*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Thank you for all my well wishes I have sort of got my head in a better place and today has been better I have only done what HAS to be done!

2have breast feeding for me was tough for the first few days especially as I had to pump exclusively for 5 days - we spent a week or so in SCBU as he was early and needed help BUT I had a wonderful midwife who was amazing with latching who totally transformed the experience for me I was very lucky and learnt a lot!! Sadly Harrison was lactose intolerant so I only managed 10 weeks but I hope to do much more this time. I have read a lot about tongue tie etc and how painful it can be for the woman - blimey it hurt enough when he wasn't latched properly and he was fine. I'm with you 2 kids will be super tough and I'm sure I will be happy to just get things done in anyway shape or form 😂! I would love a massage how lovely and oh my word those cakes look amazing!

Rebecca that's super impressive by your hubby!

Ladies what are cake pops? We don't have them here in the uk...

Love all the bump pictures everybody looks great!

Fern I'm with you my hubby has one signature dish - fajitas out of a packet 😂😂. Oooh wonder if you are right on the boy front...how exciting!

Hi to everyone else
I'm so lucky... My DH does the majority of the cooking and he's really good! I can cook quite well, but I love his food so much! The downside is I do all the cleaning...
My faves of his dishes are: curry (we have a spice drawer), roast dinners, spaghetti bolognaise, macaroni cheese, stir fry, lamb kebabs, cous cous salad, soup... He can cook anything though!

Spice drawer (I labelled the jars, but we need more - hence all the annoying bags!):

I've been finding it hard to post in any groups recently, not sure why. I read every update, but I feel so far behind everyone. After getting my appointment time wrong for Harmony, I've decided I'm going to wait until I get the NHS combined test result back and only do Harmony if I come out high risk. It will save me a lot of money and I feel like the mix-up happened for a reason.

I've yet to see the midwife... My GP messed up, so that's delayed until 8th September, so not too long now. My NHS scan is a week today, can't wait!

I've been listening to little Bee's heartbeat most days on my doppler, which is so reassuring. It's frustrating sometimes, when it takes ages to find, but I just have to be patient.

Sorry for lack of individual replies. The bump pics are lovely. I'm just bloated, but hoping for proper bump in a few weeks.
Rebecca - you look great and I'm so impressed with your DH's cake.

2Have - I'm sure you will do great with the cake and I hope you have lots of fun trying new techniques.

I'm excited it is Friday, although I'm moonlighting again at the hospital. It will be worth it however to get my IVF bill paid off before the babies get here (that's my pep talk to myself!). Have a great weekend all!!
Wow ellicain, really impressive with the spices! I also clean up after DH ;)

Rq, good for you that you have your priorities sorted out! What is it that you do?
Aaah ellie I've missed you. X you're not far behind, you're growing your beautiful Bee and right there with Nimbec in the final stretch of the first tri! Feel free to read or post when you need to. We are all here for you & I know I love reading everyone's updates and opinions! X
Ellie I'm only one week ahead of you - so pretty much the same :) I have seen the midwife only because they see us at 9 weeks then not again until 16 weeks!! I have decided to do a similar test to harmony when I'm back from holiday so will be 12-13 weeks but that's because here in Wales we don't get the Nt test either. Things will start happening soon and the midwifes will see you more soon esp as this is your first. Hugs. So pleased you can find your bubs on the Doppler I had to stop as I found it the first time then came to Spain and couldn't find for days - I was in a terrible state almost booked an Emergancy scan out here so I decided for my sanity to leave it till I'm home ...In tempted again though! He/she is super difficult to find lol!
I am so jealous of everyone that has a hubby that cooks. Mine is awful at cooking and when he does it is awful lol! He once made me meatloaf in a mug cooked in the microwave (which was just ground beef and a piece of bread mushed in) and a raw whole potato cooked in the oven.... I almost died.
So I do all the cooking now that I work from home, which is ok I guess. We do takeout once a week thankfully so I get a break and he does dishes half the time.

Rebecca that cake looks delicious!

I love the ombré icing look. I have decided I am doing that next cake I do, maybe not as large as the one in the picture though.

Cake pops are cake batter dipped in chocolate. There are a few ways to make it, including using a silicone premade round ball tray, or cook a cake, let cool, mash to pieces add frosting, shape into balls, cool and then dip in chocolate. Lots of fun but i always make a mess doing it lol

It is so great to see everyone doing well, especially since we have all been through so much to get here! I am crying now, argh these crazy hormones.
Myshelsong my DH doesn't cook either. His one speciality whdn I met him was spaghetti bolognese. I could swear he used to dump a half container of salt into it, it was almost unpalatable. So I cook, he cleans and we're very happy that way!

I'm getting a little worried. I think I need to see my OB so I asked them to bump up the first appt from Sept 15. I don't think it's good to have GD to the extent that I have it and have twins and only have a 12 and 20 week scan. I think it's risky. The receptionist said she's have to ask her personally to get an early appt so I explained a few things but they never got back to me today. I'll ring again Monday.
Myshel I laughed SO HARD at that story!! You totally made my day. Typically when I told my dh the story (tears of laughter running down my cheeks) he looked baffled and said "that meatloaf in a mug sounds so nice though" !! How are you doing with all the photo touch-ups? Don't know if you noticed when I first posted this link but you just HAVE to see it.... people who tried to imitate "perfect" pinterest photoshoots with their own LO's; all ended in a hilarious epic fail. Think you will enjoy it seeing as you know just how much effort goes into photography!


2have - that royally sucks!! Are you taking blood sugar readings? I know I said earlier that "at least you won't pick up too much weight"; but tbh at that point I was hopeful that it would start turning around for you now that you are in second trimester.... just goes to show what I know. I agree; be proactive!

Rq hope you enjoy the weekend's work, is it a bit different from your day-to-day nursing job? And with the same manager or...?

I haven't really felt movement for a week now, which makes me think it was just all in my head. Hope baby is OK! I have a nice day planned; coffee & cake with my bff and a pregnant friend (was so glad to find out recently someone I know irl is also preggies!). Then probably a visit with my parents and sister & all her kids while dh is at work the whole day.

Rebecca I'm so happy we're having our gender scans so close together! Hope all 3 our babies cooperate and clearly show us the goods lol.

Have a nice weekend all!
Oh my gosh Fern you hubs thought it sounded good Hahahaha. Mine still defends his meal and says it wasn't that bad. Men are funny.
I have seen those and the are epically funny.
Haven't even touched the wedding photos yet, but caught up on the rest. Have a 1yr old bday party today so that should be fun to photograph.

2have, hope your doctor sees you soon. So weird that they won't just book you an appointment

So my newest symptom is crazy heartburn or indigestion... Anyone else suffering? I rarely get this but now it is almost constant so I have no idea what too eat and what to avoid. I found that milk and cheese gives me horrible gas, so switching to lactose free milk this week, and everything else I eat gives me heart burn. I have been taking a few tums when it is unbearable but there has to be something else.
2have, could you maybe buy one of those blood sugar testers? Maybe if you went in with a journal of your levels they would listen to you.

Fern, I'm sure the movements were real, they were so sporadic for me until the last couple of days, I have felt him mostly at night the last few in a row. Fx you start feeling them more often!

Myshel, I woke up out of a dead sleep to take tums last night. I'm not sure what is causing mine either but I just take tums. I try to stay away from dairy anyway because it upsets my stomach, we have been drinking almond milk for a long time. It has about 6mg less in protein than cows milk, but it actually has more calcium. The taste isn't bad just different, fact we are so used to it now that I consider it yummy.
Rebecca/Fern - I'm a pharmacist. I work in an office setting where I do computer programming with medications Mon-Fri. Weird right!

I also work at a local hospital some weekends. I just put all this money into paying off medical/IVF costs. It is totally different than what I do M-F so even though I work extra it is still a "break" for me. I worked at this hospital for 6 years before my current office job so it is nice to catch up with everyone. I get weekend differential so it also makes it worth it. DH has been very supportive because he knows how important setting ourselves up financially is right now since he will be a stay at home dad. Also, he knows it is only for a few more months. I won't work there after the babies are born.

Fern - I felt movement last weekend and once this week (Tuesday maybe) and I haven't felt them since. I don't think it was in your head. Hopefully it will pick up and we can enjoy the movement more often soon.

I had heartburn also. I started taking Zantac (or ranitidine) nightly and that has helped a lot. It is also safe for pregnancy, although I would let your doc know you are taking it so they can add it to your med list.
Froggy I've started taking my 2 hour-after-meal blood sugars. I'm also recording what I'm eating since there's no carbs or sugar in my diet. I'm simply going to tefuse to drink that sugary stuff, I can't do it.

I went to pick up DD and twice now I've felt something flip in my abdomen. The first on my right side, second on my left. DD was always head down, I wonder if thise babies are flip flopping around. It felt weird!
Rq- lol idk why I thought you were a nurse! Maybe because of "rq".... I had "rn" in my mind.... baby brain! Your job sounds interesting! And yes I agree totally worth it. I also put as much extra income as I can, after my monthly expenses have been met, into a low-risk investment account. I need to save up for my months of unpaid maternity leave etc! And also looking into doing some extra computer work for a digital radiography systems company on the side (got an offer and hoping that person will follow through because that is something I can do while on leave for school holidays AND asap after baby is born; while I won't be able to do my everyday job, teaching, immediately).

Only 3 more sleeps until my scan aaahhhhh.

Beemeck thinking of you today and hope you are ok. X
Hi all sorry I've not popped in for a while. I went back to work this week after taking time out to rest after a slight bleed. Feeling a lot better in myself now. I've passed my notes from the fertility clinic onto my surgery but not heard from the midwife yet, will chase it this week if I've still not heard anything.
I hope everyone else is doing ok, love seeing the bump pictures. Think I'm the same as Ellie, just bloated but already had to go bra shopping as I've gone up a size. xx
Hi ladies, sorry for the lack of posts over the weekend. I've been feeling really sick. Friday I threw up after feeling unwell and Saturday I had a really bad migraine and threw up a few times. It's 5am here and I napped most of the day so I'm not really tired.
My head still hurts and I'm not feeling all that great.
I hope Sunday will bring a better day for me.
Thanks for thinking of me fern. I'm still hanging in here. I've been trying to avoid the computer during my time off work so I don't slide into the black hole of lazy internet world lol. I had an ob appt last week that was uneventful and I go on Tuesday to meet with the surgeon. They would like to do my surgery sept 7 ish but I'm still hoping that somehow against all odds, the cyst shrunk. I'll find out more on Tuesday and let you girls know.
Glad to hear that at least all of the babies are doing well even when us mommies might not be. Thinking of you all!
Gosh Rebecca hope you feel better soon!

Beemeck we are thinking about you. I hope everything goes as well as it can, I know this is a no win situation right now but try t stay positive. We are sending you our love and thoughts.

Es- I still haven't seen my OB, not going in until 22 weeks unfortunately. Until then just with my regular doctor. Your 12 week ultrasound is coming up soon though!

Fern, yay scans!!
Feeling like crap today too. I phoned my doctor and he sent me to the hospital for IV fluids. Hopefully that will help me feel better as I haven't kept fluid down in two days.
I'm hoping to get an ultrasound too, I miss my babies.
Es- good to hear you are doing well and that your bleeding hasn't reoccured. X

Beemeck glad that you and your bubs are also doing well! Aahh I'm keeping my fx for good news on Tuesday.

Shame Rebecca seems like it comes and goes for you... hope your Sunday was better.

Had a great weekend. Much better than the last one! I had such a nice coffee date with my pregnant friend, and cuddling all my sister's kids the rest of the afternoon (yesterday). Today dh and I had a lovely drawn-out Sunday buffet lunch at a hotel, in the beautiful huge gardens next to a dam. Things are good between us atm. I asked him if we could please just be kinder and more forgiving toward each other (even while not actively sorting out our issues) as these are our last few months of just me & him. He agreed so let's see how long the peace lasts!

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