*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Froggy I'm so sorry that you're crying but man I had a laugh at your last sentence. Clearly only something a pregnant woman would understand!!

Dh just felt our baby kick for the first time!!
Aww man Froggy so sorry about the GD and no sex :(. I think that placenta will get out the way soon so you can have back at least one of your favorite things lol :)
Froggy, sorry your last sentence made me laugh too, bless you. Sorry to hear about the GD I hope that nothing comes of it. You'll need to get DH to improvise :winkwink: it says avoid sex not avoid orgasms right?

RQ, your hospital sounds lovely, must be nice to know where you going, I don't even know if we get hospital tours here?

2have, cute bump! I don't like the sound of someone sticking their hand up there, I have heard that too often, does that really happen and why?

Fern, that's a special moment DH feeling baby, it must be hard for the men sometimes. I can't wait to feel a kick myself first.

I hope all mamas and babies are doing well?

I went to my first pregnancy yoga class tonight which was good. It wasn't what I was expecting, I thought it would be a work out but was more about stretching, posture, connecting to the baby and breathing exercises. It's a 6 week session so I am assuming next week will be different? Apparently some of these techniques can be used to help labour so I will take whatever I can.
Unfortunately they said no orgasms. The contraction could cause spotting.
Fern, how exciting dh felt him!

Pinkie, glad yoga went well!
Oh my froggy that sucks. The orgasm part, the GD I think you will do fine with, you are awesome :)

Jealous everyone is seeing the hospital we haven't even though at but that yet! Ahh I got to get on board quick

Hubs is downstairs right now playing video games with my brother who came over for the night lol. I took hi to get his fortune read and while we were there she did a mini one with me saying that my little guy is robust and super healthy. She also mentioned that I will be having a second one right away after this one which is hilarious. I told her it was a science miracle baby, before that comment and she still said their would be a second so we will see. I have been told this by three psycics now, I will have two kids within a year but not twins. I am interested to see how this goes!!
Oh my froggy that sucks. The orgasm part, the GD I think you will do fine with, you are awesome :)

Jealous everyone is seeing the hospital we haven't even though at but that yet! Ahh I got to get on board quick

Hubs is downstairs right now playing video games with my brother who came over for the night lol. I took hi to get his fortune read and while we were there she did a mini one with me saying that my little guy is robust and super healthy. She also mentioned that I will be having a second one right away after this one which is hilarious. I told her it was a science miracle baby, before that comment and she still said their would be a second so we will see. I have been told this by three psycics now, I will have two kids within a year but not twins. I am interested to see how this goes!!

At 18 my friend saw a psychic who told her that I would be an alcoholic:haha: I've always been into sports and so far from being an alcoholic. I wondered how she knew this just from a photo. At the time she did the reading I was a swim instructor/life guard for city pools and was doing platform dive competitions. I was actually pretty resentful and weirdly my friendship with this best friend (for 7 years) ended abruptly over an indiscretion she had shortly afterward. I hope three kids happens for you if that's what you wish for. It did for us, we did ivf to achieve our dream family.
Myshel I'm pretty skeptical of psychics but who knows. I wonder if they have real powers.

2have- your SN is 2have4kids are you planning on having a 4th?
My DH had his fortune read years ago and they told him he would have 2 sons but one would die...

His girlfriend 15 years ago was pregnant and quite a way along, when she found out her breast cancer had returned. She had to have treatment immediately, so they had to make the awful decision to terminate. It was a boy. She later died anyway.

I'm still convinced this one is a girl, so maybe the boy will come next!
Myshel idk whether to laugh or scream in frustration when people say that lol. My mom keeps telling me and EVERYONE who will listen, over and over, that I will definitely get pregnant again as soon as my son is born! Because clearly giving birth once makes all fertility problems disappear for good. :dohh: she also said for years that she knows I will definitely fall pregnant if I just relax. I keep telling her uhm I have very severe endometriosis including chocolate cysts that's invaded my ovaries and messed up my egg cells & destroyed my left ovary & causes a toxic uterine environment which kills off embryos... and my ivf baby is a miracle but we will most likely need ivf again. Also, we will NOT be trying naturally because we want to give our frosties a shot first. Nope she ignores me flat. And this after years of saying I shouldn't have kids at all (I used to be an addict so obviously it's guaranteed my kids will all be addicts. Never mind I overcame addiction and have actually been very healthy, successful and happy for MOST of my life).

Pinkie I'm sure you'll be able to feel your bubs soon :). I don't have very strong core muscles, my bump is huge and stretched! And placenta is tucked away to the top and back so I'm sure that's why I started feeling him sooner. It's an awesome feeling. Are you finding out the sex or remaining team yellow?

Boo froggy!! There's always sleep orgasms lol! Hugs hun. Xx
Froggy, oh no I didn't realise it was no orgasms at all! What a nightmare. Ok don't think about them because the more you do the more you will want one.

Fern, It drives me mad too when people tell me how they know this person who fell pregnant straight after IVF and these are people that know my history. My response is 'unless I am the next Virgin Mary that's never going to happen because I have no tubes'. But in the next breath and I want to bunch myself in the face for saying this, I have seen it loads too especially on these boards but they are usually people that have unexplained inferility and good luck to them.

Myshel, I hope that it does happen for you, if I believe in fortune telling or not I think holding onto that hope and belief can only be a good thing.

2have, I shouldn't laugh but an alcoholic ha ha, and Ellie, what a awful story about your DH ex that is so sad. I didn't think these people were allowed to tell you the bad stuff? I know a girl (this is a true story) who had her fortune read and was told that her current boyfriend was not 'the one' and do you know what she did? She left him :wacko:

Fern, I am sticking with team yellow for now, my thought process on this is that if I am going through all that agony to give birth I want a surprise at the end. I am enjoying the suspense at the moment.

I take back what I said yesterday about this yoga not being a work out, my arms and legs are really achy today! I am so pleased I went, it's only been 12 hours but I am already consciously thinking about some of the things she taught us about how to sit, how to move, how to get up etc so you keep you body in alignment to stop ligament pain and back aches etc it was really interesting and I recommend it if you have a class near you.
Myshel I'm pretty skeptical of psychics but who knows. I wonder if they have real powers.

2have- your SN is 2have4kids are you planning on having a 4th?
After these twins come we're done with ivf. If we had one naturally then so be it but we're both pleased to have 3 kids.
Fern it's infuriating to hear people say just relax and it'll happen. I've only had 1 person say this to me as I've educated most of my friends & family that certain medical conditions just don't make it possible to concieve naturally. Except for my Cuban gf. She believes I'm simply not enjoying bd with DH. But her & I are quite the opposite. She believes that if it's meant to happen that the universe will make it happen. And she's cheated on her bf, more than once. Then she married a guy that she cheated with her bf on. She had a c-section as she thought a natural delivery would affect her hoohaa. Sex is a big deal to her. To me, I'd rather have trust and a loving relationship than put sex as no. 1 and a string of unfulfilling relationships. You can have amazing sex without being a philanderer. It's important yes! But it doesn't rule my relationship. But that's why DH and I have been together for 18 years and she's blown through 3 relationships and 6 men in the past 4 years. I can't deal with all her bunk! I think this is the attitude of someone who has no understanding of medical technology and no awareness of fertility issues. Despite all that I've done to educate her she goes back to her basic belief that if I'd just let my hair down and stop being so uptight things would happen :nope: I've distanced myself from her, I can only believe that she's very unhappy in her own relationship and she'd only say these things to upset me because of her own unhappiness. What else can we think about people like this?

Rebecca happy 18th week, lovely bump!

I don't believe in psychics. I think they are irresponsible for the things they say. For someone to say that I'd become an alcoholic. I didn't but how many people might be influenced by someone like that. It's dangerous & can be damaging when extremely negative stuff comes out.
Happy 18 weeks Rebecca and great bump!

I just nod and smile when people say it now. I just don't even try to explain myself anymore that dh has a severely low count that is only decreasing, and I have pcos. That combo will most likely never result in a pregnancy. I tell people that I most likely won't try for a natural pregnancy because I have frozen embryos, and when we are ready for number 2, I will go have one transferred
I don't know, I do believe in the extra sense. Do I think that 100% the things I have been told are true, no. But the possibility of them warms my soul.
I come from a long line of women who believe, have seen and have practiced. My great grandmother use to read fortunes and was well known. My grandmother spoke with spirits, my mother gets impressions and I have dreams. It is all kinda crazy especially since my hubs doesn't believe in any of it lol.

Hope everyone's day is going well, have to run.
Each to his own. I believe that some psychics have power to know a glimpse of the future etc... and like anyone else they can use it for good or for bad. I think most are frauds though. Having said that I will never go to one/have my fortune read in any case but that's because of our (dh and my) faith.

Anyway I also hope everyone has a good weekend! I went to my niece's nursery school concert today and was very teary eyed! It's such a reminder of our journey. 2 years ago I cried at her concert because I was sad that I would probably never have kids. At last year's; dh and I had been working very hard at acceptance and I remember thinking I will be able to have a good life and not be sad about being childless. Now at this year's concert I'm pregnant with a miracle. :)
Happy 18 weeks Rebecca, the bump is coming along nicely.

I have mixed views on psychics, I heard a recording of a reading my friend had done many years ago and it freaked the hell out of me, there was no way this women could have known what she did but then I have also had one done myself a long time ago and she could have been speaking about anyone. I don't agree with them telling you anything bad, I didn't think they were allowed to do this as some people take these things far too seriously.

Fern, glad you had a wonderful time at the school concert, imagine what you are going to be like when your little one is in a concert of his own. It will be magical.

Ladies, How have you or how are you going about choosing your baby name? We've had our girls name for a long time, it was my Nan name and I love it. But we are so struggling with boys name. There are a few that we like but nothing that we love and even though we still have a long way to go yet I am worried we are going to settle for someone because otherwise he will be nameless (that's if we have a boy obviously). And because I am one of the last in my friends and family to have a baby, I feel like all the best names have gone.

Have a good weekend everyone, we have rain today which is annoying, luckily we have some nice weather coming in over the next few days so will be making the most of that. X
I'm sort of skeptical of psychics, but I do believe in premonitions to an extent. And I do believe in mediums. I don't think there are as many as people claim to be, but I do think there are people who exist that are more sensitive to spirits.

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