*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Rebecca - my girl is always on my right side. I'm a bit lopsided - lol. Fortunately, she is not uncomfortable to me yet. I'm glad you had a good visit with the lactation consultant. I got a very gently used Breast Friend Twin pillow for $10 off a twin facebook group. They have an active multiples facebook group in my area and the ladies are off the chart awesome!

Fern - enjoy your semi-leave time and rest while you can. I'm a bit jealous :) I am planning on working until the babies come or until I'm unable. The good thing is I work at a desk job and if I need I can work from home.

This morning I work up to a song called From the Ground Up. It is such a sweet song and put me in a good mood. It's about building a family and growing old together. I sent the you tube video to DH this am and then I sent these (edited)lyrics. The capitalized parts are parts I changed for twins. lol

Me and you baby, walk in the footsteps
Build our own family
One day at a time
TWENTY little toes, a painted GREY room
Our beautiful BABIES look just like you

Tonight we meet with the L&D nurse to get pre-registered for the hospital and discuss a birth plan. Our hospital has such a cool program called Monogram Maternity where they offer classes, tours, and meeting with a nurse. Usually you don't meet with the nurse until later (32-36 weeks) but with twins they like to meet earlier.
Aww Rq how sweet. So happy the song put you in a good mood.
Baby is not bothering me as much today but usually it starts hurting more towards end of the day after all the sitting.
Hi ladies, sorry to not have checked in, it's been a busy week off. Cleaned house, am at work attending a baby shower now, doing up the twin nursery at home this week, finishing off Mack's swim lessons, and we have some art markets to attend tomorrow.

I've not been eating much, have to say the appetite just isn't there and I'm too tired to make food all the time. Tired of take out, just struggling with that lately too.
I picked up 2 gently used twin nursing pillows last week. The first is the Baby buddy half moon and the second is the twin Z pillow. I like these two because they're super soft. I had the breast friend single for MacKinley and it was a hard flat surface. I hated it and wound up using soft down pillows for her. It sat too low as well because of the flat surface. But it's rated the best nursing pillow so I think like most things, pillow preferences are fairly personal.

Fern I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the slow down. Do relax and I hope you can avoid the DH/arguments and really enjoy your last tri. I am struggling with getting enough protein in, I cheat and have chocolate protein milkshakes, there's 25g of protein in one of those. I eat so sparsely some days I wonder how the babies are getting bigger? Yesterday I felt like hurling after 2 small pieces of gluten free bread with peanut butter. Then I had a bowl of borscht soup at 4pm and some fruit and cheese and a protein shake a little later.

RQ sounds like you're getting set up, your hospital program sounds great!

Froggy it must feel nice to have everything ready to go! Good on you for sorting through everything before too long.

Ellie, where I live as long as you're over 35 you're considered high risk. They won't let you go a day over your due date and they keep closer tabs on you. Most times midwives won't take you on, they prefer us to be under OB care. I'm used to being 'special' with immune issues, blood clotting issues, fertility issues, having GD, having DE and donor embryo ivf's, and now twins...I understand the fuss and glad to have the extra care.

Rebecca my right lower rib feels constantly bruised. I'm glad to hear you're not in so much pain now but I feel for you as they become bigger in your third tri! One of them is usually up and transverse with feet kicking in my ribs-not fun!
The Spectra breast pump is hospital grade, pumps the quickest and quietest out of many others and portable. I got mine brand new off ebay for $82 and they generally retail for $350. There are ways of getting the hospital grade without having the clunk! https://www.babygearlab.com/Breast-Pump-Reviews/Spectra-Baby-USA-S1-Hospital-Grade

AFM, DD's last swimming lesson is tonight thankfully. I hate the cold water and it's always a pain in my back with carrying her so much. DH did all of last week since I was sick so this is my week to finish off. I have a scan tomorrow for growth. We have DD's vaccinations booked for Dec 2 and I think we'll all get the flu and I'll request the whooping cough vaccine too (here in Canada it's not mandated as it is in the USA but one can always request it). They say this is good for inoculating babies with your breast milk if done in 3rd tri. I've cleaned house and made some healthy food but not really tackled the twin nursery yet. That's my job this afternoon and on the weekend. It shouldn't take long really, just some cleaning up and moving furniture which DH will help with. Sleep is still horrible with numb arms. I had a massage and got a pedi and sat in the massage chair for an hour yesterday and still slept crappy. Oh well, only another 90 days to go! :bunny:

I'm booking another wax for my delivery. Last time they took too much off and I felt a little exposed so I'll just ask for the min which is still pretty drastic at the Frilly Lilly salon that I go to. I usually do it myself for swimming but when I attempted it last weekend for some reason it was so painful and I could barely see anything...best left for professionals at this point lol. Anyone else booking a wax?
2have, I hope you can get everything done soon so that you can relax before the babies come. It sounds like your super busy. Glad to hear that swimming lessons will end! I would think the water would feel good to your back though. Take some weight off. I have continued to get waxed throughout this pregnancy. It's way too hard to try to see what's going on down there. I sometimes wonder if anything is even still there since I can't see and I can't use it! Lol! I'll be booking them for every 4 weeks probably forever. It's so nice not to have to worry about grooming!

I have been having horrible hip pains, especially after a busy day. It feels like someone is stabbing a knife through my hips. It carries on through the night too so I'm constantly flip floping around trying to get comfortable. I also get super dizzy when standing too long. Dr said that's a form of syncope, which I already have without being pregnant. I guess the baby presses on the vena cava and the blood doesn't return as quick to the upper half of the body causing a drop in BP. So I'm able to do less and less lately.
Aaww rq that is just too sweet! Hope you enjoyed your hospital visit.

Froggy- eeekk your pain sounds horrible! Is chiro or physiotherapy an option for you? Ouch :( only a few more weeks.... good for you for having basically everything sorted out in the nursery though.

2have - so are you finally better? Colds and flus suck sooo much and then they last forever. Yep I'm planning on getting a wax next week, haven't booked my appointment though lol! I'm so scared that they're going to hurt me, I'm used to doing it myself but obviously I haven't been able to see or reach much for a few months now!!

Hope everyone else is doing well. Praying and Nimbec, haven't heard from you in a while and hope all is ok!

We have our 8 hour prenatal class tomorrow. They will be covering natural birth and c-section in detail, as well as newborn care. Since I'm NOT planning on having dh or anyone else with me while I give birth (unless it's a c-section), he doesn't really need to attend the sections of the class dealing with birth... except maybe to understand why I will be sore and bleeding for a few weeks afterward! Maybe he will get some perspective and sympathy lol. I was having horrible BH yesterday morning and could barely breathe; he was like "oh you should just do more crunches to strengthen your core muscles"... uhm... yeah.
Oh by the way I learned the hard way how good a diuretic broccoli is hahaha!! I cooked a whole kg of it last night, to freeze in portions. So I had some for dinner and drank the cooking water just before going to bed (I drink the water that I boil veggies in sometimes; and this lot had only cooled down enough by about 9pm).
Well I had to get up to urinate 11 times!! :) :) what a disaster! And upon researching it this morning, found out that broccoli is a natural diuretic. I've never really had that problem with it before but maybe the diuretic substance leaches out during cooking, and I got a kilogram's worth from my concentrated glass of cooking water!
2have I'm glad your dd swimming is over so you can take a break. I did not plan on doing a waxing I usually shave down there which keeps things neat and clean. My rib is definitely a bit better since Wednesday so I am grateful for that!
Good luck on your scan please update us!
Froggy I'm so sorry about your pain, have you tried physical therapy? In my 8th month with dd I was in so much pain and limping around and my Dr kept telling me to go for PT. Finally I listened to him and I was cured after just one session. My hip was out of alignment and all she did was realign my hip and I was good as new!
Lol fern that's a tough learning experience! I've had many nights when I was up every hour to pee.
Fern - your DH sounds like a butt. Telling you to do crunches.....
My stomach muscles are separating due to the babies and my OB said so as little with my stomach muscles as possible. The more I use them the more they will separate.
Good luck with your class this weekend.

Sorry that everyone is having hip/back pain. I am super lucky that I lost a lot of weight before getting pregnant so the extra weight isn't taking too much of a toll on me. I do get some pain low in my belly/groin, but my hips and back are spared for the most part. I do have trouble with shortness of breath sometimes. But I think that is something we all will have!
Either way, even without the pain I'm flopping around like a fish at night. It just isn't comfortable to be in a position longer than an hour or two. And I pee at least 4 times at night. Oh the joys of pregnancy :)

I think I am starting to get some Braxton hicks. I'm trying to make sure to stay hydrated. I have been getting some tightening in my lower belly or upper belly. Nothing that hurts, just tightening.
I haven't asked about physical therapy. I'll bring it up at my next appointment and see if there is something she recommends.

Rq, I think since I'm still holding on to only a 5 lb gain, the rest of my body is getting smaller while my belly is getting bigger is what is causing so much havoc. I'm sure my body doesn't know what's going on. I'm with you on the Braxton hicks! It was a little freaky feeling at first!
Froggy wow only 5 pounds, well done! I'm up to 21 pounds now. I put a max of 30 when I started, we'll see if I can maintain that. It's easy when food seems unappetizing at the moment. I'm sorry to hear about your hip pain, chronic pain is so draining. Thankfully my arms are only horrible at night, it's still got me counting down the day.
The cold is gone now Fern thankfully but the arms, carpal & cubical tunnel is a friggen disaster. I got maybe 3 hours sleep last night. Physiotherapy is great for hip & back stuff but my budget is blown this year for perimedical. I have 1 more massage booked for Dec and it won't be covered by my health plan. Jan starts fresh thank goodness!
I can't believe he told you to do crunches for BH:haha: he's precious isn't he! You're not having anyone there for the birth? Does DH know this? How are you going to get your transport? I think I'd do the same in your case if I wasn't trusting of family or DH. I also have lots of gf's but none that I consider close enough that I'd want there. I hope you're able to check in with us when it happens for you and let us know how it went/how it's going if it's prolonged.
Rebecca I can't shave that area, the ingrown hairs are horrible if I shave! Does this not effect you too? I've been waxing since I did synchro, platform diving, and life guard/teaching certs as a teenager. Always being in the pool I had to find a solution and I didn't have the dosh to pay for wax salons so I had to do it myself. You're very lucky if you don't get them!!

Hopeful to sleep a little better tonight. DH is on night duty with DD so doing a dance for the sleep gods to rain some serious sleep on me!

Pinkie how are you doing? Having a good weekend?

Nimbec & Praying yes we haven't heard from you ladies, Beemack either. Hopefully everyone's doing well!
Antenatal classes were great and dh was a champ today. The midwives at the hospital who presented the lectures, seem SO nice, they actually made me look forward to the birth process whereas I have just been feeling petrified before. After the classes were finished I became soooo nauseous and overtired (haven't slept for two nights; first the silly night with urinating every 30 minutes and last night my stupid neighbour kept us up with his NOISE and shouting all night long urgh). And feeling very emotional & overwhelmed after seeing all the baby stuff and info... I'm just a crying and emotional mess right now and dh's really been treating me well today. So grateful. He put me in bed and brought me water and even went to find my cats and brought them to cuddle me. Idk, seems like today was a big dose of reality for both of us. Hope it brings us closer!

Oh I just don't want anyone in with me for the pushing-baby-out-part. Dh can be there during labour and after baby and placenta is born and I'm cleaned up, he can come back in. I just really don't want anyone there for the gory part, just the medical staff.

2have - hope you get a LONG night's sleep!! Glad your illness is gone, sorry that the unpleasant arm sensations are not going away. :/

Rq- I remember you saying that your relatively easy pregnancy is such a blessing and it makes up for the pain and suffering of endo :) it makes me happy to hear that and I hope it continues!

Have a great weekend everyone xx
2have I hope you had a good night sleep since DH was caring for dd. Dd and I just got over nasty colds and literally 2 days later she's sick again! She was up all night crying and coughing the poor girl! She was supposed to have a swim lesson this morning but I will call and cancel when they open.
Wow froggy im a bit jealous as I'm almost at 30 lbs yikes!
RQ I find that sleeping on my side is the most comfortable and I have a memory foam mattress so my stomach has a place to sink in. I do flip back and forth from side to side a bunch of times but I've been relatively comfortable sleeping.
Fern sorry you were feeling unwell after classes but I'm so glad DH took care of you!

DH is leaving the country this morning for a 5 day work trip. I'm terrified something will happen when he is away. I don't mind being alone with dd I'm just scared of going into labor and he's a 14 hour flight away!
How are you doing all on your own Rebecca? We both have scans on Wednesday, yay!

Have a great week all!
I had an exciting Friday. At the end of the day my coworkers threw a surprise baby shower for me. It was amazing. So many coworkers showed up and I had so many gifts. They decorated one of the conference rooms and had cake and punch. My coworkers gave me a lot of necessity stuff so it was nice to have a lot checked off my list (ie mattress pads, crib sheets, bottles, etc). One coworker made each baby a homemade quilt. It was something quite special.

Saturday, DH put our new dresser together and moved some exercise equipment out of the nursery room. We moved a loveseat in the room and will try to make it cozy so I have a private area upstairs. Right now everything is in the room, but it is a huge mess. I will try to do a little each night until the room is ready. 8 week countdown. I better get moving...

Sunday I bought a Moby wrap from a twins resale group on facebook. I have some lower belly pain some nights when I lay down. I was hoping that wrapping my belly would make me more comfortable at night. Last night I was pretty comfy, but I'm still battling this head cold so I didn't sleep the best because I was hot and stuffy.

MD appt today. I'm now on the every two week schedule. I'm not expecting an ultrasound this visit. Just a Doppler and a check up. Hopefully I can make it at work until 3:15 when I leave for my visit. I'm tired, stuffy, and I have no concentration.
I hope you have a good appointment today rq!

We had such an amazing weekend. Our shower was so much fun. I got so many diapers and wipes it was great!!! We got a lot of hood gift cards that I have already almost used up last night. I went on an ordering spree from Target since they have free shipping right now.

Our maternity session turned out awesome. We had so much fun taking pictures. I'll post some of them in a minute!
Those are just a few of my favorite ones. We got I think 27 good ones!

I'm also battling really bad allergies right now and my nose if completely stuffed! It's causing so much pressure in my head. Ugh.
Fern - I survived day 1 with DH gone. Yesterday was the hardest because it was a full unstructured day. Went with my mom and dd to the science museum and had a great time. Dd didn't sleep well because of her nasty cold. She's in school so the rest of the week will be much easier. Yay for Wednesday :) for both of us!
Rq that is just so nice of your coworkers im so glad that you got great gifts! Good luck today at your appointment.

Froggy sorry about your allergies! Those photos are beautiful you will cherish them forever.

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