*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Oh! I wanted to share my outfit with you guys.

Happy Halloween!!


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Ugh busy at work and can't comment on everything at the moment.
RQ I absolutely love love your Halloween outfit!!
Flying today for business will be back Thursday night. Don't know if I'll have time to post during the week.
LOL RQ I've had more STD panels than I could imagine with the past 3 years and 7 IVF's. Every 6 months is the rule around IVF's and when it comes to protecting baby they'll do and redo those tests especially with rh factor if you are rh-, which I am. With DD she'll be RH- I think, because both DH and I are O- but with these babies I'm O- and they are O+ so could be either which means I get the injection and testing. CUTE outfit BTW, love it!

Pinkie, it may seem like bad things always happen to you but they really are spread around to other people too. We've both been terribly terribly ill on some of our best vacations. I'm sorry this happened to you & DH. It sounds like it was quite a reunion! It only gets more complicated with children and if you can handle the roller coaster of life together with DH, you'll do brilliantly with kids too.

Fern you must almost be finished up then for the year? When's your last day before mat leave?

I hope everyone had a good weekend. My colleague and I organized a walk though for 20 kids from the downstairs daycare on our floor on their trick or treating campaign. It was great to see the little ghouls & goblins! I'm looking forward to getting DD dressed up tonight in her unicorn costume and going for a walk. The neighbors have done an amazing job on decorating their front yards. Maybe we'll stop in the Italian Market for a decaf coffee too.

I woke up really sick yesterday. Headache, sore throat, numb throbbing arms so I took a tylenol. Big mistake...I've never barfed so violently! Oh my goodness I thought my eyes would pop out. DH took DD out & about so that I could nap all day. Uggg! Today is better, got a better sleep as the arms weren't too bad.
Thank you for all your nice comments ladies, sorry for off loading but I clearly needed a rant and the last person I wanted to rant to was DH because he felt terrible enough as it was. What happened was a grain of sand compare to what we've been through over the years so I don't know why I got so bothered about it. These hormones can be lethal. I am over it now and DH is feeling a little better which is the main thing. My Girlfriends have been amazing and trying to sort out a date to come and see me before baby is born which is so nice of them because I know how busy life is.

2have, sorry to hear you are sick too. It's definitely the time of year for all these bugs, glad DH took DD out to give you some much needed rest. Have lots of Halloween fun tonight and post a picture of DD in her little outfit if you can, she always looks so adorable.

Rebecca, sorry work is a bit crazy at the moment. Have a safe flight for your business trip and I look forward to reading your update when you get time.

RQ, glad you got a restful weekend and babies are still doing good. Cute Halloween outfit!

I hope everyone has a fun evening whatever they are doing. We don't really do Halloween so I am off to yoga tonight. Looking forward to some relaxation. X
2have - how are you feeling today? Sorry to hear that you were so sick!
I don't have "official" mat leave; I run my own business and year-end is just my quietest time. I'm a private teacher and most of my students are finishing up with their year-end exams mid nov (we have a Jan-Dec school year). So by mid nov most of my work will be done. Some of my students have elected to start with next year's curriculum right after their exams, and carry on until end Nov/mid Dec so that they don't fall behind when I close my business for a month or so after baby's arrival next year. But even that will just mean a few hours' class a week. I will definitely be on leave mid Dec- the first week of Jan, and then maybe start teaching again for a week or two, depending on how I feel.

Rq- lol that shirt is just too cute!!! :) I was never tested for stds... wonder if that's standard procedure here? (I giggled a bit at you having to get tested so frequently - sorry!!) I just had to get an HIV test before my most recent laparoscopy for endo removal. The dr claimed it was so that adequate post-op care could be given in case I was immune compromised. Fair enough.

How is everyone doing?

HEAT WAVE and severe drought in RSA... a continuation of last year's el nino :(. Our swimming pool is back in order after the pump got clogged, yay! I haven't had a swim though because there are still builders here daily. Our renos are slow and frustrating. ... the painters messed up our BRAND NEW 20k floor and my husband freaked out. I don't even go in that part of the house anymore, it's too stressful! I will deal with cleaning and moving all the furniture after the renos are finished lol.

Question: for those of you planning on doing IVF/FET again after this pregnancy, when are you thinking of doing it? We definitely want to do FET for a sibling but I'm not sure when I will be ready. My husband wants us to do it ASAP after baby's birth!! Idk yet.
Fern glad to hear things will wind down soon for you, hopefully with the construction too? Do you have an end date estimation? Sorry about the floors, is it something they can clean up? :grr:
After we had DD, I started testing with OPK's and my clear blue easy fertility monitor and magically got a glaring ++ 3 months after birth. We tried but nothing happened (not surprisingly). Then a full cycle and then no cycle until I decided to have an ivf 7 months out. Every month that passed drove me crazy with baby fever to 1. get our little girl a sibling and 2. have an ivf before I go back to work (dealing with failure while working is just NO fun!). Gearing up took a month as they put me on progesterone to have a cycle first and then on the 21st day I did the transfer, hence our twins. I did NOT want my children far apart in age but I feel I also have the resources and people to help me with whatever I'd need. So that's probably a big factor in things. My colleague, on the other hand, waited until her DD was 4 years old to try again. Her DD desperately wants a sibling. They won't have much in common but that doesn't matter, it's probably going to be easier dealing with a capable 4 year old and baby.
I opted for the more difficult task of having them super close together (so close they may even be in the same grade!) but they will be able to play together and experience learning things at the same rate. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. I'm also 41 now and my body isn't getting any younger. You are your most fertile 1 year after birth and I was banking on that to help get DD siblings since I got a rainbow miracle child with her. After being diagnosed with DOR and multiple immune issues 5 years ago conceiving naturally seemed impossible. Less than 5% chance of a natural I think they said. After the twins we'll try again (because I want a boy!) but no more ivf's for me. So chances are very low that I'll get pregnant again :cry: but 3 is alot to handle and 4 would be pretty crazy!
Love your shirt rq!!

Happy that you ladies will get mat leave soon, and things will calm down.

Fern, we will be ntnp. I'm definitely not expecting to conceive naturally, but if it happens, obviously I will be overjoyed. We will do an FET in the summer of 2018, when Gage is 1.5 so that there will be just a little over 2 years in between. Although some days I think I want to go back in ASAP and try again immediately. Dh wants to do gender selection with our second and transfer a girl embryo. I'm not really sure how I feel about that just yet. Either way we want 3 kids with 2 years in between each.
Fern, I hope things calm down soon with all the renovations, it's not nice when your home is upside down but I am sure it will all be worth it in the end. We are hoping to do ours next year and I am really not looking forward to it, everyone tells me how stressful it is. I hope my MIL doesn't mind me moving in for a few months lol.

It's funny because I have been thinking a lot recently about when to have our FET, we have two frozen embryos and will definitely be using them. If they don't work then that's me done, I honestly don't think I can put myself through anymore cycles and unfortunately now I have no tubes it's impossible for me to conceive naturally. I will just be happy with the one I have. I am leaning more towards following Froggy and going again in Summer 2018, my SIL done this and it's work really well. Saying that, it all depends on how I cope with this one, if it's the devil child I might not want anymore lol!

Oh and 2have, if anyone could handle 4 babies, it is definitely you!

Previa still hasn't resolved. We will check again at 32 weeks and she said at that point if it hasn't moved it probably wont. I'm in the waiting room of my OB now. I will be getting on the c section schedule today just to be certain I have a spot, and get to choose my dr.
Froggy - I hope that placenta moves for you.

As for trying again, I have heard that most doctors prefer that you wait for a year in between to allow your body to recuperate and your vitamin stores to replenish. I have heard of people going back to the RE at about 7 months post delivery to start the process again.

As for me and DH, we have one embryo frozen. I think we will be done after these twins, but we have this embryo we will pay to keep frozen for a few years so we can make up our minds. I will go on birth control ASAP, prob 6 weeks after delivery due to my endo. It prob would be best to go on something that will keep me from having a period at all (maybe the depo shot). Anything that is going to prevent/control my severe pain and prevent endo growth. That might play a role in if we try for a third also. We are really happy that we are having a boy and a girl. With my history, that just may be perfect for us.

2Have, I hope you are feeling better. I have been stuffy the last few days/nights and I'm ready to be over it. I'm hoping its a cold and not pregnancy related, because I'm hoping it will go away.

I moved my pregnancy pillow out of the bed this weekend and I have had a few nights of awesome sleep. Last night was just blissful, and this morning I was so comfy it didn't even feel like I was pregnant.

So my baby shower is this weekend. I'm excited. My best friend and SIL have gone overboard on planning and they are keeping it all a secret from me. They have put so much effort and love that I know it is going to be awesome. My SIL says there are over 40 people who have RSVP'ed. When I got married I didn't have anyone to throw a bridal shower, help me pick out a dress, or a bachelorette party. I think everyone is trying to make this extra special for me.
I hope you enjoy your baby shower RQ! It sounds like it's going to be great!!
I'm officially in 3rd tri today!!!!
So if the placenta doesn't move, baby will probably be born on Dec 30th at 36+2. Which is only 8 weeks away, holy crap!!!
Froggy happy 3rd tri! :happydance:

RQ I've been to ALOT of baby showers and seen lots of games and such but the best one by far was at the last one where the father-to-be picked 2 other guys to be blind folded and they had to see which one could put a diaper on a doll baby the fastest. It was hilarious! I've never laughed so hard. It was a big shower too for a lady who'd been ttc for 8+ years. I hope yours is just as joyous and you get some awesome gifts! Do enjoy, this is your moment.

I've heard this too about ttc in your year having just had a baby and as far as my doctor said it takes about 6 weeks to recover from a natural delivery and as long as you continue eating well and start exercising at 6 weeks post delivery to help your body recover, take both a good iron supplement and a daily multi (especially if you're bf-ing) you should be good to ttc. Especially seeing that it's so hard for some of us. It is supposed to be easier in that first year after giving birth as your body is primed but it's a very individual decision. I wouldn't let what anyone say make that decision for me. We started ttc at 3 months as I felt great, fully recovered and ready to go again. But if you have a hard delivery that may change your mind, it's a very personal decision and one that the DH's need to let us make!
Froggy, happy 3rd trimester! Sorry the placenta hasn't moved but the main thing is that your little boy will arrive safely in whatever way that might be. 8 weeks is really scary, time is going so fast. Can I ask why they are doing c section at 36 weeks? I thought it wasn't allowed until 38 weeks but maybe that's just a UK thing?

RQ, it's lovely that everyone is making such a effort for your baby shower, you clearly have some very thoughtful and supportive people around you. Enjoy every moment of it.

Pinkie, with the placement of the placenta they want to get him out before my body tries to start preparing for labor. If I were to have contractions or start to dilate it cam cause the placenta to rupture and put me and the baby in a really dangerous position. So they want to make sure that they stay ahead of my body.
Froggy, arh right that makes perfect sense then. Sounds pretty scary but thankfully they are on the case x
Yikes froggy. 8 weeks is crazy. I'll be 27 weeks on Sunday and full term for me is considered 37 weeks so I'll start a 10 week countdown. I'm sure these last weeks will fly by and slow down at the same time. You have excitement mixed with every other emotion and as we get bigger we will start to be more and more uncomfortable.

I just ordered this through the mail as Gap has a 35% off everything sale. Also got some white fuzzy toques with ear flaps and mittens to keep them warm. Has anyone else thought about what they're going to bring them home in?
That is adorable 2have!!!! I'll post a pic of what we are doing for a going home outfit.

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