*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

That's exciting Ellie. It will be a long 6 days. lol

This week has felt like the longest week ever!! My MIL is visiting so this am I decided to take Friday off to spend the day with her. Hopefully that will help make today and tomorrow go faster.
Glad you took a day off rq! Enjoy it!

Ellie I hope it goes by fast for you, and that you get a good potty shot!

Omg, me and dh haven't dtd in 6 weeks! It's driving me mad!!! We have never gone without for more than a week! I really hope this placenta moves soon so we can have some intamacy before all of the hustle and bustle after baby gets here!
Ellie roll on the next scan and remember not to have any caffeine beforehand! I had a coffee at 8am with my first before the 12 week scan and even at noon the poor thing was doing flips and the sonographer was pulling her hair out trying to get clear shots.

RQ enjoy your day with the mil.

Rebecca gl with your appt on Friday!

Froggy, yes, another 4-6 weeks after birth to allow you to heal. This will really test both of your patience lol.

How's everyone else doing? Fern you OK?

My arm is killing me today, I've got a doc's appt at the end of day. I called my GP as I didn't want to wait til Thurs next week for the OB. My GP used to be an OB anyway so she should know what can help me with this, please say there's something that can stop the pain & numbing! DD was up multiple times last night raging with fever and sore mouth. She has her second cold in 3 weeks and a molar and bottom front tooth coming in. I felt soooo bad for her. DH was up most of the night tending to her. I'm shattered as I wake up too when we hear her on the monitor. It's tough when you can do much for them other than give them baby pain killer and a cold cloth!
Just a quick hi; soooo busy at work! I'm reading along and loving everyone's milestone updates, just don't have a lot of time to post.

2have - sorry about your poor dd! It's the worst when babies get sick and they don't understand what is going on with them :( hope she gets better soon!

Aahh Froggy the joys of pregnancy :/ gl girl!

Hi to everyone else xx
Ellie, best of luck with your scan, it's such an exciting one, hope you get the perfect gender shot.

RQ, enjoy time with the MIL.

Froggy, oh dear, why is it the things we can't have make us want it even more. I hope that placenta move so you can get some much needed action. I have a different kind of problem, I have trouble getting DH to do the deed, he is really paranoid about it, I keep telling him not to flatter himself he isn't going to hurt the baby but he finds it weird. Anyone else have this problem?

2have, sounds like it's being a tough week. How did your appointment go? Do you have a support bandage you can wear on your arm that might help? Poor DD, sounds like she is a little poorly at the moment, it's horrible because they don't understand what is wrong, bless her, I hope she feels better soon and you manage to all get some sleep.

Rebecca, hope things have calmed down and best of luck with scan on Friday.

Fern, how are you?

I have a busy few days coming up. Got my hair appointment today that takes hours! Its funny because I need to work out when my next one will be before baby arrives, scary. My hairdresser advised leaving it as late as possible so two weeks before. Yikes! I need to go the supermarket this afternoon as we have family coming this weekend and my yoga class tonight. Tomorrow, we have our decorator coming to do some painting but I also need to get beds ready etc. I have my sister, BIL and nephews are coming up as they are kindly doing lots of jobs for me, my nephew is an electrician and he is putting up all my new lights and BIL is hanging my mirrors, putting my flat packs together etc, I can't wait, it's going to look fab. Once all that is done and my 28 week comes around then I will crack on with baby stuff, I can't wait.

Right I need to get on with my day so have a good one ladies, catch up later xx
Having trouble sleeping... again.
Pinkie sounds like you've got a lot going on with your home. So nice you've got family that will help out.
My plan is to paint my third bedroom in the next few weeks. As of now it's a spare room so I need to clear it out. There's an ellepitical machine and clothes in there that all need to get moved. We also have 2 beds in there for guests and I have no idea where to put those beds.
2have I'm sorry about DD it's so tough when the kiddie are sick. Hope she gets better quickly.
Pinkie - busy girl. But sounds like it will be worth it.

2Have - I hope both you and your daughter get to feeling better.

Rebecca - I also have a third bedroom to clean out for the babies. And I have tons of hand me down clothes that I have to wash and sort. I am busy and working a lot on the weekends for the next month. I hope to start on the baby stuff in a month after my baby shower.

I got a newborn photographer booked today. One thing that I wanted was to get professional photographs of babies when they are newborns. I was hard to find both a good and affordable one, but I found a photographer that has been doing newborns for > 6 years, 15 mins away from home, and I love her style. I can check that off my to do list!
Rq a newborn photographer is on my list too. I've seen adorable newborn shots and I can't wait to get some of the babies. I really don't know of any in my area how will I find one?
With DD there was a company that came to the hospital and took photos so I ordered one.
This time I want to have DD in some of the pictures with the babies, I've seen really really cute pictures so I have some ideas.
I think I'm going to get started on the bedroom clean out tonight as it's started getting me nervous. Also, we are moving the baby dresser from DD room to the baby nursery so I need to get DD a new dresser. The dresser in her room now has a changing table on top so it's great for babies.
Oh Fern & Pinkie you two sound like busy bees, do take time to relax a little and enjoy.

Rebecca sorry you're having problems sleeping again. Just know there's only 3-3.5 more months of this torture. I too was up almost every hour, if DD wasn't crying I'd wake with completely numb throbbing arms. I got in late to work this morning and it seemed like no one even noticed (there's a silver lining at every bump). But I am operating like a flippin zombie. I haven't had coffee in nearly 6 months and got a half caff starbucks on my way to work:haha: I'll put up with next to anything to be pregnant and have a family. Pat yourself on the back for getting through it all!

RQ & Rebecca, those newborn pics will bring you warm fuzzies as long as you live. It's a fleeting moment, there's apparently 10 days when newborns are still with rounded backs, sleeping all the time and really pliable. We found our photographer at work, they do employee profiles and this lady we hired works in HR, has 3 boys of her own, and has won multiple local & international photography awards. She did 3 sessions for us, a free extra underwater session and an outdoor mountain maternity session, and then a newborn session. Her maternity/newborn package with all digitals (I always ensure we get digitals for reprints and making coffee-table books <-which DH loves to do) was $700, quite reasonable for 3 sessions and our right to own the originals. This time we're just going to do the newborn session. Last time we had her over on day 3 after MacKinley's birth. She asked us to crank the heat in the house and it worked great, baby slept through 95% of it and wasn't irritated with so many naked/scantily clad shots. I wish you the best finding your photographer Rebecca! Will you ladies do maternity shots too?

Hi to everyone else, I hope you're all sliding out of the workweek and into a relaxing weekend xx
2have I will not be doing a maternity shot. I'll just be feeling huge and whale like and I don't want any reminders of that!! I found someone who is highly recommended by friends and her fee begins at $385. I'm certain she has an upcharge for twins. Ughh didn't want to spend that much!
I'm going to look for someone a bit cheaper. truthfully you just need 2-3 nice shots and since I have a few ideas of my own I'm sure a more mediocre level photographer will do just fine.

How's everyone doing on the weigh gain? So far I'm at 20 lbs which I'm pleased about. I was the same for the past 2 weeks. With another 14 weeks remaining I'll be just fine even if I gain 1 lb a week.
Rebecca - I did a general google search of newborn photographers in my area, but it was really overwhelming and a lot were pricey ($450-750 for 1 session). Whenever I see friends post family pics on facebook I look into the photgrapher's page and see if I like her style. If I do, I follow their page. The photographer I booked was one that I had previously liked on facebook. Still, it took some research to decide. Her newborn fee is $300 and that doesn't change for twins. It is a 2-3 hour session including family shots and I get a cd/flash drive of edited photos with a print release. Also, an online gallery for my family/friends. She was very reasonable and super responsive.

I'm not doing a professional maternity session, but I will go out with my sister in law and take some maternity shots in the next few weeks. She isn't a professional, but she is good with the camera and I'll at least have some maternity photographs as keepsakes.

As far as weight gain, I have no idea!! LOL My RE didn't weigh me so I don't really have a good starting point. I have only gained 17lbs since starting with my OB, however I didn't start seeing an OB until week 12 and I know I packed on a few lbs from fertility treatments and stress before I started with the OB. I would say I'm prob up 40lbs since the beginning of the year, but who knows how much is pregnancy and how much was dealing with pain/stress from my endometriosis.
We are getting a new camera for christmas, either a Canon or a nikon, so I'm going to attempt my own newborn photos. They run about 500ish but I figured it will be worth it to be able to take semi professional shots by myself. I'm doing a maternity shoot with a friends daughter. She does really well with taking photos and has won different photography contests. I'm not sure what she is going to charge yet, but I'm sure it won't be much.

At 20 weeks I had gained 12 lbs, and now I have lost 7 lbs and just maintained a 5lb gain. It's this GD diet I'm on. I have always been super responsive to dieting and lose fast when I cut out junk. I was already up around 20 lbs from what I should be for my height pre bfp. The Dr's aren't worried at all as long as baby is growing and happy they say it's ok. I look at it as I'll be beach ready next summer! We were invited to go on a long weekend with some friends and I'll be able to feel great about myself knowing I had a baby 6 months prior!
Well I'm hoping to not spend too much this time with only the 1 newborn session. I guess I should ask her soon what the charge is.
I weighed over the weekend and am up 15 pounds. With GD it's been good keeping the sugar out of my diet. I feel skinnier in the arms and legs but much less muscle mass since I don't work out as much.
My doctor recommended chiro for my numb arms and confirmed that my ulnar nerve is getting pinched somewhere. I went for a deep tissue massage today and it was great. I'm not a chiro believer but I'll try out her referral. Everytime I've been to a chiropracter they want to sell me vitamins, and all sorts of bunk, and the charges are astronomical for a 3 minute back crack:wacko:
Has anyone got plans this weekend?
A massage sounds magnificent 2have! I hope it brings you some relief.

Saturday is dhs birthday. I got him a new hat, and a Leatherman tool that I had engraved with his name on one side and world's best dad on the other side. I ordered him a cake that I will go pick up Saturday morning, and I'll be making a big breakfast. He has been wanting some waffles for a long time, so I'll make some waffles eggs and sausage links. And then we will go out that night to a movie, and then eat at outback steakhouse. And then Sunday we will do nothing!
Everyone sounds like they're doing great in the weight department.
I'm not jealous of your GD, froggy but it would be nice to be thinner after giving birth than before :)
Sounds like some nice birthday plans for dh I hope you guys have a great birthday weekend!

We're not doing much this weekend, I may need to catch up on some work.

My appointment is in the afternoon and I'm eager to see my babies again.
24 weeks for me today!! Only 14 to go...!


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Update: ultrasound was goodand babies are both head down although I'm still having a c section regardless.
My doctor had a delivery at the hospital so I ended up not seeing him and only having the ultrasound.
Just quickly popping in- glad to see your u/s went well Rebecca!

Will update a bit more tomorrow. Zzzzzzzz
Rebecca, great news on the scan, glad both babies are still doing well. Cute bump, you are all baby!

Froggy, I hope DH has a nice birthday weekend. Enjoy.

I haven't even thought of a newborn photo session, I might have a look into it. Once baby is born I have told myself we will start making lots of memories, I have a lot of empty photo frames at home as unfortunately we haven't made many over the last 5 years and next year I want to fill them all.

As for weight, I am not sure what I have gained, I hadn't gained any a few weeks ago but now my eating is getting better I am sure that has changed. I have my 25 week midwife appointment on Tuesday so going to ask her to weigh me then.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend I probably won't be able to catch up for a couple of days so have a good one X
Hi everyone!

Hope you all have a nice weekend. We're carrying on with renovations. ... I'm hoping that we can get most of it done before end Nov so that I can start washing all my second hand baby stuff & furniture and get the room ready! We still need to finish installing his cupboard, get a loose carpet for the floor (our lower level bedrooms get very cold in the winter) and wash & move ALLLLL the furniture back into the rest of the house after renovating because at the moment everything is crammed into the 2 spare bedrooms (one which is to be the nursery) and my office/classroom! My husband "fired" the contractor... long story but he messed up a lot. And now we will just do most of the work ourselves with the help of casual labour.

2have how are the arms? I get that too, even before pregnancy. If I sleep on my side then the arm on top goes NUMB I think it's due to me always having really tense shoulders & pinching nerves. Worse now in pregnancy but a good massage helps!

Pinkie- enjoy your guests and getting all your new decor set up!

Wow froggy good job on the weight gain and sticking to the diet. I'm up 23 freaking pounds already!!! :( really don't know why as I'm eating really healthy 95% of the time. My legs and arms are still thin but my stomach looks like I'm carrying triplets. My weight/bmi was on the very low end of normal due to losing a lot before ivf but I don't want to pick up so much and struggle to lose it afterward urgh... every time I even try to eat less carbs (I eat at least 1 bowl of oats and 2-3 slices of whole grain, seeded bread per day), I get really faint so I can't eat less. My husband says I'm being ridiculous. But I'm sure you all might understand the feeling of loving the pregnancy but not loving the body expanding out of your control. I'm going to try to at least cut out sugar for a month now, that's all I can do.

Only 3 more weeks of work madness & then work will slow down again. Yay for almost being on leave!!
Oh and happy dh birthday Froggy! Hope you guys have a great weekend :) xx

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