*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Rebecca, there is still plenty of time for it to move, but I'm one of those plan for the worst kind of people. I would rather be fully prepared for an early arrival!
Rebecca, cute bump! Mine has really popped out in the last week and is not far off yours.

Froggy, wow I can't believe your little man could be here so soon. It's great that everyone is being well prepared.

RQ, I hope work is ok this weekend, good for you for working extra to get yourself straight before babies arrives.

Fern, I hope you are enjoying your time at home.

2have, I hope MacKinley is feeling better.

Have a lovely weekend all. I have a friend stopping tomorrow, she lives a 3 hour drive away and I haven't seen her for months so can't wait for a good catch up. X
My appointment went well and both babies are great!
They are both breech with their heads together :)
My OB unfortunately told me that he will not allow me to deliver naturally as it is too risky. DD was born via c section and he does not want to risk my uterus rupturing. Im not surpised but I'm a little disappointed.
He is not at all concerned about my low lying placenta and he seems confident that it will move. Either way I'll still be having a c section.
He says unless anything changes it will be scheduled for 38 weeks.
Rebecca, great news that both babies are doing well. Sorry to hear your are disappointed with the C section but if that's their professional advice then I suppose you have to go with it. The main thing is both your babies arrive safely. X
Hi ladies, Pinkie, Mack is finally on the mend-in the last croupy coughy stages of the cold. Congrats on not gaining anything, it'll feel great when you look amazing and have that little baby in your arms!

Fern, enjoy your me time!

Rebecca, sorry to hear about the section, if that's the best plan to keep you & babies healthy I'd follow their advice too!

How is everyone else doing?

Well it snowed here in my city for the first time this winter. Brrr, now I just want to hybernate for the rest of the season! We purchased a Nissan Parhfinder yesterday with all the bells & whistles. It had the most comfy & accessible 3rd row seat of all the SUV's and for the 1st 2 years while the babies are all backwards facing I anticipate one if us having to sit back there durung trips to the mountains to keep the brood happy. All others required one of us to climb into the 3rd row from the back door, over the groceries & stroller...no thanks! So I'm super happy and we got a fantastic deal as they were selling off the dealer test drive cars plus a manufacture discount of $7700:happydance:
Bring on the twins!
Rebecca, glad that the babies are doing so well!!!

2have congrats on the new car! It's always exciting!

I don't know that we will do much this weekend. Dh thinks he is going back to work on monday, but I'm not sure he is ready. He is definitely getting cabin fever just sitting around the house. I'm hoping to talk him into going to get his flu shot and tdap today at walgreens, and then we might go see a movie. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Rq- hope work is not too tiring!

2have - glad your dd is getting better and congrats on the car. That's very exciting :).

Enjoy your friend's visit pinkie!

Froggy is your husband's pain better?

Rebecca- you'll be fine hun :) better safe than sorry!

I'm enjoying being here without H, without constantly worrying what will set him off next. I got some nice things for the nursery at the craft market & my mom bought me a bunch of really comfy and pretty leggings, shirts and two dresses yesterday! I'm so happy especially because I've grown out of most of my clothes, even the large sizes. My bump is SO big. I honestly don't miss H at all and just get angry when I think of how I had to miss a beach holiday (which I really needed before the busy final term of this year) because of him. Urgh. Oh well I need to keep focusing on enjoying my life as much as I can without his love/emotional support and not get totally depressed!! I have a lot of other great people in my life.
Fern I'm glad your enjoying your time, you definitely needed a break and time to yourself. Dh is feeling much better. The old pain is completely gone, he is just still dealing with pain from the surgery.
2have enjoy the new car, I think the pathfinder is really nice! Can't believe you already have snow. This is the first year I'm really looking forward to winter. I'm so eager to meet my babies already.

Fern glad you're enjoying your time without husband. I hope things will be better once he returns.

Today was really relaxing, visited my husbands grandparents who live a few blocks away from us. Took an afternoon nap, DD had a play date with a classmate.
Tomorrow I'll do some cooking I like to have food in the freezer to grab and warm on a lazy day.
2have, great news on the car, that is one less thing to worry about. I hope the snow doesn't get too bad. It's a pain but I love it when we do get it!

Fern, glad you have plenty of people around you who offer support, those are the people you need to surround yourself with. It's you and the boy that are the priority.

Froggy, I hope DH is ok back at work tomorrow.

My weekend has been nice, food was a bit of an issue again... Boo, but I got through it. Stayed up taking until the early hours with my friend so very tired today and looking forward to an early night. On the pregnancy front, not much to report, I am definitely getting bigger and will need to get a proper pregnancy pillow soon. I am going to get one that I can use for feeding too. X
Pinkie I'm so sorry you are still having food issues :(
I still unable to eat 99% of protein. I can eat beans so I try to add them to my foods as much as possible.
Froggy did DH make it back to work?

I slept pretty horribly last night so I'm having a hard time concentrating at work.
I was off yesterday. Had a nice day with DH and SIL. We went to a little town and walked about the little boutique shops and stopped for a nice lunch. It was a good day and I lasted longer than I thought. I actually didn't tucker out until we were headed back to the car. It was a beautiful day.

Boo on snow. I'm trying to continue to enjoy the fall weather here. Today's high is 75 degrees.

Today is my "Monday" at work and I am wiped!! I slept well, but I just can't bring myself to get into work. My brain is so foggy and I feel very sleepy. I babies are the opposite of their mommy today. They are going crazy in there and are getting stronger.

I have another MD appt this Thursday. They will do a quick check-up but I'm going mostly to monitor my cervix. So far, it's been great. After this appt I don't know if they will push back my next appt to 4 weeks, or keep me on an every two week schedule.
Rq I would think they would do appointments more often so they can check your cervix as much as possible.
Sorry you're having a tough day at work I felt like that yesterday.
Glad babies are going wild, such a great feeling. Can you feel the difference between a and b when they're kicking? When it's a very low kick, close to my bladder I know it's A and when it's really high up, like right under my breasts it's B but everything in between confuses me.
I think 2 babies would confuse me because Gage kicks and hits high low and to both sides. He was head down last week so I'm sure it won't be long before I get the kicks in the ribs. At our ultrasound last week he chest bumped the ultrasound tech, it was really funny to see.

Dh seems to be doing good back to work. He has his Rodman (helper) and is making him do a lot more than usual, so that he doesn't strain himself.
I just picked out paint colors for the nursery! See attached picture of the samples.
We're going to do one accent wall with all three colors and then the grey for the remaining walls.


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Sorry I'm being so quiet, I'm really swamped at work.
Babies moving and kicking is so exciting!

Froggy I'm happy to hear that your dh is doing well. You must both be so relieved.

Lovely colours Rebecca!!
I like the colors! So pretty. I'm thinking grey for our nursery too, but I'm not going to set up one right away because we are putting the house for sale in April. We will set up a nursery after we move next spring.

Rebecca - I can usually tell them apart. A (boy) likes to kick me low also. B (girl) I don't feel as much but when I do it has been a little stronger. I only really get high or low kicks. I think it is related to my two anterior placentas, so it's been easy to tell them apart so far. It's rare when I get a kick in the middle. I definitely feel the boy everyday. The girl moves around a lot (transverse, head down, side to side - she is a crazy lady) and sometimes gets behind her placenta and I don't feel her as much. I love to feel them everyday and I am starting to get their pattern down. For example, the boy is most active in the morning when I get to work. They also like to kick at night right when I lay down. If I lay on my tummy during the night, the girl almost always kicks her displeasure. Lol! The boy LOVES to push against my pelvic bone some days. He will push off and on throughout the afternoon/evening and it really isn't a pleasant feeling. But I'll cherish anything I can get. I'm so blessed even if it doesn't feel good.
Arh you are all so lucky to feel the kicks and know where baby/babies are lying. I am still only getting occasional flutters and they tickle more than anything, damn placenta!!

Froggy, glad DH got back to work ok and hope he is taking it easy.

RQ, good news on the cervix, hopefully they will continue with every two weeks to get regular checks.

Rebecca, nice colours. I am also getting my walls painted a light grey but decided not to decorate until baby arrives, I will wait until we know the sex so I can tailor it around that.

Fern, I hope work isn't too stressful and you are doing ok.

2have, hope you're well x
Love the choices Rebecca, can't wait to see pics!

Hope everyone is doing well.

I can't believe how fast time is flying, I'm 25 weeks today!

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