*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Weighing in on testing vs no testing:
I did the expensive NT scan and combined risk 10 week blood tests because I also want to be prepared in case the baby or I have health issues and need special care. We will have to save and plan for eventualities. My sil had a baby last year with a heart and lung defect; she was born prematurely and almost didn't survive. However, because sil knew about the baby's health problems way before the delivery, they had already consulted with a fetal cardiac surgeon and she delivered at a hospital in a different city with a unit specializing in fetal cardio-thoracic care. If she had been oblivious and had delivered her daughter at the hospital in her own city, things might have turned out very differently. After her very difficult experience, dh and I know we need to be prepared!

Now, because of the tests, I know about my diagnosis and that I'm at risk for high blood pressure, blood clots, have to watch baby's growth carefully etc., and I know to monitor my blood pressure. It's stressful to think about it BUT I'm glad that I can be proactive.
Ok, sorry I feel I misspoke and opened a bag of worms. For the record, I think testing is great not because we would terminate, but to be prepared for the future. But I also have many friends who didn't and stand by their decision. I think like everything in pregnancy it is truly up to you.

I already got the all clear from the harmony test. 1/10000 low chances.
However the free test has a second ultrasound at 16-18 weeks and blood work. So I am already feeling ok about baby being fine, just wondering if I should put myself through a second round of ultrasounds when I will be getting the 20 week ultrasound pretty soon after. Hubs can't come to the next one, he just can't keep taking the time off since we used most of it during the IUIs and IVF this year already.

Sounds great Fern, I didn't plant anything but garlic this year! Although our garden has asperagus that comes up every year which is delicious.
Rebecca, I have yet to new twins but I have so many ideas! My sister had twins and did it when they were a bit older. She did a cabbage patch theme it was hilarious.
Oh I probably wouldn't in that case if you've already done Harmony. The Harmony test is much more conclusive than the NT + bloods and you'd just be taxing the healthcare system. I'm always conscientious about this in Canada as we're lucky to have universal healthcare. For example, when each FS asks for new STD panels, rather than get them to do it again, the window is usually 6 months internationally for when they need the tests done so I dig up my results and send them along to whomever needs them. That's happened twice now and I probably saved our medical system a few hundred by not making 2 extra doc appointments, and getting the lab twice over to do them.

But I think the fetal testing can be almost as contentious as vaccinations. And as you may have heard in Calgary we had a couple who was criminally charged for the death of their little boy for a string of events that I view as a similar 'choice' situations...choosing not to vaccinate and then choosing homeopathic remedies to treat bacterial meningitis. Had the parents had bacterial meningitis and chose to take homeopathic remedies to treat themselves, that's their own prerogative but with a child...as the judge thought too, our duty as parents are to go with what the medical system offers in order to care for that child. And with vaccinations I absolutely LOVE what Australia has done. If you don't vaccinate, your child must be home schooled and you will no longer receive your child tax credit. There was talk of banning vaccinated children from school here but it hasn't happened yet. In no way is fetal testing as dangerous as choosing to not vaccinate but for me, it falls under those ethical choices we need to make as parents to care for our kids.
I read the paper work wrong anyways, it is just a blood test for the second part so probably won't do it.
Booking my anatomy scan in a bit!!! Excited and freaking out at the same time,

I did pay attention the the meningitis case with the family. It broke my heart that that happened, obviously they did not intend for their child to die, but it happened due to negligence. Poor boy.
Maybe I came across too crazy of here. I'm all for doing best for baby. Most conditions can be detected on an ultrasound so if God forbid I were to be told that baby had some sort of heart defect I would make sure to be fully prepared and have the top pediatric cardiologist on speed dial. I know personally several ladies that were told their babies had life threatening conditions and they spent their pregnancy depressed, sick in worry and it was awful, and then the babies were born perfectly healthy. I believe there's a God up there who watches over us and I trust and pray he will do the best he can for my family.
And vaccines, I do every one of them. My aunt lost a 14 month old to meningitis, and he had all his vaccines. It was the saddest thing to see.
I'm definitely a pro vaxer here too! I'm making anyone who comes to see the baby have a flu shot tdap vaccine at least until he gets his own at 3 months. Everyone has already been pretty warned lol. My dad thought I was being excessive, but I explained that infants get whooping cough and die from it, and he immediately said oh ok, I'll get mine then.
I read the paper work wrong anyways, it is just a blood test for the second part so probably won't do it.
Booking my anatomy scan in a bit!!! Excited and freaking out at the same time,

I did pay attention the the meningitis case with the family. It broke my heart that that happened, obviously they did not intend for their child to die, but it happened due to negligence. Poor boy.

I cried, it made me so upset to hear they used homeopathy, hot peppers, garlic and other home remedies when he was sick. I couldn't imagine what that must have been like feeling that ill and then having to eat that stuff. It still makes me upset. They're reviewing the whole homeopathy thing in Canada. They had a documentary on how they've got non-scientific claims on the packaging (this is false advertising under our legal system) so in the next 5 years my guess is much of it will be taken off the market.

Froggy good on you! I did the same thing when we had DD last year and will do the same when we have the twins. My mom is against the flu shot and I just told her it's not for you, it's for my baby. She's not really a science person though and it's hard to get her to understand that even though you're healthy, your body can be a host. It's lost on her, she'd rather pay attention to the negative fear mongering about what's in vaccinations. But with a choice to see the baby or not, she chose to get the flu shot and see the baby.
2have - a massage sounds heavenly. I hope you really enjoy it.

My next MD appt is Monday and I will scheduled my anatomy scan then. We are going on vacation during week 20 so I'll schedule it right before or after our trip. I'll see what the options are on Monday.

Today is my Friday. I'm looking forward to it. DH and I are taking tomorrow off to celebrate out 10 year anniversary. We have a special night planned tonight and then I might drag him out shopping tomorrow. I have a work trip planned for 2 weeks and I need a pair of maternity dress pants.
Happy anniversary RQ! I hope you have fun! My anatomy scan is on Sept 7th. My OB wanted me to do it with the MFM. She said that she has seen studies that show that IVF babies have a very slightly higher risk of a heart defect and the MFM has a more detailed machine. She said that overall heart defects are low in babies, but that IVF showed just to be a little bit higher and it's really just a precaution. I don't mind, it's in the same building as my OB so it's not like it's any inconvenience or anything. And then I will have my 20 week appointment the very next day with my OB office.
Guess what? We have a girl and a boy!!
Let's see if they change their minds again but I saw the little weenie so I'm convinced...
Membrane is thinner so that is good, it's still not completely gone.

Happy anniversary Rq! I hope you have an awesome time out.
Happy anniversary RQ and enjoy your vaca!
Froggy frog, I'd do the extra scan technique to if offered.
Rebecca congrats, how perfect to have one of each! We're hoping for the same.
Fern I've had a garden for the past 15 years but these last two years have been so ivf and baby intensive I just had no time. We have rhubarb and green onion perennials that keep growing and I planted a row of asparagus but it never came up. I have a wonderful renter in our basement who's retired and planted the whole garden full of flowers in the absence of veggies. He also used to take care of our cats when we were away. It's always nice to have that extra hand when you need it but I too fully enjoy gardening and plan to do it with the kids when they're young as my mom did it with me. You probably are lucky to have a looooong growing season? We have 3 months to get it all in and out:haha: I can do 2 crops of buk choy because it grows so fast if I'm quick about it! And I've learned to line & interlace the garden with onion & garlic to naturally keep the bugs away.
Myshel- no can of worms on my side, I find reading about other people's opinions very interesting. ;)

Rq- happy anniversary! Your weekend sounds lovely and busy, enjoy!!

Rebecca - that would be awesome, one of each! Hope the babies have made up their minds now for your sake :) just kidding :) btw I share your belief in a God who carries us through all circumstances, good and bad. What a comfort. X

2have - I also wish I had more time for gardening. It makes me ridiculously happy. I would gladly spend all my money on plants if I could lol! The previous owners did NO gardening and it was basically dirt & weeds outside... I've changed so much already in a year; we have a nice veg garden, the start of a mini orchard, lots of new flowerbeds etc, GRASS.... I also cleaned and sorted out the pool! Dh does no work outside, it's all my pride and joy. But there is still a LOT to be done. I guess next year I'm going to neglect the garden a bit. Enjoy your massage I'm super jealous!
Oh thanks ladies, the massage was SOOOO good. I realised how tired I am as I almost fell asleep, that never happens!

Well Fern, your property value has likely gone up because you've spend so much TLC on the land- good on you! It's also nice that you can work on it on your own apart from DH, we all need space in long term relationships. We had a similar situation to you, the previous owners hacked all of the big gorgeous trees in our yard. Some were stumps, some they randomly chopped massive branches off and were lopsided. They also planted super invasive weeds as the folliage on them is nice (but the plants are horrendous!) So I dug out the trunks, nursed the trees back to health, bought a plum and pear tree, dug out a space for a garden and landscaped in a pathway along the side. DH built trellising along the top of our deck so that we're not like a fishbowl to the neighbours and I grew a massive vine with big blue flowers up the sides for shade & more privacy. It's easy to increase property value like that when it's so pleasurable to work in the garden and now is SO nice being out there with the baby. We also brought in mist sprayers that attach to the garden hose and fished them to the ceiling of the trellising. Baby was mystified by it on the hot days we had it going.
Froggy - I have to get my anatomy scan done at the MFM also, but they said it was because of twins.

Rebecca - congrats on the boy and girl. Oh what fun to have one of each. I can't wait until I find out what we are having.
Froggy - I have to get my anatomy scan done at the MFM also, but they said it was because of twins.

Rebecca - congrats on the boy and girl. Oh what fun to have one of each. I can't wait until I find out what we are having.

When is your next scan?
My dr is accredited to do fetal assessments and she also does her own anatomy scans; and if she is concerned she will send me to a mfm specialist to get a second opinion. I think I'm only getting my proper anatomy scan at 24 weeks though since I'm only having scans every 6 weeks for now. The scan in 12 days should be growth, cervical check and gender, whoop!

2have - aren't decks the best!? We have a large porch outside the kitchen, with couches and tables (all second hand so we are restoring them bit by bit!) With a built in barbecue area. We've never entertained guests anywhere else. Mist sprayers sound like the perfect idea! I'm giving birth in summer and can just picture sitting out there with baby. :)

Happy anniversary rq!

Enjoy your weekend all. X
Happy 16 weeks Fern!

We love sitting outside too! We BBQ almost every Sunday in the summer.
My doctor sends his twin moms to the hospital MFM department for their 20 week scan.
I had a scan yesterday and my next one is two weeks from today at my 17 week appointment. I was supposed to go a week from today at 16 weeks but the doctor had to reschedule.
Fern you and I have so much in common lol. Years ago I was zipping by to take something to our rental property and in the back alley someone had thrown out a solid wood gorgeous couch & chair. We were meant to go on vaca that evening but before we went I demanded that DH & I rescue it. I sanded it down, recovered the horrible plaid cushions with bright, fun outdoor material and stained the couch. It's now our fav place to laz about lol. Only thing we really need now is a good bbq, we have my parents which is prob more than 30 years old!

Ok so I made oatmeal & fruit for breaky this am for DD and myself. BIG mistake, I've been in bed with ms and a headache. I just can't do carbs, they send me straight to the toilet. I asked DH to bring home a burger. It's my day off and I've been bringing cottage cheese, greek yoghurt or ham & pineapple to work for breakfasts. My head craves carbs but I just can't handle the sugar when I digest it :cry:
We just got a new table for outside, and if it wasn't so dang hot and I wasn't scared of zika, wet would spend a lot more time outside. Dh brought home two huge wire spools from work, I made one and inside table and one an outside table.

Sorry your feeling sick today 2have! I hope you start feeling better. That really sick that you can't indulge in cravings without making yourself sick.

I went and got a pedicure today, and they were doing a re grand opening because the expanded the business so they had 40% off. I got the 40 dollar pedi for 24 dollars! I also am finding not easy to "groom" anymore so I went and got a Brazilian wax. It was my first time and I was super nervous. It hurt! But it was so short lived that it really wasn't that bad! I go back in 4 weeks for a follow up!
Froggy isn't it weird to get waxed? I did it for the first time before I delivered DD. Next time I won't get do much taken off, I was a wee bit uncomfortable. But after I had gas & air in the delivery room I was asking them if many people got waxed before delivering and they wouldn't tell me, the said they never notice! I'll go again closer to delivery but I won't get the 'Canadian', which is 2 up from Brazilian, I'll try one or 2 up from that lol. They do make you feel at ease don't they?

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