*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Happy birthday 2have

Yay on the genders Rebecca. That is exciting.

DH has wanted to do a garage sale for a while so I finally relented and have been helping him clean out the house all day. I finally wrapped it up and told him I need a bath and to relax for an hour before some friends come over for drinks and a fire tonight. The bath was MUCH needed. My body was a little sore and instantly felt better in the warm water. We also went to the farmers market and got some fresh veggies for dinner tomorrow.
Rq yum, love farmers markets. We just had a birthday dinner at moms and had beets, cucumber salad, carrots & mashed potatoes from the market. Was sooo good! But Autumn always has bountiful food at the market.

Enjoy the time with your friends!
We did farmers market today as well! Got some great veggies and some sweet plums. The beans were delicious and I got a bunch of beets to can this week. So excited, trying to decide if we want to try to do tomato sauce this year, but wondering if I am biting off more than I can chew....

Anyone do any canning?
Hi Myshel, I've done pickled beets, beans, onions, antipasto, and kiwi jam in the past. It's alot of work! Gl with it.
Myshel, I have never canned before but I have made homemade pickles.
Good luck with the canning it sounds delicious!
Good luck with your canning myshel, sounds lovely, I never done it myself.

I love shopping at farmer markets but unfortunately that's not happened in while. Hope everyone is enjoying their busy weekends.

Mine has been fairly chilled, the weather by me was horrendous yesterday which meant a TV box set day. Today we were suppose to go to my in laws for a Sunday roast as I am desperate to try and eat some veggies but MIL had fallen ill so was cancelled last minute. I was a bit disappointed because I got myself upset yesterday for not eating very well. DH was going to the shops to pick up dinner and I couldn't think of anything I could stomach, every suggestion made me feel ill so I said to just pick me up a bag of chips, I then immediately burst into tears (I blame the hormones). I had a little heart to heart with DH about how guilty I am feeling about my eating habits at the moment. Before getting pregnant I have always been really healthy, I would prefer a piece of fish and veg over burger and chips anyday but I can't face any of my usual foods and eating everything I would usually avoid. At the moment I am living on chips, baked potatoes, ready salted crisps, toast, cereal and the occasional piece of fruit that I can manage. I know I am being hard on myself but I can't help but feel so guilty and keep talking to my bump saying 'I'm sorry'. I am taking my pregnancy vitamins supplements and drinking a lot of water and trying to think that at least I am eating and staying hydrated. Is anyone feeling like this or is it just me because of my lack of appetite? Sorry for the little rant, it's been playing on my mind for ages and I think that's why I got upset yesterday. X
Pinkie, do not feel guilty for a minute. You eat what you can tolerate and the baby will be ok! With my 4 year old I was sick the whole pregnancy, like you, and only ate carbs. Pasta, bread, crackers, potatoes, etc and my DD is perfectly happy and healthy!
I'm also used to eating healthy and it's hard for me to have bad eating habits but I eat what I can tolerate.
Farmer's markets are lovely! We are at the end of winter now though (it's officially been spring since Sept 1) so even my veggie garden has to be replanted for spring & summer.

Pinkie- at least you are taking a pregnancy vitamin, it could have been worse. Maybe baked sweet potato can be a good option instead of chips, lentils/beans or hard boiled egg whites for protein (if you can't stomach the yolks), mashed cauliflower tastes a lot like potato (to me at least :) ) for some type of veg? Good luck hun, I can't imagine being unable to eat a variety of foods and I feel really sorry for you!!

The gender reveal party was nice but also poignant because my mom was soooo sure it's a girl, she had bought girl clothing which made me sad to look at. And two of my bil's were very rude & called me fat etc but at least they only stayed for an hour and then left to go drink themselves into a stupor (I told them beforehand that they would not be allowed to drink at my party!). Everything else was very nice and the family were all so nice & supportive and seemed to like the name we had chosen.

For the reveal we made a blue card with a few ultrasound pics, his name and the meaning of his name. The card was sealed in a white envelope and everyone opened it at the same time while DH filmed their reactions. My dad had tears in his eyes, so did my mil. I cried of course lol.
So sweet Fern. I'm glad you had a good party (except for your BILs).

Today is Labor Day in the US and while everyone is sleeping soundly in their beds, I got up at 5:50 am to work at the hospital. It is holiday pay so that means 1.5 differential. I work this weekend also so today is day 1 of 12 days in a row.

However, after day 12 we go on vacation!!
Hello everyone. Sorry I’ve been MIA for a while; I was super busy at work and didn’t have a chance to log in during the day then by the time I got home was so beat I was only showering and bed. I am still catching up but I hope everyone is doing well. You guys have been so busy I have a lot to catch up on.

I see there have been a lot of gender announcements congrats to everyone who found out and I am excited for the rest of us that are still patiently waiting to confirm –Definitely a lot of boys in this group!

Rq-It’s great to hear you are feeling your baby’s kicks, I’m sure it’s an amazing feeling

Fern-Your gender reveal party sounds nice. It’s nice you were able to share that with your family along with the name.

2have-Happy belated birthday!! Sorry your cake didn’t come out as planned but I find that funky looking desserts normally taste the best.

Pinkie-Yoga sounds good, I hope it goes well and those bad feelings stay away.

AFM-Had my last doctor visit about 2 weeks ago. They didn’t do a scan at that visit just took the baby’s heartbeat and did the test for downs which came back low. Needless to say we cannot wait until our next visit where we can see our baby and hopefully find out the gender. Although much better, I am still feeling nauseous and still no increase in appetite. Despite this my tummy is getting larger and my breasts are so full I went up a size already!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!
Rq that's a lot of wofk days in a row! It'll make vaca that much better.

Fern glad to hear the gender reveal party was fun, how rude of your bil's. We can't choose our family...you did a wonderful job of handling them.

Pinkie, don't feel to badly about the diet. Try to do one thing for yourself everyday if you're having so much stress over it. Try a baked potato or yam over the chips etc. i peel yam and pop it in the microwave when I feel I can tolerate carbs. I also just read that fruit has a huge impact on baby in a positive way so I've been having berries in milk once/day. I nearly barfed after breaky (a little greek yoghurt & gluten free toast) but managed to wait it out without it happening this morning. And then I had my fruit.

Praying congrats on a low downs test, isn't it a relief to know baby is healthy!

Afm DH asked me to go to Vancouver to stay at his brothers place while he's in Australia. I can't stand his bro, he's a divorced chauvenist pig. I said no thank you. Why would I want to sleep in his bed, he also still lives like a dirty bachelor at the age of 55. Yuk! I couldn't think of a more uncomfortable place to stay, and this would be a vacation? I have the week off, I'm co-hosting a shower next weekend (that he'd expect me to ditch), a car to sell, a rental suite to show & rent, and cake & cake pop decorating/baking to practice. I also got into it with DH last night. I asked him to put his phone & fb down while he's parenting DD as he's not paying attention to her. The brand new hardwood floors are sticky all over because he's ignoring her allowing her to play with juice bottles while he's in charge. She squeezes the nipes and juice gets all over the floors and her clothing. When I ask what happened MacKinley did it...as if she's the responsible adult in the room. So I come home to mess and DD is being ignored while I'm gone:nope: So instead of simply being 'there' for her he takes me off his fb. Such an a$$.:dohh:i aldo told him he needs to start washing her laundry. He puts her in her best dresses, many of which need ironing, over regular play clithes during the week. And guess who gets to wash everything? I'm writing a list to talk about in counselling. It's already a page long and less thsn a week from the last :grr:
Praying I'm sorry that you're still feeling sick. I hope it gets better soon.

2have- your DH sounds like he needs to grow up a bit I hope he plans on being more hands on when the twins arrive. My DH was a bit selfish today and it was upsetting. Today in the us is Labor Day and we both had off from work. Well DH did get up and went to exersize but then he sat around all day in his sweats even though he knew I wanted to go on a family outing. I ended up doing grocery shopping on my own and getting my car cleaned while he stayed home and napped. I came home to a sloppy mess since he made himself lunch and didn't clean up after himself.

Ughh lazy husbands!!
Sigh, there must be something in the air because my DH is driving me up the wall. I have been so bored and expressed this with him it's like i work and come home and my only outing is the supermarket! He says please bear with me he has so much work etc but then whenever someone calls him to meet up he finds the time and I should understand and be okay with this. Why am I not the priority? Sometimes even when we are both home I feel alone. This weekend I am going to find something to do even if I do it alone. It's just so frustrating.
Praying sorry to hear about your DH. I also decided to just go out on my own and not wait around for DH or id never get to leave the house.
He went out to dinner with a friend and brought me home fries which is one of my favorite things right now so he won me back over really quickly.
Then we had a serious talk about finances and how we're going to afford full time babysitting once the babies arrive. We have money saved up but we don't want to use that, that's for emergency fund and not daily spending.
Since there's 2 babies we can't share a babysitter which is what I did the past few years for DD. Sharing a babysitter costs $6 an hour instead of $12. Since there are two babies it will cost $12 so I may as well have my own babysitter in the house.
Hope everyone is doing well this week.
Sounds like the DH's are on nerves over the weekend. Hope it all works out and gets better soon.

Hubs and I are doing well, thankfully. It feels like we have been together forever but we have really grown together the last year since doing the adoption training. It had some really great discussion tools and made us both really open up about what we want, who we want to become and how to get there. Although we are both thrilled we are able to conceive, we really found a lot of value in those classes for our relationship moving forward.

Yay anatomy scan this week!!
Anyone else doing an anatomy scan soon - or have any other scans coming up?
Sorry about the husbands ladies!! I hope that things can get better for you.

We actually havent had one fight since I got pregnant. It's been really nice. There us a new vibe going on in the house, which makes me wonder if most of our stress was ttc other than other things. We never really fought a whole lot anyway though. Dh and I are one of those couples that go everywhere and do everything together. People think we are crazy but we never get tired of being around each other. The very start of our marriage, we worked together, so we were together 24/7, and we have always hung out with each others friends so we would just go out together. I know a lot of peopLe say that their best friends with their spouse, but we seriously are best friends.

My anatomy scan is tomorrow!!! Eeeek!!! So excited to see my guy!

My cousin had her baby at about 12:15 am today and he is absolutely gorgeous. It's exciting that Gage will have a cousin so close in age
Sorry to hear about the DH troubles, men really are from a different planet sometimes. Every relationship is different and I think you need to do what works for you. Luckily DH and I don't argue and this TTC journey has brought us closer than ever, but that's not to say he doesn't drive me mad sometimes when he throws his clothes all over the floor, doesn't take his cups out or always finds time to play golf! Anyone seen that video posted on Facebook about the magic washing basket and the magic table? It's brilliant and even DH found it hilarious because it's so true!

Praying, nice to hear from you, sorry you are sick feeling sick. We are a day apart and mine has only started to ease and I still have the odd day. I have already explained my lack of appetite so feel you on that too. Let's hope in time it gets better.

Froggy, myshel, best of luck with your scans, I can't believe we are all getting to this stage. Mine is not for another two weeks.

Fern, glad the gender party went well and the BILs left early, sounds like it was a bit more relaxing without them.

Thanks for your advice my guilty eating, I am feeling much better about things now. I spoke to a dietician/nutritionist who said baby would take everything it needs from my stores and that eating and drink anything is better than nothing. I would need to be severely malnourished to starvation point for it to have any effect on the baby. I generally feel better in the morning so I am going to try and eat my healthiest then so that its over and done with.

Pinkie, glad you went to a nutritionist... That makes me feel better as well. I keep trying to eat healthy but I know I could be doing so much better. I have never been crazy healthy and haven't been a healthy BMI for so long, trying to make those good choices is so hard.
froggyfrog-My anatomy scan is next week. We haven't seen our bean in a while so I am so excited/anxious.

I am also trying to eat healthy although it has been difficult with my hectic work schedule. My dinner last night was not the best I picked up a baked potato and small caesar salad on the way home
Glad to hear about your nutritionist praying. Sorry about all the crap with the husbands ladies! Mine left me to do some work yesterday and took DD for a walk. Then he got us pizza for dinner. I got through 1.5 pieces before I felt like clinging to the toilet. Later on toward bedtime I was peckish again so I mixed up a chocolate protein shake. Hot chocolate would have made me feel sick with the amount of sugar and I didn't have enough protein all day so this worked out nicely. Except that DD really wanted some of mummy's drink too. I gave her a few spoons full but when I told her that was enough she was tired and blew a fit. Poor think didn't sleep till half midnight last night. Thankfully DH is a night owl, I was falling asleep after reading her her usual 15+ books and singing her her lullabies:wacko:

Ladies I highly recommend starting the lullabies from birth and the books from at least 2 months. My gf's DD won't even sit for a book, she started too late and now her DD won't sit for them, simply not interested. Lullabies and books are that extra tool for sleep training. DD doesn't respond well to baths before bed, it seems to get her going for some reason. I think the warm water creates inflammation and her teeth ache more at the end of a day with a bath. So I make sure it's at least 2 hours before bed and have lots of books and songs. Her 1 special bedtime teddy, soft blanket and the books usually queue her up nicely.

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