*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

MD appt went well yesterday. The babies are both head down and doing well. They both weigh (estimated) right around 5.5 lbs. So they are still growing ahead and doing well.

I got my group B swab and while the doc was down there she checked my cervix. I'm 4cm dilated and 75% effaced! I think she was surprised, but said I'm doing great. She said my body is ready, just waiting on contractions. She also lectured me on making sure if I feel ANY differently I come in to get checked. She doesn't necessarily want me to wait until I can time contractions to a certain point. I *might* be a little stubborn and she doesn't want me to wait until it's too late. So she made sure my husband heard all of that. LOL
Wowzers RQ, here we go!! Will you be the next to give birth or what? I'm tempted to ask the sonographer to see how thick my uterus is to see if things have changed at all. While I want the babies to come soon to get out of this misery I'd like it to be after 36/37 weeks so they're fully developed. I still have 2+ weeks to go.

Any more check ups at this point? I can't believe how many ladies we seem to have lost along the way on this thread esp when it's just getting exciting!
Froggy you're up next in dd and then Fern, Pinkie, RQ, Praying and then myself for the last part of Jan/first part of Feb. And then the last half of Feb ladies...
I'm still here and I always read, but I'm only nearly 30 weeks so feel a bit out of sync!
Rq I bet you have your babies within the next two weeks!

2have - I know, I would love to know how praying, pinkie etc is doing :) I don't think they come on bnb anymore? Well it's still exciting albeit on a slightly smaller scale XD.

Hi ellie!! How is third tri treating you?

Yep froggy is also up soon!

I have my last doctor's visit next week Thursday (37 weeks). She will probably do the group b strep then, also an internal exam & transvaginal us to view baby's position. She's also checking his size again as he's been measuring quite big; and will make her recommendation of cs vs vb. And then the next time I see her should be on the day I deliver! It's getting so real. I must admit I'm feeling panicky. It doesn't help that my marriage is in such a state. I'm just determined to do the best I can for this child!
I've seen Pinkie in some other threads before Dec and Beemack recently too as Boopin is now pregnant again :dance::bunny:

Fern you're almost at the finale, have you got your hospital bag packed? I need to get some newborn outfits out and the bag packed and the tens machine for the labour pain. It really helped on the car ride over to the hospital and waiting in the hospital for them to get it together before my epidural.

I hope your DH behaves in the next few weeks to help you out and make you feel reassured. That's a very small thing that means so much. Yes marriage is a rollercoaster at the best of times but please, let them behave well during our time of need yes? If mine tells me to try to go back to sleep and get some rest before baby comes while I'm in labour this time I'm going to slug him one!:haha:
Hey ladies!

Rq I can't believe you are so dialated! Your next I bet!

Fern I hope your dh can behave and finds the will to help you out these next few weeks!

I'm looking at a two week countdown starting today! I have been doing all of my home stuff to make my cervix favorable, which last week was closed tight and thick! I haven't heard back about strep b so I'm assuming that means all is good, I will double check when I go in on Friday. I have hospital bag stuff in a pile, but not in an actual bag so I need to do that, and I still haven't installed the car seat base yet, so I guess I'll be doing that this weekend! Dh is still in a lot of pain so that has been hard trying to take care of him and do everything else. I haven't really been sleeping well, but slept until 10 am this morning so I'm feeling better today!
Wow Rq 4cm!! I'm giving you a week :) lol

Crazy how close you guys are to giving birth!! Can't wait for all the fun!
Yeah, the doc didn't seem to think I would make it much past a week, but again you never know. Basically she said I could go tomorrow or a week + from now. All women are so different, but she was happy that my body/babies was favorable for a vb. I don't have a thing against C-Sections and I would actually get paid leave longer if I had a c-section, but I would prefer to avoid getting cut on if I can help it. She did say she didn't think I would make it past 37 weeks so I shouldn't have to worry about induction.
If I can make it to this weekend I will be 36 weeks. With the babies growing ahead, the doc seemed happy with that.
DH has a massage scheduled for tomorrow evening. I know it sounds silly but I would like to hold out past his massage so he can get his pampering session in before the babies come. He deserves it. Also, we have a very nice dinner planned with our friends for Sunday evening. Not sure we will make that....

2have - I was just thinking the same thing the other day, that I can't believe how many "regulars" that dropped off the thread. Kinda sad. I know the post will prob die sometime after all the babies are born (busy lives and all of that), but it is fun to share our pregnancy journeys (and infertility journeys) with each other.

Ellie - it's good to see you! You are not so far away. Feel free to share if so inclined.

Fern - I agree with your comment. I does suck that your marriage is in such a state, but you need to focus on you. Just do what you can do and let the rest fall where it may for right now. Besides, once he comes all you will be focused on is your little bundle of joy!

Froggy - Ahhhh, so close. I can't imagine trying to tie up all these loose ends with a down and out hubby. God bless both of you! I got my hospital bag all packed up this past weekend and DH installed our car seat bases last night. I was so glad he did because it has gotten cold the last few days and I didn't want to go outside (even in the garage)!

So as I finish writing this I feel baby boy specifically pushing/moving on my cervix. LOL. I think he is ready to come out. I have been avoiding all the things/wives tales that are supposed to bring on labor (sex, pineapple, bouncing on a ball, etc). I'm trying to keep them brewing for as long as I can. We will see.....
2have - I was just thinking the same thing the other day, that I can't believe how many "regulars" that dropped off the thread. Kinda sad. I know the post will prob die sometime after all the babies are born (busy lives and all of that), but it is fun to share our pregnancy journeys (and infertility journeys) with each other.

I was on a thread from last year when DD was born and some of the ladies still post photos. We saw newborn, Halloween goblins and a few other randoms. It was nice to hear what everyone was up to and who was ttc again. Hopefully there'll be some updates on this thread too.

Well if you go sometime next week it seems that would be ideal:flower: get your dinner in and DH's massage. There's a song from one of my favourite music groups Pink Martini called Hang on Little Tomato that I always think of when baking these sprogs. If you've never heard of Pink Martini I highly recommend them, the lady sings in 7 different languages and have a small orchestra within the band. They choose only really classic music to play, DH and DD love them!

Well this morning is my OB appt where I ask to be booked off on a paid sick leave until delivery. I went to a Shoppers Drug Mart to test my blood pressure last night and it was 165 over 93:haha: I don't think I'll have issues convincing her that I'm soooo DONE.
Good luck 2have. I'm sure she will put you on leave!
Thx RQ, she put me on leave:bunny::dance: sent me to triage after she saw my blood pressure and after 3 hours of monitoring they checked me in. My bloods had one test that was abnormal and the strip tested positive for urine proteins so they want to quantify the protein before they send me home. Hopefully it's not too high and they can discharge me tomorrow.
Oh wow 2have. Glad you got the early maternity leave. I hope they let you go home soon!!
Hey Rebecca, how are your lo's doing? How is the pumping going? Are you able to bf them yet?
My blood pressure went right down when I was in bed yesterday evening so the nurse said they'll likely put me on rest until I deliver. They want me to book in once/week now and will likely do more tests during appointments but I just really appreciate being off work and paid until delivery. It keeps my hours accumulating for maternity leave pay too.

How's everyone else doing? My hospital bag is now packed:haha: and I got 2 little snuggly going home outfits with knitted caps from a co-worker on my last day. All set, bring on the babies!
2have the LO's are doing great. They're talking about sending them home next week or the following week. Pumping is getting exhausting but I have a great supply and I am pumping more than double what they both need every day. I bf them once a day for 10-15 minutes and I love it! Once they get better at eating I can start doing it more often. Even after nursing them they still give them a full bottle.

Rest up!!
Rebecca- hope you can take them home really soon! I remember you mentioned that you will be getting full time childcare. Will that start when they are home? That should be an enormous help!

2have - goodness take it easy! The bp and protein in urine is scary but I'm so relieved that you are on leave and on rest. Hope your dh does his part so that you can take it as easy as possible.

There are going to be a lot of babies on here soon, with more to look forward to (ellie, nimbec etc)!

Such a cool/freaky thing happened to me. This morning I wanted to do a perineal massage and JUST as I inserted my thumb, I could clearly feel my baby's head! Ok it's not sticking out of my cervix ;) but palpable through the vaginal wall, low down. Two days ago I definitely didn't feel it. And I wasn't expecting it at all, even though I had been doing baby positioning exercises (had no idea that feeling the head was possible!). Of course now I keep thinking I'm going to give birth at any moment lol... Went out to buy enormous amounts of food for the freezer and am starting my freezer meals ASAP. The nursery is basically done, hospital bag packed, car seat installed, all my second hand stuff scrubbed.... Mentally I don't feel ready at all though! I'm very nervous. Just have to take it day by day.

Regarding the hospital bag: I've had to pack so much, we all received a list of requirements when we attended the hospital's prenatal classes. Eg 5 full sets of newborn clothes, each with a receiving blanket, each set in its own clear plastic ziplock bag. 3 sets of pj's for me (I'm taking leggings and comfy shirts/tanks). Snacks and drinks. All vitamins and chronic meds. Comfy large t-shirt for labour. Going home outfit for mom. Robe and slippers. Toiletries for 3 days. Lip balm and entertainment for labour. Maternity pads, feeding bras, breast pads, underwear... The list goes on and on! I like to be prepared though. Everything is packed except a few items of my own clothes that I'm still wearing, and bottles of water and sports drinks. Oh yeah and I need to wash the pillow that I'll be taking along. I just can't sleep on any other pillow than my own (not that I expect to sleep much as I have severe insomnia issues, can't sleep in a strange place, can't sleep with any lights or sounds, can't sleep when my brain doesn't calm down... Lol all of those apply after birth I guess!). Time is going to FLY by.

Oh and I wanted to share- for those of you who will have a c-section or epidural: my midwife advised having a cappuchino before the operation, as the caffeine helps counteract a possible "spinal headache". :) Also: take a good quality probiotic during pregnancy, with as many strains as possible, so that the birth canal is coated in healthy flora. During vaginal birth the baby will swallow these microorganisms and it helps baby's gut to mature faster & helps relieve/prevent colic. Probiotic drops can also be given to vb and cs babies, for the same reason. In case anyone wants to consider her advice!
Rebecca - so glad the babies are doing well! I'm praying they get to come home soon. You are such a strong mamma!

2have - scary about your BP but I'm glad it came down! I hope you get to come home today. Keep us updated!

AFM, I'm still hanging in there. Everyone was really surprised to see me at work today. I'm just trying to enjoy the babies in my belly while I can. Such an amazing thing.

Funny...today I got an email from a customer asking if I could fly to Florida on Jan 17-18 to help test their pharmacy software. I visited their site earlier this year and they loved me and wanted to see if I could come again. Made me chuckle a little. I'm leaving the response up to the sales rep and my boss. I'm sure they will work on finding another resource. I thought it would be fun to reply with just a current pic of me. :) They wouldn't even let me on a plane right now!
Fern - that is a lot to pack! I didn't bring a whole lot for the baby. Just a few onesies and a going home outfit. The hospital should supply the rest for me (ie blankets, outfits, medications, etc). It sounds like it was a good thing they supplied you a list!
It's weird you can feel the babies head! I'm not even exploring that area down there right now. Also, DH and I are not having sex because of how dilated I am. I would like the keep the babies in there for a few more days.
Fern- we will have someone come starting when they get home from the hospital, I'm starting to interview ladies.
Wow that is a long list to pack! My hospital provided almost everything, but I brought most of it anyways.
When I was having contractions the week before the babies were born they said they felt Alisa's head when they did cervical exams. I think it means that baby is low and getting ready!

Rq I'm glad you're hanging in there. I keep checking here to see if you're still pregnant! Can't wait for the babies!! I agree just enjoy the time now being pregnant i actually miss it!
Hi ladies, sorry I have been absent for so long, I have been trying to read along with the updates I get emailed but not had time to sit down and type. December was a really busy month which was nice and my own fault as I decided to do all my baby shopping, Christmas shopping and house decorating in the same month. Plus any free time I did have I wanted to spend with DH as he has been working a lot recently.

There is so much to catch up on but I just wanted to pop on and say Hi and that I do think about you.

2have, I am sorry to hear how tough things have been for you, and glad you have been signed off work to get some much needed and deserved rest.

RQ, sounds like your babies are going to come anytime soon. Good luck with whichever birth method you take, I will look forward to the announcement.

Fern, sounds like you are on track too and well done for being so organised. Sorry to hear things are still not great with DH but you have your little boy to think about and he is going to bring you so much happiness.

Froggy, sorry to hear about DH I hope he gets better before baby arrives. I think you are officially the next one so wishing you the best of luck.

Rebecca, so pleased to hear your two little ones are growing strong and I hope they get to come home soon so you can begin your family life together.

I will keep you posted when anything exciting happens over here. I have 4 weeks left and I am very grateful that so far my pregnancy has been good.

Good luck everyone, I hope everyone has a wonderful birth experience and happy and healthy babies :hugs:
Still hanging in there today. I was really tired so thankfully it is Saturday and I can rest. I had some blood tinged mucous this morning so probably soon but no active contractions/labor yet. Baby watch 2017. Lol

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