*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Froggy it will be soon!

They gave me gravel & morphine last night and I slept. Was barfing any water I drank in the morning thanks to the cervidil uterine hormone but was I favourable for oxytocin (3cm, soft & effaced) and they wanted to get things going and break water. I told them no, I was dehydrated, exhausted and needed a sleep. So I slept, had breaky and a shower and am awaiting them to come up & start the process. They're in a C-section right now. Long process this!

Fern, I'm sorry you're having stress/anxiety. It doesn't get better nearing delivery. Just trust that you can do this, because you can. Sending you :hugs::hug:
2have - best wishes. I hope everything goes well!

The babies are doing great! Claire needed to spend a little time (1hr) in the warmer, but other than that no interventions needed. I'm going great. Not much sleep as you can imagine. I'll post more soon, after we get home and get settled.


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P.S. I did get my vb


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Rq that picture just melted my heart! Claire looks a bit bigger than Oliver. What was their birth weights?
Glad you got your VB it's such a (relatively) easy recovery!

2have lots of luck sorry it's such a long process
RQ they're gorgeous! A good size and looking healthy, well done mama!
Well done and congrats rq! They are so precious and perfect! Glad they're doing so well!! Hope you have a smooth recovery and that you manage to get some sleep before you take them home ;).

Oi 2have I feel bad for you with this drawn out process :( hang in there. It can't be easy. At least you are under the good care of your doctor and medical staff. I hope your babies arrive today & that your body can begin to heal. Lots & lots of hugs!!

Froggy that is so exciting. Maybe you even go in to labour before your induction date!

Pinkie, you also have an appointment this week if I remember correctly?

Today is my last scheduled doctor's visit for this pregnancy, feels surreal! I'll ask about the increased anxiety. Most of it is due to the impending delivery and having a newborn, but I'm really wondering if there could be an external chemical aspect. Today I'm only drinking half a teaspoon of coffee instead of a full one, also only taking a quarter of an anti-depressant tablet instead of half a tablet, to see if it makes a difference. :)
Ok so I'm 2cm dilated at 36+5 (which I know means nothing ito timing but at least my body is prepping!) And baby is definitely starting to move more into my pelvis but atm he is lying with his face to the front& to my left side which is not ideal. He measures 3,2 kg already! Induction date tentatively set for 31 jan. I hope to go into labour on my own before then but now I heard that my dr will be on holiday for a week at the end of January :/. Well there will be other doctors but since I'm doing it on my own I was hoping that there would be one familiar face! Oh well as long as my lovely baby is safe and sound :).
Fern that's great that your body is starting to make some progress! I hope you give birth before your Dr leaves. H will not be invited to the birth?
It will be wonderful for you to have your little man to snuggle once he's born.

Update: baby Joe will be discharged on Friday!! Alisa is not eating well enough by mouth to go home yet. Possible in another 1-2 weeks she will be ready.
Hi ladies, 5 hours after they broke my water and hooked me up to an oxytocin drip I gave birth to Miss Teagan Cora and 17 minutes later her sister Piper Brenna appeared breach. They both weighed 4 pounds 14 oz and were doing very well. They're going to be in the NICU for 1-2 more weeks until they learn how to feed well. My ob was fabulous, despite the breach birth I didn't have a scratch on me. Any bruising on Piper's leg went away today and thank goodness for the top up on the epidural as it kicked in right before he tried to position baby #2 for delivery. The horrified look on my sister's face told me I wouldn't want to feel any part of that!


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Congratulations 2have, they are beautiful! I'm so glad it went well and I'm impressed you v-birthed twins, especially one breech. Our bodies are incredible, aren't they?! Great sizes too :)

Well done all you twin mamas, what awesome jobs you all did!

Now on to our singletons... who's next? Fern? Froggy?
Wow 2have! Congrats, they are beautiful and I love their names!! We sure make gorgeous babies on this thread!! :) how did your dh react when he found out it's another 2 girls? :) MacKinley looks astonished lol she is going to be such a cute older sister!

Rebecca that is great news. Before you know it you will have both home and your hands FULL!

I have been feeling a bit nauseous with bad back pain since last night, hope it's my baby moving down & my body getting more ready for labour! The first trial run nanny/cleaning lady has started this morning, we'll see how she works. Hope she is neat, works fast and hygenically and understands my instructions. Then I don't have to search any further! ;) I have to teach today and tomorrow and am not looking forward lol... love my students but I'm in pain and, quite frankly, LAZY!!
2have, fab news, congratulations on your beautiful girls, sounds like you done an amazing job, well done. I hope they both do well and you get to take them home soon. Get some rest X

RQ, gorgeous babies.

Froggy, any day now, good luck.

Fern, I hope you are feeling better? Sounds like you are well on your way too and hopefully not much longer for you.

Rebecca, glad your babies are doing well and hope Alisa she comes home not long after Joe.

Had my appointment, we now think baby has gone from transverse to breech. Have a scan next week to see what is going on. Most importantly both baby and I are still doing really well X
Congrats 2have! Your girls look wonderful and healthy! They weigh the same as my kiddos. We are at 4lb 12oz for each twin.
I'm so glad your delivery went well. McKinley looks so cute peeking at her two sisters! Was DH surprised when he found out the genders?
Rest up and feel good!

Pinkie I'm sorry baby is breech. I'm hoping baby decides to move!

Fern, good luck Nanny hunting!
Fern I hope you feel better soon, nausea isn't fun when you're this far along and the sore back will hopefully go away when your bump has turned into baby. Not long now, especially if you're already dilating! Will they do a sweep for you do you thunk to get things going?

Ellie how are you feeling then?

Froggy are you & DH ready? How's he doing?

RQ how do you feel now, are you ok after your birth then?

Pinkie, have you read the spinning babies website? There are different things you can try to still get your baby head down. Wishing you good luck!

I'm finally being discharged frim hospital today so we'll just be checking in regularly on our little girls in the NICU. They're off their feeding tubes and onto bottles yesterday evening. Rebecca are they holding yours much longer? You must be very ready to take them home by now! Mine just look so fragile, I'm scared to break them! I'm glad they're holding them a few more weeks. They need to plump up a little!
Rebecca are they holding yours much longer? You must be very ready to take them home by now! Mine just look so fragile, I'm scared to break them! I'm glad they're holding them a few more weeks. They need to plump up a little!

Joe will be sent home tomorrow and Alisa needs some more time to get her eating figured out. Don't worry 2have they're not as fragile as they look!
Aww congrats 2have!! Love their names! Teagan is on our girl list as well!!! Those pics are great of big sister meeting her little sisters!

Rebecca I hope that Alisa turns around quick so that you have your whole family home together, how are they doing with nursing, or are you just pumping now?

Fern I'm sorry your feeling bad, I'm not feeling great lately either. It's definitely getting time for our boys to make an appearance! Fx you have found a good housekeeper!

Ellie these next 9 weeks will fly by! Everyone says it slows down at the end, but for me it has flown!

RQ how are the babies and new mommy doing?

Pinkie I have heard of the spinning babies that 2have mentioned and supposedly it's awesome to get the babies into position.

AFM nothing really new, I will get checked tomorrow for dilation, I'm really looking forward to it! Dh is still in a lot of pain, he is no weight bearing for three more weeks. It's been really hard on me because I'm trying to get the house cleaned and last minute errands run by myself. Some of the chores are getting really hard for me to do and we don't have the room in our budget to hire someone right now like I wanted. But on the bright side maybe all of these chores will get labor going for me and an induction won't be necessary. My mom will be here next Tuesday morning so at least at that point I will have some help.
Beautiful bump Froggy! I love how preggos look towards the end, so amazing!

I'm feeling exhausted at the moment. Constant indigestion and nausea that comes and goes. I'm hoping it doesn't go on too long. I took a couple of days off work because I was all vomity and so tired. Midwife said I had quite high levels of ketones in my urine so I've been trying to eat and drink plenty, though it's hard when you feel full all the time.

We had our first antenatal class last night and we both really enjoyed it. I love how my DH is getting more and more excited and involved now. I think the size of my bump is making it all more real to him!
Froggy we keep on being bump twins XD mine looks just like yours! And may I saw we are gaawwjus ;). Aahh shame I can imagine it's hard to do everything by yourself. Hope you get a chance to rest a day or so before your induction and labour. Can't wait until it's our turn!

The nanny/cleaner today was OK, she will come in next Thursday again and we'll see. Teaching today was also not too bad, all the students I have atm are really lovely. And I'm not complaining too much about the pain etc because it gives me hope that things are happening! Only 19 more sleeps AT MOST in any case! I'm thinking I MIGHT opt for a cs if he remains back-to-back... oi. We'll see.

Pinkie- I hope your baby turns!! Keep us updated! I'm also doing spinningbaby and he's head down but posterior/ROT :/ oh well we can only control so much! One way or another they will be born!

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