*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Congrats Pinkie on a perfect little 28weeker, share some pics if you can! :). Are you feeling better? I'm curious as to why you won't be getting any more scans, how does it work over there? I'm getting scanned up till about 37 weeks, dr wants to check baby's position and where the cord is before making the final decision on whether to try naturally or whether she would advise an elective c-section.

Froggy- oh gosh, do you have any plans for integrating your dogs with the baby dynamics? I've read some brilliant suggestions for how to integrate cats and newborns. Luckily my cats are friendly and not vicious at all, they handle my sister's kids and all my students very well.

How was everyone's weekend?

We moved back most of our furniture, yay! The new floor's finishing is not great, the builder did a really shoddy job. However, I got a beautiful large woven carpet from my mom as a gift, and bought 2 other ones (each about 2x3 m) and they cover sufficient floor area & most of the ugly areas on the floor. We will laminate the floors in a year or so; for now it's good and sturdy enough for a baby. A cleaning lady and 2 movers helped us clean and move the furniture and hang the curtains etc, in the 4 front rooms (dining room, lounge, small parlour and library). It looks great! And now I can get started on the nursery sooner than expected! We are still rebuilding the upstairs shower but hopefully it won't mean too much dust everywhere.
Pinkie- do they check your fluid levels at all via ultrasound before delivery? That's mainly the reason I had ultrasounds at the end of my pregnancy with dd. I am glad your LO is doing well and 12 weeks away from meeting it's mommy :)

Fern I'm so happy that your house is back in order. I would love to see pictures of your nursery once it has been set up.

Nothing to report over here. I have a company coming to pick up some clothing I'm giving away. Once I get that out of the nursery I can move out the extra furniture and set up! Yay! I've opted out on painting for now. I don't want to deal with the hassle.
Fern, I could just about work out how to put a ticker on here let alone a picture ha ha. As standard practice we only get two scans in the UK, one at 12 weeks and one at 20 weeks unless you are a high risk and need regular checks for a medical reason. I've only had a number of scans so far because it was an IVF pregnancy and due to my history they wanted to offer me some reassurance. Now I will just continue seeing my community midwife every few weeks for check ups etc. Obviously if anything happens between now and my due date and my midwife feels like I need another scan then I will get referred back to the hospital. My midwife will check for baby position and when head is engaging etc. We also get a health visitor who will come to see me in a few weeks and they visit me after the birth too. It's funny how different countries work isn't it.

Rebecca, I had my fluid levels checked today and they said it was good but didn't mention anything about checking again before delivery. I will ask my midwife at my next appointment. I know they check again if it's low but don't know if it's standard.

Fern, so happy you are finally getting sorted, it must be such a relief. Enjoy doing the nursery up. And yes if you are more technical than me post some pictures.

Rebecca, I don't blame you for giving painting a miss, especially if it looks good enough already. You sound a busy lady and I am sure it will look lovely once all the nursery furniture is is in there. I am think of getting pictures and stickers for the walls, to save me a job of giving it a coat. I think the cold weather here is putting me off.

Fern I'm so happy that your renovations seem to be coming to an end! Have fun setting up the nursery, I have finally finished ours.
I have read different ideas on getting the dogs used to the baby. They are both big dogs, but I have been out of work since we have gotten them, so they are just really attached to me. They are 2 and 1 1/2, so still very young and silly. I think it's going to be hard for them to not be the center of my attention so we started early getting them used to it. One of the things was blocking them from the babies room early on, we also moved their beds from the sides of our beds to the other side of the bedroom because the bassinet will be next to me. I wanted to start these things early so they don't associate the change with the baby, and it's the way it was long before the baby. I also started randomly playing baby cries on YouTube, and I have set the swings and bouncy seats off in front of them a few times so that they aren't shocked. I know for sure that I'm going to have to watch them around Gage's toys, because they are already trying to sniff around them, and love to tear up a good stuffed animal lol.
Pinkie great news about the perfect 28w scan. Congratulations!

I'm also UK based and I get 3 x 3rd tri scans due to having had IVF, at 28w, 32w and 36w. I'll also be induced by/at 40w. I was told that the risk of stillbirth is higher with IVF, so they like to keep a close eye on things later on and not let it go over. I'd assumed that was a national policy, but apparently yet another postcode one. Unusual for Somerset to be better than other places though... we are usually the black spot for all things fertility!
Ellie, I think the risks are higher due to age (sorry!) rather than it being IVF. Please don't let them scare you about stillbirth although it does increase over 40 it's still relatively low. I have heard they will induce you before 40 weeks so this is great that they are keeping a close eye on you. Enjoy all the fuss because as you say sometimes with the NHS it's impossible to get anything done. I have a love hate relationship with our NHS but I have to say they have been brilliant with me during my pregnancy so far, it may help me restore some faith in them. X
Oh by the way, I should mention I know you are not over 40 yet!! Lol. But mine was DE and she was 23 years old X
Hi ladies. Sorry I haven't written much. I follow your updates, but I just haven't taken the time to respond to anyone individually. I have been battling this head cold off and on for a week or more. Today I am feeling pretty good and I hope it sticks!

Also, I had a horrible reaction to the Tdap vaccine. I got it last Thursday and I had a HUGE knot on my arm. It was really red and hot. The reaction is finally getting better and the knot is slowly going down. Couple this with a head cold....

DH and I are making some plans to get the babies' room together this weekend. They will sleep in our room initially, but we still need a place for their stuff/clothes. We ordered a dresser that will be here this week and I have washed most of the hand-me-down clothes. Now I just need to wash and organize the new clothes. That will be easier to do once we get the dresser.

Froggy - I hear you on the dogs. My dogs love babies so I'm not worried how they will react, but I totally feel you on the stuffed animals/toys. My boston terrier will destroy a stuffed thing in 5 mins flat. It will be interesting to both keep them away from toys and not to lick the babies to death.

Anyone else having trouble with appetite? I just have no appetite lately. DH has really been encouraging me to eat, but I just don't get much down at a meal time. And I'm not very hungry most days. It's funny because I'm a bigger girl and I have lost any love of food.
Rq I'm so sorry that you haven't been feeling well. i was really unwell last week but thankfully Sunday started an upwards trend.
Yay for the new dresser it will feel great to get things washed and organized!
I don't recall getting a tdap I wonder if I will have one. That sounds like a painful reaction I've gotten that once or twice with the flu shot.
What does your doctor say about not eating much? What about choosing foods that are high in protein so at least you can give the babies some healthy fuel. I would recommend eggs (haven't been able to stomach them myself in months). Eggs are small so you can eat 2-3 and maybe you won't feel too full from it.
Rq, we have finally gotten the nursery done and everything washed and it feels amazing to be finished!! Have fun getting it all set up. I too haven't been able to eat much. I get full really fast. I guess everything is fighting for space in there. I agree with Rebecca on the high proteins. You can just make it a small snack that doesn't take up too much room. I found a great way to make eggs that I do almost every day. I use non stick inside of a muffin tin and Crack the eggs in there. You can dress it up however you want with cheese or anything and bake it at 350 for 22 minutes. It's really quick and simple. Sorry you had such a bad reaction to the tdap.

Rebecca, I would definitely ask about getting your tdap.

Ellie, they took extra precautions for me too since I was ivf. I know it wasn't based off of my age because I'm only 29. They explained that ivf babies are just slightly higher risk for things like heart defects and just wanted to keep an eye on the baby. And then they found the previa, and my GD all combined makes me high risk now. I was told in the beginning that they wouldn't let me go past 40 weeks either because of the risk of stillbirth. But now they are concerned about going to long with the GD as well.

I'm 30 weeks tomorrow. It's such a milestone! So if previa doesn't resolve, I'll have my baby in about 6 weeks!
Thanks ladies. I have been eating a lot of protein for breakfast. I do get full fast, but it's also a problem of appetite. Sometimes I just don't want to eat anything! I don't get hungry very often. Even if I have a snack or food in front of me I'm like "meh". But yes, I do try to eat lots of protein at meals. I usually do eat an egg or two in the morning. I don't have a problem stomaching food, just don't want it.

Froggy - so jealous that you have your nursery done. I can't believe you might have a 6 week countdown. That is crazy.
I didn't have any different monitoring because of IVF, but obviously I have extra monitoring because of the twins. I couldn't tell you what protocol they would have followed if it was only one baby.
I will still be 39 when Finlo is born and so I'm not classed as "geriatric" yet. I am consultant led because of the IVF, not my age. It's in all my notes. I also have an AMH of 78.9 and was told my eggs are good quality, so I'm pretty sure my age isn't much of a factor anyway! The IVF was due to various immune issues.
Ellie, sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I was just stating facts.

Its the first time I have heard that IVF classes you as a high risk in pregnancy. I asked both my clinics about this while doing all my cycles and both said once pregnant you are no different to any other pregnant women.
I'm also scanned for all the high risk issues due to IVF AND my age (turning 35 next week), dr explained in detail what all the risks are due to both and I found it really interesting. Yep, funny how different countries and even clinics have different policies.

I'm going to ask that I be induced on his due date if he's not here before then.

My appetite has also decreased dramatically, I started eating soups in the evenings when I don't feel like chewing anything! Are any of you ladies struggling to get 75g of protein each day?? Geez I eat meat and eggs daily, and oats, milk, yogurt almost daily. I also eat lots of nuts, peanut butter, seeded bread and cheese. Even so, when I add up all my daily protein it usually only comes up to 60ish grams. 75 is a LOT for me!
It is crazy how different places follow different protocols. The important thing is that we all have really great care and are being looked after closely!

Fern, I think we can only do the best we can. It's extremely hard to do. I'm finding it so hard to even eat everything I'm supposed to for my GD diet, so I make sure I finish my protein first, and then my veggie and if I still have room I'll finish everything else, but if I can't at least I feel like I'm eating good stuff, and my sugar won't spike.
Hi everyone. Ugh in so much pain the past few days. One of my babies has a foot in my rib cage and I'm so uncomfortable! I can't sit and only lying down helps but I can't lay down all day because I need to work!!
Then he/she kicks my rib cage, that's even worse. Ouch!!
Another 9-10 weeks for me and babies are only gonna get bigger :)

I'm thinking back to when I first got my BFP. I was on vacation in Phoenix on June 1. Seems like years ago
Rebecca - hope the babies cooperate and stop making you uncomfortable. I feel babies everyday, but so far they haven't had crazy strong kicks in uncomfortable positions. Baby girl sits at the top and likes to press out. I feel her, but it isn't uncomfortable. Then I give her little rubs :)

Fern - I agree. I would do the best you can. I personally don't count protein. I have been so whatever about eating. I prob should pay more attention but I don't. However, the babies are growing great and the doc is happy.
Thanks ladies. Froggy, good idea. Since reading your post I'm also now eating my protein and veg first. Hoping it can become a habit!

Rebecca- ouch I can imagine with twins having less space! How are you feeling today?

Aaahhh it's so nice to be on semi-mat leave from Monday...I have wayyy fewer students now that most of their exams are done; most of the time I don't have to work and have saved up just enough to get me through Dec-March... although I will have to start working again ASAP after baby is born, I'm thinking of starting with one or two days a week and slowly add in more work instead of jumping from full mat leave into working full time. Having my own business and scheduling my own students will make that process easier... unfortunately we need my income so I can't wait too long before starting up again! I have no students today :) slept in (or tried to; dh put a Harry Potter movie on at full blast this morning at 7 when having his coffee, and then left the TV on when he left for work :dohh: ), went for a walk, had time to cook scrambled eggs and tomato for breakfast :) am now eyeing the swimming pool!! I need to unpack and move the rest of the furniture but meh, resting a bit this week!
Fern it's hard to tell since I'm still lying down. While I sit at work I'll know if the feet are still in my ribs :)
I actually think baby A may have turned because I'm feeling more body on the side than usual. I guess I'll have to see next week at my scan.
I have my growth scan on Wednesday next week so hopefully babies are growing nice and equally.

I met with the lactation consultant yesterday evening. She was lovely and very experienced. She encouraged me to order a hospital grade pump to rent so I filled out the paperwork for that. She told me that some insurance will also cover a personal breast pump since the hospital grade is not portable. I'm hoping my insurance will approve both. They're pretty generous so I'm thinking they will.
I also will order the my breast friend twin pillow. She gave me some nipple cream that is very natural and I'll need to have it while I'm still in the hospital. I had terrible cracked nipples with my nursing attempt with dd.

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