*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

I agree Froggy. It's amazing how fast time is going. I imagine it might move faster during the holidays, but maybe not because we might be a little more miserable then.
I feel like time is trickeling by. I'm almost 23 weeks but feel like I've been pregnant for a decade. I just can't wait to meet my babies already!
So happy tomorrow is Thursday I'm really waiting for a relaxing weekend.
Second tri dragged on with my first but this time with having to go back to work, having to host a shower, 2 baby birthday parties (as if 1 wasn't enough work), buy a new vehicle to accommodate, get more car seats, sell my car (this was a huge pain!) it's gone by very very fast. My back is still killing me and now when I sleep my arms have been going numb. It started 3 days ago and I read up that it can be because the root of the ulnar nerve in your neck/upper back is getting squished. Laying on my back was the only way to stop it last night but that just won't be feasible as my belly gets bigger. Has anyone else had this? It goes right down my arm and tingles until I have no sensation in my middle fingers. It's worse with bent elbows.:grr:
Time has been flying for me from day 1. I wish the pregnancy could go slower so that I could savour it a bit more (and feel more prepared!) But at the same time I'm wishing that work could be done for the year. About 5-6 more weeks.

2have - yep I get that when I lie on my side. It's very annoying. I wish I could sleep on my back all night but my bump is SO HUGE I think it's definitely going to press on my vena cava. In fact I'm going to ask the dr tomorrow if the baby/amniotic fluid/I am measuring too big.

How is everyone doing energy/back pain/ food aversion etc wise? :) Rebecca and Pinkie- sorry that you are still struggling to eat!

Froggy how was your husband's first day back?
I think time is flying too, with the holidays coming up I think it will definitely go quicker. Christmas will be here before we know it and then babies will start being born, it's so exciting. I am secretly wishing time away, I love being pregnant, watching my belly grow and feeling the little flutters but I just want my baby to be here now, I can't wait to hold him/her.

2have, I am the same but it's my hands that go numb, I am not sure what I am doing. Each morning my hands feel so achy and sore. Another thing I am doing while sleeping is snoring!! What is that all about? I never snore so this is definitely a new thing, I have even woken myself up with snorts.

Fern, apart from my food aversions I feel great so very lucky (although I shouldn't speak too soon). How is everyone else feeling?

I have another 4 1/2 weeks to go for my next scan, it feels like ages away!

How is everyone's week going? Mine has been pretty boring, I had to wait in all day for deliveries both on Mon and Tues. Yesterday I turned up for my Aquafit but the class was cancelled last minute and then I got a text this morning saying my yoga tonight has been cancelled too. Gutted! I really look forward to these classes. There is a golf tournament on here tomorrow and we are hoping to go for the day, I hope I can manage to walk the 18 holes.

For the most part, I am feeling really well so far. No back pain or hip pain. Some days I feel some minor discomforts, but they don't last very long. I'm very grateful because there are some with singleton pregnancies that are already hurting. Last night I woke with some pain in my lower belly. I'm guess maybe round ligament pain or something like that. It sucked but only last like an hour and went away. Babies are kicking away this morning.

DH REALLY got to feel baby girl last night. We went to a movie and she started kicking so I put his hand on my belly. He was really warm so I think she reacted to the heat and started kicking like crazy. She really gave him a show and he was blown away. He has felt her kick before, but just a little kick here or there. His face lighting up was so cute!

Anyone more emotional lately? I didn't have many hormonal issues early on, but lately I noticed I'm a bit weepy at times. That is so unlike me!

2Have - as far as the arms going numb, many of my friends had to sleep sitting up (like in a recliner) their last trimester because of this reason.

Fern - I feel huge too. LOL
Sorry you guys are so uncomfortable! Thankfully I'm not experiencing much in the way of physical pain.
I'm having some insomnia lately which is making my work days difficult.
DH has not yet felt the babies from the outside but I'm sure he'll feel them soon because they are getting much easier to feel.
I have a huge weekend coming up, which I'm kind of annoyed about. DH invited company for the weekend which means me cooking two Thanksgiving meals for our guests. DH is really good with helping to cook but the cleaning and set up is all on me. I was hoping for a quiet weekend but I guess not...
After work I need to shop and start cooking and tomorrow I'm working a full day so I'll be up very late tonight cooking. Ughhh
Just got back from the doc's office. The babies looked great on the ultrasound. They both weighed 1lb and 7 oz and measuring 3-4 days ahead. My OB said my cervix was solid as a rock. LOL. My next appt is in 4 weeks. Then I will get an ultrasound to monitor growth, vaccinations, glucose screen, and a Rhogam shot for my blood type. So happy for good news!
Oh and I asked my OB about the low pain I was experiencing last night and she said she thinks it is either ligament pain or deferred pain from my inner thigh muscles. She said she didn't think it was anything to worry about based on description and the ultrasound results.

Here is my bump pic. I'm currently laying in bed because I started spotting. It has only happened twice. I called in and the nurse told me not to worry and call back if it turns to bleeding. My mom is a l&d nurse and is telling me that I should just go into l&d. I think if it keeps up I may make a trip up there. I just feel weird going since the nurse thinks I'm fine. I know that placenta previa can cause spotting and bleeding.
Rq I'm happy to hear that everything is good with your babies.

Froggy if it would make you feel better to go to l&d than definitely go but I'm sure your nurse is right that it's probably nothing.

I'm in a grouchy mood for no reason! I just yelled at DH for doing nothing wrong.
Froggy lovely bump!! Sorry to hear about the spotting, that kind of stress is the last thing you need now.

Rebecca all the best with the cooking & happy Thanksgiving. We had dinner at a friends house last Sunday and Monday was the family dinner. It's alot to do when you're pregnant never mind with a child to mind.

Pinkie I laughed at the waking yourself up with snorts. DH has said I've been snoring too. I don't know what it is but with any weight gain I snore. DH has gained at least 30 lbs since I met him and he now snores. After this pregnancy I'm sure it'll go back to normal but I wish they knew what that's all about. I think snoring contributes to crappy sleeps, for both partners.

Fern I'm glad you're enjoying your pregnancy to this extent despite the shitpants DH has been. It's important to not let others ruin your experience and you sound like you're strong enough to still keep that sacred.

RQ I had wicked crampy sharp pains in my lower right the other night. I think mine had to do with the placenta stretching but there are so many reasons.

Hi to everyone, I hope you're doing well!

It's been a stupidly busy week. We had all those dinners last week and it was nice to catch up with friends & family and bought the suv, sold my car today after a million and one test drives with young obnoxious men that are only interested in low ball offers after they waste your time. I NEVER want to have to sell another vehicle! In the end we sold it to a lovely family who were after a car for their son. They made a reasonable offer.
Saturday we host DD's group birthday so baked the cake & will try fondant-style decorating it tomorrow. It's a potluck party with secret santa gifts so should be fun. Just looking forward to seeing how much progress all the babies have made:bunny:
You look lovely, Froggy.
I'd go to L&D. I had spotting a couple of weeks ago and went to A&E. it was fine, but put my mind kind at ease.
Froggy how's the spotting?

2have it's just thanksgiving style (ie lots of food!) it's just for a friends and family. Did a lot of cooking last night but I need to finish up today after work.

Ellicain when is your gender scan??
Thanks ladies, spotting stopped yesterday, but I'm still taking it easy. Don't feel comfortable resuming my regular tasks yet. I may go to the post office this afternoon to mail my mom's birthday present, and that may be my day other than laying around. I think if it holds off then tomorrow I will get back to normal.
I hope your mood has lightened Rebecca. I find myself getting grouchy for no real reason too.

2have, sounds like things have been busy!
RQ, glad everything looked well with both babies. And yes I am emotional at the moment, the slightest thing makes me weep.

Froggy, nice photo, you are all bump! Sorry about the spotting, take it easy and if you feel worried at any point definitely head into L&D.

Rebecca, I hope the mood improves. Although I would be a bit grumpy if DH sprung cooking on me, the cheeky so and so. Sounds like you have everything under control and I am sure you will have a lovely time. Leave him with the clearing up.

2have, sounds like a busy week. Glad you got the car sold in the end, it's always such a nightmare with time wasters. Enjoy the joint party tomorrow, I hope all the kids have a fun. I looked up snoring and apparently it's quite common in pregnancy due to swelling in the nasal passage. I haven't put any weight on yet so I will mention it to my midwife at my next appointment just in case it's linked to anything else?

Fern, I hope you're doing ok?

I feel really tired today, I slept in which has made me feel worse so having a lazy day.

My gender scan is on 25th, so just 10.5 days to wait now!!!
Aaaww Ellie I'm so excited for you! I'm still betting "girl" based on that nub pic. ;)

Froggy- glad to hear the spotting has stopped. You look adorable. It's good that you can just take things easy with your placental complications.

Rq- glad to hear your babies are doing well and are so strong!

Rebecca - gl with the thanksgiving meals!! Whoo that sounds like a lot of work. Wish I could join you for dinner lol. I would be grouchy with so much work, too...

2have - enjoy the second party! Hope you have as much fun as at the first one :).

Pinkie - enjoy your lazy day. Hope you don't have to work or do much this weekend, rest up!

We don't have thanksgiving obviously but both my & dh's birthdays are at the end of the year AND I suspect my surprise baby shower will be at the end of Nov when I'm around 30 weeks. :) can't wait! We make quite a fuss with baby showers. Games & cake & lots of gifts etc. My sister has been planning it since we started ivf! Does anyone else have plans for a shower?

So I had another scan and got a few more gorgeous 3d pics of his face. Sooo in love. Dr says I'm not too big (still in normal limits!) And don't have to do the glucose tests. I'm a bit worried because the cord is always in the same position under his left leg & twisted over his left shoulder (I'm worried it's impeding his movement ) but dr says it's ok. Also had the labour ward tour... meh.
2 patients per room after delivery with babies sleeping in & nurses & husbands & other visitors in and out; so no privacy.
Delivery room looks old but clean; no tv, nothing special just lots of medical machines and a ball to sit on. Honestly it looks more shabby than I thought it would; it's in a very posh neighbourhood?? Anyway the administrator who showed me around said that 90% of their patients choose elective c-sections, maybe that's why the delivery rooms have not been upgraded in the past decade. I'm a bit sad that that's the first room my baby will see! I might take a cd player or ipad & some nice calming music to play during labour & delivery. I'm starting to wish for a home birth but I'm wayyy too scared to go without an epidural lol!!

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