*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

You look great froggy!!

It's going by too fast! 100 days left for me today, countdown to double digits from tomorrow! EEEKKK!
Froggy - what a cute pic!! I haven't taken a bare belly pic, but I'm trying to document my growing bump on a weekly basis.

Today has been a crazy day at work. Lots of fires to put out and now I have a conference call at 5pm, but I'm off at 4pm. DH and I have that Multiples Class at 5:30 so I'll be trying to talk to VPs at a MAJOR retail pharmacy while trying to get to the hospital in time for class and sneak in a dinner somewhere in there.

We had an all-employee meeting today and I received a Super Hero Award for "extraordinary contribution to our organization". It was a total surprise and I had to go up in front of everyone and receive my award. I got a framed certificate, a plush Super Woman doll, and a $100 gift card. It was amazing to be recognized after only being with the company for a year. They only hand one out a quarter. I was thinking why would they do this to a hormonal pregnant woman. I almost cried in my car after.

My feet are better today. They were almost back to normal this morning. Thankfully when they were swollen they didn't hurt a bit, just looked super ugly. I looked up online and they said an Epsom salt bath might help. I took one last night and it actually helped a lot. I was surprised.

Speaking of countdowns, I have my countdown set to 37 weeks (OB says is my full term date for twins) and I can't believe I only have 81 days left. Isn't that crazy!!! Kinda scary to think that I will be responsible for the complete care of TWO human beings in 81 days.....
Wow RQ congrats! I'm sure you deserved that recognition. It's always so nice to be acknowledged for your hard work.
With my full term due date being January 27 I think I'm also in the double digits countdown. In fact, I have 13 weeks left!
What a beautiful bump Froggy! Happy 27 weeks :)
DH got it in his head that we need to move to a larger house. I'm happy with our home as it's in my ideal neighborhood. It's a bit small for us long term but I really can't see myself moving now. He found a home in the adjacent neighborhood for a really good price and it's 3000 square feet (ours is 1900).
I told him I would look at the house but I really don't want to leave my neighborhood and friends.
Froggy, fabulous bump picture. It's coming along nicely! Glad to hear the spotting has stop, one less thing to worry about.

RQ, congratulations on your award, what a lovely surprise that was. All your hard work is clearly being recognised. Great news about the swelling too.

2have, great news on the scan and that both babies are head down. Does that mean if it stays this way you will continue to try for a natural birth? I consider my VDay at 27 weeks, I rotate on a 4 week month, 4 week month and then a 5 week month. 27 weeks will be 6th Nov which means I will be 6 months and exactly 3 months left to go. If that is correct I have no idea, it's just the way I do it as it makes more sense to me.

Fern, glad to hear things are finally coming together in the house. I hope you get the nursery done soon.

Hope everyone is having a good week. We are away for a long weekend with friends from tomorrow, we will be in the middle of nowhere so not sure how much internet access I will have so will look forward to catching up on posts on Monday. Hope everyone has a fab weekend X
ohhh Pinkie a mini-vaca sounds great! Do enjoy. Yes I'll try my hardest for another natural. We were out to coffee and doing walks and having fun a week after birth with MacKinley, I wouldn't want to be stuck in bed trying to heal wounds for 6 weeks unless absolute necessary. If there was an underlying serious condition like placenta previa or emergency where baby is in distress, sure make the war wound c-section but otherwise natural is best if at all possible.

rebecca I wouldn't want to move either but more space and a really good price would def be tempting. We've just reno'd our home up to the hilt with things we love so it'd be very very hard for me to move now. Once you've got your nest the way you like it you want to hold onto that comfort!
Just got back from an OB appointment. She did a scan and I asked her what she thinks I'm having.....wait for it........unconfirmed but :twingirls:

4 girls in the house, wowzers, DH is going to have his hands full!
Whaaaa 2have that was unexpected! Thought you were hardcore team yellow :) but CONGRATS!!! Would you like me to change your storks on the first page to pink or wait for it to be confirmed? :)

Rq- aaawww congrats on your award! Superwoman!!

Enjoy the weekend away pinkie.

99 days "officially". I've already been struck with early third tri fatigue and oh the mood swings!! Geez. I've gone from feeling elated this morning to bawling my eyes out this evening. Anyone else feeling soooo tired? At the same time I feel so blessed and loving every kick and wriggle.
Happy 99 days-left Fern! No that's alright, it really isn't official, it was a very good assumption. Team yellow until I see my girls:haha:

But you know what this means right? We'll have to keep trying for a boy lol.
Oh my 2have! That's a lot of girls!! I wonder if that will change.

Fern sorry that you're having mood swings that's part of the fun :)

I've been a little crampy the past few days so my ob told me to come in tomorrow for my appointment instead of next Friday. Even though I was at the OB last Friday he was not there so I only got a scan. Happy to see him I wanted my cervix checked I keep having nightmares that I'm gonna have preterm labor.
Quick update:
Babies look great. Cervix is closed.
Going to be doing to glucose test in 2 weeks (I'll be 27 weeks then).
Dr said I'm measuring for a 30 week singleton so I'm starting to feel very large!

Have a great weekend ladies!
Hi again! Hope you're all having a great weekend.
It's been quiet so i guess everyone is busy :)
Great update rebecca!!
Yep we've been super busy; I worked yesterday, last night and today we're helping my sister move. Their new house is being renovated and not even close to being finished (the work ended up being WAY more than they had bargained!) And they have a 4yr old and 1yr old twins who need to be babysat & they are a HANDFUL!!! (2x teething at once!) So the whole family is helping out. :)
Rebecca, great news on the scan and that everything is good with the babies, they are doing a lot of growing so no wonder you are getting aches and pains. I am starting to get a few cramps occasionally too, I think it's when baby moves.

2have, a house full of girls, so much fun and yes DH is so outnumbered, he is never going to have any money again ha ha :haha: there is part of me that is secretly hoping we have a boy first because I know my DH will be a nightmare with girls, he has already said if he has a daughter she isn't allowed to date until she is 30, the scary thing is I know he means it!

Fern, happy single figures, I am there too, I can't believe it, I feel like time is going quickly and I am so happy about that. I hope you haven't worked too hard with the move today and spent fun time with your nieces/nephews.

I hope everyone else is good and having a nice weekend.

AFM (sorry I am going to have a rant) our weekend turned into a bit of a disaster, I am so disappointed. Firstly it took us an age to get there Fri with traffic etc so we missed most of the day and only really had the evening, that was nice but we were both tired and wanting an early night. Anyway fri evening DH started to feel unwell, all the sudden came over with the shivers and then was violently sick in the night and the morning. After having some sleep he said he felt a bit better but unfortunately wasn't feeling up to getting involved with the weekend, it was hard work because I was seeing to him to make sure he was ok and also wanting to spend time with my friends. He perked up a little but then was ill again Sat evening but from the other end (sorry TMI) after spending all night and morning on the toilet we made the decision to come home this morning. Stupid bloody hormones but I burst into tears on the drive home, we've had this weekend booked for months and we were spending it with my oldest and bestest friends from my home town, we all live in different parts of the country and they also brought their families and I hardly get to see their children. I know it can't be helped and I really felt for my DH because he was so poorly and refused to go home on Saturday because he didn't want to let me down. I got upset driving back because this always happens to us, neither of us have had a proper break in so long and everytime we plan something it goes wrong. The bad luck I've had over the last 5 years has been nothing short of a joke and I am not just talking infertility related so today I almost had a child like tantrum on why?? I thought our bad luck was over and we could start living life again. I know this probably sounds over dramatic and pregnancy will not be helping but I am just feeling a little sorry for myself today. Thankfully we got home much quicker on the way home DH is now sleeping soundly in bed and I hope he feels better tomorrow. I am going to have an early night and I am sure I will feel better in the morning, in the meantime I am sulking!
Sorry for the little rant xxx
Didn't want to read n run I'll write more tomorrow. Pinkie sending you massive hugs:hugs:
Oh Pinkie, that sucks. I'm sorry your weekend got trashed, but it really was just one of those things. You are not jinxed... just think, you are growing an actual person! I know it sometimes feels like the planets are misaligned and everything is going wrong, but that is life. The older I get, the more I realise that life throws crap our way all the time and we have to just try to enjoy the rare occasion when that doesn't happen!

Not to underestimate your disappointment :hugs: It was rubbish that your poor DH is poorly and you didn't get to spend time with your friends. Can you arrange another meet for after your baby arrives?
Aaaahhh pinkie!!! Rant and vent away, we all need to sometimes! So sorry that you had such a terrible weekend. :( hun remember the wheel HAS to turn and hopefully the next few weeks are great ones!! Hugs!
So sorry pinkie! I feel the exact same way sometimes. I have really just learned to just roll with it. It seems like something is always going on, or something happens. I hope you wake up feeling much better today. And it's definitely ok for your emotions to be elevated. You are doing something so incredible right now!
Good morning ladies.

Pinkie - I'm sorry your special weekend didn't turn out as planned. That just stinks!

2Have - 3 girls ?!?!? - crazy.

I had a good restful weekend. I had the best night's sleep on Saturday night than I have had in months. It felt so stinking good! I got a lot of downtime in this weekend and it was so nice after such a busy month and working so much. This week will be another busy week/weekend for me. My SIL (who lives with us) is throwing a birthday party at our house on Friday night and then my baby shower is Sunday. I think we have about 30 who RSVP'ed to the baby shower. So this week and Saturday we will spend getting ready for both parties. Thankfully, the shower is at a rented hall and not the house, but we will still have lots of prep to do.

Babies are doing well from what I can tell. They are getting busier in there day by day. My next appt is next Thursday (11/10) and I get to do the whole gamut - Tdap, Rhogam, glucose test, ultrasound, breast pump paperwork (to get a free one from insurance), routine blood work.
Why do they test me for syphyllis again? I know it's routine, but it is so silly being in a monogamous marriage of 10 years and they tested me at the beginning.

I hope everyone has a great week.

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