*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Oh no ellie, yep I'm also not a fan of this 3rd tri! Hope your issues clear up. I've found that eating soup helps if I have no appetite or it feels like I have no space in my tummy. It's more easily disgested too. So glad you and your dh are bonding over this process and classes. :)
Lovely bump froggy it's nice and round!
God luck tomorrow I hope there's good news!

Elie sorry that you're feeling unwell. I got that towards the end too (of course it ended rather abruptly with giving birth :)

Fern I am pumping 6 times a day (every 4 hours) and I put them to breast once a day. It's nice because the nurses help me out with positioning.
Baby Joe on his way home. Alisa will be going home on Sunday.


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Ah great that he's already strong enough Rebecca. He's so tiny! Hope Alisa can join him soon. X
Oh my goodness ladies congratulations to you all!!!! Beautiful babies and lovely names :) I am here reading but been very busy with work and house hunting - long story but pressure is off now for another 6 months at one point we thought we had to move the same time as I am due 🙄😧!

I am feeling very tired now, got low BP and blood sugars and low iron so on meds for the iron - was hoping I'd feel like a. Ew woman but sadly not lol!!

Got another scan next Thursday and consultant app where they may give me an indication on section date...exciting times!

Sorry I'm not posting regularly im working full pelt and shattered.

Hugs to you all and the lovely bundles of joy! X
Hi everyone. Babies and momma are doing great! Physical recovery for me was easy and I feel very good. However, the baby blues hit me hard and I was having panic attacks for a few days. I couldn't eat or sleep but thankfully bonded with my wonderful miracles right away. The anxiety/depression has gotten 100% better today (thank god).

I've been reading everyone's posts. Sorry I haven't been posting much. For first time parents, the transition is HARD for us! Thankfully we have SIL here who is a god send. She watches the babies so we can nap and did a bunch of housework today. Going though all of the first time parent emotions - overwhelmed, blessed, so in love, scared, etc.

2have - congrats of your beautiful babes! Our Oliver was 4lbs 14oz. He is just taking the bottle right now (doesn't latch very well) but he is eating so we will take it!

Rebecca - so glad baby girl got to go home and baby boy is soon to follow. How exciting. You are such a strong mama for surviving the NICU!!

Everyone else so excited that it is getting closer to time! I can't wait to see the updates.
Here are a few pics. 2am smiles are the best!


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Nimbec I'm sorry to hear that you are still so overworked and run down. Hope the extra iron starts to make a difference soon. Hugs!!

Rebecca how are you coping at home with Joe?

Froggy- any more signs of labour? When is your induction date again?

2have - how are you and the twins?

Rq they are just absolutely gorgeous, thanks for sharing. So sorry that you had baby blues, I'm so scared of that!! But you are indeed very blessed with a helpful dh and sil. I truly don't know how single parents of multiples cope! And what a blessing that you were able to bond with them so soon despite your baby blues. I think that makes a huge difference in how well a parent copes.

I spoke to my sis yesterday about my fears of having a newborn, being overwhelmed, not bonding, not sleeping etc. And she keeps reassuring me that while it is overwhelming in the moment, to just keep reminding yourself that it does pass, and it actually goes by so fast! Her twins and older child sleep through the night 90% of the time and everything is just so much easier now that they're past their first birthday.

Ok so it's decided, H can be at the hospital during my labour if he wants but he will definitely not be in the delivery room when I'm in transition and pushing. If that phase is during the day, my sister will be in there to hold my hand. My husband doesn't care. I'm not going to expect her to be there in the middle of the night though so if I happen to go through the pushing stage at say 3am I'll do it alone. I have also requested no other family at the hospital until I'm ready for them. That's sorted, now just to go into labour lol!!
Rq beautiful babies! Glad you're feeling better! Rest up and enjoy motherhood!
Fern I'm happy you have made arrangements for the birth. That's one thing less to stress about.
Baby joe is sleeping in my arms. Alisa is still in the hospital she is not eating well with a bottle and they needed to put her feeding tube back in. Hopefully she won't be there too much longer.
They are beautiful RQ!!

Fern I'm scheduled for a cervidil Friday night! So hopefully the induction goes right and I have my baby in my arms on Saturday. Of course I'm still holding on to hope that I go naturally before then. I go to get my parents from the airport tomorrow morning, so any time after that works for me! I spent all day today deep cleaning my house so that all my mom needs to do is maintanance cleaning. I got a lot of cramping during some of my moving around. It would be nice to think that maybe I'm getting things started!
Rebecca I'm sorry that they had to put alisas feeding tube back in, I really hope she gets to come home soon.
Ooh froggy you're so close!! I hope the induction goes really easy! It's going to be a long week for you to wait :)
Thanks, hopefully my parents will be a nice distraction and make the time fly by. Me and my mom are getting pedis! And I'm a total daddy's girl and haven't seen him in person in two years!
Froggy - so close, yay!!

Rebecca - sorry to hear about baby girl. I think in my first week haze I switched who you were taking home. How is it going with one at home and the other in the NICU?!?

Claire and Oliver had their first check up today. They are close to their birth weight and the doctor was VERY happy. They have gained 2oz since Friday! I can't get Oliver to latch but I am pumping 90% of their needs right now.
Rq it is hard to have one at home and one in nicu but thank god for family!
I would recommend using a breast nipple shield it really helps with babies latch.
Glad your babies are gaining nicely that great! How is it caring for 2 babies? You must be exhausted!
Rebecca I'm sorry to hear there was a slight setback with Alisa but at least she is getting fed & growing. A year from now she will have grown so much and you will be running around after your three kiddies! :) my sister's twins had twin-to-twin transfusion and were born at 36 weeks, the smaller one had to stay in nicu for a few weeks though due to feeding difficulties but he is the same size as his brother now and he even talks a lot more than his twin! Hugs xx I can imagine it's difficult to go through. Xx

Rq- glad to hear your babies are both doing well. How are you and your dh coping? Are you getting a bit more used to everything?

Froggy- have a lovely last week, can't wait to hear everything about your induction and birth experience! Enjoy your pedi!! I'm getting my hair done tomorrow, wax on Thursday, pedi, foot massage & gel toenails on Friday :) (saved the best for last!). It will be awesome to get some pampering done before our sons arrive! Aaww and so glad you get to spend time with your dad :).

2have - hope you are doing well hun!

Pinkie- have you had another scan yet, has baby turned? Fx!

Hi everyone else!

Afm- I taught a few classes last week but cancelled everything as from this week. I'm really happy that I have that option and can determine my own hours! I'm just cooking a few more freezer meals, cleaning up here & there, doing some last minute shopping and stocking the cupboards. Also spending a lot of cuddle time with my cats, going for a walk daily and sleeping in! Everything I won't be able to do for a while once baby is here. Still crampy etc but I'm really OK with that since it's hopefully my body getting ready for labour.
Thanks rebecca, we all deserve some pampering for sure <3!

2have do I have your twins' DOB correct- 11 Jan? To update the front page I'm not always sure with the time difference. x
We are getting newborn pics today. It's going to be a long day.

Thanks to everyone for checking up with me. The transition is hard but better everyday. DH, babies, and I are doing well. We are learning to live on their routine.

I'm so excited that the other babies are coming soon!
Rq enjoy the newborn photos I will look to you for some ideas for when we do ours.

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