*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

I spent a few hours in the labor and delivery department yesterday and received a few bags of fluids. I was really dehydrated. They did and ultrasound just to measure heart rate and both were good.
They sent me home after 3 hours, I was feeling much better. Later in the day I was throwing up again but thankfully today I woke up feeling so much better!

Tomorrow is DD's birthday and her party and then DH and I will be traveling for business for 2 days and leaving her home with my mom.

Fern I'm so glad things are going better for you and DH.
I'm so sorry you have been so sick Rebecca, I'm glad you are feeling better. How scary! I hope your DD has a happy birthday!

Me and Gage were playing a game around 1 am. I would poke him and he would kick! He was kicking so hard my tummy shook! Some of his kicks are getting stronger, yesterday I had a full bladder but hadn't gone yet, and he kicked my bladder so hard I though I would pee myself! It's getting fun now!
Froggy, I haven't felt my babies yet and now I'm realizing it's because I have anterior placentas. I recall the ultrasound tech mentioning it passing and then when I googled feeling baby kick I read that with an anterior placenta you don't feel early movement since the placentas location blocks the kicking. It makes so much sense now. Wish I could feel the kicking already but I know they are safe and cozy inside.
Rebecca that must have been scary! Hmpf pregnancy is never uneventful for long! Hope you have a wonderful & blessed day with your dd's birthday tomorrow. And look after yourself on that trip, just a few more days until your gender scan. :)

Froggy that sounds really cool. You're about a week ahead of me so I hope my baby also starts kicking me hard soon!

Bee - gl for tomorrow.

Praying - haven't heard from you in a while, hope you are ok!

One more busy day and then my scan on Wednesday morning. Scared and excited!
Fern Wednesday is so close, yay! I'm voting for a boy for you too!
You're right, by the time we get back from our trip it'll be late Thursday night and the scan is at 1:30 on Friday!
Fern - I'm excited for your scan Wed. I'm getting my anatomy scan in 2 weeks and I'm really looking forward to it.

Rebecca - I hope you start feeling better soon.

Froggy - so cool that you can feel your baby boy that much.
Happy dd's birthday rebecca!

How are you feeling 2have? Have you spoken to your dr at all concerning your suspected gd?

Ellie if you're reading I've been curious to know whether the skin rash has started up again after you stopped the prednisone. Hope not. X

Aaaahhhh tomorrow morning is my scan.... geez I'm so excited and anxious (suppose I will always be anxious about baby for the rest of my life!) I couldn't sleep last night and I doubt if I'll be able to sleep tonight. Just praying everything is OK. And sooooo looking forward to finding out the gender!
Fern, the scan will be great! Good luck!

I stated tapering prednisolone last week and I freaked out because I felt itchy and contacted my consultant. He made the tapering less abrupt and the itchy went. I'm on my last day at 10mg now (went from 20mg to 15 to 10) and then 6 days on 5mg before I stop.
I will say though, that I'm getting the standard withdrawal exhaustion. It's hard to know what is unmasked preggo symptoms and what is withdrawal, but I feel wretched and want to sleeeeeeeep!
I have my 12 week scan on Friday and I can't wait. I've decided not to do Harmony just yet, but wait and see what the combined NT/blood test result is first. I just really hope I can get an NT reading on Friday, because I think I'm going to announce my pregnancy if that reads below the threshold. I'm hoping I can read it when the sonographer measures it, or coerce her to tell me, because they normally make you wait until they've analysed it all, but that would be days and I'd like to announce before I return to work next week because I'm in maternity clothes (so bloated).
Fern, tomorrow will be here before you know it!

DD thinks it's not her birthday until she has a party! Lol good thing her party is today.
Sorry for the lack of posts over the last few days, it's been a busy bank holiday here in the UK. I had my nieces come and stay, we had so much fun. It certainly gave me a taster of what's to come. Feeding, nappy changing, sleepless night. I can't wait!

Froggy, enjoy every moment you feel of baby kicking, you must have a strong little one in there.

Rebecca, I am so sorry to hear you ended up in hospital, sounds scary but glad things are getting better. I have an anterior placenta too unfortunately, when I went for my scan last week she said it could be a number of weeks before I feel anything and even then it will only be like a bubble as its like kicking a cushion. Happy birthday to your DD I hope she has a wonderful day.

Fern, yey for the scan tomorrow. Everything will be fab, enjoy seeing your little one and good luck. I am going with a boy.

Bee, wishing you the best of luck with surgery coming up, you have done great to get where you are and I am sure everything will go well.

Myshel, I hope the heartburn is easing, I have been suffering terribly too it is so painful. I have been drinking milk/milkshakes and peppermint tea, and taking gaviscon if it gets too bad. Oddly I find it worse if I get hungry but then it hurts too much to eat. So eating little and often is helping.

Ellie, I felt amazing when taking my steriods and quite tired when I finished, yours is probably a combination of side effects and pregnancy. Hopefully it won't get any worse than this. Good luck with your scan on Friday.

Sorry if I have missed anyone, hope everyone is getting on well.

Not much to report from me, unfortunately I still feel rubbish. I have good days and bad days, terrible heartburn, terrible gas, headaches, no appetite or energy but baby is good so that's all that matters.
Shame pinkie I'm so sorry to hear that! Wish that there could be just one whole week where you could feel better!

Rebecca have you been feeling ok after being hospitalised?

2have how are you coping with the gd?
Surgery is set for next week - can't wait to get it over with !!

Can't wait to see some baby genders soon !! :)
Just a very quick post hi everyone - good luck Fern tomorrow can't wait to hear the news!! And yup the worry never ever goes away!! 😂

Beemeck I'm so relieved for your sake that it's almost over. Will you have a laparoscopy?

Had a GREAT gender scan, baby was very calm and lying down sleeping but at least bum in the air! So check out this clear potty shot.....! Dr bounced baby a bit and we saw some movement but it seems like baby likes sleeping as much as DH and I lol...


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Glad it went well, Fern.
I'm probably being thick, but... Is that a boy?
I'm never good at seeing potty shots! But your picture in your avatar is amazing fern!! Look at those cute hands and feet! !! How sweet!
Hey ladies!
Rebecca, how are you feeling after the iv
Hope your daughter had a great birthday

Fern, glad you had a good scan! Sorry I am not good at figuring out genders it just looks like blobs to me lol

Bee - hope you are doing ok before the surgery! Thoughts are with you

Pinkie- argh the heartburn! Mine is slowly clearing up, I have been eating a piece of fruit with every meal, and that has maybe helped? Peppermint tea is a total no go for me though ,makes it so much worse! maybe baby moved I don't know. My gas I figured out is 100% the milk, which is a pregnancy think for me. Even cheese is bugging me and I love cheese. Headaches on and off though, so annoying.

Ellie good luck on the scan
Hi ladies, lovely photo Fern! I can't tell what gender the baby is though, terrible at that.

For those with heartburn here are the top 10 foods to avoid (mint is one of them): https://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/features/top-10-heartburn-foods?page=2

My rule is water 1/2 hour before a meal max, no water with a meal and avoid until 1 hour after. Otherwise you're diluting your stomach acids making it hard to get the food down and causing major gas, bloating and indigestion. As well to help your digestion & prevent heartburn try probiotics and eating prebiotic foods. IE garlic, sauerkraut and these: https://www.prebiotin.com/foods-containing-prebiotics/

Ellie all the best with your scan.
Pinkie I hope you're feeling better soon.
Rebecca I love intravenous...the only times I've ever had it I've felt so bad I could die and it has completely revived me back to new again. I hope you're feeling better. Are you able to get some ms preventative? I know there's a pregnancy safe med that you can get from the doc, but you have to take it beforehand for prevention.
Beemack all the best with your surgery, lets hope they can get in and out without damaging anything!
Hi everyone else :waves:

AFM, DD started walking last weekend, she's so excited and proud of herself she stands up, claps, walks and hollers. It's hilarious.
We went for ribs with family & friends and I went to bed that night dreaming of ribs, they were SO tasty! And I had a salad side and mashed potatoes and the mashed taters didn't make me feel sick. BONUS!

My OB appointment got bumped up to Thursday this week so I'm excited to possibly get another scan and hear the heartbeats.
Lol yeah it's a boy!! I was looking at a million ultrasound pics before pur scan so I would know what to look for... as soon as it popped up on screen I shouted "that's a boy!" Haha I think everyone in the waiting room heard me. That pic is a potty shot from right underneath/below baby's bum. With a femur on top and on the bottom. Girl potty shots have 3 lines like a hamburger, boys have this "turtle" hehe. We're very happy! So dr was right with her nub theory prediction at 12 weeks (well she had a 50% chance of being right).

Was glad to read that you get to taper off the cortisones slowly ellie... as if the fatigue from pregnancy isn't hard enough.

Myshel aarrgghh still with the heartburn! I feel so sorry for you not being able to eat cheese :) halfway done though!

Froggy yeah I love these 4d scans. So much detail. We saw all the joints in the arms and legs and he looks like a little athlete already like his dad but very unlike his mom! He was lying with his face stubbornly to my back so we got a number of nice pics of his brain but none of his face! Is Gage still kicking so much?

Interesting that we have so many boys so far! I've read that slightly more ivf embies are boys, because the male sperm cells are still all alive when they reach the petri dish and they are faster than girl sperm. Buy who knows! It will be interesting to see the stats in our group. :)

Hugs to everyone else. Miss you 2have and praying!
How exciting your appointment got bumped 2have! And so adorable about your dd!!! She sounds cute!!

My heatburn comes and goes, but tums seems to help so I guess it's not really that bad.

7 days until my anatomy scan! I can't believe I'm a week away from being halfway done!

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