*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Thanks so much for the kind words and suggestion beemeck. Yoga is not an option for me (due to our faith) but I actually have some other stress coping mechanisms that I just need to employ. Did a nice workout with weights today and will do stretches tonight.... just to get those endorphins flowing. So glad for your sake that you have found something that works for you. Xx
Just got back from my OB appointment! So awesome! Before I was pregnant, if I was in a room full of pregnant people I would have felt envy. But today I was pregnant too!! I got my paperwork to fill out and mail in for preadmission registration, and got teary eyed! She listened to him on the doppler (I showed her where I find him) and we talked about testing and what I can expect. She also told me that a lot of ivf patients end up being induced, simply because they know exactly when he was concieved, so they know exactly when he come out. It kind of takes away from what I wanted to do (labor at home for awhile) but that's ok. My only goal is healthy baby! That's not to say that I won't go into labor by myself before induction, but I'm glad I'm prepared now
Congrats froggy that sounds awesome.

On the subject of induction- with my DD I knew exactly when I conceived since I used opk's. Granted it could have been 1-2 days off but in general it's close enough. I'm really against the whole "it's 40 weeks lets induce" business I think that inducing brings on a much more intense labor and it's very likely to end in a c section. It happened to me and a handful of my friends.
I was induced at 41+3 so it was definitely time but I wish thing would have been different. After 30 hours of intense labor and no progress I was given a C section.

I just got a call from my RE that next Friday (July 22) will be my finally appointment with them!!!
I called my OB to schedule my first appointment so that will be on July 28 which is 1 day before my second trimester begins.

Fern- I didn't realize you need to pay out of pocket for everything. I totally understand why you would not do ultrasounds. They bill my insurance $380 per ultrasound which is a heck of a lot of money for 10 minutes.
Hopefully your next appointment will come soon so you can see your little baby :)
If I do reach 40 weeks without going into labor on my own, I wouldn't be opposed to an induction. While it's not at all how I envisioned my labor and delivery story going, I wouldn't want the functionality of my placenta to decrease. Since we know exactly when 40 weeks is, we can ensure that he has been in there long enough, and prevent a stillborn birth. I'm also not completely against a c section, again not what I want at all, but if it makes myou baby get here safe I'm for anything!
So I bought a pregnancy pillow (C-shaped) and it was delivered yesterday. I used it last night and it was pretty comfortable.

Unfortunately, after I woke up today I started getting terrible sciatic pain in my left side. It has been difficult to walk on and off today. I honestly think maybe I slept wrong and it isn't related to the pregnancy or the pillow, but MAN am I uncomfortable today!
Rq sorry to hear :(
Don't blame the pillow everyone seems to love it! :)
I've been thinking of buying one maybe after last nights sleep I ought to. I tossed and turned all night. (Anxiety due to this mornings appointment)
Omg I just read your post Froggy about how your OB was saying ivf women choose to be induced or have c-sections becsuse then they can know each date? Really? I've never heard this before, generally I've heard that inducements complicate things, often lead to sections and prolong labour. I'm with you in wanting a natural before 40 weeks. DD came 4 days before I was meant to be induced on my 40th week. I was sweating it out thinking of an induction. I let her do two sweeps the week before to try to get things going and the second one probably did the trick. Sweep wasn't painful at all either, something else I was fearful about.

My 1st birth was really easy with almost no recovery time. I took a shower an hour afterwards and we had a meal 1/2 hour after that. I bled for less than a week and it wasn't even heavy. I couldn't imagine having the recovery time and pain of a c-section by choice. The women who were induced in my babies & birth class had long drawn out labours. I was terrified of being induced after hearing their experiences. I still am. Even with twins I'd like it exactly the same, a half epidural so I can feel my legs, avoid a catheder, but have all the pain of the contractions blocked out. I laboured in the shower at home from 11pm till 2am and it took so much pain away I thought contractions had stopped. But as soon as I'd step out or turn the water off bang! They were back:haha: at 2:30am I was checked into my hospital bed trying to suck on gas & air (which did nothing for me) and then at 5am I was fully dilated and ready to deliver. They gave me a half epidural and she came at 7am with 2 pushes. They laid her on me and she peed - which I told them and they were like yup, that's natural. I was like yup well can we please get a towel? Lol. I know they love to induce twins, or schedule sections but there's no way I'm agreeing to it unless there are complications ie breach, >40 weeks, or delivery complications like heart rates fall or meconium in the waters. My OB is very much like a midwife so I'm sure she'll listen and work with me.

Rq sorry to hear about your pain, hopefully it goes away. I hope you don't get that condition where your hips get so loose it's hard to walk. The progesterone loosening up our joints making our pelvis / hips fall out of alignment, it only gets better after delivery. You can do pilates & yoga to strengthen the muscles that hold the girdle & hips together *early on* as it's meant to help prevent the misalignment but if you're slready getting it everyday it sounds like you're meant to rest.
I have the pregnancy pillow but I don't like it ! Haven't been using it because it's totally not my cup of tea. Heard so many great things so maybe once I'm bigger it'll actually come in handy but for now my dog has mostly been using it lol
2have, maybe i worded it wrong. It wasn't that the woman choose it, but rather the clinic chooses it. It's not to know the date of the birth, she was saying that they won't let a woman who did if go past 40 weeks because they know the exact date that the baby was conceived so they know the exact age of the placenta. It's to keep from having a stillborn.
Oh you didn't word it wrong, I understood. 2 of my friends had scheduled sections. I don't understand this unless it's being followed from a previous section - that's common. But I'm with you in not going over the 40 weeks especially being over 35, placentas don't keep as well. My OB operates the same way as yours. I haven't met with her but I just have a feeling they'll want to talk about scheduling a section for twins. No thanks!
I really don't want to have to recover from a c section, but they say that inductions have a higher chance of leading to a c section. My clinic wont schedule a c section, just the induction.
Glad your appointment went so well froggy! It warms my heart any time any of you ladies have an appointment/scan where everything goes well. :)

Rq- aaarrgghh sorry about the sucky sciatica! I agree with 2have that pregnancy-specific strengthening exercises and stretches might help, good luck I hope it lets up!!

Beemeck- I just picture your doggy on the pillow lol!

All this talk about delivery makes me feel "it's such a long way off, I won't think of it now" and then I realise again how fast time is flying (yep it's flying for me too!) especially when I look at everyone's tickers! Feeling kicks, gender/sex reveals, and then birth stories will be here before we all blink. I personally want my 12 week scan to be here NOW and then time must slow down to a crawl hehe.

How does everyone else feel about optional induction and pain meds vs all natural delivery? It was interesting to hear about your preference and amazing birth experience 2have and your hectic experience Rebecca!! also what your dr said froggy, I think we have a real advantage in knowing our dates so closely.
Fern I went into last pregnancy thinking I'm flexible about pain meds. They went over all of the options in our class, it was great information. I thought getting her out would be the painful part, the contractions were so bad I couldn't breath. They'd tell me to suck the gas when the contraction started and I couldn't, clinging onto the bedrail for dear life! But I also fully dilated in 6 hours. The quicker the more intense? I'm happy I wasn't a hero because that epidural made life & delivery fully enjoyable. From not being able to breath to cracking jokes with the nurses & then enjoying my wee cherub. I just know I'm in for a hellush delivery now because my first was really great. On day 1 with baby we took her home and then went to class that night. Day 2 we were out for coffee with friends. I know a section would have me anchored to the bed for at least a month. :nope:
I'm also surprised that your doc said that froggy. But I guess it's for the best since it's better to be safe than sorry. A friend who had an iui just got her due date moved up a week because how baby was measuring. I was shocked considering they got her pregnant so they know exactly when. Not to mention she's in a same sex relationship so it was def then lol. But I guess it was her ob that switch the day not her re. All of this stuff will be new to me. I'm officially the most pregnant I've ever been , a few days past what I made it to last time.

I hope to be as natural as possible but already that is being shut down. I wanted to be seen at the midwife center in my city, but our freaking insurance companies are feuding and they aren't accepting mine. So I'll be with my obs as well as a midwife at the hospital.
Blame the pillow, I have the C shaped one and like beemeck, am not a fan. It is too thick for my neck, I almost want to open it up and remove some of the stuffing. I like the back support and leg pillow portion of it though, which is a shame.

Although I would love a natural birth, I will take whatever they give me. My cousin had to have c-sections for all three of ther births due to a small birthing canal... If that is what it is. Her first son got stuck and it was pretty scary. My fear is going over to be honest, I have unfortunately known a woman who went over her dates and lost the child. So scary.
I have a friend that happened to too myshel, so I am very conscious of it. and since we know our exact conception, it will def be on our minds. so yeah I think we are the most laid back group because hey we finally got our babies, we will take what we can get for sure!
Beemeck, I want to do prenatal yoga but am stumped and what to buy or what videos online are the best. Do you have any suggestions? I am a super beginner, but need to keep something up.
I really only have expectations for after delivery. I want delayed cord clamping,I want latch first, I want to pump colostrum just in case we have a latch issue and I can still get him some colostrum, I want delayed bath, I would like for me and dh to give him his first bath and I want dh and I to do as much kangaroo care ad we can
Myshel- my hospital offers prenatal yoga. I wish I had a friend who's pregnant at the same time that I can take along. I hate going to these things alone.
My DH insists I get into shape for my birth. I am afraid of another c section as the recovery is horrible but my chances of a natural birth this time are quite low.
Fern- I will take all the pain meds they offer me and I'm ok being induced.
I've been feeling pretty sick the past few weeks so my doctor has ordered me to go to the hospital for weekly hydration. He says it will make me feel a lot better and keep me from dehydrating.
It will mean I would miss a lot of work since they are only open Monday-Friday from 8:00-3:30.
I lost a pound, so now I'm only up 1 pound since the start of pregnancy.

Rq- did you have an appointment today?
done with scan. everything is good - phew. when I got there and peed, I noticed brown CM for the first time and thought oh no. but baby measured 2 days ahead and heart rate was 166. and there is def only one lol.

myshel - I'm not too sure about yoga videos, but I could ask my instructor next class. and rebecca, and everyone else, I just can't recommend it enough. I'm not the type of person to really push things on others, but I felt so great after the class, the best I've felt in a long time. I went by myself and the instructor and other girls were really great. if you have a studio nearby myshel, check it out! it's totally acceptable for beginners :)

I'll post of pic of baby in a bit!

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