*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

How are all our pregnant mommies doing? I can't wait for you all to have your babies! It is the best adventure imaginable.
Baby G, 5 days old today!


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ES sorry to hear you are not well 🤒 please rest and look after yourself!!

Fern I'm so sorry you had all that to come home too what a nightmare :( he is gorgeous!!! Lovely pics. Please don't worry about him being overstimulated it won't last forever and you will get into a nice calm routine after the initial excitement of his arrival.

How is everyone doing?

I will hopefully get a section date at my consultant app next week - I saw midwiffe this week and she said head down ready to go could be anytime! 😲 I am trying to hold on to 37 weeks at the earliest pref 38...not sure I'll get that far tho - million dollar question am I having a Feb baby or a March?! I'm almost ready at home, bag is almost packed so ready for any eventuality.

Ellie, pinkie how are the last few weeks treating you? I'm shattered!!
Fern how are things going? Is H allowed to spend time with baby?

Froggy those are gorgeous pictures of Gage. How is it with a newborn?

2have and RQ how are the twins?

Nimbec I hope you get to 38 weeks! Keep us posted when you get your date. Feel good!

Joe is doing great and Alisa is still in the hospital. She's very sleepy and is never awake long enough to take a full bottle. She was evaluated by a speech pathologist twice already and they keep saying that she's just a little immature.
Well get there soon I hope!
Hi everyone. Sorry I fell off the face of the earth for a week. Monday we took the babies to the doctor for their 2 week check up. They are doing great and both gained 6oz in a week. They were both above their birth weights. Then after the doc appointment we drove across town and got their birth certificates. Tuesday we spent 4 hours or more taking all the steps to get their passports (i.e. Pictures, in person application, etc). We are going to our best friend's wedding in Mexico in April! Crazy! After all that running DH and I were lazy slugs the rest of the week.

Congrats Fern and Froggy! I hope you are coping well and healing fast. Being a FTM is a crazy and beautiful transition.

Rebecca - sorry to hear Alisa is still in the hospital. I hope she starts eating well soon so she can join the happy family at home!! I know I would be anxious to have my baby at home.

I haven't gotten my whole gallery of newborn pics but I did get a preview pic. I can't wait to see the rest of them.


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Rq that pictures is awesome! Just beautiful! I'm looking to do naked pictures too, just waiting for Alisa to go home so we can schedule something!
Lovely pictures girls.
I'm just mega tired now... not sleeping well, odd dreams and a huge stomach to haul around! I'm counting down to maternity leave... 4 weeks to go: 2 weeks until half term, then a week off then one handover week.

We are pretty much ready now. I need to wash everything, but it's all in situ and looks great. It's so exciting. We've been doing lots of classes, tours etc recently and I'm feeling much more prepared and less "head in the sand" about it all. We've also met some lovely couples through our antenatal NCT classes.
Wow, so much happening!!

Froggy & Fern I hope you're doing well after your births. Fern sorry to hear about the chaos when you got home. You prepared so well to have a relaxing calm home to return to and then bam! It goes sideways! Lets hope DH can step up and take care of the house and leave you to mother your LO.

Ladies gorgeous pics, thank you for sharing, they're all absolutely adorable!! We do our newborn session on Saturday next week. I can't wait!

Ellie, antenatal classes are the best. Are you going to try to keep in touch with those families? We had 13 other couples in our group and we all set up a secret fb page. It's alot of fun to see all the babies progress & chat about the different phases (the dreaded 4 & 8-11 month sleep regression ugg! Get ready ladies!)

Nimbec all the best with getting the section date & getting to 38 weeks if that's what you're hoping for!

ES does mumps effect baby at all? It's quit serious isn't it? I had it when I was snall and my neck / lymph nodes blew up. I hope you feel better soon, being sick whe pregnant is the pits!

Rebecca, usually the girls progress faster than the boys in the NICU but it's reassuring to know you've got specialists keeping her under close watch. I hope you get to take her home soon!

I hope I haven't missed anyone, wishing everyone the best! We've been waaay too busy for comfort this past week 1st GP appt was wednesday. The girls have gained 7 oz since coming home fromthe NICU. They're at 5 pounds 5 oz now and eating constantly. DD had vaccinations Saturday so we scheduled the twins in at that session for March/April vaccinations. I had more blood tests to do to see if I'm gaining hemoglobin/platelettes yet. Monday the girls have audiology tests, it's standard here with NICU babies. We had friends over to see the girls Saturday abd they got SO many gifts! I've already got loads of envelopes in the mail from family fir RESP money for them but the clothes and DD got twin dolls with a miniature playpen along with some frilly dresses & accessories... Thank goodness I bought 2 packs of thank you cards before the twins came. I have work to do!
I've lost now 15 pounds drom my pre-pregnancy weight and fit pants I haven't fit in years. It makes me seriously want to get pregnant again lol. Time off work with a year paid maternity leave, losing weight each time, more beautiful cherubs to make me smile everyday. If only we had unlimited finances, I would def keep trying for more!
2have - yep how crazy is life with a newborn? I can imagine it's even busier with two. And I don't want this lovely time to fly by so fast :).

Rebecca - sorry to hear that Alisa is still in hospital. Hope she can join you soon.

Rq and Froggy - how are you doing?

Ellie- oohh it's so exciting to get the last things done and ready for baby. It helps to know that everything is clean and in its place for when you go home from the hospital (unless your geyser bursts and your ceiling caves in like mine did lol).

Pinkie- any news??

Afm- loving every second of being a mom. If I'd known how nice it would be I wouldn't have been so anxious before the birth. Struggling a bit with feeding. Everything is perfect; he has been able to latch great since day one, I don't have sore nipples/mastitis/engorgement BUT I have a very low supply. Trying supplements, eating plan, additional pumping etc to increase it. But atm I'm having to supplement with formula :(. Oh well he is getting fed!! Everything else is perfect. Rebecca to answer your question H is great with the baby. He's not home much because he works long hours but when he's here he feeds baby, changes his nappy, dresses him, comforts him etc. Now after the birth he is a lot more involved & interested in the baby. He even reads up on how to calm baby down, ways for me to increase my milk supply etc.
Fern - so happy to hear that DH is taking to fatherhood.

Babies had a rough night last night. They were up a lot wanting to eat. So today I felt like a walking zombie. Oh well, some nights are going to be like that. When sis-in-law got home from work DH and I went to get a pedicure together. It was nice and relaxing. My in laws are flying in from Florida to visit this weekend. It will be their first time meeting the babies!
Hi ladies,

Hope all the kiddos are doing well and the pregnant moms :)

Just wanted to report that Alisa will be coming home today! I'm so grateful to be able to have my whole family under one roof, finally. It's been a long 8 weeks and I'm happy to have a regular normal family now :)
Unfortunately I have to go back to work on Monday, I've been out for 9 weeks already, and I can't afford to take off any more time from work.
Rebecca thats GREAT news!!! I'm so happy for you :) Sorry you have to go back to work...i will be in that position too sadly. How are you managing child care whilst you are working if you don't mind me asking? I'm hoping to take him in with me and work from home too.

As for me I'm in early labour!! spent yesterday in hospital and today on bed rest seems to have slowed down and hoping to hang on at least a few more weeks! I really really want to avoid special care if i can - even though I know from Harrison they do an amazing job.

How is everyone getting on?
I hope they can stop your labour for a couple more weeks Nimbec.

Rebecca, that is great about Alisa but sucks about work. I'm starting to realise how incredibly lucky I am with my maternity leave options.

As for me, I had a routine antenatal appointment yesterday and my bump measured small, so was referred for scan today.

Finlo's growth has slowed, so I was given steroid injection and next scan in 12 days will decide. He may need to delivered then, at 36 weeks. That's not too bad, I know.
Only problem is that he's currently breech. If he doesn't turn, I'll probably need a caesarean. I'm trying to get used to this idea.

It's been a really tough 24 hours and I'm shattered, but he's still ok and I still have choices. I do worry about placenta failure though. The words we all dread to hear.
Hi Ellie i'm sorry to hear he has slowed, sometimes though they can be wrong i have known people have multiple scans for slow growing and deliver early and have perfectaly average size babies. Hopefully he is just taking his time and is not planning on being a 9 pounder! Did they say his weight from the scan? Is he measuring a long way behind? Keeping all crossed for you .
His estimated weight is perfect (4lb 11oz @ 34+0) but has slowed. He has only put on 11oz in 16 days and my bump is 30.5cm.
I'm hopeful all will be fine, just a variance of sonographer.
Fingers crossed all is ok! He is bigger than my boy currently so maybe he is just having a break for a few days and like you say variance in sonographer. Hopefully he will surprise you in 12 days! Little monkey is already worrying you before his arrival! Fx for you!
Rebecca - how was your first night with baby girl home??

Ellie and nimbec- best of luck to both of you. I hope your babies can stay put and grow grow grow!!

Friday and Saturday have just been crazy busy with family visiting. I think we counted over 20 people who have come to visit in 2 days. I'm worn out!!
Rebecca - yay that's really great!! I hope you have an absolutely blessed weekend with all your kids at home. So sorry that you have to return to work. I have to start again in 3 weeks and just want to cry when I think about it.

Nimbec- shame you've been under so much stress & exhaustion during your pregnancy. I hope you can REST now and keep that baby in a bit longer. Do you have someone taking over your work responsibilities?

Rq- wow that sounds exhausting. I hope you can lock your doors today ;) it's nice that you have so many people in your life who all care though!

Ellie- It's totally possible that the scan was a bit inaccurate and that they are just being cautious. Ultrasound growth scans are not 100% reliable. My son measured SO LARGE on all the scans from 30 weeks +; in fact my dr had me do the 2hour glucose test based solely on his measured size. Despite a nuchal cord and him being back-to-back, I was only advised to consider a c-section due to his size. And when he was born he was not big at all in fact just 3,15kg. (His weight was initially recorded incorrectly by a nurse as 3,51kg; we only found out that it had been incorrect a day later).
Long story short- I hope and believe all is well with Finlo's growth, too. It is however reassuring to have medical professionals looking out for us and being cautious so they can deliver our babies safely. Xx

Afm- love being a mom. My baby is definitely the love of my life and a breath of fresh air in this house. My husband was nice to both of us for a few days but quickly regressed to his old ways and I'm just staying away from him. Eg yesterday I got screamed at for "sitting at home all day doing nothing and contributing nothing" (= maternity leave). This from a man who still hasn't spent a cent on his son and hasn't helped out one single night since his son has been born etc. Since he can't breastfeed, refuses to do nappies, doesn't prepare or wash bottles etc and in general doesn't want to help out anymore, my son also doesn't spend much time with him anymore. Baby G and I have a separate bedroom on a different floor of the house so we avoid him when we can.
Fern, I hate to say this, but you and baby G may need to leave this toxic man. You can't keep putting up with such unpleasant behaviour. I can't understand why he isn't filled with joy about this incredible new person on the family and doesn't want to contribute to his son's upbringing. He is truly undeserving of you and G.
I really hope you are able to find some resolution xox
Hi all,

Rq that sounds exhausting hopefully you can get a bit of rest now :)

Ellie keeping fx for you.

Fern I agree I really think you should start putting things in place to leave him, these things can take time and be difficult but think about when your lil man is a bit older he will be affected by this horrid man!! You don't need him and any moneys can always be sorted even if it seems impossible at the moment.

As for me I'm still taking it easy, things have stopped so fx we will be ok. I find it frustrating that even though I'm Meant to be resting I still have to look after the house, Harrison and cook! I have the cleaner Tuesday so that will help!

Fern I don't have anyone who can take over my work as such but I will only be doing my essential work looking after my key accounts which is not full time. They will have to survive in the office without me a bit...I will go in for a bit everyday but park myself at my desk and keep away from any stress!

Hugs to you all.

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