*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Fern I hope things go back to normal soon with the renovations.
I gained quite a lot when I was pregnant with dd, I think about 45 pounds. It comes off quicker than you would think. I don't recall struggling with losing it after.
Hi ladies I hope you all have a nice week!

Ellie- so excited for your upcoming scan. X

Nimbec- are you also having a gender scan done?
Hi everyone. Hope all is well.

I had a good day off with my MIL and family Friday. We went to a festival and it was a beautiful fall day. I worked Sat and Sun. A bit tiring, but the shifts were good. Yesterday I came home and managed to clean out the fridge and get all the laundry done. I was a bit tired at the end of the night and had trouble getting comfy in bed (back muscles were tired and belly was "pulling"). I'm still a bit tired today and started out with a headache, but I'm making it.

After work, I'm meeting a lady from a twins group on facebook. I'm buying a twin breastfeeding pillow from her. It is the My Breast Friend twins pillow for $10. Figured it would be nice to save a little money. Then Wednesday evening, DH and I are attending a twins class at the local hospital (4 hours long!!). It will be a long week, but thankfully we don't have any plans this weekend and I can get caught up on some much needed rest after my busy month if I can just make it until Friday.

Ellie - only a few more days until your scan. Yay!
RQ I hope you like your bf-ing pillow. I had the breadt friends singleton pillow and didn't like it. I sold it a few weeks after DD was born. They are one of the best rayed pillows but I preferred the really soft cushy pillows rather than the firmness of the breast friend one. You'll have to let me know what you think when you start using it.

Fern, glad to hear your DH did what he should have done right from the get-go and fired that contractor. Roll on mat leave! I can't believe it's so soon for you! Lucky lady!

Pinkie I have the same problem as you. We bought simple white frames of all different shapes and sizes and planned out a lovely wall composition for the dining room a while back but so far the frames are just sitting in the office waiting to be filled. I'd really like to put a mix of family, friends and baby images in them but realized we barely have any friend group get together shots. So we've been working on taking more during this past year. We might as well wait till the twins arrive so we don't need to update them too soon.

DD has been absolutely miserable this past week. We're lucky if we get 4 hours of sleep every night and she's barely able to sleep during the day too. She's all stuffed up from her cold but I felt around in her mouth and she's got 2 molars and one front lower incisor coming in the bottom all at once. She's been in so much pain. She'll be happily playing one second and then burst out in tears and hollering in pain. I'm on the verge of getting a cold with scratchy throat and DH is exhausted. This week has truly scared the snot out of me. How are we going to do this with 3 kids under 2! What if one or both of us were to get really sick. I think 3 infants would be too much for my mom to handle alone. It really worries me. Kuddos to all the single moms of the world, I have such huge respect for them!
I'm sorry DD has been poorly 2have. Hope she feels better and you don't all get it.
I agree about wondering how on earth single mothers cope... must be so hard and emotionally draining.

Scan day today! In 2.5 hours, I'll be in there, seeing my beautiful baby :)
Sorry to hear that your dd is still so ill 2have :( aahh that's the worst. Hugs!

Ellie- stalking for happy scan news!! :)

It's a boy!!!!
I hope dd starts to feel some relief soon 2have! And hopefully you aren't getting sick.

Yay ellie!!! Congrats on a boy!!!!! How exciting!

Fern, I'm glad that I'm your dh finally fired that contractor. Maybe that will take away some of your stress.
Fern, glad to hear you got rid of that contractor, he sounds useless. I hope the renovations go more smoothly from here on and you get finished in your time frame. Why do us women decide to do stressful project when pregnant lol??

Everything went smoothly this weekend and my BIL and nephew done a great job in my house, all my new lights and switches are up, mirrors are up, bedroom furtniture is together. Me and sister done some shopping and we also repainted my feature wall in the dining room so it's coming together. Waiting for curtains and blinds to be made and fitted and I will be making a start on the nursery.

RQ, great deal on the pregnancy pillow, I hope it works well for you.

2have, sorry to hear DD has been so poorly bless her and I hope you and DH don't catch it and its just tiredness from lack of sleep. I can imagine it's going to be difficult with 3 but you will be amazing.

Ellie, how did the scan go today?

I had my midwife appointment today and everything was good so we are really happy. I heard the beautiful heartbeat which I love and apparently my bump is coming along nicely. Apart from my sickness I am really lucky with how things have gone so far. I got weighed and it still hasn't moved since I got pregnant, I was borderline at the beginning so hopefully means I have lost some weight. I still don't have a regular pattern with movement some days it's very quiet, MW is not worried and said it usually has a regular pattern after 28 weeks so keep an eye on it after then.

Ellie, if I remember we spoke about the hospital and NCT antenatal classes, I am booked on NCT end of Nov and I was only going to do the hospital tour but MW said that the antenatal there is specific to the hospital and will cover different things to the NCT so advised me to do both. Not sure DH is going to be happy about that but hey ho. Does anyone else's DH have lack of interest in these antenatal classes, mine is so supportive in everything but I really don't think he wants to attend these. It's tough he has to come.

Ellie - so glad your scan went well. Congrats on the boy. How exciting.

2Have - I hope your DD gets better soon, and you all get some much needed rest.

Pinkie - glad your appt went well.

As for me, I'm going to have to call the doctor today. Yesterday I mentioned I had that headache. Well it lasted on and off all day. I was wearing compression stockings yesterday and when DH took them off last night my feet and ankles were SO SWOLLEN. It wouldn't be a big deal, but they haven't been swollen at all until yesterday. Today my feet are still really swollen. They are swelling out of my dress shoes and there is a pocket of jiggly water on the top of them. I'm going to go somewhere and check my blood pressure during my lunch break and then call my MD. I looked it up and whereas I expect some swelling with pregnancy, it said to call with SUDDEN swelling. So I'll call just in case.
Rq, that's really scary. I hope the doctor can help and it's not too serious.
I wish this website would inform you that someone else has posted on the thread while you were typing!!

Ellie, congratulations on your baby boy, fab news that everything went well at the scan today, such a great feeling when you hit that milestone.

RQ, sounds like you have been on your feet too much and your body is telling you to get some rest. Best to get it check out, I hope everything is ok.
I took my blood pressure at lunch and it was still really good (110/70). I called and talked to the OB nurse. Told her about my symptoms and she said that as long as my blood pressure was good and the headache from yesterday went away then I'm ok. She said the swelling just might come and go. I was instructed to watch my salt intake, drink extra water, and monitor my blood pressure. DH is a worry wort and he saw my foot at lunch and wasn't happy. I'll go home tonight and spend a little time in the recliner putting my feet up (maybe make him make dinner - lol). I expected swelling, just not this soon!
Rq, you can buy an at home blood pressure monitor for like 20-25 dollars. We have one and its really nice to have on hand.

I hope you feel better, that sounds awful!
RQ that's huge swelling alright. I hope it goes away soon. They told me with the early onset of my cubital & carpal tunnel with twins if you're going to get symptoms it'll be earlier rather than later. Maybe it's the same with you.

Pinkie it must feel nice to get the renos and decorating squared away. I did a tonne of paperwork and got loads of checks off my list last week. Soon I'll be free to simply clean up the spare room upstairs and make it into the twin nursery. With the DH thing, I didn't think he was very excited either, kind of buzzed out actually. Involving him in all of the appointments and forcing him to attend classes helped out with him being interested. We did a baby & birth class as well as a finance class to know where all the tax rebates & credits RESP's as well as general budgeting and money saving tips.

Ellie congrats on your baby boy, I'd love to know what we're having so that I can get some cute outfits. But we shall wait & see!

Rebecca lovely bump pic! Glad to hear the scan went well.

Froggy how did the weekend go over with DH's birthday?

Fern how are you my dear?

I had a scan today. It was to check cervix length & baby growth. Both babies are now both head down and 1pound 5oz and 1pound 6 oz, very very close in weight:thumbup: and the cervix is more than double the length than the minimum it needs to be so no threat of early delivery.
I called in sick yesterday, scratchy throat and tired as heck. But I'm back today and feel like it'll pass without getting too bad. I think being at home with a sick, teething infant is a more difficult job that being at work under the gun to design engagement products for my company. :wacko: Feeling sorry for my DH right now:haha:

Ladies what week do you consider official V-day? 24 or 25 weeks?
Congrats on a cuddly cute little boy Ellie!! <3

Happy to hear that your appointment went well Pinkie and that you are enjoying all your decorating.

Rq- wow keep us updated on the swelling & blood pressure! I have a home bp monitor that I had to buy after getting diagnosed with low PAPP-A and it saves so much time. But you can have it done at work right? Hope you get better soon!! Do you have some time to rest this weekend?

2have - sounds so rough. Sick baby and sick pregnant momma. Hope those teeth come through quickly so that things can get a bit better for you! Glad to hear your scan also went well.

Froggy- have you had any more spotting? And how is you dh doing?

Things are ok here, my pregnancy is progressing well. My husband and I'm both so swamped at work that we don't have much time or energy to fight lol, which is good. The floors are finally finished and now to sand off and repaint the walls in 4 rooms :/ I told H that I just want to be finished with the nursery by the end of December.

We're doing antenatal classes for a whole day in nov. They will be covering natural & c-section birth and newborn child care. Pinkie- my husband hasn't been excited by any drs visits (I mostly go by myself) or the prospect of classes at all but I agree with you; tough luck for them, they are our co-parents and if we have to learn then so do they! :)
Congrats Ellie on the little boy!!

Rq I'm sorry about the swollen feet, how uncomfortable! Keep your feet up when you can.

Afm- been busy at work. Nothing much else to report.
Hope everyone is having a good day! I haven't had anymore spotting thank goodness. I have been taking it easy a lot more.

Dh had a great birthday. It really was a fun day. Thanks for asking.

I'm 27 weeks today, I'll be in third tri in a week. So unbelievable!
Happy 27th froggy! That's a milestone!!
Your bump looks similar to mine.

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