*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Oh congrats fern!!!! I can't wait to see pics!!!

When they checked me this morning I was a five, she broke my water and increased my pit, and wowza those contractions hurt. So I went ahead and asked for the epidural, and it was amazing! I just got checked again and I'm now a seven. We are getting there just slowly. He is dropping now too because he was pretty high up still.
Fern, so happy everything went well, congratulations mamma X

Froggy, you are doing great and getting there, sounds like it won't be much longer X
Heading in for a section. I'm not progressing any more, baby boy seems like he isn't moving down and my cervix is really swollen. Also, we had a situation earlier, my epidural completely fell out. So they had to completely give me a new one. I woke up from a nap with contractions
Awww froggy in so sorry! Wait a pain after all that! But at least the end result will be a healthy baby and happy momma!
Heading in for a section. I'm not progressing any more, baby boy seems like he isn't moving down and my cervix is really swollen. Also, we had a situation earlier, my epidural completely fell out. So they had to completely give me a new one. I woke up from a nap with contractions
Aww Froggy, I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a lot of pain and issues. Gage will make it all worth it though and you are going to be a great mommy! Much hugs and love hun!!

Afm- feel fine, very tired, no sleep but otherwise all good. Bf is going well and I'm not too sore (episiotomy and vaginal tear but I'm OK). Baby G weighs 7,7 lb; nice strong baby. Soooo in love!
Awesome job fern! Can't wait to see pictures of the little guy! Amazingly enough my babies are still 2 full pounds smaller!
Good luck with the section Froggy. You did all you could for a v birth, good on you lady. Hang in there, Gage will be in your arms soon!

Fern, I can't wait to see your little guy. 7 pounds 7oz is a perfect weight, well done! Has your OH seen/met him yet?

The girls have their 1st GP appt tomorrow. I'm interested to see how much weight they've each out on. Their skinny little bums are filling out nicely=D>

Gage was born via c section on Jan 24th at 11:12 pm. He weighed 9lb 1oz and is 21 2/3 inches! He latched immediately! Will update properly later!
Froggy he is beautiful!!! I'm so sorry for what you went through but glad gage arrived safely! 9 pounds, wow!
Congrats, enjoy your little man and rest up!
Beautiful! Congratulations to both our new mummies xxx
Congrats Froggy on your gorgeous healthy boy!! How cool that our sons share a birthday <3. Hope you are recovering well after your ordeal hun.

Ellie- and now we get to wait for yours :) hope you have a lovely last few weeks x
Froggy, congratulations on the birth of Gage, he looks gorgeous. I hope you recover well x
Afm- phew so tired. Baby is rooming in tonight and I hope we both get some sleep. Yep, H was at the hospital for the birth, he just wasn't present when I pushed baby out, birthed the placenta and got stiched up. As planned, my sister was there for that part. He came back in after I was done & was cleaned up properly. I'm VERY glad he wasn't there and didn't see that bloody mess!! And that my sister was there instead. She was fab. I felt comfortable asking her to hold a mirror for me so I could see his head, for doctor to show me the placenta and the amniotic bag etc, and I wasn't inhibited to push or scared that I might poop in front of my sister. I definitely would have felt very uncomfortable and inhibited doing all of that in front of him. Anyway as it turns out he DOTES on our son and is amazing with him so far!! He took to being a dad right away. So far, so good. I'll type out the whole birth story when I get a chance. X
Wow ladies so much has happened!!

Congratulations Fern & Froggy &#128515;&#128515; how amazing too that they share a birthday!

Hope you are both feeling ok, no doubt shattered. Fern I'm so pleased H is smitten what a relief you must feel - long may it continue!!

Froggy gosh a big strong boy no wonder it was hard to progress hope you are ok after your section I remember it well from 4 years ago - hang in there The pain goes quicker than you would imagine.

Hope everyone else and their beautiful bundles are doing well!

Sorry I'm not on much trying to get things organised this end.

So who's next?!

I have been told I have to have a section which I'm ok with actually as I have a few complications such as pacemaker and a fractured spine so the risk is too high for a normal delivery. I'm struggling with low blood pressure, sugars and iron at the moment so feeling shattered. I went to my midwife appt today and she said she didn't think it would be long they won't leave me till 39wks for my sectionnif I'm not well &#128584;I really want to hang out as long as possible having had Harrison prematurely I'd really really like to hold him straight away and have a more normal experience if possible BUT my biggest wish is for a healthy baby anything else I'll go with! So I will get my date hopefully next week - I'll keep you posted!
Fern I'm so glad that H is doing well as a dad, that just be comforting to you.

Pinkie, Ellie and Nimbec, can't wait for you gals to have your babies!

I'm sorry about your C section Ninbec, I know it's not an easy recovery but you'll get the same end result :)
Hi everyone sorry I've not been online for so long! I've missed loads! Congratulations to all the new mummies, hope your enjoying motherhood &#128155;
I'm currently at home in hybernation as my doctor suspects I may mumps &#128532; Get my blood test result back tomorrow. Other than that I'm well and baby is doing great x
Good to hear from you ES, ugh sorry that you have mumps!! Are you team yellow or have you found out what your baby's sex is? :)

Nimbec- not too long now hun. Please let us know when your section date is.

Pinkie- have you discussed your birth options with your dr yet? Keep us updated, your birth is coming up soon, so exciting! Can't wait to hear what you are having! I'm thinking girl for some reason ;).

All the new mommies I hope you are doing OK! Froggy how are you recovering?

Well I still haven't had time to type out my birth story. It's been so busy. I just made some voice notes to try and remember the important details. When we arrived home from the hospital on Thursday, our geyser had burst and the ceiling had fallen in in the kitchen!! What a disaster. So I had to unpack and inbetween we tried to clean the kitchen. Yesterday I packed all my bags again & went to my parents while the plumbers were here to replace the geyser. While at my parents, a million family members came to visit. Packed up and came back home last night, only got to sleep around 3am because H was snoring so much and the cats were crying outside my door all night lol. Today my in-laws are here and mil can't leave my son alone & he can't sleep! So I've taken him now after a few hours to feed him and escape all the attention. Shame he is so overstimulated.

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