*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Post some pics if you can RQ :)

So my hair is done whoop whoop :) lots of blonde with highlights top half, bottom half dark brown. So the top hair falls over the bottom hair. And lots of layers so the dark brown peeks through. Knowing myself I'm going to have it tied up most of the time lol but the colour is really nice! Now for that wax tomorrow (again a full bikini wax, my poor waxing lady I don't know how she will reach everywhere lol! Sooo swollen :blush:) and then my nice pedi on Friday!
Fern sounds beautiful nice and glammed up for the little guy :)

2have how are the girls?

My babies are 6 weeks today! Can't believe it!
Hi ladies, I've been reading but waaaay too tired to post, my apologies! My fingers are crossed for you ladies still to deliver and Rebecca hopefully your little girl comes home soon. RQ how are you managing? I hope you're not getting too tired or stressed with your new responsibilities xx

We were told the girls could come home tomorrow so I did all of my doctor appointments yesterday (routine week after delivery GP & OB stuff). Thdn they called this morning and said we could pick them up today! So DH is at Walmart grtting premie diapers & I've just disinfected the stroller & bedroom bassinets and still need to do the car seats. I'm tired beyond tired from pumping every 3 hours but it's paid off as my milk has come in enough to feed both girls. My neck has been stiff & hurting and I think it's from all the bf-ing & pumping. Even though the bf-ing pillows are great and make things really comfortable, I still think it maybe from looking down so much, muscles I don't normally use. Other than the girls coming home, the other cherry on the cake is that I've lost 42+ pounds since last Tuesday and now below my pre-pregnancy weight. Although one outcome is that I feel famished all the time from bf-ing I can now eat normal carby food and not feel so ill (yeay!)

I hope everyone is doing well, can't wait to hear about the next delivery
RQ, I hope the newborn pictures went well today.

Rebecca, gosh I can't believe your little ones are 6 weeks already. I hope Alisa is doing well and she can come home real soon.

Fern, your hair sounds lovely, nothing like a fresh hair do to make you feel better about yourself. I had mine done the other day, I left it as close to DD as possible and feel like a new women. Enjoy the pampering.

2have, such wonderful news that your girls can come home, they are doing so well. And check you out losing all the weight, it goes to show how much extra you carry with pregnancy. Sorry to hear you're tired but I suppose that's a given and hope things get a little easier once girls are home and you are in a routine.

I had my presentation scan and it's confirmed that baby is breech. I have a consultant appointment on Monday to discuss our options. I am not worrying, after everything I have been through to get here, I am not going to fall at the last hurdle. I am just excited that we will finally get to meet our baby in a few weeks, one way or another X
Amazing 2have I'm so glad they came home!! Good luck with caring for them! Pumping is exhausting but well worth it :)

Pinkie I hope your consult goes well and you get to deliver vaginally
2have - yay for bringing the babies home! I have been pumping every 3 hours also. It's tiring. Last night was a great night with the babies. They slept without any crying and waking up only to feed about every 2.5-3 hrs. It was nice that they slept solid from feeding to feeding. DH gets up with me every time. He gets the bottles ready while I hook up the pump. Then we each feed a baby. Then he changes diapers while I finish pumping and we put them to sleep again. We were staying up with them for some one on one time during the night but we read we should put them right back to bed at night to help them learn days and nights. It worked last night.

Fern - your hair sounds lovely. Have fun getting pampered before the baby comes. I do my own gel nails and I have had my nails painted for 4 years straight. That was until babies...lol. I wonder when they will get painted again.

Pinkie - good luck with your consult.

Thanks for everyone for checking up on me. We are all doing well. My depression is almost all gone. Just get a tiny bit blue at night but very manageable and going away. I just pray for a good night every night. Lol
Froggy- induction day tomorrow eeekkk! I'm so excited for you!

Rq- great that you have them on the same schedule already. Your dh sounds like a champ!! So glad that you're feeling better. Just take it day by day & remember we are all here if you ever need to vent a bit.

Pinkie- great attitude! I read what one lady wrote somewhere on a birth forum or such; doesn't matter in the long run if we don't all get the birth experience that we picture, if baby and mom are both healthy it's a massive bonus, and it's impossible to be pregnant forever. So your baby will get here one way or another, and soon you'll be a mommy! It's awesome that you are so accepting of the cards that are dealt to you.

I'm also feeling ok with my baby being back-to-back, I haven't been successful in "spinning" him thus far. If I can't do a vb so be it, birth is only one second in a lifetime of motherhood. And thank heavens for epidurals hehe we could have lived 100 years ago...

2have - great that you are already taking the girls home! Good luck :).
Oh yeah and happy 6 weeks Rebecca, can't believe it's been that long already! How is little Alisa doing, and is Joe coping well at home?
Rebecca where in the world has the time gone!

2have hopefully you are getting to enjoy your girls at home!

RQ so happy that your depression seems to be making a turn. Sounds like you guys have a pretty good schedule down.

Pinkie, although I'm holding out hope that you will get the birth you want, it's awesome you are so open minded!! Turn baby turn!!

Fern it's almost time for your guy to make his arrival, how are you feeling?

Tomorrow night is cervidil night! I have an OB appointment tomorrow that I'm sure isn't necessary but I'm going anyway so that I can see if I'm dilated at all. I may ask them to strip my membranes too.
Froggy I'm starting to get more excited and less scared. I've done basically everything to get the house and nursery ready, even the nanny/cleaner is working out well so far. All my salon appointments are done ;) (I'm sporting gorgeous, super girly shimmery pink gel toenails with silver butterfly nail art lol!) And I'm resting a lot. I think being as prepared as possible is helping the anxiety. I even had a dream that I gave birth to him on the lawn outside the hospital because they couldn't help me haha, it wasn't a scary dream in fact it was nice & I didn't want to wake up!

Oohh hun I'm just so excited for you. Have you been having any pains/labour symptoms? Hope the birth is fast and uncomplicated. Stalking for your updates!
6 week postpartum OB visit today!

Eek froggy I'm waiting anxiously for your update!! Can't wait for Gage's imminent arrival!

Fern it's great that you've been distracted with all of your primping and finalizing the nursery. I hope LO arrives soon!!
Froggy I hope everything is going really well xx
I still haven't gone in, they don't have any open beds. I called them this morning and told them that I was being monitored twice a week by my mfm but didn't get monitored yesterday because my mfm thought I was going to be induced and that they would be monitoring me. So I guess I'm going to head up there soon to get my nst done. Gage is moving fine, but he actually failed his nst on Tuesday and had to have an ultrasound to check his cord blood flow because he wasn't accelerating as high as they wanted him to. He did pass the ultrasound though, so I was aloud to leave, but it scared the crap out of me, and I don't want to go too long in between tests.
Ugh no Froggy I'm so sorry to hear that you are under such unnecessary stress now :/ I hope a bed opens up soon and/or that they can make a plan to accommodate you!!!
Froggy all the best with the induction. I hope a bed opens up quickly for you and that you react well to the cervidil!

Fern, I wish I could have had another week to get all of my appointments done. I went in there as a hairy beast as Imissed my wax appt by a weekend!:haha: I also cancelled my hair cut appointment as I just didn't have enough time to do it while running back and forth with the NICU.

Pinkie the birth will be fast however you have to do it and the most important thing is you & baby are healthy. You will do great lady!

RQ it sounds like your DH is a superstar. We're doing the same thing. The NICU got us on a great schedule with them and we're managing well. The girls sleep between 2.5-3 hours before feeds and when 1wakes up we get the other up to complete the task very quickly. DD has been sleeping better now that I'm home from hospital and she's taking small steps everyday to aquiaint herself with her new siblings.

Tonight we're off to the Best of the Banff Film Festival. It's a synopsis of a weekend event that happens in Banff Rocky mountains of films that highlight all of the sports we love to do. Kayaking, climbing, hiking, skiing, and they sometimes put extreme sports in there like cliff jumping / gliding. My mom and our godmother for the girls are coming over to babysit. I don't feel comfortable leaving all 3 with just 1 person. It's overwhelming for me let alone someone who's not familiar with the situation.

I lost another 10 pounds last week putting me at a total loss of over 50 pounds in 1.5 weeks and now 10 under my start weight. I feel great! Told DH we should do twins again or at least take a vacation somewhere where I can wear a bikini! :haha:
Now to keep it off through the next hungry half to year of bf-ing!!
Froggy so sorry to hear that they haven't checked you in yet!! Keep us updated.

2have that's great that the girls are on a good schedule. It's the one benefit of the Nicu! Awesome on the weight loss! I've got 8 pounds left to reach my prepregnancy weight but I'm not stressing because I look great. I think the weight is all in my massive breasts!! Lol
I'm finally in the hospital! Dilated 1 cm 80% effaced. They placed a cervidil at 6 am so 6 pm tonight they will remove it and start pitocen at 7
Froggy that's great news! I hope it's a nice, manageable labour! I'll be stalking for updates xx.

2have - great news re the twins being on a schedule, your weight loss and MacKinley being able to integrate with her sisters. Sounds like it's all going well!

Rebecca - feeling good with the way you look matters way more than what the scale says imo, good for you hot momma :).

Can't wait for my appointment tomorrow, maybe I get an induction or section lol. Either way I'll know more about how baby is growing and how I'm dilating etc. Hope his growth has slowed down and that he's turned around; then I'll very happily wait another week for my induction!
Quick update

Cervidil didn't work, still 1 cm 90% effaced. They are thinking about giving me cytotec and then starting pitocen in the morning
Aww froggy so sorry!! All that and you got nowhere!! hugs, I hope pitocin works well and easily. Will they let you leave to go for a walk? A really long walk may help..

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