*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

I am so exhausted, but overwhelmed by love. The baby shower was incredible. My SIL and friend did an amazing job and we had a great turnout. We had quite a few people come from 2+ hours away to the shower. I can't tell you how incredible it was.
The food was a lot of work, but DH was amazing and helped with everything. His back was hurting by the end of the day too (lol). Some family came from out of town as a surprise. They showed up about 5pm and all pitched in to help with the food. That was an amazing help also. AND we got to see DH's 3 month niece. They live 5 hours away so we don't get a lot of opportunities to visit.
DH's cousin is an aspiring photographer, so she took lots of pics of the shower. I can't wait to see how they turn out.
We got a lot of smaller stuff: clothes, baby care stuff, bibs, etc so we are all good on that stuff. We also a lot of money/gift cards so we can buy the big stuff. My MIL bought us two cribs! Later this month, DH and I will start getting the baby room together and finish shopping for the bigger stuff.
After the party MIL, SIL, DH, and best friend all came over. They helped to clean up the food and wash all the dishes. Then the girls went through all the gifts and we got everything organized and put away. Considering all that happened this weekend, my house looks amazing. Especially since we had a birthday party for SIL on Friday night too!

I was so busy and on my feet so much this weekend that I didn't feel the babies much. When I did feel them they felt like weak kicks. I can't remember when the weaker/less movements started but it was before this weekend. Maybe Thursday? I was starting to get worried. Fortunately, they started kicking like crazy last night and again this morning. Strong kicks and lots of them. So I'm feeling much better that they are healthy in there. I have a whole slew of tests/labs and an ultrasound on Thursday, so we will check on them then.

Last night I had a rough night. I sometimes get lower belly pain, like where my belly meets my groin area. Last night it hurt no matter how I laid or supported my belly. I was so tired as one point I sat up to relieve the pain and I almost fell asleep sitting on the side of my bed. I ended up wrapping my pregnancy pillow around itself and propping it and a bunch of pillows against the headboard and slept the rest of the night sitting up. I'm still battling a sinus cold so I couldn't breathe on top of the discomfort. Oh the joys of being pregnant.

I'll post a pic of the baby shower when DH's cousin sends me the ones she took.
Fern great news on the renos, it'll be nice to spend third tri in a lovely newly renovated home.
Rebecca good luck with the glucose test. I got a pass on this since I referred myself to the diabetic clinic in the start of second tri. I have some bloodwork to do this week too.
RQ the shower sounds like it was great. Isn't it awesome how people all come together for babies! I was shocked and amazed at the love when we had our meet n greet for MacKinley. People were so generous even after we said gifts aren't necessary!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. DH and I moved half of the mulch, there was SOOO much of it. We won't have to touch the landscaping on that property for another 10 years at least :happydance: DD was coughing so hard she was barfing so I brought her in and she has bronchitis. And she's cutting another molar so needless to say it was another sleepless weekend. I'm still stuffed up with soar throat too, I don't think a lack of sleep does anything to help be on the mend. Oh well, I expect this for another 3 years with these LO's on the way. At least the hours I do get to sleep won't be interrupted by numb throbbing arms!
Wow Rq sounds amazing and exhausting! Glad your babies were nice and active so you didn't need to worry for too long and I'm happy you got some sleep!
I guess the plus of people knowing about the twins is that you got double the gifts! Since no one knows I guess we can just hope we'll get some. NIce gifts ;)
My mom happens to have the same crib as us. There's a fancy baby furniture store close to my home and I got a crib and baby dresser for dd when she was born (DH grandma gave us the $ for it) my mom did a lot of babysitting and wanted a crib for her house so she went to the same store and Li and behold they had the exact same crib on clearance for a great price so she bought it. So, I plan on asking her for the crib once the babies are born so we have 2 matching cribs.
DH did research on strollers and it looks like we are leaning towards the bumbleride indie twin. I really wanted to bugaboo but it's honestly a bit impractical and you're paying a high price for the name tag. Bugaboo is about $1800 and the bumbleride is $739.
RQ, glad to hear that the weekend was a huge success and you enjoyed every minute of it.

Fern, what a relief that things are finally coming together at home and a smart move to get a cleaning lady in to get everything back to normal.

Rebecca, glad you managed to get a relaxing weekend in after all your travels. My bugaboo cost no where near that amount, wow, I wonder why it's so much more expensive over there? Maybe it's because I was only after one for a singleton. I would never pay for a name tag on anything but it's the best in the market over here and not heard or seen one negitive comment about them. Just a shame it's ridiculously priced in the US.

2have, I am glad you got a lot of gardening done. Sorry that DD now bronchitis, poor little thing is coming down with everything. No wonder you are not able to get better with no sleep, rest is the best medicine. I hope things get a little easier over the weeks so you get a bit of time before the twins come along.

My weekend was lovely, although I am tired today because it was full on. Hoping my yoga will help me relax later tonight. I hit 27 weeks yesterday so officially 6 months and in my 3rd trimester, it feels so weird saying that but very exciting. I have a scan next Monday and can't wait to see my baby.

Have a good day all X
Pinkie the double bugaboos are $1800 the singles are much less, about $600-900 depending on the model.
2have - so sorry you and your little one are sick. Like I said I'm fighting a head cold and I feel like crap. I couldn't imagine trying to take care of a sick one right now. Today I was feeling so bad and so tired from the weekend I had a little cry session at my desk. I never cry, so it's feeling bad coupled with pregnancy hormones. I'm better now, lol.

Rebecca - Geez those stroller prices are expensive! We have infant car seats (with the handles) and we are contemplating buying a double snap and go from a friend for $20. We were given a double side by side stroller so if the snap and go works we might hold off on the stroller decision for a while and see what works for us.

Fern - I'm so glad you got some progress on the house. I can understand the need to get a place set up for your little one. I'm feeling the stress to do the same, but I'm trying to be patient. I work next weekend and then that should be my last extra weekend. I told DH that I would stop working so we can focus on the room and getting the house ready. We have enough money stashed away to pay for the delivery bills next year as long as the babies are healthy and stay out of the NICU. That was the purpose of working extra so now its time to focus elsewhere. We also want to take a weekend or two to prep freezer meals some time next month. Lots to do! I couldn't imagine reno work on top of that!

Pinkie - You and I are on the same schedule (27 weeks, 1 day). Because full term is 37 weeks for me, Sunday was a 10 week countdown! Sounds crazy doesn't it!!
Rq I heard that the double snap n goes are super heavy to push. I feel like there's no good options!

Congrats on your 10 week countdown!!!
My 10 week countdown starts Friday. Yay!
We love our UppaBaby Vista, it'll do very well with twins too. There's a twin mom with her eldest on the toddler chair and twins in bassinet on my FB twin chat group. Her eldest loves the skate board too. But I don't know if Uppababy is sold on Europe or Britain. Another lady on a different thread was asking this question as she's moving soon.
Edit: yes it is sold overseas, so we were told in that seperate thread.
2have I also have the vista and love it but unfortunately I have the earlier model and it can not really accommodate 2 babies. It's really only ideal for a baby and a toddler.
2have I also have the vista and love it but unfortunately I have the earlier model and it can not really accommodate 2 babies. It's really only ideal for a baby and a toddler.

Yes they did redesign it last year making for a more versitile stroller. I think we'd have to agree to disagree when it carries 2 bassinets, or 2 click car seats, a bassinet plus toddler seat, or click car seat plus toddler seat, that's really perfect for 2 babies either the same age or different ages in my eyes. Britax and City Select are both almost the same just heavier, smaller wheels, and with longer wheel bases making for more difficult maneuverability. Unless you get the side by side stroller which I dislike. I don't want to have that wide, clunky, or heavy a stroller. It's like minivans, some mom's love them, some refuse to drive them...I'm one of those who refuse!
2have I'm similar to you I'm a minivan hater but after driving an SUV for the past 2 years I'm realizing how much more practical a minivan would be. I have 1 year left on my lease so chances are we will get a minivan after that. The stroller I picked out is a "clunky" side by side and I like that it's spacious for the babies. I feel like the city select and britax are a bit tight on space.

I woke up with a cold. I put in a half a day work but I'm going to lay down now and take the rest of the day off. If I don't sleep now I'm gonna wind up napping after work and then not being able to sleep the night.
Rebecca - hope you feel better. I'm just getting over a head cold myself and I'm finally feeling a bit better today.
It sucks that so many of you are fighting colds, I hope you all feel better soon!!
If my sore throat doesn't go away by Friday I'm going into see the doctor. This will be going on 2.5 weeks. I felt hung over today with all of the bad news coming from the States. I'm just hoping it's a quick 4 years and that the Dems are smart enough to put someone in who'll stand a chance of winning before Trump bankrupts the country. The only good thing is his low tax policies for the uber rich will ensure interest rates stay very low here in Canada.
Sorry to hear about everyone feeling poorly, and hope you all get better soon. The bugs are certainly going around here too. DH is still full of cold and feeling rough, he starts his new job next week so hope he is better in time for that.

Rebecca, such a shame you can't use the uppababy. Can you sell it and put the money towards a new stroller?

2have, heard really good things about the uppababy but unfortunately I could only find one store that sold them over here and it was not cheap.

RQ, I wasn't sure what a snap and go was so just goggled it. Is it just where you put the car seat on the wheels? If so, have a look into your car seat guidelines. I was going to do this and not bother with a carrycot etc but when I first starting looking into a system I went to the store and spoke to women running that section for advice. She told me that i should only use the car seat for travel and to not keep the baby in a car seat for any longer than two hours if I can as its not good for their spine and that a newborn needs to lay flat. I don't know if your car seats have different conditions over there but worth checking before buying from your friend.

Not much to report from me, I have been eating better in this last week which has been lovely, I have been having a proper meal in the evening instead of toast or cereal. We might have light at the end of my tunnel. As I have said many times before I can't complain because it's the only pregnancy issues I've had so know I have been very lucky.

Pinkie, they are pricey that's for sure. We got ours gently used as many of our baby things and it was at least 30% less than the store price. I appreciate good design being in the industry myself and am a bit snobbish this way with our purchases. I'm glad to hear you're eating better are you feeling less sick these days? Hopefully your DH is better soon!
2have sorry your throat is still sore, I agree it's time to see your doctor. Sore throats are worse than a cold because that can really keep you awake.

Pinkie I think we will probably try and sell the uppababy I just don't know how much we can get for it. Since they've come out with a much newer model with better features I feel like people are not interested in the older version. Maybe I can get $250 for it. It's definitely in great condition.
Glad to hear you're feeling better with the eating.
Hi ladies. I have my OB appt in 3 hours. I leave work early today and then I'm off with DH tomorrow. Yay!! We are going to look for a dresser for the baby room (so I can start organizing some of the baby clothes!!) and go see Dr Strange at the theatre.
After last weekend, I'm looking forward to a day off. Unfortunately, I also work the weekend at the hospital (prob my last one!). But, the hospital work is so different than what I do M-F that it isn't too bad. It just sucks that I have to wake up at 5:50 Sat/Sun.

Rebecca - hope you have a good appt and scan an your OB appt today too! I have to do the whole gamut today - ultrasound, doc appt, TDAP, glucose screening, rhogam, labs, paperwork for breast pump, and I'm going to ask about FMLA paperwork. We will see how long I'm at the office today! I'm trying to watch what I eat prior to my 1 hour glucose test. I have a chicken breast to munch on for lunch. Then I'm packing a protein bar for the way home if I need it.
Sorry (again) for not being on much, work is still crazy and I'm hoping to update properly on the weekend.

Rq- so thrilled that your babyshower was so nice!! Pics!

Stroller/pram- we got a perperego (I think that's what it's called!) travel system, also with car seat that can click out of it's base and into the stroller so you don't have to wake baby when taking them out of the car. I work from home and don't drive around much so he won't be spending too much time in it. We also have another pram.... I think it's a Manga or something (lol I'm useless!) It's stored in the garage, we got both prams and the car seat from my cousin for free which I'm sooo thankful for.

Hope you all don't suffer too much or too long with your colds and flu!! Flu season sucks, I was sooo sick in my first tri when it was flu season in RSA. Hugs!

My busy time of year is slmost done... 2 more days.... then work slows down CONSIDERABLY from Monday. Can't wait.
Gl with the glucose test rq!

Pinkie- glad to hear you're doing better with your meals.

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