*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

DH and I don't fight a lot at all because I try to overlook his laziness as much as a I can. He's usually really great with cooking but then leaves the house a mess. But I guess I can't be so picky.

Yay, two anatomy scans coming up. Froggy can't wait to hear about yours! Fingers crossed for good news!

I scheduled mine for September 27 and I am already so excited and anxious!!
Great bump 2have! I'll try to post my bump pic tomorrow. I'm too tired now.
Lovely picture 2have! Beautiful little bump.
Sending you all hugs and sympathy with the husband issues!!!!! Men..... so interesting to see it's not so much a cultural issue as it is a general MAN issue.

Looking forward to hearing about today's scans! X

My next scan is only at 24 weeks (14 oct). Will do the anatomy scan then.

Cute bump 2have! Mine is really 4 times as big with a singleton. I have a small frame (I'm not thin but my skeleton is small & narrow if that makes sense so everything is sticking out to the front!) I can't imagine getting even bigger. Already had my fill of people's comments. :/

Sorry about the short post. I'm super busy at work but thinking of you all xx
I had my anatomy scan today with the MFM. My OB wanted it done with them because apparently IVF babies are a slight increased chance of heart defect. The baby wasn't fully cooperative, and she couldn't see everything she wanted, but she could see that he has four chambers and they are all pumping the right way. But everything else loos good with him! I have to go back in 4 weeks to see if he is laying in a better position to check his heart in further detail. I will also have to go back at 28 weeks to make sure his growth is on track because I have hypothyroid, and she also wants to keep an eye on my placenta because so far I have placenta previa. She is confident that we still have plenty of time for it to move, so I'm trying not to stress about it. I just really don't want a c section, and I'm on pelvic rest so no doing the deed :(
Froggy I'm glad your scan was good. Sorry to hear about placenta previa, I know a few people who needed c sections for that.
Hopefully it will resolve itself!
2have - great bump pic! Thanks for sharing.

Froggy - yay for having a good anatomy scan.

I wrote a post yesterday, but this stupid site messed it up and didn't post it. I can't even remember what I shared....

Last night I wasn't feeling the best. DH said I looked really grey and I guess I kinda scared him. I laid down for about an hour and a half and felt better. Feeling much better today. We are taking a hospital tour tonight.
Rq, glad you're feeling better.
Since you brought up the hospital your, I have a question regarding hospitals.
Do you ladies get private rooms for recovery?
Where I am it's a gurantee, they don't even have shared rooms. I know some people in other cities that have had to share rooms after birth. That scares me!
Rebecca unless you're in the new South Campus hospital you share a room with all the other hospitals and there are nightmares if the deliveries being so busy you wait in the waiting room until you're 6+ cm before you get a room. So no pain meds until you get a room. I'm in the new hospital thankfully! There are private rooms with bathrooms and birthing pools if you have time. You choose a song that plays over yhe hospital intercom when baby arrives and there's a menu to order food. After DD both DH and I ordered the salmon rice & veggies. They call it the Hilton of the hospitals:haha:
The OB said this time I won't be delivering in the room, with twins they take you into the operating theatre. Unless it's already busy but she said there's more people required to help with the birth and they all fit better in the theatre rather than your room.
have-Nice bump.

Froggy-Glad to hear you scan goes well and hoping that placenta moves out the way in the coming weeks

Rq-Good to hear you are feeling better. Amazing what a little shut eye can do. Let us know how your tour goes.
The tour was great. We are delivering at a Women's Hospital and it is only 1 of 2 hospitals in the state where they have a top level NICU. All the hospital does is labor and delivery and NICU so it is quite a special place. Rebecca, all private rooms. They are up on all the latest data and are big on skin to skin and breastfeeding. They even have crazy pain relief techniques like aromatherapy, bath pools they can move to the room, and Nitrous Oxide gas! It is quite a cool place and after the tour I'm really glad we chose it.

DH is having a garage sale tomorrow so I'm working from home. I'm so close to my anatomy scan (Tuesday) and vacation (leaving next Saturday) that I'm sooooo ready for this week to be over. I went to the dentist today and the lady was super surprised at my gums. She said I'm doing great for being pregnant and most women suffer from poor dental health (bleeding gums, etc) from the pregnancy hormones.
Rq sounds like a nice place to give birth.
By us the hospital is super clean and fresh but it's not brand new. The bathrooms could use some updating but they're really clean.
A birthing pool sounds nice but it's not offered by us. There are several different hospitals to choose from but the one where my OB delivers doesn't have.
As 2have mentioned, I will also give birth in the OR. Hopefully it will be a vagainally birth but we'll see when the time comes. I had a c section so my chances of a vbac with twins are quite low..
We have a tour scheduled for the 17th, so I will find out more about our hospital. I'm pretty certain the rooms are private.

It looks like I may have GD :(. I have been crying all morning. I have my one hour glucose test tomorrow.
I'm going to try vaginally. My docs are all for it unless both babies are breech. The room is plenty big and I don't expect to have to give birth outside of a labor room unless it is going to be a C-section. They have a great navigator program where I can meet with a nurse one-on-one. I can ask that question later just to make sure.

Froggy - I'm sorry about the GD. Sucks that you have to go through all of that. Best wishes for your test tomorrow. :hugs:
Oh Froggy, don't cry! GD is something we can easily work around! It really doesn't hurt to do the pin prick sugar test. I just got my kit this morning and then went to costco and loaded up on easy high protein foods. I'm getting tired of cooking all the time. I refused to do the sugar drink test and they're not even taking bloods to do a GD test, they're just believing me. Thank goodness! You can still have all the carbs you were eating before but you need to ensure you eat protein & veg with them every time. Or if not veg, some sort of fiber helps.

Lovely hospital tours ladies. I was SO excited for gas and air as there are so many hilarious stories on the b&b thread about funny delivery stories...but it did nothing for me. I'll definitely try again this pregnancy and if still nothing I'll try to sneak some to DH just to see if it does anything for him:haha:

Rq my OB said as long as twin #1 has head down they can turn the other one around. So then I watched a youtube video of a natural twin birth and the doctor stuck his hand right up there to do something to twin #2. She was in major pain - freaked me right out! Epidural here I come if this is the way they do it!!
Froggy - aahh sorry to hear that hun! Did they pick it up with tests yesterday on Tuesday? At least once you know for sure, you can keep an eye on it. Hugs!!!

I should book a hospital tour. Keep forgetting.
Fern, they found glucose in my urine this morning. I had my regular OB today. After my urine showed that, they pricked my finger and my sugar was really high.

2have, thank you. I know it's easily manageable, and for the most part I make good choices, but have been giving into my cravings. It just makes me feel sad that I will have to be careful for the rest of my pregnancy. And that on top on the placenta previa sucks. I can't have any sex until my placenta moves. So now I'm looking at possibly not sugar or orgasms for 20 weeks :( my two favorite things!
Froggy im sorry to hear about the GD. I know it's super treatable but also kind of annoying!

2have- my doctor said the same thing about the position of the two babies. A needs to be head down for them to be able to deliver vagainally. Of course I hope I'll be able to, but who knows what will be.
Another 20 weeks so go! Amazing that we are all about half way there! I really can't wait for the big day and to finally meet my babies!!

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