August 2011 Babies

Omg that's so cute! I love the wee legs!!! Congrats, it must of been amazing to see your little bump :-D
ohhhh can i join

I went for a scan at 7+6 to be told i was 8+2 making me due 31st july but i think at my 12 week scan they will move me back into august again and possibly back to my original edd of 4th august
I'm very very lucky to have no ms at all - but i would love some just to feel pregnant a little bit - am i mad?

nice to meet you all

join the club :flower:

whats your due date? i will try to do a list on here if i can figure out how.

how are you feeling or getting on?

personally i cant wait for august! but first i cant wait for feb when i am 12 weeks, have had my scan and actually might dare to go baby shopping :winkwink:

my first scan will be on valentines day but hubby is in the RAF and will be working away so will miss it. he will make it to my first midwife appointment next month though so im glad. its a shame for him if he misses out

Well there are a fair few of us arent there. If i have MISSED ANYONE, spelt anyones names wrong or got their dates wrong please tell me so i can put it right?

magicbubble – 24th august
amani – 21st august
baby_dust – 6th august
weeplin – 20th august
emily86 – 2nd august
shorty2k8 – 19th august
vb032 – 22nd august
nomorenumbers – 27th august
bettyboop152 – 17th august
andreabat – 5th august
kaths101 – 17th august
purpapura – 12th august
ltk – 10th august
hope4buba – 27th august
sequeena – 2nd august
leane09 – 6th august
reversal – 18th august
youngmummy08 – 13th august
chands – 5th august
peanutshell – 18th august
dollposse – aug/sep
rainbowbrite1 – 22nd august
s_johnson – 27th august
mcjane – 23rd august
pagal – 8th august
addie25 – 24th to 27th august
debdeb – 2nd august
ruthalaska – 8th august
moomintroll – 3rd august
almeria – 16th august
cheerios – 29th august
sailing_girl – 21st august
rainyroo – 17th august
ablaski17 – 26th august
sjays – 16th august
pr&tr13 – 19th august
mrs_f – 17th august
aster – 30th august
hollypoos – 13th august
angi120 – 27th august
welshie – 27th august
hollyrose – 25th august
milkmachine05 – 28th august
6weezie6 – 26th august
createbeauty – 29th august
lunaty – 5th august
pollywolly123 – 22nd august?
Mrsmaren – 20th august
fergie - 11th august
MummyApril - 30th August

i only found out 2 days ago but i think itll be due in august as i did a clear blue test and it said i was over 5 weeks. i havent booked any aoppintments or told anyone yet except my boyfriend. im excited thou.
i dont feel different really except i was in mexico for a holiday last week and was starving all the time made up i was all inclusive. i also need a wee alot. This is my first baby :) xx
I'm going to be an August Mommy as well. My due date is Aug 29th!! Its my first child and I'm so nervous and excited.

So far, pregnancy has been a breeze... haha. I've been a little hungrier than normal, but not morning sickness yet. Hopefully baby has decided to be an angel since conception and won't give me many problems ;-)
I think I'm due the 30th! I waited until a few days ago to test, even though I KNEW I was pregnant, and I got a gorgeous BFP! I'm so's worth the sickness and the sore boobs, definitely.:happydance:
I barely feel pregnant! I kind of wish I had morning sickness..but, nope nodda .:thumbup: I geuss I'll just eat away then lol.
I barely feel pregnant! I kind of wish I had morning sickness..but, nope nodda .:thumbup: I geuss I'll just eat away then lol.

Me either!! Had my first case of heartburn today though. I'll take that over morning sickness!!
I got my scan letter through today, ive been given a date in february when i will be almost 14 weeks! i wanna see baba!!!! i notice a lot of ladys have scans at 8 weeks, have i missed out? :( did i need to do anything to get an early scan?
I got my scan letter through today, ive been given a date in february when i will be almost 14 weeks! i wanna see baba!!!! i notice a lot of ladys have scans at 8 weeks, have i missed out? :( did i need to do anything to get an early scan?

Usually an early scan is only performed where there is suspicion that something is wrong hon such as bleeding/pain etc.

I had an early scan done due to bleeding and found out we were expecting twins but one had become an angel :(

The only other way to get an early scan is to go private xx

You can't really see much at early scans, just the heartbeat and a lil bit of movement. You'll see MUCH more at almost 14wks! xx :hugs:
I got my scan letter through today, ive been given a date in february when i will be almost 14 weeks! i wanna see baba!!!! i notice a lot of ladys have scans at 8 weeks, have i missed out? :( did i need to do anything to get an early scan?

Usually an early scan is only performed where there is suspicion that something is wrong hon such as bleeding/pain etc.

I had an early scan done due to bleeding and found out we were expecting twins but one had become an angel :(

The only other way to get an early scan is to go private xx

You can't really see much at early scans, just the heartbeat and a lil bit of movement. You'll see MUCH more at almost 14wks! xx :hugs:

Thanks hun, i'l just have to wait patiently for the next 5 weeks :)

Good luck, happy and healthy pregnancy :hugs:
The all day nausea has suddenly set in. :sick: My DH bought some seabands for me, but they're just not doing the trick. Is anything working for anyone else?
hi all

congrats on all your august beans.

We are due on the 8th august, had a scan on 21/12/10 n beanie has a strong heart beat, cant wait for next scan on 07.01, woo hoo xx
hi ladies! Also expecting an august baby. Baby due date is August 10. 8 weeks pregnant today and this is my first. Scared about sthg going wrong and excited too.:happydance: So far i have been tired, getting hungrier, sleeping, headaches and my belly itches. I have been warned not to itch just give a deep rub.

Got a letter from the nhs saying i have an appointment with the midwife at my GP practice in 3 weeks. Was expecting to get a letter from my chosen hospital but yeah was wondering wat this appointment with the mid wife is all about.
Hi Ladies!! I am also due in August!! August 24 is my EDD....This is my first, so far symptoms are mainly extreme fatigue, "morning" sickness without vomiting and was very congested but that has cleared up thank goodness! If only I can get my energy back I will be just fine =)
Hi ladies! How was everyones day??? Mine went well. My scan was great I am due the 24th of Aug. My doctor said I am actually 6 weeks and 1 day lol so yay one day closer to meeting baby. You can't really make out the baby on the scan he or she is just a little dot but in 2 weeks I go back and he said ill be able to make out a baby then. Since I could not really see the baby I said well that dark circle there I would not have that showing if I wasn't pregnant and he goes no addie you would not have a baby in you if you were not pregnant LOLOL. Well excuse me I didn't know if we always had the sac there and then a baby just appeared in it when you were pregnant LOL. He likes to kid with me. He said it looks good so ill take his word lol I just saw a dot.
:thumbup:Hi Everyone! I just got back from Nigeria. I was spending time with my husband who I have been married to for a year but still working to get him here to the US! We found out I was preg a couple weeks before I had to leave via urine and his sister who works at a lab there performing a blood test. According to those thingies that calculate your due date I am 7w based on my LMP being Nov 6. I too am keeping my fingers crossed this pregnancy will stick, as we want this baby very badly. In Nigeria a man is prided on having children so we would love to make everyone proud! Plz pray for me and I will pray for you, and congrats to all of you! : )

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