*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Fern, if I were you I would treat him like a room mate when he returns and take care of yourself and that little boy. Enjoy your week of freedom and do everything that makes you happy. Glad your cousin is coming to the scan with you, sounds like you have plenty of support.

Froggy, sounds like you are doing a great job on keeping your sugar levels stable. Enjoy your scan today and hope you get some good news regarding your placenta and sugars. Good luck.

You twin ladies are going to have lovely big bumps, at least it means babies are growing well.

Rebecca, good luck at the scan on Friday.

I don't have my growth scan for another 3 weeks. I am lucky to get that, here we only get one scan at 12 weeks and another at 20 weeks then that's it. Thankfully the consultant booked me in for extra ones because of my history and felt it was needed for reassurance which I am grateful for. I would have definitely booked private ones if not.

Oh I forgot to tell you, when I had my jabs the other day I got weighed and guess how much weight I have put on? Zero!! So there are definitely some perks with having these food issues. I was a little overweight to start with so I am seeing this as a good thing.

2have I'm so sorry that LO has a cold. Lucky for you she's made it 12 months without one. My LO got her first cold at 7 days old, it was really scary!

Pinkie I'm so glad you got that extra scan. Wow no weight gain! I gained 20 lbs so far. DH is really nervous that I will gain too much. My mother in law only gained 16 lbs with her twins and they were each 6 and a half pounds.
I was asking her questions yesterday about her twins (how much did you gain, did you go full term, etc.) I hope I was not too obvious and that she doesn't suspect anything.
Sorry 2have, I missed your last post. Sorry LO has a cold, give her lots of warm cuddles. Well done on your sugar levels, that's great news, I hope it stays like that.

Rebecca, I read that most people put on 10-14lbs by their second trimester so with the twins I say you are on track. Mine is definitely balancing itself out and I still have a long way to go yet, you'll probably start to slow down and I will start putting on :haha:
pinkie well done on not gaining even though it's been a tough time for you. Wouldn't it be nice to come out a few pounds less AND get a prize baby at the end! For me last time I gained a little weight bf-ing as I was not only hungry all the time I could now eat what made me feel so ill before. And carbs didn't bother me. So I'm going to have to be careful after the twins come and get back to the gym sooner rather than later.

Rebecca all the best with your scan Friday.

My next scan is the 21st. I checked out some SUV's last night. We're def getting a 2017 Kia Sorento. They seem to be the best for 3 small kids (7 seats with actually a comfy 3rd row) and have a nice price tag and the extras are all built in rather than expensive upgrades. Nice quiet smooth ride compared to my little sports car. Prob won't make the purchase until December though, I'd really love to sell my car first.
pinkie well done on not gaining even though it's been a tough time for you. Wouldn't it be nice to come out a few pounds less AND get a prize baby at the end! For me last time I gained a little weight bf-ing as I was not only hungry all the time I could now eat what made me feel so ill before. And carbs didn't bother me. So I'm going to have to be careful after the twins come and get back to the gym sooner rather than later.

Rebecca all the best with your scan Friday.

My next scan is the 21st. I checked out some SUV's last night. We're def getting a 2017 Kia Sorento. They seem to be the best for 3 small kids (7 seats with actually a comfy 3rd row) and have a nice price tag and the extras are all built in rather than expensive upgrades. Nice quiet smooth ride compared to my little sports car. Prob won't make the purchase until December though, I'd really love to sell my car first.

We have a Toyota Highlander and although it has 7 seats the back row is really tight. Additionally, the trunk space is so small when the back row is being used. We will eventually end up with a sienna minivan but not until after babies are born. My car is a lease and I have 1 year left so if I see that we can make it work for the year we will just manage.
Just got back from my scan, and the placenta still hasn't moved. I go back at 28 weeks to see if it has moved yet, and if it hasn't we will start talking about a scheduled c section at 36 or 37 weeks. My blood sugar levels have been really good and she is happy with them, and baby boy looks great! I will post pics as soon as they email them to me.
Froggy congrats on a great scan but sorry to hear that the placenta still hasn't moved. fx for week 28!
Rebecca my husband likes the Highlander too. But I want ALLLL the upgrades, panorama sunroof, heated seats etc etc etc and we can only afford that in the Sorento (Highlander would be another $20K) We looked at the minivan too but I just can't bring myself to drive one:blush:
I think after the new year I'm going to get the Mazda cx-9. They are really nice.
Lovely photo Froggy!

Has anyone been experiencing dramatic hair loss? I get a handful everytime I shower, and when I'm wearing wool it sticks to the back of my cardigans and I've cleaned off a bucket of hair from the back 3 times today. I've started back taking omega 3/6/9 oils and I'm taking lots of iron so I'm not sure what else is causing this.
Froggy sorry that placenta hasn't moved yet. I hope you get good news in 4 weeks.
Gage looks super cute, great photo!
Happy to hear you got a good report on your blood sugar.

2have, I got most of the upgrades on the highlander. It's a really expensive lease but I like a nice car :)
DH just got himself a Lincoln crossover. Although it's a business expense ;)
I'm really not a soccer mom and you can ask anyone I swore I'd never drive a minivan, but after doing carpools you just can't beat the practically.
Especially getting two babies in and out the sliding doors are awesome.

Friday feels like ages away I'm getting kind of anxious for my appointment. at least I have them every 2 weeks now.
I googled when the earliest stage a baby is viable and it seems like 23-24 weeks although there's a really low chance of survival. I want to be in my third trimester already so I know my babies are out of the woods. Every little ache I worry in going into labor and my babies will be born too soon.
I guess after what I've been through nervous is the only thing I know.
Aww what a lovely pic froggy!! You can see so much detail! Sorry that the placenta hasn't moved... however I feel better about all our medical issues knowing we are fortunate enough to get good medical care and that they have a plan to safely deliver Gage regardless. Happy v-day!

2have - me!!! Goodness, my hair was falling out in clumps in first trimester. While my body hair grew thicker urgh. It's slowed down but it's still more than I'd like. And then irritatingly enough everything I googled would talk about hair fall stopping in pregnancy, lucious locks etc lol; so no help there! The only thing I can think of is that I might not be meeting 75mg protein every day but I get as close to that as possible & all my other nutrient levels are great. I've had some regrowth starting though (my sister and I call it "baby hair" as she also has a lot of new short hair growing in after having her twins!). I figured that as long as I don't get bald spots it's OK; hope that's the case with you too.
Good job with staying on track with your weight gain pinkie! Yep if you were overweight you don't have to pick up as much weight and sounds like you are doing nicely considering your nausea issues. Shame you have been through the wringer! I've put on 10 kg already!! (22 pounds) it went really fast in first tri due to my constant insane hunger and has slowed down in second tri. Idk. I had lost a lot of weight in the 3months just prior to ivf and my bmi when I got pregnant was about 19-20. My bmi is still normal even though I weigh 10kg more and am preggies. I've stopped worrying about it so much and am getting used to getting a new unknown body. I'm eating healthy most of the time so that's good enough.

I'm getting so excited for all of us to post on our new babies and sleepless nights & remedies & tips! And of course then we can support each other's post baby weight loss attempts too. :)
Froggy, what a great picture, he looks so peaceful bless him. Glad everything went well and great job with your sugar levels.

2have, I think it's pretty common for hair to fall out, it either goes one way or another, it definitely happen to friend of mine. I have gone the other way and DH keeps saying I look like a Lion!!

Fern, sounds like you were in the healthy BMI rate, I was bordering the higher for my height (I am only little). To be fair, I can't really complain about my nausea because apart from that my pregnancy is going really well, I decided to focus on all the good things and there is plenty which is making me feel much better.

2have, we looked at that KIA, it's lovely but a bit big for me at the moment. Perfect for 3 little ones. I hope MacKinley is feeling better.

Rebecca, I know how you feel, I can't help but worry but I do get more confident as each week goes on. I have said that after my 28 week scan then I am going to start buying baby stuff and I going to enjoy every minute of it.

Does anyone private message Myshel? I was just wondering how she is doing? If you do please let her know I still think of her X

I've had a busy day with MIL, we went curtain and blind shopping, was in the shop for ages, bless our assistant, I got some great samples so hope DH likes them. We also went to a nice place for lunch that had homemade cakes to die for. MIL brought me 4 to bring home, I have already eaten one, DH needs to hurry home because cake is the one thing I don't have trouble eating at the moment :haha:
Pinkie I think we will start with shopping around 28 weeks as well. I did research on strollers and car seats but we will go to the baby stores to actually look at them around 28-30 weeks.
I'm also waiting until then to order my breast pump. I will be meeting with a lactation consultant around then as well. She is a Nurse practitioner and certified lactation consultant and accepts my insurance so I can go as often as I need for free! She said For after birth with twins she does house calls too! I'm going to meet with her and she will recommend the best nursing gear for me.
I don't like to actually buy anything until after the baby/babies are born but I'll have a list of what to order.
My week 22 bump.
At 22 weeks with DD I had no hint of a bump!


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Cute bump rebecca! What time is your scan today?

I saw my OB yesterday, and was advised to go ahead and get my MFM to send over an authorization letter to the scheduler to get a c section scheduled. So I'm waiting to hear back from that. He said we can always cancel it, but this way I have more options on a date and dr. If we can I'm going to choose Dec 30th. that will put me at 36 weeks 2 days. It's a little overwhelming to think that that is only 12 weeks away. By my next appointment I could potentially be 8 weeks away from meeting my son. Scary!!!!
Rebecca - cute bump. I'm about there or a little bigger. It's funny because I feel like you can tell when the babies are going through growth spurts. It's also funny to watch your bump move, meaning some days it's higher or lower than the day before.

2Have - DH and I have a Kia Sorento. There isn't much space in the back w/ the 3rd row, but we really like it. It is a quiet smooth ride. It will work well with our 4 person family. We bought it a few years used and we don't owe a car payment, so that is nice also.

Looking forward to the weekend, however I am working at the hospital again both Sat and Sun. Worst part is I have to get up at 5:50 am. Yuck. But I'm trying to position us to where we have all medical bills paid off by delivery, so it is a noble cause. DH is off for Columbus Day on Monday so I'm taking the day off too. I think we will go enjoy a hike and some shopping. Everyone enjoy your weekend!
Froggy I'm surprised how early they want to schedule the C section 36 weeks seems very early. Exciting how close you are to meeting your little man!! The best part is you get a 2016 baby :)
Good luck I hope you get the date that you want.

My appointment today is at 1:45 which is 4 hours away.

Rq my bump is always much bigger at night after a whole day of eating and drinking!
Good luck with work this weekend, but good for you for getting it out of the way before the babies arrive.

Lately I've been feeling like I can't breathe after I eat a meal. I feel suffocating like I can't get a good deep breath which causes me to panic. I think it's because my babies are the size of spaghetti squash and are taking up so much of my body! I'm really panicking about this because it's only going to get worse and I'm starting to feel claustrophobic.
The reason they schedule so early is because the placenta can rupture if my cervix tries to dilate. I have decided that if my MFM doesn't see any changes at my 28 week appointment, I'm going to ask about getting a steroid shot to help his lungs develop.

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