*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

So question: are nuchal scans routine?? I just called my new OB's office and they tell me that unless you are at risk nuchal scans are not routinely done.
You can opt out of it, but anyone in their mid thirties it is recommended. Or at least my Doctors office is recommending it.
Seems like it's routine here; at least everyone I know in my area (who sees a private ob at a private hospital) has had it done. I asked for the minimum amount of tests and scans, just those that are really necessary because my medical aid fund pays for NO pregnancy related appointments or bloodwork. Whether it's covered depends on which insurance/aid plan you are on in RSA. We can't afford a better plan atm. At the 12 week scan the dr will apparently check everything that can be measured and tested (fetal assessment) and then again at 20 weeks, combined with blood tests.

Anyway I'm happy to have it done. I would also like to be prepared for the possibility of a special needs child so that we can plan for the future.

No idea when I will get the results. I'm assuming the dr will discuss them with me at my 12 week scan.
RQ if you're in most European countries, Canada/Common Wealth countries the nt + bloods after 30 is routine. If your score is higher than 1 in 500 then it's recommended doing a conclusive test to find out. Planning for special needs isn't easy, there's education and medical assistance involved. In Italy and some other countries they actually recommend terminating pregnancy if you're carrying a chromosomally compromised baby. They have a very low prevalence of Downs & Trisomy weighing on their healthcare systems as a result. It's a very mechanical way of doing it but I like the way Canada & Britain (and it sounds like South Africa) do it by the routine anatomy scan which looks at other features as well as the neck Nauchal translucence paired up with blood markers. You're in the office at 12 weeks anyways, they just pair it all up to give you some indication of the likelihood of trouble. If you need to prepare then the assistance is there for you. Some of the things they test for like Turners Syndrome can end in late pregnancy or first year of life and require extra medical assistance. It's a decent way for preparing to caring for those babies that need extra attention.
Rq- even though we are with an RE now when I switch to my OB I still get the "first pregnancy appointment" so it's as if it's my first time being seen this pregnancy. I'll have the opportunity to ask questions, and discuss all the testing.
I'm hoping to see my OB at 13 weeks.
Rq- even though we are with an RE now when I switch to my OB I still get the "first pregnancy appointment" so it's as if it's my first time being seen this pregnancy. I'll have the opportunity to ask questions, and discuss all the testing.
I'm hoping to see my OB at 13 weeks.

Yes, I'm seeing them at 12 weeks and 2 days. But they won't be doing an US because I will have just had one at 10 weeks at my RE. And when I asked about the nuchal screening they said their office doesn't do it. I was just confused. I mean I guess it's not THAT big of a deal because they will do other screenings (quad and the 20 week anomaly US), but it was just confusing and the girl that was scheduling the appt was kinda clueless. It took me over 24 mins to schedule an appt! But she did go ask the nurse about the screening.
Rq- even though we are with an RE now when I switch to my OB I still get the "first pregnancy appointment" so it's as if it's my first time being seen this pregnancy. I'll have the opportunity to ask questions, and discuss all the testing.
I'm hoping to see my OB at 13 weeks.

Yes, I'm seeing them at 12 weeks and 2 days. But they won't be doing an US because I will have just had one at 10 weeks at my RE. And when I asked about the nuchal screening they said their office doesn't do it. I was just confused. I mean I guess it's not THAT big of a deal because they will do other screenings (quad and the 20 week anomaly US), but it was just confusing and the girl that was scheduling the appt was kinda clueless. It took me over 24 mins to schedule an appt! But she did go ask the nurse about the screening.

They can only do nt between 12-13 weeks as the measurement has to be precise. Beyond that timeframe there needs to be different screening ie harmony. It sounds like in the States women need to figure put how/where to get tested. It's shocking to me they aren't more comprehensive & organized.
I think part of it is transitioning from a RE to an OB. I bet there wouldn't be as much confusion if I had just started with the OB from the beginning.
Hi ladies, hope you are all having a nice relaxed weekend. We've done a ton of home renovations this past (knocked down walls, painted other walls, ripped out carpet etc) and it was so nice to sit back and do no more cleaning today!

Question: how much weight have you ladies gained so far? I'm still not impressed with myself for giving in to sweets too easily (I NEVER thought I would eat this much during pregnancy!). And have gained 2,5kg already. :(
i've gained about 8 lbs. I really hate not being able to get into the gym. I eat like crazy without the feel-good of working out. I'm going to try to gently get back in after 12 weeks. And going back to work in Aug will take me away from all the food here at home.

With DD I gained 4 lbs in 1st tri and 24 total. 4 extra from my initial weight before pregnancy right after birth. I gained a little bf-ing as it made me so hungry. I'd like to ensure I only gaina max of 30-35 with these twins. That's what they recommend anyway and I don't want to be feeling terrible when I have to take care of them, with DD the birth was easy and I attribute that to staying in shape the whole pregnancy. I pushed her out in 2 pushes:haha: i asked the doc what would happen if I pushed now (they weren't ready for me) and they said that baby could fly out & hit the wall. So I waited patiently for them to get their stuff together. Somehow I don't think this pregnancy will be as fit as the last one, I already feel like a whale.
I just weighed myself, and I have gained 4 lbs. I told dh that i think the scale is wrong because I'm down from last week, and he said that my bump isn't as big as it was last week. So I'm thinking that my bloat was to blame and I'm finally losing it, and my bump is now baby and not bloat.
I feel like I want to be healthy and happy though thus pregnancy, so I will make the best choices I can with bad choices occasionally. I'm going to try not to freak too much about my weight gain. When I was younger I would have rather starve myself and be skinny and would go days without food. I still have really bad body image issues so being pregnant is going to be rough, but I'm going to really try to just focus on health and not numbers
I am definitely not being healthy. I've gained about half a pound so far. I am dealing hoping to keep the weight gain to a minimum.
Although I'm eating crap I'm not eating a lot. For example two nights last week I had French fries for dinner. Although it's super unhealthy that's all I ate.
Until I woke up at 2am for a snack ;)
Rebecca is it because of your nausea?

Lol milestone for me as I started vomiting this morning for the first time uuggghhh.... after not having many symptoms and even the hunger dizzies were something I could cope with, I've been announcing to everyone that I guess I'm one of the lucky few that don't get ms. Well.... no. Yesterday morning I started feeling really nauseated after a glass of water. Last night I asked dh to get some of my favourite cupcakes and I could smell the margarine in the frosting!! (I had always thought it was cream cheese frosting). I felt so unwell and uncomfortable for the rest of the evening (that's when I posted the weight gain question); woke up with waves of nausea all night and am MAN DOWN this morning. Hubby says it's because I keep complaining about not feeling pregnant. I hope it's just a tummy bug, otherwise my weight gain issues will probably be the opposite for a while.
Oh Fern you poor thing, that sounds awful! You could smell the margerine?:rofl:

Keep your blood sugar up as best you can, watch the sugary foods they'll make you rollercoaster with nausea. Protein and complex carbs...and maybe suck on some popsicles (coconut water or gatorade) if you can't keep liquids down. Worked for DD & DH when we got the tummy bug. I hope you feel better soon!
I think I am up about 4-5 lbs but most of that was during week 7 when the nausea and hunger started and I couldn't stop snacking for the life of me. No weight gain in the last three weeks, which I am happy with. I am a "big" girl, unfortunately I gained over 50 during the last five years of ttc due to depression and an inactive job, and never lost it. Trying to get back on the band wagon of healthy eating and moderate excersize, but I know I am not suppose to limit calories too much, so just hoping not to gain anything more this pregnancy. We will see what my Dr says when I meet him at .... 20 weeks!

Had moms Bday dinner yesterday, me and hubs took her and Dad to restaurant near by that was right on a lake and it was beautiful. We had a great dinner then came back here for some desserts I picked up at an Italian bakery. Sooo good.
Now we have a family pool party this afternoon they are putting on to celebrate with cousins and aunts and everything. It is going to be so busy!
Fern I'm so sorry you're feeling sick.

For me I think the lack of weight gain is due to my poor appetite and nausea.
I don't have a scale and since all the re does is scans, I have no idea. I think I've prob gained something as my pants aren't really fitting , but I know sometimes you can go up in inches without weight gain. But this bloat is not messing around ! Lol. I am surprised that I'm struggling a bit with it. I didn't think I would. But I've been the same size for the past 15 years so it has been off putting. I find that I'm already worried that I will never go back to pre baby bod. I just need to know that I'm eating healthy and my body is doing what it needs to do ...
Thanks ladies I'm feeling a bit better and have really tried to eat healthy foods today. Lentils and toast both seem to have gone down ok. Good news is after smelling those cupcakes yesterday I do NOT want any junk food or sweets!! :). I really hope it was just a bug and not the start of morning sickness.

Rebecca if your poor tummy is doing ok with potatoes then maybe you will be able to eat sweet potatoes? Just a suggestion - they are a superfood and cause a much smaller blood sugar spike. X

Beemeck- the bloat is real lol!! Don't worry, google 7 weeks bellies & most of them will look like yours!

Froggy- it's shocking how many ladies on here admit to having very bad body image & starving, binge-eating, even to eating disorders. Including me. I starved myself for YEARS (since childhood until I was about 25) and then started overeating a lot after I got divorced. I still hate my body even though it's small-ish.... just find it so flabby and saggy. It's sad how so many normal women who have mostly healthy lifestyles, still strongly dislike their bodies. A modern disease :(.

Anyone find the guidelines for how much food (and how much of each food group) to eat daily, to be a LOT? I thought I was eating too much but looking at e.g. meal plans from fitpregnancy, I'm baffled. I would never be able to eat that much in a day! Guess that gap is what prenatal vits are for??
Fern- thank you for the suggestion of sweet potatoes, that doesn't sound half bad.
I think I've read that you only need about 200 calories extra when pregnant.

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