit down and rest ;).
Hi ladies, happy holidays, whatever you celebrate. We're off to a friends' house for a potluck dinner tonight and then off to mom's tomorrow.

My OB called and left a message Thursday, I forgot my appointment:dohh:
Woops. Busy week even with having time off work.

I hope everyone is able to relax. Fern it sounds like a nice dinner party even if it was short. Better to be short n sweet than long and filled with rude alcoholic problems.

I cooked us a really great breakfast and I didn't get sick :happydance::bunny::dance:
Eggs benny over spurdough english muffin, turkey snorkers with mushrooms and asparagus
Happy Christmas! I hope everyone has a lovely day today, filled with love and happiness xx
Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah! We celebrate Hanukkah :)
2have- McKinley is adorable and yummy breakfast!!
I like you picture froggy!
Happy Hanukkah Rebecca!! Hope you and your family have a blessed day :) how are the babies?

Froggy- I love the pic!! Lol he is getting so big and squishy XD when was that scan pic taken?
That pic was from Friday, we are getting scans every Friday now and NSTs on tuesdays.
Babies are doing great! They are about 1500 grams. We took dd to meet them today for the first time. They are behaving and hopefully going to be home in the next few weeks. I think another 3-4 weeks.
They started to dress them and swaddle them. Until now they were naked in the incubator and now they get to wear clothing. The next step is moving them to a regular bassinet in a few weeks.
Can't wait for you guys to have your babies it's going to be so much fun!!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas/Hanukkah. I'm off this week so I'll check in but prob not write much. It's hard to write extensive updates on a smart phone.
Enjoy your week off rq!

Rebecca it's such good news that the twins are making progress. X

I've been reading along with the January due date group (because I honestly expect my son to show up at the end of Jan, my due date is 3Feb) and it's so exciting to read how some ladies are in labour or pre-labour, almost our turn! I'm rapidly getting extremely uncomfortable and although I'm still petrified at the thought of having a newborn AND I'm going to miss feeling him move around, for the past few days I've been looking forward to not being pregnant anymore.

I made a deal with dh that he has to help me sort out and wash the rest of the nursery stuff before the end of the week. Hope it gets done!
Rq enjoy your time off!

Fern I know what you mean. I do miss being pregnant and feel like part of the experience was taken away from me. I'm so grateful my babies are doing well but I'm sad it didn't happen the way I had envisioned.
Good for you that you are getting DH to help you with the nursery I hope he will step up with LO when the time comes.

Babies are gaining nicely and are 1615 and 1630 grams tonight. We're getting there :)
Aaahh your babies are growing up Rebecca! Shame hun I'm sorry that you're a bit sad too, I totally get why. Life never turns out like we envision it hey. Xx

Pff so my husband let me down BIG TIME no surprise there... he helped me for about 2 hours then LOST IT in a fit of rage when I left the room to get a pencil to mark on the wall where he wanted a portrait to be hung (how DARE I leave the room without asking!?) Then he gathered up everything I wanted to put on the walls, most of it handmade by his mom, and tried to storm out to throw it in the trash... I had to stand in the doorway and physically block him... sooo that's all he did.... and then informed me that he's going to leave me here on my own for 4-5 days over new year's to go to the coast with his alcoholic @$$hole brother. He leaves tonight or tomorrow morning. Huge shock to me but IDK why I even bother with him anymore. I just have to accept I'm married to a heartless idiot who doesn't care one iota about me or my son. At least he accepted another (additional ) job (without discussing it with me of course) to start next week (this on top of him already working 6am-11pm daily) so he won't be a part of our lives except financially. It sucks but it's my own fault for marrying him.
Fern you can't blame yourself for marrying him. He sounds dreadful but it's not your fault. Hugs!
That sucks Fern :(

I'm getting very uncomfortable also. Some days are better than others. Just trying to rest!

I can say I think I am finally ready for these babies (everything organized, hospital bag packed, etc). DH is off with me for the next 5 days. We are making 30-40 freezer meals today.

Went to a check up yesterday. Everything was good. I have an ultrasound Tuesday and it will be important because depending of their locations it will determine a vaginal delivery or a c-section. Baby A MIGHT be breech now but we will know Tuesday.
Fern, I'm sorry DH is acting like a juvenile, how far away is your hospital and are you able to either call a friend or the ambulance if you can't drive? There's no way that I could have driven myself last time, mind you we waited 4 hours for my labour to progress. I have to get there withing 2 hours this time as they think this one will go even faster than last. I'm concerned for you because you don't know how fast you'll get from 0 to 10(cm) as this is your first.

I'm glad to hear everyone is relaxing and almost ready for babies to come.

My health is pretty crappy these days and I can't keep up with DD. I'm going to be calling in sick much more in Jan if I feel this crappy. My feet & ankles are massive, I'm still barfing, can't test without arms going numb. Stuffed up everyday. My right shoulder regularly pops out of socket. I'm really looking forward to meeting these babies!!!!!! Today I vomited my lunch with such force both nostrils started bleeding, oh yea and I get regular nose bleeds now. Uggg! I never thought I'd complain with pregnancy but this is really horrific. DH leaves what I call yellow bananas for me regularly ie I shovelled 1/2 the driveway where the SUV gets parked and I go to jump in to drive to my massage appointment and he's parked so that I have to step in a deep snowbank to get into the car. Tank is on empty and my jacket vets filthy because he can't wash it (I've done it at least twice in the past month). I stayed up till 2am and cleaned everything up in the kitchen after a games night with friends and in the morning I go to make my breakfast and he's got stuff strewn across the counter as he wanted to get into the mandrine Orange box. There's a bowl of mandrines on the island ready to eat. It goes on and on. Am I being a perfectionist by not wanting to have to step into a deep snowbank in order to drive my car? He's a great dad and cares for her 75% of the time now but *!?%! he pisses me off sometimes. I take great care to make things easier for both of us and feel like his thoughtlessness makes up for any/all effort that I spend energy on.:dohh:

Sorry for the rant ladies. I hope to come back less tired and more happy next post xx
2have - thanks for the concern but I should be fine. My parents are both retired and live about 5min from me. Also if H is home I'll ask him to take me/drop me off. If I do decide/am able to drive myself, the hospital is 10-15 min away.
Ugh you're suffering a lot!! Only a few more weeks hun, just take it day by day. You're not perfectionistic at all, men should be more considerate. It's a freaking global issue!!

Rq - 30/40 freezer meals!? I'm super jealous!! Send some my way ;). Hope you get your vb if that's what you want.

Everyone else, hi!! Hope you are all doing well, we need some updates ;) almost labour watch time for the front runners!

So after me crying the whole morning yesterday, H got in his car and left around noon. I still can't believe he did it. I mentioned to my mom and sis that I'm home alone and my family proceeded to freak out lol... my mom came to get me and is forcing me to at least spend the nights with them hehe at least they care!!
Fern I'm so sorry that you are still dealing with his crap. I'm really happy that your mom has made you come stay with them, I know that you had once said that you thought your family would blame you if you left your husband, but doesn't him leaving you alone for the weekend when you 35 weeks pregnant show anything?

Rq sorry your dh is irritating you too!

Rebecca so glad to hear that the babies are getting big!

Rq I hope that the babies get into the right position so that you can have the delivery you want.

I'm currently sitting at the surgery center waiting on dh. He is having his revision done today. So hope all goes well! I saw Gage this morning and he is weighing approximately 6lb 8oz so he will probably be around 8 lbs at birth. I started eating six dates a day because there have been studies that show that dates soften the cervix, and the midwife also confirmed that she backed those studies. I also started taking evening primrose once a day because it does this same. I'm hoping that if I can soften it enough that my induction won't take so long.

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